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Racing Name
Date of birth
02 jan 2014
Ear mark


male, 10 years old, Black

Added by LadyVictoria

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Nick has had 0 cuddles today (69 all together).
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by helenanddave

Friday 04 Jan 12:33

Happy New Year and Happy New Life, Nick! Loads of hugs and happiness. Xx

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by shanishoo

Thursday 03 Jan 22:13

Be so very happy Nick, I've got a feeling that this is definitely your forever home xxxx

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by jetlucy

Thursday 03 Jan 21:29

So pleased to see nicks green sign again! He so deserves it and pray it stays green this time! Lots of love and happiness Nick xxx

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by cellosmum

Thursday 03 Jan 18:11

Well done Nick, enjoy your retirement. Met your new mum this morning and she said what a good boy you've been since you been staying, so remember be a good boy and not a naughty Nick and enjoy your new life.,

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Thursday 03 Jan 17:39

So happy for Nick, he has indeed got a fantastic home. Xxx

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by PamD

Thursday 03 Jan 16:50

Nick has gone to a fantastic home
Thanks B

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Thursday 03 Jan 14:46

Be very happy Nick! Xx

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by rubytwoshoes

Thursday 03 Jan 14:41

Met Nick's lovely new Mum today, so pleased that he is going to a super home where he will get the love he deserves Be happy Nick xxx

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by sirenmelody

Wednesday 02 Jan 19:12

Just arrived back in UK & seen this......that is amazing.....I am so happy for you handsome boy. I will pray it works out for you. Be happy lovely. You so deserve the best as you have been so very very patient. Xx

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 02 Jan 18:29

YAY, fabulous news for the Birthday Boy, result!!!!!!!!! Xxxxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Wednesday 02 Jan 17:41

Nick, what a fantastic birthday present. Be good sweetie. Xx

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Wednesday 02 Jan 15:43

Oh Nick I’m so happy that you have found your forever home. What a great present. Your new family are very lucky! Will miss you though. Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 02 Jan 15:43

Yes, it's very true Nick has the best Birthday present ever...he has a home with his lovely foster family! :)) So very happy for him! Xxx

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by jetlucy

Wednesday 02 Jan 15:08

Happy birthday Nick! Have you got your forever home? Oh I do hope so xxx

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by Nifty'sMom&Dad

Wednesday 02 Jan 14:55

Happy Birthday Nick,and what great news on your Birthday that you have your forever sofa,lots of love n hugs hope it works out for you Tanya,Mark,Nifty and Cilla xxx

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by helenanddave

Wednesday 02 Jan 14:36

Nick - I have just seen on Facebook that you have a forever home! I am so very happy for you. Love and hugs. Xx

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by Shanesmum

Wednesday 02 Jan 14:16

Happy Birthday handsome, sending you lots of snuggles on your special day. xx

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by helenanddave

Wednesday 02 Jan 12:32

Happy Birthday Nick - sending you lots of hugs. Xx

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Wednesday 02 Jan 11:49

Happy Birthday Nick! We wish we could give you that forever home. The circumstances are just not right! :( Hope you will still get your forever home soon. Xx

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 02 Jan 09:48

Happy birthday beautiful Nick, hope you get a forever home for a present xxx

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by loveheart

Monday 31 Dec 15:44

If anyone is looking for a buddy/big brother for their little lady Grey in my experience the Black boys are fab companions. Even the big black boys like Fat Neck Finn. He is such a gentleman with Nina the Diva. When we have been for a walk he stands and waits for her to have a drink before he will have his. Having eaten his meal first he will lie down near her bowl and wait to see if she leaves him any, drooling (she never does) so he licks the bowl when she has left within an inch of its life. When we come down in the morning she gets so excited she will run by him grabbing him by the back of his neck like a mommy dog to control him, and he lets her, never snaps at her, as leader of the pack I have to do that lol. He lets her have his bed if she wants it and goes and gets in hers which is too small for him really, and waits behind her if any food is being prepared for them. Some black boys are being fostered at the moment, and seem to be confirming what I have noticed about them, so don't wait, snap one up now, they are golden. Also great with another boy hound I have found. Happy Healthy New Year to all. Hoping the coming year will be the best yet for cutting the waiting list for the hounds retiring.

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Sunday 30 Dec 15:19

Hoping, trying. Xx

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by Thethirdronnie

Sunday 30 Dec 13:59

Such a talent Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom.
If only wishing could make things cme true! Xxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Sunday 30 Dec 10:56

As it is Nicks birthday on 2 Jan, I thought that I would check his horoscope to see what the future may bring...Well it does say that you are at a crossroads in your life and that you will realize a cherished dream!

Upon further reading it says that in particular the initials D, I S and B hold a special significance for you, and that music and singing feature heavily in this area. Travel is also mentioned, possibly journeying about 4 hours by car and meeting lovely people with another dog I think. It's getting a bit hazy now, oh sorry, I'm doing horoscope today, not crystal ball!

