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About Me

Racing Name
Clan Royal
Date of birth
02 dec 2003
Land of birth
IU Ireland or United Kingdom
Land of standing
UK United Kingdom
Ear mark
Park AngieIE-JUN-00-F
Family tree & race history


male, 21 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

His trainer says he is good with children and loves his food.

Kenzie has had 0 cuddles today (11 all together).
If you register or login, you can give him a cuddle too!


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by Winniethepooh

Tuesday 19 Mar 13:25

Hello Ina

I am very sorry to hear of your loss and sending my thoughts to you at this sad time.

by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 19 Mar 09:31

Ina, so very sad to hear you have lost your beautiful Kenzie. No one could have loved him more than you did. Thinking of you and your family. Love Kate and Twiggy xxxx

by Simon,Jan&Jet

Tuesday 19 Mar 07:48

Ina and family, please accept our deepest sympathy at the loss of Kenzie, but always remember they joy he brought to you and the wonderful life he had after retiring.
Huggs to all x x and licks and snuffles from Jay and Amber

by tiggersmum

Tuesday 19 Mar 07:32

Oh Ina you loved your boy very much, he was a very lucky grey to have found you and your family and to have all the love you gave him. Sending you big hugs and remember the happy times with him. julie xxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 19 Mar 06:37

Dearest Ina, I know how much your boy meant to you - he chose you and you gave him many wonderful years being loved as part of your family - something I wish every grey could have. The moments you had with him will stay in your heart forever. Sending you big hugs - he will be running free and waiting for you at Rainbow Bridge xxxxxx

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by ClareInsightHounds

Tuesday 19 Mar 06:33

What sad news. Thinking of you. Run free at rainbow bridge. X

by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Monday 18 Mar 21:42

Ina, I'm so sorry to hear the news about Kenzie. We're all thinking of you and your family, big hugs to you all. Love from Mand, Stefano, Gent & Emily xxx

by SamA

Monday 18 Mar 21:22

Thinking about you at this sad time Ina. Words never say enough when you loose your beloved companions. Take care. love Sam, Si, Dreams and Tom xxx

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by DivasMum

Monday 18 Mar 21:22

I'm so sorry to read this, run free sweetheart. Love hugs & licks to those you leave behind x

by missfifi

Monday 18 Mar 21:11

I am always touched by such news and think of my own dogs across the bridge......the love goes on for ever.

by LindaPaul

Monday 18 Mar 20:44

So sorry Ina to hear you have lost your precious boy Kenzie. You did him proud - he had a fantastic retirement with you and his greyhound brothers and sister. Thinking of you. Love from Linda, Paul, Lola & Lena xxx

by ginger

Monday 18 Mar 20:40

So sorry to hear about kenzie,thinking of you all at this sad time.

by doonie

Monday 18 Mar 20:24

such sad news,run free kenzie,hugs to you all.x

by Jess&Koda

Monday 18 Mar 19:05

So sorry Ina xx he is pain free now x run free x

by Shelly

Monday 18 Mar 18:52

How sad time is a great healer they are part of our life's take care xxhe had a great life with you

by fatharry

Monday 18 Mar 18:31

So sorry to hear about McKenzie our thoughts and prayers are with you x.

by DuleekDandy

Monday 18 Mar 18:27

I'm so sorry to hear this Ina. Thinking of you. Run free Kenzie xxx

by LizzyB

Monday 18 Mar 17:59

Half brother to my girl Silla, and they look alike. So sorry to hear of your loss, it is heartbreaking when they have to leave you, but you obviously loved him very much. x

by beryltheperil

Monday 18 Mar 17:31

So very sorry to hear you've lost Kenzie. Thinking of you at this sad time.

by susy

Monday 18 Mar 17:02

Kallie we hope you are bearing up at this sad time, our thoughts are with you.
Love The New Icemaid Clan xxx

by kallie

Monday 18 Mar 16:50

today at 3.30pm i had to let my gorgeous boy go to rainbow bridge....he had bleeding tumors on his lungs and he fell asleep in my arms...i can't describe how empty my life feels without my beautiful happy McKenzie free my lovely lovely lad...i shall miss you always. xxxx

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by kallie

Sunday 02 Dec 09:57

happy 9th birthday gorgeous boy...lots and lots of love from Mummy n your brothers and sister and Ian xxxxx

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by kallie

Tuesday 06 Dec 16:59

OMG i wrote the wrong date for my baby's birthday on the it down as the 7th!!!! so sorry my darling McKenzie, please excuse your mum's old befuddled mind and let me wish you a very late Happy Birthday...i love you lots and lots....xxxxxx

by kallie

Friday 12 Aug 10:28

Hello it's McKenzie here....i just wanted to tell my auntie Ruth and uncle Rob that i am still very tired and that i have done nothing but sleep since i have come back from my holiday from mummy has told me off for being so noisy when i stayed at yours and I am very sorry and i shall try and behave from now on....lots of love to you and all my cousins xxxxx

