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About Me

Racing Name
Boherna Petal
Date of birth
19 jul 2013
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Land of standing
IE Ireland
Ear mark
Hondo On AirIU/IE-NOV-05-BK
Family tree & race history


female, 11 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Petal has had 0 cuddles today (14 all together).
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by Laurenmarie1

Saturday 11 Aug 19:45

Petal I'm so happy for you. Broke my heart leaving you when we picked up shamus. I hope you are very happy in your new family and you get all the love you deserve. You're a lovely dog!

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 07 Aug 22:39

Despite all the sad news today, hearing how happy little Petal is in her new home really brightened the day. :))) Xxx

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by Shanesmum

Tuesday 07 Aug 22:13

It was an absolute pleasure to go with Ruth today to visit my pretty Petal in her lovely new home. She looks amazing and is loving having a big brother to play with. We had some great kisses and cuddles from both her and Jay, and then she showed us her toys and how she can run in the garden.

I'd say "be happy" but I think she already is! All the best for the future. X

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by shanishoo

Tuesday 07 Aug 19:19

Such lovely news on such a sad news day, well done to you all, I am so happy that this beautiful girl has found her forever home, your little girl is beautiful xxxxxxx

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Tuesday 07 Aug 19:06

Brilliant news. Thank you for giving a hound a home and wish you all happy times!

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Tuesday 07 Aug 18:55

Thank you so very much henlady, this is a bit of a light at the end of a very long difficult tunnel. Jo xxx

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by rubytwoshoes

Tuesday 07 Aug 18:48

Congratulations on Petal's adoption. Good luck with the "ironing". Give this super little girl a hug from me and just in case he's the jealous type a cuddle for Jay as well xx

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by henlady

Tuesday 07 Aug 18:13

The lovely Petal has found her forever home with us as of today.She and Jay get on so well together,one or two little things to iron out but we will get there.
So sad to see some of the lovely grey boys being returned,it must be so confusing for the poor lads

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by blackisbeautiful

Saturday 04 Aug 22:20

Yay !!!! :))) Be a good girl and get your paws firmly under their table ha ha X X

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Saturday 04 Aug 18:17

Phew, panic over. Xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 04 Aug 17:57

Petal is still out with henlady. :)) Xxx

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by jetlucy

Friday 03 Aug 21:56

Oh petal I do hope the next red sign is yours! Good luck this weekend xxx

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by blackisbeautiful

Friday 03 Aug 21:52

Oh Petal I'm come you're back at Daybreak's ?? :(( X

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 01 Aug 22:40

A big cuddle for Petal! Fingers crossed for you little flower!! Xxx

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Wednesday 01 Aug 22:24

So pleased things are going well. Wish you all the best!

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by Thethirdronnie

Wednesday 01 Aug 21:43

Delighted for all of you! Xx

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by rubytwoshoes

Wednesday 01 Aug 21:27

Henlady you and Jay are brilliant. I hope Petal gives you Many hours of love. She has a lovely nature. Good wishes to you all. Xxx

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by Shanesmum

Wednesday 01 Aug 21:13

Ooo my lovely girl how exciting! We are over the moon that your chance has finally come along, good luck although it sounds like you won't need it and you have captured your new family's heart already. Yay! Xx

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by loveheart

Wednesday 01 Aug 20:57

YEH my cup is over flowing with the news on Petal, so glad Jay was looking for a girlfriend. Another FFP. What a great thing to fail at. Our ranks are swelling. Thank you for giving her a chance of a loving home like your boy. x

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 01 Aug 20:44

Oh Petal, I am keeping everything crossed for you, I think you are wonderful and you so deserve a lovely home xxxxxx