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by jetlucy

Sunday 30 Dec 10:19

Love it thethirdronnie! Xxx

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by PamD

Saturday 29 Dec 22:54

Yes it was Ali who had Brandy. She was coming to look at Nick but he had been reserved before she came xx

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by sirenmelody

Saturday 29 Dec 21:23

Oh no....I am currently in Switzerland missing my boys like crazy and thought I would log in and cheer myself up by seeing how many FFP there are. I am absolutely gutted. I dont know what to say. This has really upset me. Its so unfair but thank you to the family who tried. At least I will hopefully be able to have a cuddle with you again Nick. You deserve so much. I àm sending you all my love big boy. Xx

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by Thethirdronnie

Saturday 29 Dec 20:54

Now see Ms Deborah, this wonderful loving Nick needs a mommy who likes to sing, is an experienced and devoted greyhound owner and plays the flute. He can give confidence to any siblings and would be happy to wear a muzzle when visiting Wales. You know you have the power to transform Nicks life, as you did barneys, it may even be that they will sleep together in a basket and leave the bed free for you! Feel the love......feel the

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Saturday 29 Dec 20:13

Barney, bring mummy in next week and we can have a little chat! X

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by Lewisfuggie

Saturday 29 Dec 19:56

Cutebarneygumble.... Your mom could always foster to see if he curls up small.... You know if you lie together she might not notice. X

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Saturday 29 Dec 19:40

Barney here! I would love Nick to be my brother. It’s not enough to convince mummy. She says it’s too much money and we have no room! Daddy is on side but I’m giving mummy the eyes and she says no.

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by jetlucy

Saturday 29 Dec 18:07

We need to write bigears' wife a letter from Nick to try and convince her! So sad to see Nick is back but onwards and upwards you'll get your forever home soon xxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Saturday 29 Dec 17:54

Hi loveheart, it was AliJ who had Brandy now Kuro and he is now living it up in Leeds, but it was BigEars that was interested in Mr Nick if only he could convince his lovely wife! Still trying:))))

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Saturday 29 Dec 17:29


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by loveheart

Saturday 29 Dec 17:03

Oh dear poor Nick, some Greys are a little afraid of children, they can be a little daunting to them at first. Probably better with another hound for company. Wasn't Big Ears coming for Nick and was piped at the post so had the amazing Brandy instead. Maybe he was meant for you after all Big ears??? Fingers crossed his home is out there,

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by shanishoo

Saturday 29 Dec 16:51

Oh Nick you poor baby, I am heartbroken to read this, you are such a gorgeous hound and you deserve your forever home, I really do hope the perfect one for you comes along very soon, big cuddles xxxxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Saturday 29 Dec 16:32

Oh Nick my boy, I am so terribly sad to see this. Heartbroken, but I understand why. Xxx

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by helenanddave

Saturday 29 Dec 16:13

Oh Nick, this is very sad news. Don't worry handsome - there will be a special home for you somewhere out there. Xx

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Saturday 29 Dec 15:59

Oh Nick so sorry to hear this. I’m sure you will find your forever home soon! Xx

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by PamD

Saturday 29 Dec 15:50

So very sad
But he’s better back at Daybreaks
Good luck Nick xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 29 Dec 15:46

Very sadly Nick's family have decided they will have to return Nick to the kennels. He has become increasingly worried around their young Daughter and they feel he would be much happier In a home without young children. They are devastated things have not worked out for him. We are very grateful to them for giving him a chance and understand completely their reason for his return. I am sure the right home and situation is out there for him. He is staying with one of our lovely friends until the New Year. Xxx

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by Liz_beth

Saturday 08 Dec 16:50

I think jetlucy is right. Most dogs do seem to experience it to a greater or lesser extent. I bought Maggie a soft crate, which really helped settle her down. She loves it and will often leave the room we're in to go and lie in it. It's a good job that we don't offend easily! It has proved really useful though and if we are away from home we take it with us for her to sleep in and she's always carry happy x

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by loveheart

Saturday 08 Dec 16:01

If I left the food cupboard open Fat neck Finn wouldn't notice we had left. The only anxiety he gets is being separated from food !!! Sure Nick will improve, he has waited so long for a family of his own it's understandable he doesn't want to be separated at first. He will soon realize you are coming back and not gone for good. xx

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by jetlucy

Friday 07 Dec 21:21

Well done Nick! Keep been a good boy. I think most dogs suffer separation anxiety (unlike our cats who just love to see us for good!) But it does get better and I think makes them more loving and loyal. Our jet still gets it abit after 4 years of been with us but we know how to deal with it now and what works but literally could not wish for a better companion, he really is my shadow and always there for a cuddle and to tell secrets too! I dread to think what him and his horse brother would say about me if they could talk! Xxx

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by shanishoo

Friday 07 Dec 20:39

Bless him, after being in kennels for a long time he is doing really well, just lots of patience and understanding he will come on in leaps and bounds xxxx

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by helenanddave

Friday 07 Dec 18:06

Lovely to see the update from Nick. Sounds like he is settling well. Xx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Friday 07 Dec 16:50

Update on Nick. He is doing really well, loves his food and is very good with his little human sister! He is suffering with a little separation anxiety but his family are working on this, as always we are on the end of the phone to offer advise. When I spoke to his Mom this morning he was quite happily curled up on his bed. So very pleased for this lad. x

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by rubytwoshoes

Thursday 06 Dec 07:32

So so happy for handsome Nick. Everything crossed that he doesn't take too long to adjust to non kennel life. Lots of well earned cuddles coming his way I think. Xxxxx

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 05 Dec 19:30

Just fab xxxx

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by Nifty'sMom&Dad

Wednesday 05 Dec 19:01

Great news Nick so happy for you,now be a good boy and enjoy your retirement and Christmas,I'm sure you will have a great life our Nifty waited 7 months for us to come along and he turned out to be perfect as will you be fingers crossed xx

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Wednesday 05 Dec 15:54

Nick it’s made me so happy to see this. Have a lovely Christmas I’m sure you will be spoilt. Well done Nick!

