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Racing Name
Russmur Princess
Date of birth
01 sep 2015
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Land of standing
IE Ireland
Ear mark
Family tree & race history

Jessamine Princess

female, 9 years old, Black

Added by Shanesmum

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Jessamine Princess has had 0 cuddles today (6 all together).
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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 23 Feb 22:36

Jess, thanks for your lovely really made me laugh! So pleased you have nice neighbours and they are going to help make your garden safe for you and Celia again. :))

Do hope you both enjoy your trip to the groomers. Xxx

Your Dad might be a weirdo :)) but no one could love and adore you and Celia more than he does! :)) Xxx Lots of love to you all.


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by Jeff

Wednesday 23 Feb 18:04

I was so scared the other day , I went out for a wee and my "Bad side" came out , I just got lead on by Celia and ended up having a poo in next doors garden simply because I was so scared , If Celia ever tries to lead me on again Im saying NO, Luckily we have nice neighbours and the nice man next door has said that he will help Jeff close off that portal to the other world , I dont like the other world , it wasnt my space and I dont like it , I love you Humans but I dont like other worlds I like my own world , that's why I like my bed , thats why I like letting Jeff on the bed , I have been told you shouldn't really let Humans on the bed with you they can be un-hygienic but I like Daddy Jeff so hes allowed .

Celia is a bad influence on me sometimes but sometimes just for the hell of it , I sleep in her spot on the bed and she hasn't got a clue what to do ,she just paces and whines until I move and sometimes we have a laugh and just wind Jeff up by cuddling up to each other just when he has to go to work, he says we look so cute and he dosen't want to leave us but we know as soon as he is gone the house is ours to party in

Anyway we are both having our nails done in the next few weeks , I want a nice Blue and Celia says she like Purple , but I think its only going to be a nail trim and a wash at the groomers , Jeff says the groomers are nice people and he likes them alot so Ill let you know How that goes

This Human we have both rehomed is a weirdo TBH but we like him

Loads of Love and front legs on shoulders

Jessamine xx

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by Jeffrey

Thursday 25 Nov 16:48

This rehoming thing is so difficult sometimes , I mean we always try to make sure that Jeff is safe when we go out in the garden for a wee and keep him shut in the house and we keep him on 2 leads when we are out and the rest of the time we sleep , he never normally goes out but today he went out for a coffee with some work colleagues and apparently when he was walking back a few yards from the house he was met by a nice Policeman who had had to stop his car becuase he nearly hit a big black dog "Looked a bit like a greyhound or a big whippet" , Jeff came running in in a panic and we were just still on our bed that he sleeps in , I am seriously unsure if we are ever going to let him out again , of course it wasn't' going to be us , turns out it was the black greyhound from the house over the road and she is back home now but we just can't let him out on his own any suggestions on how to keep him safe ?

Loads of love Jess and Celia xx

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by Jeffrey

Sunday 12 Sep 15:39

Whats he on about now ?

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by Jeff

Wednesday 21 Jul 01:17

OMG after posting that last comment ,I just read back on Jess's page ,either I'm obsessed with her or she's obsessed with me FACT one of those statements has to be true

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by Jeff

Tuesday 20 Jul 15:41

Has this really happened in my life , I actually own a dog that won't eat and just looks at me until I tell her she's pretty .... then she eats ...WHAT ??? Twice a day every day

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by Jeff

Monday 12 Jul 17:41

A Doberman , a German Shep and a Greyhound are all in a bar and the Doberman says "God told me I was the most fearless dog ever" ,

The German Shepherd says " God told me I was the most Loyal dog ever"

The greyhound sits back finishes his drink , falls to sleep for a moment and then when he wakes up hes says "I don't remember saying any of that"?