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by henlady

Wednesday 01 Aug 18:19

Hi,Just to let you all know that on Monday we took the lovely Petal home for a trial and to see how she got on with Jay--akaRay--in his home.She is being an absolute star,dony know why she has been overlooked in the kennel for so long but am glad she was!!I don't think we will be taking her back!Having seen the red signs go on the 3 boys iits now all change since we adopted Jay nearly 8 weeks ago.Ruth and her "gang"do a wonderful job of finding these sweet souls new,and hopefully,forever homes

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by loveheart

Wednesday 01 Aug 17:07

Petal has a great write up like Sully, surely she is next to find a forever sofa, now that he has been reserved. It has made my day. A reserved sign for her would give me another great day.Or am I being greedy lol

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by Shanesmum

Sunday 29 Jul 17:06

What a busy weekend Petal has had, out with Elizabeth at the Country Park yesterday, and today she spent the day with us at our house to introduce her to "home life".

What a little star she is, she happily travelled in the car and had a good look around the garden before thoroughly exploring the house and sniffing everything in sight.

She settled fairly quickly considering how new and strange everything was. She was happy to play with a squeaky toy, and then settled down on the floor for a snooze.

She worked out how to do the stairs in about 5 seconds!! and went up to say hello to my Dad - coming back down again very slowly and carefully, clever girl!

She was a bit phased by the TV at first, backing away when she heard the noise but she was fascinated by the moving pictures and colours and soon went up for a sniff! Eventually she decided that as we were both sitting calmly in armchairs, this noisy thing wasn't a problem so she flopped down between us and went to sleep!

It was an absolute pleasure to give this little girl a day in a home environment, she is inquisitive and quite confident and we feel will settle quickly. She was interested in our food at lunchtime, but responded well to being told "no" and wandered off, not bothering us again so she will learn what's expected of her.

Sleep well my gorgeous girlie, you've had an exciting couple of days but have shown that you are more than ready for your very own home, and will make a great addition to some lucky family. xxxx

We know that she is a good girl out on walks,

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by Liz_beth

Saturday 28 Jul 19:00

The lovely Petal came to Sheldon Country Park with me today. She is such a happy girl. She absolutely bounced out of her kennel with a very waggy tail. I barely got my car door open and she had jumped in. She settled immediately and I didn't hear a peep from her on the journey. Once in the park, she walked beautifully and I very much had the impression that she was really glad to be out and about . Once we got to the stand she stood patiently accepting all the fuss she could get. She was brilliant with everyone including tiny children, who stood eye to eye with her and more boisterous older ones. She's on the smaller side (or at least she is compared to my girl) and has a lovely shiny coat as well as a zest for life. I'm sure she will make a great companion for someone with a greyhound shaped hole in their lives!! X

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by helenanddave

Friday 27 Jul 11:27

Great news, Petal - glad you're much better. Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 26 Jul 22:36

Thankfully Petal's tummy is a lot better today. :) Xxx

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by helenanddave

Thursday 26 Jul 19:34

Petal - was just wondering how your poorly tummy is today. Hope it is feeling better. Xx

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by rubytwoshoes

Monday 23 Jul 16:59

Petal is a brilliant girl. She's very bright and all she needs to reach her full potential is a family, her own bed (although she does share nicely with Eillie) and maybe a cuddly toy. She's gorgeous xxxx

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by loveheart

Sunday 22 Jul 19:29

Why not take Jay to meet Petal, I read that she got on well with her Sid before he left for a new home. Greys have always been kenneled in pairs as far as I know, when racing and at Daybreaks, and I have always had 2 at a time (once we had 4 together re-homed and they where all very happy with each other. Why not give Petal and Jay a go, Ruth will always tell you even a few days in a home is really appreciated. My little bitch Nina was on her own after we lost Ollie and when we fostered Fat neck Finn (Tony) she seemed happier to be part of a duo again, we now have a FFP tee shirt. There was no pressure to adopt him, so you have nothing to loose. Hope Jay is looking for a lady friend lol x