by kallie

Tuesday 28 Sep 20:16

it was a year yesterday that i officially adopted my gorgeous lad and the year has flown by. my McKenzie is a wonderful lad, strongwilled and a food monster but also the most loving softest cuddly boy you'd ever meet and life would not be the same without him. love you lots and lots my lad and happy you are my baby. xxxx

by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 15 Sep 13:55

So sorry to hear McKenzie's tail is taking a long time to heal. I hope your homemade collar works and he will soon be back to normal. xx

by kallie

Tuesday 14 Sep 19:52

14 days later and we are still no further, he will not leave his wound alone and we are desperate to try and keep him off it. we have had daily trips to the vet and he was doing well until he managed to get to the tail yesterday and now back to the drawing board. i feel so stressed with it all and so helpless as i hate to see my boys in pain. he is now sporting a home made solid/rigis collar /brace to keep him from turning round, he hates it but it seems to stop him. keep your fingers crossed that he will be ok soon. Ina :-( xxx

by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Wednesday 01 Sep 17:27

Oh no Ina, poor thing. Hope he feels better soon. Mand & Gent x

by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 01 Sep 14:01

Poor McKenzie, I do hope he feels better soon. It sounds very painful! xx

by kallie

Tuesday 31 Aug 21:43

McKenzie is a poorly boy...he had to have his tail amputated and would just not leave it alone, took him back to see the vet today as he has made it soooo sore, he now has a very bigh padded bandage and he is so sore he can't lie down by poor baby...hope he will be better soon. xxxxx

by kallie

Monday 17 May 16:26

McKenzie is having a brill time on his hols and has been off lead twice but with a muzzle just in case!!! he is loving the walks and the beach and all the fuss and treats and the company of his brothers and his 'cousins' tinks merlin and tarka (Sas and Lee's greys). he says he wants to stay here....well so do we!!!! xxx

by kallie

Friday 07 May 21:20

McKenzie and his two brother Rossi and Toby are off on a holiday to little dumpledale farm next week. his first holiday since he has joined our family. he has settled in so well and tho we have had a few problems with other breeds and cats he has settled now and is a lot better. he is a very loving lad and desite being such a large dog he is very gentle, a real mummy's boy who cries when he is not with me when i am in the house. i am very lucky to have him in my life, i love him to bits. his little brother Rossi was adopted before this website was up so he never gets a mention but he is my baby and my first greyhound and he is a very special little man, so now he won;t feel left out, bless him. xxx

by kallie

Monday 01 Feb 16:39

oh thanks everyone for asking how we are, Kenzie is still a little sore and i am fine, thank goodness neither of us came to any great harm, especially him, i was so worried he may have had internal injuries but he is rearing to go which is not doing his recovery any good!!! Ina :-) x

by LadyVictoria

Monday 01 Feb 14:23

I hope you and Kenzie are fit and well soon. Never a dull moment with them is there?! Kind regards Kate and Twiggy x

by Emma

Saturday 30 Jan 09:11

Oh Kenzie you daft thing, fancy running off like that! But what a good boy to come straight back when called. Hope you are feeling better soon, and that your poor mum is not too bruised either! Em x

by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Friday 29 Jan 21:10

Oh my goodness Ina, I bet your nerves are a big jangled! How are you doing? Hope you didn't hurt yourself. It's amazing what they see in the dark. Gent was fixed on something last night that he wanted to run towards, but I couldn't see a thing. Good thing Kenzie listens to his Mama. Hope you're both okay soon. Mand & Gent x

by kallie

Friday 29 Jan 17:13

my precious boy had an accident this morning, he is ok we went to the vet's this afternoon, only bruising and lacerations but it could have been so much worse. the three of them managed to pull me over when they saw either a fox or a cat and Kenzie managed to pull the lead out of my hand as he is so strong. he charged after whatever it was and ran straight into a stationary car. all i heard was a loud thump and then i saw him turn and about to go after whatever it was that he was chasing (it was pitch black so i'm not sure what it is they saw) i shouted 'Kenzie no come to mum' and bless his little heart he turned round and came straight to me. i could have cried with relief. he was bleeding and was on three legs but he was ok and with me. i got him home and bandaged him up and then took him to get checked this afternoon and he is fine, needs to rest for a few days (that will be fun!!!). i would never have believed that after such a relatively short time with me he would just stop chasing something furry and respond to me and i am just so pleased with him that he did. had that been either Rossi or Toby i would have had no chance of getting them back as they will not respond when they are mid-chase. GOOD BOY Kenzie, i love you to bits and am so happy that you are ok. xxxxx

by kallie

Wednesday 02 Dec 20:02

Happy 6th Birthday my beautiful Kenzie boy, may you have lots of happy years to come in the company of your brother Rossi and Toby and of course with your mummy and dad, we all love you to pieces. Ina xxxx

by kallie

Sunday 04 Oct 21:52

my gorgeous boy is making me so proud, he met several different breeds of dogs today and said hello ever so nicely to them, gentle giant that he is. he also met my neighbours 6 months old baby the other day and despite him being such a very big boy and so strong he was so gentle with little Ted, really touching to see...put his younger brother Rossi to shame who was far too excited about the little one to be gentle and had to be taken out of the room altogether, bless him. Kenzie is really doing well and in the 3 weeks he has lived with us he has come a long way and settled in brilliantly, it's like he has always lived here and i simply can't imagine life without my gentle boy who gives me the biggest fuss and kisses when he sees me.