Hope everyone is OK Jess and Celia are loving the walks with the guys at work

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 26 Feb 21:56

Good to hear from you Jeff. :)) Lots of love to your two very special girls. Xxx

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by Jeffrey

Friday 26 Feb 00:09

So Ive been working a combination of nights and days as we have a few people off sick at work and Im knackered tbh , I love my job but I always come back home to one thing that's more reliable than , well anything that's reliable really ...Jess.... sure Celia is here too but Celia just does her own thing , she is who she is she's defiantly a fighter loves exploring my rucksack or coat pockets and I love her but Jess, Wow Jess she literally is my second skin , sticks to me like glue and simply won't leave me alone EVER, I get into bed JESS , I go to the toilet JESS , I breathe JESS , I wash my socks JESS , I sneeze/fart/burp/cough ...yeah you guessed it JESS , I must admit I'm overwhelmed by the compliment and I love her so much and to think I originally was only going to get Celia is completely incomprehensible how many other greyhounds are out there who show this much affection , that's a painful thought and upsets me greatly that they might never be given the chance to show it , you've captured my heart and soul Jess I love you so much

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by Jeffrey

Sunday 24 Jan 17:05

It was a bit weird just to see 2 black greyhound girls on my bed as the last time I had 2 black greyhound girls cuddling each other on my bed when we had settling snow , they were different dogs , but I love you so much Jess and Celia

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 23 Dec 21:46

Jeff, I hope you and your girls have a lovely Christmas together. Xxx Thanks for reminding me to treasure every moment we spend wth our beautiful Greyhounds. Xxx

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by Jeffrey

Wednesday 23 Dec 14:23

By the way Jess still loves Justin Bieber

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by Jeffrey

Wednesday 23 Dec 14:21

Same old story , Greyhound , Rain just like oil and vinegar they only mix when you give them a push I cannot begin to even comprehend we've been together for 12 months 2 days in fact its completely mind-blowing , I only picked the girls up a week ago , your life is very short and your Greyhounds life is shorter so my advice is to make every moment a special moment (even if that is throwing them out in the rain for a wee) Have the best Christmas you can have you lovely people xx

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by Jeffrey

Monday 14 Dec 16:50

Jess as much as I love you babes and seriously I DO love you so much just stop trying to eat my pasta please you are doing my head in babes

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by Jeffrey

Friday 11 Dec 20:58


I was working nights last night as someone at work was sick and I've just woken with a bad neck, a headache , Jess in my face and teethmarks on my head , so I started singing Justin Bieber songs to Jess and she loved it which was evident by the fact she went into the roach position and I blew raspberries on her belly so its totally official Jess Likes Justin Bieber , which is good , because I do too..

The world in which my girls are growing up in is totally screwed up and mad , so I might as well fit in as if I didn't already

I love you Jess you are the most affectionate girl in the world and the most clingy and affectionate dog I've ever had in my life and now I know you like Justin my world is complete xx

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by Jeffrey

Monday 30 Nov 21:53

I knew I had him , but now I know for sure I've caught that fish , today Daddy Jeff was letting me jump front feet on his shoulders and he was actually encouraging me to do it , Dad says he knows its normally unsociable but I cant jump at anyone else as they have to keep 2 meters away so I thought I would train Silly Celia to do the same as me and she's getting it too ,spin around once, proper fast though and then jump at Dad and put your feet on his shoulders and hug him so tight whilst wagging your tail and whoever hugs him closest is the winner which is always me because Celias not so sure about the game although she tries to copy me,she often ends up bashing Dad in the nose and then Dad gets miserable and sometimes a bit angry but as for the game Im the best at it, Damn it the time it took me too write that hes just finished his crisps and salsa and I got none and Ive not met this new dog yet , Dad won't let me or Celia in the Kitchen , but actually I don't care because I'm going to win the hugging game and its so nice he has given me and Celia a bed with a quilt and pillows I just cant understand why he has to sleep in our bed every night you Humans are weird

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by Jeffrey

Thursday 19 Nov 18:36

Celia hates it when people are in the house and today was a triple whammy , Dad had someone coming round to fix a leak on the roof but then noticed the drains had backed up in the backyard on the same day he was having something called a Smart meter fitted which he's now obsessed with , Well they were all nice people and I loved them all , can't understand why they cant show me there mouth and nose and they cover it in this stupid stuff that wraps around there ears , they do look ridiculous but I love them anyway , Celia wasn't happy though she doesn't like people in our house ,Im simply not telling her about the new washing machine tomorrow cause that will freak her out , sure I will just let her think she runs the joint around here , that's until someone else walks in the door and she's just a scaredy cat