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by jetlucy

Wednesday 05 Dec 15:06

Oh Nick I am so happy to see this photo and don't you look all coy and shy! Go and have a wonderful life now and a very happy Christmas in your own home xxx

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by helenanddave

Wednesday 05 Dec 15:04

Today we had our last cuddle with Nick as he went off to his new home. Will miss you Nick, bit so happy for you. Loads of hugs. Xx

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by cellosmum

Wednesday 05 Dec 13:38

Well done Nick. Lovely to see you off to your new home. You've definitely fell on your feet, so be a good boy and enjoy your retirement. Will miss that little face at the kennels but so pleased you've got your forever sofa after being so patient for your chance.

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 05 Dec 11:14

Bet there will be a few tears shed at the kennels today when Nick finally goes off to his loving forever home, Nick you so deserve this if any hound does, you have been so patient, but you were just waiting for the perfect family to come along, now you have found them, so go and enjoy your retirement, be happy you gorgeous boy xxxxx

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by BigEars

Wednesday 05 Dec 09:49

Nick you enjoy your life well deserved.

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 04 Dec 23:46

Nick's last sleep at the kennels tonight!! He is going home tomorrow. :)) Gave him a big cuddle before I left the kennels this evening. Lovely Nick please go and grab yourself a very happy new life with all four paws, you deserve it! Xxx

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by sirenmelody

Monday 26 Nov 00:04

I am delighted for you my lovely cuddle monster!! I shall miss you but this will enhance my christmas if I know you are in a happy home. Just remember Nick, it can take some to settle in so try to keep calm and with patience you will all have many happy years of adventures ahead. At 4 you are after all still a young babe so have a lot to learn but I am sure your parents will enjoy teaching you. You are a beautiful and highly intelligent lad who will very much thrive in a stable home environment. You so deserve to be happy. We will keep all our toes crossed for you. Love Seana, Mel & Teddy xx

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by BigEars

Friday 23 Nov 04:45

So pleased for Nick but I so wanted you but very happy that you have been reserved.

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 23 Nov 00:06

So happy for Nick! Xxx

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by jetlucy

Thursday 22 Nov 21:48

Woo well done Nick! Keeping everything crossed that this time your sign turns green you deserve a nice home of your own xxx

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by shanishoo

Thursday 22 Nov 18:21

Oh Nick, this is absolutely wonderful news, I am over the moon for you sweetheart, well done xxxxx

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Thursday 22 Nov 18:16

Oh Nick this wonderful I’m so sorry we couldn’t have you but we really hope this works out and the sign turns green. Good luck xx

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by helenanddave

Thursday 22 Nov 17:46

Exciting!! Xx

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by BertSkipSamNadieMum

Thursday 22 Nov 16:48

Yay! A red sign. Hope it's a green one very soon. Well done Nick. x

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by Jembob

Thursday 22 Nov 15:52


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by AliJ

Wednesday 21 Nov 22:25

I will definitely bear the lovely Brandy in mind Shanishoo! It'll be great to meet him. I know for a fact that it will be very hard to say no to any of the black beauties! I think a big black boy club sounds great Jetlucy, these boys are just so special xxx

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by jetlucy

Tuesday 20 Nov 22:17

Woo alij well done! I can't wait to see who picks you although all would be a good option but I think we all secretly want it to be one of them...but loving that all the ones you're thinking of are not black boys they're the best! I really do think we need a big black boy club like the ffp club! Sounds like whoever goes home with you will be very lucky xxx

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by shanishoo

Tuesday 20 Nov 21:57

I do hope one of the boys choose you on Saturday, please don't overlook Brandy too, he is super hound, good luck xxxx

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by AliJ

Tuesday 20 Nov 20:14

Just found out that we passed our home check! We are delighted and can't wait to meet Nick, Jet and Reggie on Saturday to see if any of them choose us to be their family!

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by shanishoo

Tuesday 20 Nov 10:45

All you can do is keep trying, this boy desperately needs a home, yours sounds perfect as I know Barney is cherished, really 2 are easier than one, they are company for one another xxxx

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Monday 19 Nov 19:59

The problem is shanishoo, the daughter is onside ;) still not working. I’m just as desperate to get Nick as he is. We are trying and trying! Xx

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by shanishoo

Monday 19 Nov 18:39

Big Ears, maybe you need to get your daughter onside, 2 against 1, that may work xxx

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by loveheart

Monday 19 Nov 12:12

BigEars So your wife doesn't fancy a FFP tee shirt. I would willingly buy her one if you did change her mind LOL
Why do you think our last boy we lost a year ago was called "Ollie" as in "another fine mess you got me into" (from Laurel & Hardy) He made the 4th in our household at the time! But he bought such joy to us and the only difference it made with 4 was feeding times took a bit longer to set up .
We all want Nick to find his home but you can do no more and "her indoors must be obeyed" if you want a peaceful life. Obviously my husband didn't LOL but I cannot push my luck at the moment . Thanks for trying xx

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by BigEars

Monday 19 Nov 04:10

I have tried so much to have My wife agree to have Nick but she will not give in. She knows if we foster him we will not send him back. That lovely boy will be great company for Barney.