by SharonMolly&Reggie

Monday 28 Sep 11:40

Lovely to meet you yesterday. Well done Kenzie you are a very lucky boy!

by kallie

Sunday 27 Sep 19:36

Kenzie went on his very first greyhound walk today with his two brother Rossi and Toby ( he had to leave Monty behind as he is an old boy and it's too much for him now.) he was very well behaved and did not even steal any food off the buffet table when i got him and his brothers their sandwiches afterwards. we went to the kennels after the walk and he is now officially adopted and is here to stay and enjoy his retirement with his mum and dad and his three brothers. xxxx

by kallie

Monday 21 Sep 20:18

my boy is doing so well, although he is a bit clingy as in being a mummy's boy, crying when i am out of sight, but he'll get used to seeing me going in and out as the others don't bother and he will stop it in time. other than that he is wonderful and has stolen my friends' hearts as he is such a sweet gentle boy. his papers will be signed at the weekend and then he'll be called Kenzie Strauss for the rest of his life. i love him to bits. xxxx

by kallie

Wednesday 16 Sep 21:41

just to let you all know that Kenzie is doing ever so well. he is no trouble in the house despite his big size, sleeps well, is clean and so very loving and apart from being a big food monster and not quite understanding the concept of human food on dining tables just yet ( but getting better, at least he just lies next to me now rather than putting his face in my food, haha) he is an absolute star. i simply adore him. xxx

by kallie

Saturday 12 Sep 18:41

hi how nice of you to do this. my e mail is and i would love to hear about him. many thanks.

by timf

Saturday 12 Sep 14:22

kallie do you have a email address as I worked at the kennels he was from and miss his boystrous ways and giving him fuss and can give you more info on him.

by kallie

Friday 11 Sep 21:05

i know it's reallty silly and stupid of me but every time i see one of my boys on film racing i get upset. what a hideous thing for the poor hounds to have to do just to entertain human greed for thrills and quick rich schemes.i am so glad that they are out of this and that they are now able to enjoy life as it should be. x

by PamD

Thursday 10 Sep 19:52

Scroll down his racing record Ina there are a few videos of him. He was an open racer

by Emma

Thursday 10 Sep 19:46

OMG - well done both of you! Kenzie - you are going to be spoilt rotten you lucky so and so! Ina - how on earth did you manage that??? I am so pleased :0D

by kallie

Thursday 10 Sep 18:33

He will be named Kenzie which is short for MacKenzie on account of his racing name being Clan Royal. i simply can't wait to fetch him home on sunday to his new life with us and the boys, happy retirement my gorgeous boy you'll be spoiled to bits and loved so very much. xxx

by Menagerie

Thursday 10 Sep 17:48

Ah what a sweetie. Would know that Honcho face anywhere, he has the same Mum as our Silla! Sahame she's so barmy, we would think about lovely Clan too. Silla also wants constant fuss- must run in the family!

by BeckieeBabe

Wednesday 09 Sep 17:13

Clan is such a sweetheart, a very lovable boy who thrives on fuss and cuddles

by Emma

Tuesday 08 Sep 11:14

I think his grey muzzle makes him look distinguished - very handsome!

by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 08 Sep 07:46

Clan is a lovely boy. I can't believe because of his grey face and short tail he is still being overlooked. He longs for a family to call his own and be loved........

by kallie

Saturday 05 Sep 21:38

i have fallen even deeper in love with this boy, he is so gorgeous and so very loving. should he still be there next week i will bring my 3 boys down with me to meet him and if they get on ok i shall have to have him, i'll get round Paul somehow. xxx

by MrsPants

Wednesday 02 Sep 12:51

Oh Kallie, I know what you mean about having a third. We looked at Millie because she was related to our other two and now I'm looking at Minx and Clan Royal because they are "Honchos", as you call them and so is my little bitch! They are so affectionate - she never stops wagging her tail. Hope you can talk your husband round...

by kallie

Sunday 30 Aug 23:14

he is the most adorable boy, just as i thought when i saw his picture. we had a lovely cuddle and a little walk around the garden and a snack or two off the bbq. he is indeed very like my Toby and i would love to have him but i guess that i won't be able to persuade Paul in time. xxx

by kallie

Saturday 29 Aug 23:11

another 'Honcho' and doesn't it show, he's got the lovely face of that clan. what a busy boy he's been with 148 races under his belt he does deserve the very best home we can find for him,- ideally mine !!! as he looks like my Toby and i so want number three but have a husband who will not be talked round (yet!!!) .

by Amy&Monty

Saturday 29 Aug 14:30

This boy is so gentle and just wants fuss constantly. His tail was wagging when we went to say hello and my mum had fallen in love with him. He's a wonderful boy.

by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 29 Aug 07:27

Poor boy was quite stressed arriving here. It was raining so we had to take his photo in the kennel - Sara lent a hand holding him still!