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by Jeffrey

Wednesday 18 Nov 20:51

I've loved all my dogs but to have such a clingy dog as Jess is something else she simply wont leave me alone but unlike Carrie neither Jess or Celia makes any mess when Im out , I come in with the mop everyday and they both look at me as if to say Twat put the mop back ,I have to admit I'm missing Carrie beyond what I ever thought was ever possible but Jess is seriously helping and to think I could have only taken Celia but instead decided to take the two of them , so glad I took you both babes, now just give me a bit of space and let me sleep xx

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by Jeffrey

Wednesday 18 Nov 19:25

Im just having one of those Greyhound moments that Im sure you all have and if you say you haven't you are probably lying

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by Jeffrey

Wednesday 18 Nov 18:26

So Jesamine is pretty obsessed with me , she won't leave me alone at all , when I'm in bed Jess is there like my second skin , I swear if she got any closer to me she would be an internal organ , I could do with a night on my bed without interruption but I'm going to enjoy every moment of it even if I wake with a back neck , I love you Jess you are so amazing x Probably at 2.37am tomorrow Im going to be pushing her off my face saying "get lost I need to sleep" but she's so loving and amazing

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by Jeffrey

Sunday 08 Nov 23:01

Well I met some people today where Dad works then went out for a walk with someone new ( with Dad of course as well) , who am I kidding it was the longest WALK I've ever been on in my life EVER and I kept getting called "Jessica Jones" , but Daddy Jeff thought the name was fun , Celia explains it better than me.

Friendly young man that took us though , of course I jumped up at him and gave him a hug when I met him , I wouldn't be me without doing that.

If I can just get some sleep , I'd do it all again , sorry so tired now can't speak anymore ....Jess xx

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by Jeffrey

Thursday 29 Oct 03:22

Something is kicking off here and I haven't got a clue what but Dad just had a facebook message with a picture , the picture looks nice its something that has been made for him and it has the hairs from his old dogs (dunno where they are now, I'm guessing they are on the moon) and the feather he says Carrie sent us when she went to the moon , then he checked this thing called email and this thing called the bank , he says the bank is what gives me my dinner everyday and then it kicked off , its 3 am and I just want him to go back to bed but Dad is not happy as the Doctor told him in an email that having Carrie sent to the moon was 218.66 and his bank shows 281.66 , I think its a mistake Oh wait , he's coming back to bed great news, Sorry I have to get off here NOW and be a greyhound as only we can be , Im still just going to jump up at everyone I see because I love everyone ..Jess ( even though I am a Princess really) Don't worry I will take care of him he's going to be OK I'll make sure of it

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by Jeffrey

Saturday 17 Oct 14:15

Errm somethings just happened but I don't know what , I just love Daddy he just keeps saying Carries gone to see Mummy, he's a fruitcake but I love him regardless , but then I do love everyone I see but Daddy is special

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 28 Sep 16:26

Oh least you tried to cover for her! :))))) Xxx

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by Jeffrey

Monday 28 Sep 15:49

Oh God , Dad wasn't happy when he came home today Celia had took his bottle of Coke and drunk it , I tried to be Extra extra loving when he came home , you know the ususall feet on shoulders clinging on real tight ( as if I can be anymore Loving??) but Dad found the empty bottle , I told her not to leave it at the top of the stairs

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by Jeffrey

Thursday 27 Aug 21:42

Girls Calm down P L E A S E, I love you both and happy to wake with a stiff neck when you contort me into a bad sleeping position overnight and force your noses into my armpits , its ok m I love you both

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by Jeffrey

Thursday 27 Aug 21:32

JESS, can you stop airing my dirty laundry in public please I don't think you would like it if I told everyone the story of Dads socks and pants that you tried to eat, Kind regards, Celia, Im off to cuddle Carrie , you are just as bad as me Oh and there as that time that Dad shouted "Celia NO stop" and it was you trying to get inside the cupboard in the bathroom to eat Dads beard dye , I do love you though you are my BFF

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by Jeffrey

Thursday 27 Aug 17:33

Dad has builders in, Oh they are so lovely, I love them, I love everyone they are my friends and they love it when I jump up at them, paws on the chest and give my loving eyes, Celia is a bit scared actually which is funny because when they go she thinks she rules the world, but I think she might be in trouble becuase she stole thier pencil and Dad had to take it from her but she had broken it anyway , Im fine thanks for asking and I'm quiet happy now Dad is finally managing to sort out our home... again , I'll never forget all that water.