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by Liz_beth

Sunday 18 Nov 16:55

Nick came with me today to Elmdon Park. In his typical fashion, he was extremely keen to get out of his kennel and go for a walk. He simply loves being out and having some company. We met some other breeds, who he was very keen to say hello to, but was absolutely fine with when we got there. He only seems to have one gear and it's a fast one! Good job I like a brisk walk! He did help me get up the hill in the park! He's such a great boy and I've got everything crossed for him that this is his week to find his forever home xx

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by loveheart

Sunday 18 Nov 11:16

I would just like to support Lady Victoria's comments about Nick & Brandy and Black boys in general. Like Teddy once in a home within a few days they start to blossom and realize this is now what life is all about when you retire. it amazes me how quickly they adapt and respond to love and care after what really is a life in a kennel with a mate, training, and racing. Even faster if you already have a Grey who can show them the ropes lol That's why they are such amazing hounds. I would love to take Nick or Brandy but Fat neck Finn is still being "groomed" by bossy Nina and at the moment I think it may disturb the balance. Like many of you
I have developed a passion for the Black Boys who seem to have to wait longer than the girlies for that "special" home.
Nick has had such a traumatic start to his retirement but managed to confound everyone by recovering. Daybreaks gave him the will to do this, but can do no more. Even my poem for him has not found him a home. If you meet him you will know why we are all so hoping he will be in a forever home with a special present under the tree called "LOVE". Maybe his 5th birthday in January will be his best ever. xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 17 Nov 22:49

We are desperate to find a loving home for our handsome Nick. He is getting very fed up of kennel life. He is a very intelligent boy who given a chance would be such a great friend and companion, he loves human company and likes to be out and about doing things. Teddy has found his perfect home...wish Nick and Brandy could be as lucky. Xxx

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by shanishoo

Monday 12 Nov 12:46

Big Ears, just keep working on the wife, she will cave eventually lol ..... xxxx

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by BigEars

Monday 12 Nov 07:28

Liz sounds like he is happy with you. If the wife would say yes he would be here now with Barney.

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 11 Nov 20:59

Hi Liz, what Nick needs is a lovely home like yours!.... :))

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by jetlucy

Sunday 11 Nov 17:14

Bless him good boy Nick! It has got to be your turn next surely xxx

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by Liz_beth

Sunday 11 Nov 13:57

Handsome Nick came out with me, my greyhound and my husband this morning for a walk along the canals. He is a strong boy but he walks very well on a harness. We saw a few other dogs and he behaved much better than my own hound! He really wants to say hello to other breeds and doesn't understand why his bouncing up and down may be intimidating to them! He does make me laugh because on leaving the kennels he was in the back of my car as soon as the door was open just a crack. When we arrived at the canals he was out of the car like a rocket. However on the return journey he had to be lifted in and once in the car, he spent all his time on his feet seeing what was going on. When I pulled up at the kennels and opened his door he lay down and had to be coaxed out and back into his kennel. He is a hound that likes to be out and about. He gets on really well with my hound and she seems to like him too (she's quite fussy who gets her seal of approval and who is permitted to travel with her when her chauffeur is taking her out). He really is a fabulous boy and it truly must be his turn soon xx

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by Jembob

Saturday 10 Nov 19:02

As we walked the hounds down Damson Lane this afternoon, somebody asked why Nick hadn’t been homed yet. Nobody had an answer.
Nick is a wonderful example of the breed. I like to sit with him in his kennel and give him some fuss. He’ll be a special companion to whoever adopts him.

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by jetlucy

Saturday 10 Nov 17:48

Oh god bless Barney. But he'll be pleased you're thinking of giving another hound a home xxx

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by AliJ

Saturday 10 Nov 09:15

We really did. He was such a special boy. That's the wonderful thing about Greys, they open up your heart xx

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by PamD

Friday 09 Nov 22:08

Sorry I was probably getting you mixed up with someone else. But I know how much you and your family loved Barney xx

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by AliJ

Friday 09 Nov 22:02

Jetlucy, sadly Barney was only 9 when he went to the bridge. It must have been a typo when I told PamD that he was 14. If only all our houndies would live that long xxx

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by AliJ

Friday 09 Nov 22:00

Aww PamD that's lovely of you to say. I really hope we are able to give a forever home to one of your beauties. Xxx

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by jetlucy

Friday 09 Nov 21:16

Sorry to hear of your loss alij but do I get my boy to live to that age ?! xxx

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by PamD

Friday 09 Nov 19:45

AliJ And which ever one you choose will have a greyt life with you, and help you with the loss of your 14 year old grey.
Safe journey from ‘up north’ and we will do your homecheck with Maisie and Monts xxx

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by AliJ

Friday 09 Nov 13:35

We are coming to visit Nick and some of the other boys on 24th November. Really looking forward to it.

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by jetlucy

Wednesday 07 Nov 20:02

So sorry Nick but keep hanging in there it'll come xxx

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by BertSkipSamNadieMum

Wednesday 07 Nov 17:58

So sad to hear it wasn't meant to be. The right home is there waiting. x

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by helenanddave

Wednesday 07 Nov 13:53

Nick - so very sorry that new home is not to be. There IS one out there somewhere and your turn will come. Xx

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by BigEars

Wednesday 07 Nov 09:09

Gutted for Nick if he don’t go soon I will have to beg and grovel to the wife and promise her everything to get him in our house with Barney.