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 19 Jul 22:29

Happy Birthday Petal! Xxx

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by jetlucy

Thursday 19 Jul 22:17

Happy birthday petal! Hope you've had a lovely day and you get a special belated present in the shape of a new home soon xxx

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by shanishoo

Thursday 19 Jul 19:22

Happy birthday sweetheart, I so wish your forever home would come along, until then you get a big cuddle from me xxxxxx

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by Shanesmum

Thursday 19 Jul 16:52

Happy Birthday my lovely! We are all wishing that your very own forever sofa is just around the corner. xx

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by rubytwoshoes

Monday 25 Jun 17:47

Took Petal out to the sand run briefly today (it was hot so we tried to stay in the shady bit). She is totally adorable very loving and she knows her name because when I called her to me she came first time. Brilliant xxxx

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by rubytwoshoes

Monday 25 Jun 06:46

Cuddle for lovely little Petal. Wouldn't it be great if she found her forever home in time for her birthday. xxxxx

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by Liz_beth

Sunday 24 Jun 13:57

This pretty little lady came to Elmdon Park with me today. She jumped in the car with no problems and settled quickly. Once in the park, she was very interested in everything going on around her. It is a privilege to give these wonderful hounds their first experiences of the big wide world . She trotted happily for an hour and would have liked to continue but it was getting a bit too warm!! She's an extremely happy girl and very easy to spend time with. She's been waiting a while for her forever home now, but would make a great addition to any family xx

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by shanishoo

Saturday 23 Jun 08:55

Please please, somebody give this beautiful girl a chance of a forever home, can't believe she is still waiting, hope this weekend is lucky for you Petal, and somebody falls in love with you and wants to take you home xxxxxx

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by rubytwoshoes

Thursday 07 Jun 15:47

Petal is a sweet little girl. I can't understand why she isn't in a home of her own. She and Sid are sharing a kennel at present and get on so well. She walks very well on the lead and although she reacted to the barking labradors in the lane, she stopped immediately when told to 'leave it'. What a good girl. xx

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by shanishoo

Thursday 31 May 07:25

Love the top photo of Petal, just gorgeous xxxx

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 30 May 18:59

A big cuddle for Petal tonight, she's so pretty xxxxx

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by Shanesmum

Monday 28 May 18:55

I walked this lovely little girl this morning. She is as good as gold on the lead and walks nicely by your side. She really does enjoy company and seems happier with a kennel mate.

Such a pretty little thing, am sending her big cuddles this evening. xx

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by rubytwoshoes

Monday 28 May 17:06

Petal was in the run with Sid today. She really is a super lovely girl and so pretty. Cuddle for her tonight xx

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by Lewisfuggie

Sunday 27 May 20:39

I took the lovely Petal on the Brueton Walk today, she was really good and walked lovely on the lead, the only time she pulled was when the little fluffy doggies kept running past her, poor girl, they really did wind her up... Once out of sight, she happily walked past dogs that were on leads... She travelled fantastically and happily went to sleep in the back of the van with cillabella. She really is a character. Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 11 May 22:12

Lovely photo of Petal in the sand run. She is a very happy sweet girl. She and fellow kennel mate, Petal Bloom get on so well together. Xxx

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by rubytwoshoes

Tuesday 01 May 19:16

Petal is a pretty little girl who walks so nicely on the lead. She is gentle and would blossom {sorry!} in the right home. xxxxx

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by RosieP

Tuesday 24 Apr 22:13

Petal stayed the night with us a week ago after her spay and she was a little treasure. She took a while to settle but it was the first time she had been in a house and she was still coming round from the anaesthetic. Once she had settled, she was clean in the house and there wasn't a peep from her all night. She got on fine with our 3 and was happy and excited to see us in the morning. A lovely, friendly, pretty girl :)

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by shanishoo

Thursday 12 Apr 19:26

Aw, love the bottom photo of Petal with her toy, she's not letting go bless her, she looks quite a character and gorgeous with it xxxxx

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