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by Jeffrey

Saturday 15 Aug 19:08

Ed and Justin wrote this from me
for you babes

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by Jeffrey

Thursday 13 Aug 01:02

Scientific evidence has proved that Greyhounds are actually able to predict future events, all three of mine KNOW EXACTLY where I need to be standing in 2 minutes from any given event and then will stand in that exact spot,

for example, if I need to brush my teeth 2 minutes from now, they will stand by the sink,

if I need to iron my clothes 2 minutes from now , they will stand in the exact spot I need to set the ironing board up in

they are prediction dogs and can predict the future by standing exactly where you are going next, don't believe me ?? then how about lying on the towel you've put next to the shower ...prediction dogs .. case closed, scientific fact, I need to be there and you are there,

Love you JessJess xx you are the clingiest and the most loving Girl ever, although the odd few people may find it antisocial do you think I'd ever not be proud of the way you give everyone a stand-up hug , proper paws on shoulders or chest and " I love you Human " hug and yeah I encourage it too because you hug great and you mean it xxx

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by Jeffrey

Saturday 25 Jul 12:10

Someone may tell me off for this, but the activity was fully supervised by a responsible Animal ( Carrie) but it's so much fun to give your greyhounds an unopened bag of crisps, they were just all in my face when I was eating crisps Jess was just gently resting her head on my leg, so gentle it was actually painful ( Eve used to do that all the time almost not touching my leg but so close it actually hurt) so I thought well have your own then and if you think I'm opening the bag for you then you are all very wrong

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Wednesday 20 May 09:06

Fantastic news Jeff. Very happy to hear she is eating and getting back to normal.xx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 19 May 23:26

Brilliant news Jeff! Great to hear Jess is eating well again. Hope she continues to gain weight and stays well. They certainly make you worry! Lots of love to your three lovely girls. Xxx

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by Jeffrey

Tuesday 19 May 23:01

I'm Happy to say that Jess seems to be back to her normal self ( thanks for listening to me on the phone Ruth, Kate and Jo) she's back to her normal diet of Burns Pork and Potato and is coming second again in the how fast can we finish our food race again Celia always wins and Carrie always comes last , this has all been a bit of a mystery really , sure everyone and everything gets ill but such a dramatic weight loss in such a short space of time , I honestly thought I was going to lose her , she still has a noticeable Gurgel in her belly sometimes but has kept her food down for days now without being sick and has perked up massively , even though she still waits for me to cuddle her and say "you are such a pretty girl" before she eats

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by Jeffrey

Wednesday 25 Mar 00:05

So long as I'm with Dad, nothing else matters, he is so lovely and I love him, I follow him everywhere, to think he was initially interested in that nutter Celia (please don't tell her that I called her a nutter but she is) anyway to think me and Dad might never have met is actually heartbreaking, I so love being with him and Dad says Im worth his stiff neck from me sleeping on his bed in a position that only greyhounds can get into.

