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About Me

Racing Name
Steeple Rd Dan
Date of birth
06 sep 2006
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Ear mark
Smooth MaidIE-JAN-01-DKBD
Family tree & race history


male, 18 years old, Brindle

Added by Jess&Koda

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Very loving natured dog, playful, likes a lot of fuss. He is brilliant with children and any other dogs his trainer says.

Danny has had 0 cuddles today (4 all together).
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by Lauramc

Saturday 11 Sep 23:59

Hi Amy, Craig, myself and Roxy are heading to Nottingham next Sat and could fit you, your mum and Monty in if you needed a lift. We could pick you up from daybreaks? Or your mum could follow us if she wasn't confident. We have sat nav!! :-) x

by Amy&Monty

Saturday 11 Sep 17:48

We've had Monty for almost a year now and couldn't be without him! Took him to Mel Square today and he behaved rather well ;) Really proud he won a few rosettes at the fun dog show last week, 3rd for most handsome dog, 1st in best movement and 2nd in best 6 legs! We're trying to get to the Nottingham one, just a matter of getting there as Mum isn't too confident about driving there. Really don't want to miss it! Thank you to Pam who's lent us a gorgeous black/orange/silver collar for the show, it really suits him! Hopefully we'll make Nottingham so we can spoil him rotten and go crazy with the shopping!
He's come on really well, settled in perfectly and it's like we've had him forever. Still working on a second one, desperate to have Ben or Craig! Would love a black beauty to add to the family, just trying to persuade our dad AGAIN! ;)
Thanks to everyone at the trust again, your hard work is really appreciated and we're hoping to help out more again!
Amy, Helen, Monty and the rest of the family x

by soppy

Sunday 20 Jun 14:27

My Dad let monty out with a cat but instead of attacking the cat he scratched himself on his face and front paws.Luckly he is allright and getting better!

by Amy&Monty

Thursday 11 Mar 09:19

Monty is such a WONDERFUL dog! We all love him to bits and he is so well behaved. A little cheeky at times, but we love him for it!! He's much better at night, maybe that's because he's ended up sleeping on my bed with me! Though to be fair to him he's started to only sleep on the bed in the early morning now, which is a lovely feeling for me! He's a lot more vocal than dear Alfie was, but we're used to his noise now and he'll shush when we tell him to be quiet :P His coat is soooo soft and the oil in his food really helped. Everyone says what a delightful, well mannered dog he is and how beautiful his markings and face are! I feel so proud to have such a handsome dog!
Looking forward to helping out at crufts today and I'm sure Monty will have a great time! Hoping to help out somedays, we've all been SO busy recently, what with drama and a new horse, but we really want to help again.
Love Amy, Helen and Monty x

by Amy&Monty

Wednesday 13 Jan 20:13

I was trying to explain this to my mum, but i think she was just trying to keep him quiet! Yeah, he has it on every night...although he has learnt how to pull it off and its usually on the floor by the first time he barks! Silly thing. I'll get my mum to give you a call, if thats okay, we didn't want to trouble you! x

by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 13 Jan 19:45

Hi Amy, sorry you are having problems - you should have given us a call! If he is getting food at night, then he will keep on the performance to get what he wants! Do you pop a fleecy coat on him at night? Quite often they will become unsettled if they become cold - especially this time of year. These are just a couple of things but please call as I can offer more advice over the phone and it saves my typing!

by Amy&Monty

Wednesday 13 Jan 16:19

In search of some advice here. As amazing as Monty is, he isn't perfect ahaa! We're having a problem with him at night. At first it was only the odd night, but now it's happening almost every single night. He'll go to bed and be fine, but around 2pm (sometimes even earlier) he'll come upstairs. This wouldn't be a problem if my parents allowed him in their room, but they've just had it done out so they can't or he'd wreck it. So the door is shut and he barks and barks. I leave my door open as he usually sleeps on my bed around 7am/during the day, but he doesn't want to lie on my bed, he wants my mum. I sleep very deeply so I never hear any of this, but my mum has to get up three or four times a night. I think she usually gives him something to eat or lets him in the garden, but a few hours later he's back up again. When I get up for school it's fine 'cause he'll come and lie on my bed. But for around 6 hours he's kept my mum awake. We really don't know what to do about it, we think he might just want company but he wants my mums more than anyone elses. I keep hinting we should get him a girlfriend, but my dad is stubborn, like before, and refuses to give in at the moment. His solution is to get rid of Monty, but he knows that would never happen in a million years, and he himself loves him too much to even consider it seriously.