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by blackisbeautiful

Wednesday 07 Nov 09:06

Why is it that every time I look at this page recently I end up with watery eyes ! Devastated by Bez.. then young Dolly and now lovely Nick has lost his much longed for home ! :( We can't get too much more bad luck surely?..We need lots more new green signs to cheer us up Hugs to all greys waiting and to fantastic Daybreak's X X

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 07 Nov 07:59

Just gutted for Nick, this poor lad has waited so long, I'm afraid it's their loss, this boy deserves better xxx

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Wednesday 07 Nov 06:44

Oh nick poor boy. I was really hoping it worked out but it wasn’t meant to be. Surely his wait won’t be too much longer! Xx

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by loveheart

Tuesday 06 Nov 23:40

Oh Nick what a roller coaster the last week has been so many lifts and falls. Celebrating one minute for you and then such sad news about other hounds and then you unreserved. Do you think if I offer a to do a pole dance show to anyone who gives you a forever home it would help secure one? On Second thoughts this may definitely increase your length of stay even more. Perhaps I will be best to just keep praying for you sweetheart. xx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 06 Nov 22:39

Very sadly Nick is no longer reserved. :(( So very sad for him. What does this fabulous lad have to do to find a home....he is desperate to leave his kennel life behind and know what it's like to have a real home of his own. Sending him lots of love. Xxx

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by BertSkipSamNadieMum

Monday 05 Nov 07:19

I'm in tears again (haven't stopped since Friday) but today it's tears of joy. For all the dogs reserved this weekend, but especially Nick. One of my wishes after this tragedy is that little Bez sends new owners for all the greys at Daybreaks, but first and foremost the longest resident. So glad my prayer was answered. Well done handsome Nick and thank you to the prospective new owners from the bottom of my heart. Hope to see you with Nick at an event soon. Nick - behave yourself sweetheart. It'll be strange at first but you'll be so loved and retirement is wonderful. Greyhound owners are very special :) x

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 04 Nov 21:34

Nick! Faboulus news :) Xxx

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by cellosmum

Sunday 04 Nov 20:45

Well done Nick, we have been waiting a long time to see your red sign. You have given everyone something to smile about.

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by Liz_beth

Sunday 04 Nov 19:48

Well it seems a bit redundant now to say what a wonderful hound Nick is and that after having taken him to the park today, I can't understand why he hasn't been snapped up!! I'm going to say anyway what a lovely time we had today. We went to Elmdon for an hour and he was great. He met lots of breeds but behaved impeccably with all of them. He LOVES being out and I had to push him back into his kennel when I brought him back!! I'm so pleased for him. Wishing him and his new owner many happy times and lots of lovely walks xx

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by helenanddave

Sunday 04 Nov 18:58

Nick this is the MOST fabulous news. The last couple of days have been full of tears but at last something to smile about - brilliant! Xx

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by shanishoo

Sunday 04 Nov 18:40

I was just saying to my husband, I wish Nick and Brandy could find their forever homes, well just seen Nick has been reserved, this has made my day, I am sure little Bez is watching over all of the Daybreaks hounds and this is her way of saying thankyou for caring. Just in tears everytime I think of Beautiful Bez, so this is some welcome news. So happy for you Nick xxxxx

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by blackisbeautiful

Sunday 04 Nov 18:24

OMG !!! Screeeeam ! Was only saying earlier poor Nick still had no luck again and finally has his red sign So pleased after only just managed a day without tears for little Bez Good luck Nick You so deserve this :)) X

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by mary/john

Sunday 04 Nov 17:56

great news for Nick... we wish him a happy retirement in his forever home....xx

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Sunday 04 Nov 17:54

NICK!!!!! I couldn’t be happier. I think this has made my week after such sad news. You deserve this well done. Just hope it all goes well. Xx

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by jetlucy

Sunday 04 Nov 17:27

Wooooooo hooooooo! How fabulous and I think this must be the work of little Angel bez helping one of the long stayers! Think seeing this boy reserved will give everyone the much needed lift after a sad few days! Well done nick! Xxx

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by rubytwoshoes

Thursday 01 Nov 19:11

Having walked Nick again today I am baffled that this intelligent, friendly boy is still waiting for his forever home
He will make a lovely addition to the lucky family who adopt him xxxx

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by BertSkipSamNadieMum

Tuesday 30 Oct 08:10

I look at the diary daily and love all the good news when another super grey is rehomed. It's just poor Nick now who has been waiting far too long. I hope someone considers him first before the more recent rehomees. I appreciate he needs the right home but am sure someone with the right heart will make it work. It takes time. I had doubts that Skip would tame down in the first few weeks but 4 months in (and lots of support and training - thanks Julie) he's softened so much and really sees himself as a pet now. There's still a long way to go, but - however much help is given in the kennels (which are fantastic) - the transition to a pet can only be made in the home. So come on someone and make him a loving pet in your home. x

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by jetlucy

Thursday 25 Oct 21:06

Love the poem loveheart, let's hope it bags Nick a home and the other black boys xxx

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by shanishoo

Thursday 25 Oct 11:57

Brilliant as always loveheart xx

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by helenanddave

Thursday 25 Oct 11:41

Nick is handsome and loving - don't understand why he gets overlooked. He has such a lot to give if someone would just give him a chance. Sending him a cuddle today. Xx