To be honest, Jess is just wonderful, she is so lovely and I adore her and she's just like a Puppy Carla ( aka Mummy) Celia is a completely wild animal and Carrie just doesn't bother and is like " yeah get on with it because there will never be another me"

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 24 Feb 22:17

Jess, that's great news for you all. :) Lovely new things for you and the girls to play with! Xxx

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by Jeffrey

Monday 24 Feb 20:03

Well the nice man from the insurance came on Friday and said hes going to pay for everything how nice of him to help us out like that, Celia is lovin things at the moment because she can get into the remnants of the kitchen because Dad can't shut the doors because of the water pipes from the dehumidifiers, this is a strange and fun way into home life but the bed is much better and I love my Dad so much

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 16 Feb 20:57

Jess, what an adventure for you! So happy you are all safe and sound. Hope your Dad is doing ok and you will soon have your electric back. Xxx

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by Shanesmum

Sunday 16 Feb 16:48

Oh my goodness! Glad that you are all ok and safe - hopefully your electric will be back soon. I think we have all had enough of this horrid thing called Winter now, and need the sun to shine very soon. x

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by Jeffrey

Sunday 16 Feb 15:40

This guy called Storm Dennis flooded our house last night , Me and Celia were loving the indoor swimming pool but Dad dosent seem happy , Oh well we are young and Im sure we have lots of stuff we can all be happy with even if we dont have any heating or something Dad calls Electric downstairs and a runined 7k cooker hes got us who cares ?? Im off for a swim , Oh god the water has gone now

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by Jeffrey

Monday 03 Feb 16:41

Ah out of the limelight but so lovely, Celia has stolen the show but you are so amazingly gorgeous, Cuddly and full-on just lovely, Princess Jess I love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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by Jeffrey

Wednesday 29 Jan 20:23

Oh, Jeff, I don't really like the Gona getcha gotcha game,

I'd rather just be us and cuddle together, would you mind awfully if I called you Dad from now on, I do love it when you put our leads on when we walk and always say the same things, Cheeky Moneky first, then Naughty Monster ( I think he's talking about Celia) next, then ( and this melts my heart) when you call me beautiful lady and give me a kiss, You are so lovely, Dad, I love your furry face, can I sleep on your face again tonight, please?

Love Princess Jess xxx

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by Jeffrey

Thursday 23 Jan 17:17

Just a gentle head and ear rub babes, that's all you need, even the lady on the walk today didn't mind when you jumped at her and put muddy paw prints on her coat, do you know why? , because you are so lovely and gentle and loving and affectionate
..that's why

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by Jeffrey

Tuesday 21 Jan 16:21

Princess Jess, you are so Lovely xx

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by Jeffrey

Saturday 18 Jan 16:41

Celia is Intense Hard work but good fun Carrie used to be intense Hard work, Mummy, aka Carla was So loving and special but you are beyond that, Jessamine you truely are a Princess, so polite and loving Thanks "Mummy" aka Carla for sending me this amazing Girl she is just like you were but even more so sometimes xx

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 17 Jan 22:34

Jess, its obvious your Daddy loves you, Celia and your older sister Carrie very much! So happy for you all. :)))) Xxx

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by Jeffrey

Friday 17 Jan 18:10

I just love everything, thanks to everyone, I love everything, I love Daddy Jeff, thanks, I love everything, I'm not naughty I go out for a wee when I'm asked too I love Celia and I Love Carrie and I love my new Daddy and I love my bed and I love the food and I love the water and I love sleeping with Dad on our shared bed and I love it when Dad comes home and I love it when he lets me jump up at him and I love Walking with Dad even if it is 6.30 am and it dark ( I know Celia and Carrie don't like it that much but ...well I love it), did I say I'm always the last to have everything, Treats, Food, My Collar put on for a walk and everything, but I kinda like it that way because I know that Daddy Loves me

Princess Jess xx

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by Jeffrey

Tuesday 07 Jan 19:49

Princess Jess is so affectionate, its just lovely ( apart from 2 changes of Muddy paw tops before I could go to work when she jumped up at me) Celia and Princess Jess have almost become polar opposites to the way they were described and she hasn't quite got the hang of lying on the edge of the bed yet, so down go the back legs first and then she falls off, a few nights ago that tipped the bedside cabinet over and the lamp and my water, give me 5 years with 3 and I'll have 5 greyhounds when I retire !! 1,3,5 Odd numbers and Greyhounds are loveably Odd

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 05 Jan 22:04

Jeff, sorry for the delay....finally got your homing photos on the website! Kate Xxx

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by shanishoo

Sunday 05 Jan 16:40

Great rehoming photo xx

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by Jeffrey

Saturday 28 Dec 17:07

HI, WOW I have this amazing new bed, it's taken me a few days to realize its mine, it has a memory foam matress a quilt and 2 pillows, Carrie shares it with me and sometimes Jeff sleeps on it.

