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About Me

Racing Name
Ascot Joey
Date of birth
01 dec 2013
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Land of standing
VC 21
Ear mark
Family tree & race history

Joe (Joey)

male, 11 years old, Black

Added by Shanesmum

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Joe (Joey) has had 0 cuddles today (3 all together).
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by Caro

Wednesday 16 Mar 20:07

Well it’s me in trouble this time my hooman mum has been training my naughty sister Penny to stop jumping up when she does come home I does wait until she is calm and does then try to do zoomies in the house setting my naughty sister off my mum is not very impressed

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Monday 22 Mar 13:00

Happy gotcha day Joe, pleased to hear you are still keeping your mom on her toes. She wouldn't dare part with you, she loves you so very, very much (despite your antics)!

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by Caro

Monday 22 Mar 07:22

Happy first gotcha day Joe you are gorgeous and have kept me laughing these past 12 months with your antics love you to bits. PS I didn’t mean it when I threatened to send you back to Ruth!

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 06 Mar 22:07

Ooh Joe, your Mommy must really love you! :)) I'm sure she only has to look at your gorgeous face and your forgiven any misdemeanour. :)) Happy First Gotcha Day. :)) Xxx

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by Caro

Saturday 06 Mar 07:19

Well I am approaching my first gotcha and my hooman mum said I have been lucky to reach it with my behaviour I think she is only joking when she threatens to send me back to Ruth although eating her new work parking permit probably wasn’t a good idea, or chewing her tax return, or exploding a cushion in conservatory and taking the bobble off her favourite hat didn’t help either.

I know she loves me really as I get treats and cuddles. I can’t wait until she starts gardening and I can ‘help’

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by Caro

Tuesday 19 Jan 21:56

Joe back again I have been having so much fun when my hooman mum was out in the garden I decided to drag her muddy walking boots which hadn’t clean I might add all through the house onto my bed I then thought it would be good fun if I took my coat as well for some reason she didn’t look too pleased can’t think why she told me it was a good thing that she thinks the world of me or I would be packing my bags and going back to Ruth!

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 07 Jan 23:34

Joe, sorry to hear your Mum doesn't appreciate your decorating skills! :)) Xxx

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by Caro

Thursday 07 Jan 21:18

Joe here its been awhile since I have posted anything only my hooman mum lost her password and didnt have the time to sort a new one. I have been having so much fun upending something called the waste paper basket most weeks it goes everywhere! I got a bag of pigs ears for Christmas but I’m not allowed to eat them all in one go so decided to try and make a hole in the bottom of the bag but got caught! I also decided to help with the painting of the office but my hooman mum told me that I didn’t look good in Magnolia I thought I looked great personally. Oh well I am enjoying living with my sister Lottie who doesn’t tell me off too often usually only when I try take her biscuits but she eats so slow!

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 15 Jul 22:35

Joe, I think you should ask you Mum if you can watch Monty on "Gardeners World" on a Friday night for some tips on how to plant flowers rather than "un-plant" them! :)) Xxx

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by Caro

Wednesday 15 Jul 20:40

Joe here, well I have been so busy helping my hooman mum with the gardening I managed to takeout nearly all the marigolds she had planted in one session, it was so funny as she didn’t see me do it when she looked round at the row they were all on the lawn she didn’t seem too pleased! I can’t think why I was only helping. I also managed to steal her slippers when she wasn’t looking too! I think she still loves me as I did get something called a pigs ear this weekend it was yummy and I managed to demolish it in about five minutes I then had to sit and drool as my sister took at least half an hour to finish hers it was torture. Wishing everyone at Daybreaks congratulations on all the houndies finding homes so quickly it really will be turn stiles needed at this rate.

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by Shanesmum

Friday 15 May 07:39

Joe it sounds like you have been keeping your Mum entertained! Try not to get up to any more mischief!

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by Caro

Thursday 14 May 22:06

For those who might be concerned firstly no antibiotics were consumed by Joe in the snaffle and yes he did get his tea. He looks so guilty when he gets found out it’s really hard to not to laugh.????