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by loveheart

Wednesday 24 Oct 22:32

The people come and they just pass by
What can I do I think with a sigh
I am very handsome with a waggy tail
Maybe a pleading look, that shouldn't fail
I have plenty of kisses and leaning to do
Oh come on guys, just form a que
I fought my way back after a dreadful time
I just need a mom and dad now to be ALL mine.
love from Nick
I am thinking of forming a lonely hearts club for the black boys if we don't find forever homes soon, It worked for Sargent Pepper !!! lol We are all so fab xx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 23 Oct 23:37

What a handsome lad! :) Xxx

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by jetlucy

Tuesday 23 Oct 21:33

Twit twoo who's that gorgeous boy in the bottom photo?! With looks like that Nick you'll be an assest for anyone's arm! Hang in there precious boy your forever home will come I promise xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 21 Oct 21:23

Great to hear Nick has had such a lovely day :)) Xxx

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by shanishoo

Sunday 21 Oct 20:43

It must have been so nice for Nick to get out and about and enjoy a break from kennels, this boy has waited long enough for a home, surely there is somebody out there that can give this beautiful boy the home he needs, keeping my fingers crossed for you Nick xxxx

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by Liz_beth

Sunday 21 Oct 16:12

The handsome Nick came for a day out today with me, Maggie (my greyhound) and my husband. He was out of his kennel and in the car like a rocket. There is no doubt that he has a zest for life. We drove out to Packwood House and spent the next hour walking through fields and along country roads/ canals. He is a very keen walker and can be quite strong, especially when he sees another dog, particularly the small ones. However, when he actually meets the other dog, he behaves well. I thought I might have been in trouble when we saw two very small dogs as he started off like he was coming out of the traps at the racetrack. Once we caught up with them though he lost interest after having a bit of a look. We stopped at a pub for lunch and enjoyed an hour in the sunshine. He had a bit of a sunbathe but was ready to get started again in no time at all. We had another hours walk and then a trip back to Daybreaks. He's a lovely boy, who is very people friendly. He is super happy to be out exploring and will be great for someone who enjoys long walks. I might suggest starting the walk going uphill (believe me, he'll help you get up to the top) and then enjoy a more leisurely walk with him once he has worn himself out a bit!! Good luck handsome boy xx

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by rubytwoshoes

Tuesday 16 Oct 17:48

Took the still very good looking Nick out for a walk today. His face has healed nicely and he is a pleasure to be around. He waits patiently to have his lead and muzzle put on and enjoys a good look round while his is walking. He will thrive in the right home. Big cuddles for you Nick xx

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by Liz_beth

Sunday 14 Oct 21:48

The handsome Nick came with me today to Sheldon Country Park. He jumped in the car easily and travelled happily. Once at the park, he was eager to get started and didn't appreciate waiting for other people to arrive!! He met a staffy with impeccable manners and stood lapping up any fuss that he could get. A lovely hound who needs his chance to shine now in a home xx

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by deniseh

Monday 08 Oct 17:23

Had the pleasure of taking Nick to the dog show what a handsome dog so well behaved walked really nice on the lead and was really friendly with all breeds showed a lot of interest in the small dogs but behaved very gentle

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by Lauramc

Sunday 07 Oct 19:22

We spent a little time walking with Nick at the dog show today. He is the most handsome looking hound and is totally deserving of his own home soon.

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by rubytwoshoes

Thursday 27 Sep 21:19

Nick is such a lovely boy. He wags his tail when you go and speak to him. He loves cuddles, kongs and walks. Probably better not to mention pesky squirrels to him though. xxxx

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by rubytwoshoes

Tuesday 25 Sep 10:42

Lovely to see Nick's face has healed so well and also nice that he is now able to go for proper walks. He is a nice lad and he walks so nicely on his lead. Cuddles for him x

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by jetlucy

Monday 24 Sep 21:20

Oh no poor Nick, but on a positive he's come back with a good report so fingers crossed that will help him get his next home quicker. Sending you hugs and kisses xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 24 Sep 20:55

So very sad for Nick...was really hoping this would be his forever home. Thanks so much to his foster family for trying. Lots of love to a special lad. Xxx

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by helenanddave

Monday 24 Sep 19:49

oh Nick, this is sad news. Hopefully another chance is just around the corner. xx

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by shanishoo

Monday 24 Sep 18:42

I'm gutted for Nick, he just needs a home bless him, makes me sad xxxxxx

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by blackisbeautiful

Monday 24 Sep 17:32

Oh poor Nick ! :(( What are we going to do with you Hopefully you will have another chance of a,foster home soon Hugs to you mate X X

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Monday 24 Sep 12:34

Sadly Nick has come back from foster today, this is not due to anything he has done, the family dog was not eating and was unsettled. We are told he was a very good boy and settled well whilst there. He really does need to have his own forever home. Please, there must be someone out there that can offer this gorgeous boy a home.

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 22 Sep 23:34

So very pleased Nick has been offered a foster home. Be a good boy, no squirrel chasing!! Xxx

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Saturday 22 Sep 21:17

Oh nick this is amazing news. Be yourself and enjoy you’re a special lad and really deserve this good luck Xx

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by helenanddave

Saturday 22 Sep 20:22

Mr Nick - what super news! Just what you need to get over your accident. Hope you have the most lovely time. Xx

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by Thethirdronnie

Saturday 22 Sep 19:40

Oh Nick. What wonderful news. Will keep our fingers and paws crossed for you. Xxx

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by cellosmum

Saturday 22 Sep 19:37

Nick, so pleased for you, I'm sure being in a home with lots of TLC will be the best thing for you. You are lovely lad so be a good boy and enjoy all that love.