I am a bit scared here of "The dog that comes in the night", whenever I go to the top of the stairs and look out of the window I can see it, its looks like me, it moves when I move and so I bark at it and it barks back at the same time, then Celia and Carrie come along and 2 other dogs join in with the one outside and they look like Carrie and Celia, it's proper weird though because they are never there in the day, but Jeff just closes the curtains and it goes away, I think he's scared of the dogs outside as well ,anyway, Just thought I'd say Happy New year and loads of Love from Princess Jess xx

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by Greytness

Monday 23 Dec 18:52

Congratulations princess, just in time for christmas you move into your new home. Have a lovely retirement xx

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by helenanddave

Sunday 22 Dec 10:45

Love and hugs for you, Princess. What a lovely new home you have. Happy Christmas to you all! Xx

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by Jeffrey

Sunday 22 Dec 06:28

OK , I think i get it , its not good to try to wee in the bedroom at 4am , OK , I think I get it , that big teddy bear in the corner of the room looks friendly , Im just going to chew his ear if no one minds , thanks catch you later x Jess

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 21 Dec 22:33

A cuddle for Princess and Celia to share tonight. :) Love their names and the meanings behind them. Thanks to Jeff and Carrie for opening their home to two special little girls after losing Carla. Kate Xxx

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by jetlucy

Saturday 21 Dec 18:20

Have a wonderful life princess! Xxx

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by Shanesmum

Saturday 21 Dec 17:43

Lovely to meet you this morning - wishing you many happy times ahead with your girlies. Angie x

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by Jeffrey

Saturday 21 Dec 15:04

A new name for Princess , Jesamine princess , just becuase I like the song Jesamine ,by the casuals , she came last in the how to get upstairs race and her name means A gift from God ,(same as Jasmine) all three seem settled thanks again Kate x

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 13 Dec 00:29

Had a lovely conversation with Jeff this morning, Celia and Princess will be going home together. :)) How exciting! Xxx

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by jetlucy

Thursday 12 Dec 20:35

Woo princess im so pleased! I really did fall for you so i think whoever has had you will be very lucky! Jeff if it is you im not jealous...much! Xxx

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by shanishoo

Thursday 12 Dec 14:40

Yay for princess, I do hope she is going home with Celia, if not, I'm just glad she's going home xxxxxx

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by Jeff

Thursday 12 Dec 14:23

Life is too short to foster

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by marbury

Thursday 12 Dec 01:58

3 is certainly not a crowd! I currently have 3 greys - 1 from Hall Green, 1 from Monmore and my latest, the lovely Wendy from Daybreaks. Wendy and her slightly older sister Jinky share the same male line. I brought the Wendy home in September to 2 who were already settled and there have been no problems at all - they all get on wonderfully. As you know, greys love the companionship of their breed. If I had the space I would have more!

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by Jeff

Wednesday 11 Dec 11:44

Hmmm, 3 is not always a crowd, I was awake at 4 am thinking that It might be easier for your Kennel mate Celia and you if you both came together, Carrie seems to be so sad at the moment it's lovely that she is so clingy with me after Mummy died but heartbreaking at the same time that I'm all she's got, does anyone have any experience on bringing 2 home to 1

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by jetlucy

Sunday 08 Dec 18:32

Well princess you are a stunner! Typically not what id fall for (you know me, the big black boys steal my heart) but there really was just something about your little face and pint size too, you'd fit in anywhere! Hope your forever home comes soon sweetheart xxx

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by Shanesmum

Saturday 30 Nov 14:13

Princess is such a happy little girl, with a very dangerous tail!! It whips round at such a pace, and she greets everybody with a smile, a bounce and a tail lash!!

Hopefully her friendly outgoing nature will show kennel mate Celia that us humans are ok and she has no need to be scared. xx

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by shanishoo

Friday 29 Nov 16:46

Princess is gorgeous xxx

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