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 14 May 21:33

Joe, sounds like you have been enjoying yourself during the lockdown! :) Xxx

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by helenanddave

Thursday 14 May 20:08

Joe,! Flour is a precious commodity these days - extremely hard to find. Shaking it all over the place was not a great idea!!! (Sure you will still get your tea though! ) xx

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by Caro

Thursday 14 May 17:56

Hello Joe here I have had an exhausting few days first I managed to snaffle a bag of some green things which I was later told was celery I didn’t like it very much, then I had a really fun time shaking a bag of white stuff something called flour it went everywhere my hooman mum didn’t think it was very funny but today I really excelled myself I got my own back for being taken to the vets to have a needle stuck in me by stealing my sister Lotties bag of drugs chewing them, then my mums car keys and also her purse I am exhausted but looking hopefully for my tea which seems to be late coming for some reason. Me thinks may be it was one chew too far!!!!

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by Caro

Sunday 12 Apr 20:41

Well Joe has had an eventful day, enticed into zoomies by Lottie who it has to be said should know better being a lady of advanced years! After two high speed circuits of the garden with Lottie still on his tail Joe decided that retreat was the better option and made a dash for home unfortunately colliding with my sweet pea cane supports which were no match for a grey at high speed. Lotttie then decided to apply the brakes and is now sporting green go fast stripes on her bum. Oh the delights of greyhounds,

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by Caro

Saturday 11 Apr 18:21

Joe has had a really good couple of days I have been home and both dogs have been in the garden most of the day with me, I turned around to find them side by side asleep in the shade it would have been a lovely photo howeverJoe was on his back with all four feet in the air showing everything whilst Lottie was being a proper lady very elegantly sleeping on her side.

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by Caro

Tuesday 07 Apr 20:58

Well what can I say the “tea leaf” has struck again second attempt at breaking into the biscuit container numerous chewed edges but the clip lock held much to the dismay of one very handsome new addition to the family. Needless to say the whereabouts of said container are now top secret.

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by rubytwoshoes

Sunday 05 Apr 14:30

Thankyou Caro for the lovely Joe updates. I'm sure hes just keeping your oven gloves and hat safe for you. Lottie is a lucky girl to have such a handsome lad as a friend. Xx

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by shanishoo

Sunday 05 Apr 07:34

So great to hear about Joe's progress, it's lovely to know that he has settled with you and Lottie and is enjoying his well deserved retirement, love to you all, stay safe xxx

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by Caro

Saturday 04 Apr 20:10

Joe is settled really well he has a companion Lottie there were a few minor hiccups initially but things have settled down now and he is a lovely lad. His character is starting to come out there is a cheeky side he likes to steal things like my oven gloves or hat and disappear with them to his bed. I have a large garden which he really loves exploring and sun bathing in. It was nice to hear a little bit about his previous life you obviously thought a lot of him. I will treasure him and give him a good retirement.

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by JustJak91

Saturday 04 Apr 14:20

Nice to hear that joey has found his forever home I know joey very very well as I was his racing kennel hand for most of his career he absolutely hates not having a companion with him in the kennels and if we ever had an unsettled bitch we stuck them in with joey to calm them down n show them the ropes

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by Caro

Thursday 02 Apr 20:48

Well after a few hiccups between Lottie and Joe things seem to be getting better (touch wood) he is still a “tea leaf” my oven gloves disappeared at high speed out of the kitchen today and he has launched himself onto my bed a couple of times. He is making progress and realising that Lottie was here first and he is the second in command! He must be fairly content here as he roaches on a regular basis and can be seen quite often on his back with his feet in the air. The garden has been thoroughly explored and after a few very fast fly bys of my greenhouse he has thankfully realised it is a “building” phew! Hopefully he will continue to take things in his stride. Thank you Ruth for the advice and support he will get there.

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by Caro

Thursday 26 Mar 20:51

Yay Joe has done his first roach bless him.

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 25 Mar 22:31

So funny, bless him xxxx

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by Caro

Wednesday 25 Mar 18:41

I have a thief in the house no one is owning up but me thinks it might be one handsome new addition to the family. The biscuit treat container has been raided and taken to someone’s bed???? Thankfully there wasn’t a lot in it.

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by Caro

Tuesday 24 Mar 19:54

Well Joe has had an eventful few days to cope with arrival Sunday and to the vets for his op on Monday so understandably on a fast learning curve. The good news is that Lottie has starting eating properly again since he arrived and so far no grumbles from either of them early days I know. At the moment he is not quite confident to join us prefers his safe bed in the office but pops his head round the door every so often to see where we are.