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Saturday 22 Sep 19:26

Mr Nick Nick, I am so happy for you, you are such a handsome boy, you really deserve a try, be good sweetie. Xxx

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by jetlucy

Saturday 22 Sep 19:25

Yay well done Nick and aunty Ruth for the nice plea on your behalf! He a good boy and enjoy yourself. Remember all good things come to those who wait xxx

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by Jembob

Saturday 22 Sep 18:43

Nick looked very smitten with his new foster sister. I’m sure that he will have a great time in his very loving foster home. I suspect we may need a new supply of FFP t-shirts.

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by shanishoo

Saturday 22 Sep 17:06

Oh Nick, this has made my day, I have been worrying about you since you had your 'incident', I'm sure you will come on leaps and bounds in a home environment, so happy for you sweetheart xxxx

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by jetlucy

Thursday 20 Sep 17:34

Fingers crossed for Nick! Met him today and he is a lovely boy, he'll thrive in a new home xxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 20 Sep 09:39

I am desperately appealing for a foster home for Nick. He needs some TLC whilst he recovers from his accident when he ran into a gate. The foster home needs to be a competent previous owner as he can be strong on the lead especially if he sees a squirrel but is generally good around other breeds and ok with children. He is bright but intermittently unsteady. We will fund all the costs whilst he is in foster so if you think you can help please call the kennels on 01217827702 and speak to myself (Ruth), Kate or Jo.

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by rubytwoshoes

Monday 17 Sep 21:37

Nick is still on restricted exercise but I took him into the sand run this afternoon and who did he meet but Ruth. Oh my goodness he was so excited to see her, (little glimpse of how he would be be with his forever family?) His face is healing nicely. Lovely boy xxxxxx

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by shanishoo

Saturday 15 Sep 12:28

Please somebody, give this boy the home that he deserves xxxxxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 10 Sep 22:22

Nick was a bouncy boy today! He seems much better and he had a very waggy tail when Myra took him out into the run for a gentle walk. Xxx

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by rubytwoshoes

Monday 10 Sep 20:22

Had a little cuddle with this gorgeous boy today. His face is healing nicely and he was happy to have a gentle walk in the sand run. Lots of cuddles Nick xxx

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by BertSkipSamNadieMum

Friday 07 Sep 10:55

Poor Nick. You get my cuddle today. So pleased you're ok. Hopefully you'll find your forever home soon and learn not to charge at metal gates. Bert did something similar when we first had him - he saw a cat. He slid on the ice and fortunately managed to stop just shy of the gate. x

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 06 Sep 23:24

Another big cuddle for Nick. Xxx

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by jetlucy

Thursday 06 Sep 21:48

Perhaps Nick was collecting some 'scars' in an attempt to get a home as who can resist a dog with a story to tell and scars to prove it?! For me the more scars and war wounds anything has makes my heart melt more! You never know Nick you might have cracked it lol xxx

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by rubytwoshoes

Thursday 06 Sep 19:27

Ah Nick you gorgeous hound. We enjoyed lots of cuddles in his kennel today. He is such a friendly boy and his handsome face will soon heal. Honestly Nick pesky squirrels aren't worth the effort!!!!!!! xxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 06 Sep 10:00

Hi Aires, Sadly Nick did see the gate but chose not to stop! He still has a waggy tail and his face looks a little better this morning. Still wobbly but hopefully on the mend. He has had lots of hugs from everyone! Xxx

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by Aries

Wednesday 05 Sep 21:53

I bought some stick on vinyl Butterflies for my patio door, stick them in a nice pattern low down and they work fine, hope this helps poor Nick.

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 05 Sep 21:36

My cuddle tonight goes to our naughty Nick. Xxx

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by loveheart

Wednesday 05 Sep 20:49

Poor Nick, and what a shock for the girls there when it happened, but how great where they in handling it.When we first had our late boy Ollie he saw something in the garden and thought he could just run outside through the sliding patio door off the kitchen. Wrong! the double glazed door was shut. Ollie was at near full speed when he hit it. The sound as his head made contact was awful. We rushed into the kitchen just as he ran back into the living room looking dazed but fine after a few minutes. In fact the door came off worse, he had knocked it right off its track. it took 2 of us to lift it back in it was sooooooo heavy. The power of these hounds is unbelievable, especially the lovely big black boys and yet they are so gentle. After that we always put something in front of the glass door when it was closed. Didn't stop me trying to walk through it once though !!! and never knocked any sense into me lol. So glad Nick is relatively ok. A red sign for him would make my day, he so needs it.

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by Thethirdronnie

Wednesday 05 Sep 19:31

Boy Nick, you are lucky. Think you must have thought you could follow that squirrel to your forever sofa! Xx

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by Rubydog

Wednesday 05 Sep 18:48

Sounds like Nearly Headless Nick!

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by cellosmum

Wednesday 05 Sep 17:21

Well Nick, now I think I know why Naughty Nick flows easily off the tongue. Hope you're feeling well enough for a cuddle when we see you tomorrow.