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by rubytwoshoes

Monday 23 Mar 06:36

Well done Joe lovely boy. Going into a home with new everything is a huge learning curve, but I'm sure with your new mum and Lotties help you'll soon learn the ropes and enjoy your well earned retirement. Cuddles xxxx

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by shanishoo

Sunday 22 Mar 17:33

Joey, I think you have landed on your paws there!!!!, be happy sweetheart xxxxx

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by Caro

Saturday 21 Mar 18:02

One more sleep Joey

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by Caro

Friday 20 Mar 18:48

Counting down Joey won’t be long now

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by Caro

Monday 16 Mar 19:48

Not sure how many sleeps until you join Lottie and myself but your bed is ready look forward to collecting you.

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by helenanddave

Sunday 15 Mar 20:59

Well done Joey! Xx

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by shanishoo

Sunday 15 Mar 17:02

Caro, I'm so happy for you all, Jed would approve......Joey is gorgeous and he and Lottie will be great pals I'm sure, well done to you all xxxx

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by Caro

Sunday 15 Mar 15:23

Well Joe you passed the Lottie test although I have to say she seemed more concerned with trying to remove her muzzle than paying you much attention. Look forward to bringing you home when a certain operation has been done etc etc. You will have very big paws to fill but hopefully you will manage it.

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by shanishoo

Friday 13 Mar 16:44

Caro, I'm sure Jed will be smiling down on you and thinking my mum is the best, she is going to give another houndie a brilliant life just like I have had, and a playmate for my sister.......fingers crossed for a happy outcome xxxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Thursday 12 Mar 21:52

Caro, what is meant to be. Your magnificent Jed would not think you were being disloyal. He would be saying that you would be giving another deserving hound a very loving and happy home. Hoping Lottie and he get on. Can't wait to see you on Sunday. Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 12 Mar 21:41

I agree with Jetlucy, I am sure Twiggy sent Lyra to us....she wanted someone to keep the boys under control! Xxx
A big cuddle for Joey and Lottie, keeping everything crossed they like each other when they meet. Xxx

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by jetlucy

Thursday 12 Mar 20:51

Caro, please don't feel disloyal, jed would be so proud of you. Its so hard when you loose a beloved baby but i honestly think that our rainbow bridge loved ones send other animals to help those they've sadly left behind. Jed will send you the right hound to look after you all! Good luck xxx

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by FamilyCaspar

Thursday 12 Mar 19:25

Having gone through the same recently with our girl Amber, we have some idea of what you are going through and wish you all the very best. It is terrible to lose a dog, but even worse when you also have a bereaved dog at home. We really hope that Lottie likes Joey - I didn't think we'd find a friend for Amber since she is so tricky - but I believe there is a dog out there for everyone. Good luck, we have our fingers crossed for you.

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by rubytwoshoes

Thursday 12 Mar 18:50

I met this handsome laid back boy today. He is gorgeous!!!!! Xxxxx

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by Caro

Thursday 12 Mar 18:22

Well Joey Lottie and I are coming to see you on Sunday. Lottie still really struggling without Jed and I have had to make the diffficult decision to look for another boy. I feel so disloyal to Jed who was a dog in a million I hope he will forgive me.. Be warned Joey Lottie is a handful we will see how it goes.

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by willerby

Thursday 12 Mar 15:04

ohh Joey has the same daddy as our Jess x

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by helenanddave

Wednesday 11 Mar 19:32

Hi Joey - what a handsome boy you are

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by Longingforanothergrey

Wednesday 11 Mar 18:06

Crikey Joey, you need a sit down. That is a lot of races!

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by rubytwoshoes

Wednesday 11 Mar 17:54

Wow 163 races. I hope this lovely boy finds a nice restful home! Be in tomorrow for a cuddle. Xx

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 11 Mar 16:33

Oh Joey sweetheart you are gorgeous, and after way too many races you deserve a lovely retirement, good luck fella xxxxxx

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by Jess&Koda

Wednesday 11 Mar 15:35

Joey is a very handsome boy! He really doesn't look or act nearly 7! Xx

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