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by blackisbeautiful

Wednesday 05 Sep 16:38

Omg....! Thank goodness Nick was relatively ok A sigh of relief that those gates were closed tho although poor Nick suffered the consequences ! Hopefully a forever home is coming your way very soon You deserve it Big hugs mate X X

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by NMD07

Wednesday 05 Sep 08:04

These damm squirrels!! So glad you are ok and pleased you have a special girl coming to visit you. Fingers crossed. Xxx

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by shanishoo

Sunday 02 Sep 16:38

A kiss for Nick today, do hope a forever home comes along soon for this lovely boy, he has waited so patiently bless him xxxxxx

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by Jembob

Saturday 01 Sep 21:24

Nick is a very impressive hound and seems ready for just about anything. He is very easy to walk and a lovely, enthusiastic lad. Why he is one of our longest stayers is well beyond me.

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by jetlucy

Friday 31 Aug 21:14

Didn't recognise you with your yellow collar Nick! Looking super handsome on your new photos must say! Let's hope the bright yellow gets you noticed more and gets you a home xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 07 Aug 22:13

Nick made a new friend today. A young lad in a wheelchair came to meet the Greyhounds and groom some of them. He loved Nick and Nick loved him too! All went very well until Nick had a wee on the lads foot! Fottunately he found it quite amusing. :)) I know the perfect home is out there just waiting for him. Xxx

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by shanishoo

Tuesday 07 Aug 12:49

A kiss and a cuddle for Nick bless him xxxxx

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Tuesday 31 Jul 12:50

Ah Nick I’m pleased for you. Good luck!

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 30 Jul 22:22

Wonderful news for handsome Nick! Xxx

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by cellosmum

Monday 30 Jul 21:09

Well done Nick, you've been waiting very patiently and now it's your turn for your own home. Be a good boy and enjoy your new sofa and your retirement.

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by helenanddave

Monday 30 Jul 19:37

well done Nick - you have been so patient and deserve your own sofa. xx

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by shanishoo

Monday 30 Jul 18:27

Brilliant news, so happy for Nick, well done you handsome boy xxxx

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by Nifty'sMom&Dad

Monday 30 Jul 18:09

Oh Nick great news.You were such a good boy for us when we took you to Sheldon country park,let's hope this helped with your new sofa and enjoy your retirement lots of love Tanya, Mark and Nifty xxx

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by rubytwoshoes

Monday 30 Jul 17:58

I am beyond happy for this gorgeous boy who will benefit so much from a home of his own. He has been such a patient boy. Hope all goes well for him and his new family . We had a proper cuddle today so now a virtual cuddle for him xxxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Monday 30 Jul 17:12

Oh Mr Nick Nick, well done my beautiful boy. Xxxxx

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by Shanesmum

Monday 30 Jul 16:53

This is brilliant news - so happy for Mr Nick! xx

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by Jano

Sunday 29 Jul 09:43

We met Nick and Nifty at Sheldon Country farm yesterday, what a beautiful boy he is. He is quite regal in his stance. We found out lots of new things about greyhounds yesterday. It was a pleasure to meet the dogs and their people.

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by Nifty'sMom&Dad

Sunday 29 Jul 09:21

We had the pleasure of taking Nick to the Sheldon country park yesterday.He was such a well behaved boy in the car and during the day and he was'nt fazed by the children small dogs or chickens .He got on well with our Nifty he will make a great addition to anyone's family .Such a lovely boy hope he gets his own sofa soon xxx

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by rubytwoshoes

Monday 23 Jul 17:40

Nick is another big confident lad who is a joy to be with. xxxx

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by mary/john

Saturday 21 Jul 18:25

Had a nice walk down the lane today. Met Bailey border collie... no issues had a good sniff and was not bothered!... x

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Thursday 12 Jul 20:30

Mr Nick Nick really does love human company, such a cheeky lovely Chappie! Just love this boy. Xx

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by Sillasmum

Thursday 12 Jul 15:41

Met this lovely boy today. Apparently he loves people so maybe if you are at home quite a lot he may be the boy for you. He did seem to enjoy a fuss and seems good natured. Nick gets my vitual cuddle today x

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by shanishoo

Thursday 05 Jul 21:17

A cuddle for Nick tonight xxxxxx

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by rubytwoshoes

Thursday 05 Jul 19:22

Oh Nick. There is a family somewhere out there for whom you would be a perfect match. Nick is a big beautiful boy with loads of love to give. He can be vocal in the kennel but he is just a bored I think because when I sat in with him he was super responding to his name and jumping on his bed when I asked him. Spend time with him and he won't disappoint. xx

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by rubytwoshoes

Thursday 28 Jun 15:25

I hope Nick's poorly paw is better. He is a super boy. xxx

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by Lewisfuggie

Sunday 10 Jun 14:23

This fab lad attended the GGGW with me today, although strong on the lead, all he wants to do is be upfront to see everything first. He did get excited with dogs off lead, but no aggression was seen at all, think he just wants to play with everyone... He was fine with all dogs if introduced once he had stopped bouncing... If your after a dog to keep you fit.. Nick is the dog for you. X

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by shanishoo

Monday 28 May 14:50

You get my special cuddle today Nick, I really hope your forever home is not too far away xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 17 May 23:19

A cuddle for Nick, he is an extremely handsome, friendly and adorable big lad. Xxx

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by rubytwoshoes

Friday 11 May 20:48

I walked this beautiful big strong lad yesterday. He is friendly, quite strong on the lead but I think that is because the outside world is new for him. He stopped and looked very interested in a plastic bag blowing in the distance but was completely not bothered by a flapping bird almost above his head!. I think he is going to develop into a real character. xx

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by shanishoo

Tuesday 08 May 18:44

Another black beauty, just stunning xxxx

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