So if anyone has any advice on the matter, we really would appreciate it!
Thank you.
Amy and Helen xxx

by Amy&Monty

Tuesday 22 Dec 09:41

After having Monty for well over a month now he's proving to be a totally different grey altogether, as we expected. He's hilarious and full of character! Loving him to bits. He's managed to totally break the rule about being upstairs and is currently taking over my double bed, thanks Monty! Fussy when it comes to food, but he's always asking for it!! We've started to let him off the lead in an enclosed runway place and he's so funny to watch, really fast too and i swear he tries to run into me. No accidents, although he's tried the Christmas tree a few times!! He's a bit of a tinker at night, some nights being perfect and other nights he'll get you up every two hours barking or pushing the door open and bouncing on the bed! My mum has this problem, seeing as I sleep deeply through the whole night. But other nights he'll be an angel! Crazy doggie.
We helped out in Mel Square for a couple of hours the other week and he loved all the attention, often people commenting on how gorgeous he is and what a lovely colour he is too. Made me feel very lucky to have such a popular dog haha! We'll defo be helping out more often and hopefully coming up to walk them again sometime soon.
We miss being up at the kennels! I'm still eyeing up all the new black beauties that come on the website, I would love to have another little bitch for him :]
Amy and Monty xxx

by Amy&Monty

Saturday 14 Nov 14:02

Hey Becky, he's adorable. He's settled in so well already! He just stands there waiting for fuss bless him. No major accidents so far, he did a little wee yesterday and a teeny one earlier today, but we managed to move him in time for him to go outside. He's doing very well. You'll get so many updates it'll be annoying haha! We're planning on going on most of the walks and indeed the roadshows if we can. :]

by BeckieeBabe

Friday 13 Nov 20:40

Amy I am so pleased that Danny is settled into his new home, he is an absolute star, whilst he was lodging with us he was so loving, thank you for giving him a happy retirement, we look forward to seeing him on Roadshows!!

by Amy&Monty

Friday 13 Nov 18:19

We have our lovely boy home!!! He's gorgeous and SO soft! Bless him, he's currently snoozing next to me on his bed, taking it all in his stride. I'm sure he'll be bouncing around like a hyper thing soon enough! It's great to have a doggie back in the house and he's wonderful. We're currently thinking of calling him either Monty or Teddy, though it could all change. He really is like a big teddy bear! Trust me, there will be lots of updates and I'm sure he'll be on lots of walks. Maybe even helping with some roadshows!
I've already been on a walk around the block with him and he's so bouncy!! He walks lovely, though is a bit all over the place still and eager to go into everyones houses! Haha.
Thank you to Ruth too :]

by BeckieeBabe

Wednesday 11 Nov 22:47

Amy I am so happy that you are having Danny, He is so gorgeous, I love him to bits, It was just a shame he didnt get on with my cats, I am very pleased that he is going to a lovely home, please keep in touch.

by Emma

Wednesday 11 Nov 20:22

Ah, Danny, you clever clever boy being reserved by this fab family! Em xxx

by Amy&Monty

Wednesday 11 Nov 19:53

Thank youuu (:
We aren't sure yet, might not be. It depends if we think it suits him =D

by PamD

Wednesday 11 Nov 19:32

Well!!! just over a couple of hours after I spoke to you I go on our web site and find out that Danny is now yours. He is a lovely boy good luck to you all. Danny is a very lucky boy too. Are you keeping his name?

by kallie

Wednesday 11 Nov 18:49

congratulations Amy on your new boy Danny, he is a gorgeous boy, i took him for a walk the day he arrived at the kennels and he is so lovely...i am so happy for you all and hope that he will help you over the pain of losing your beloved Alfie. much love Ina xxxx

by soppy

Wednesday 11 Nov 17:22

Yay we got him!I haven't met him but my mum says he's lovely!and i will never forget Alfie.

by Amy&Monty

Wednesday 11 Nov 17:13

AH! I'm so excited! I'm sure my mum told you all about my nagging ahaaa. He sounds gorgeous and I can't wait to meet him and bring him home!!!
Thank you!!!!!!!!

by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 11 Nov 17:10

He's yours Amy - your mum has just reserved him! xxxx

by Amy&Monty

Wednesday 11 Nov 16:38

How could you sum up Danny? I've heard pleanty about him!! We are trying to decide between him and Stripe and it's proving very very difficult. They're both gorgeous and have amazing personalitys apparently, Mum says she can't decide. Help anyone?!!

by PamD

Tuesday 10 Nov 17:04

Apparently although Danny will make an adorable pet he has suddenly found skinnyme's cats very interesting so is not considered to be cat friendly. He will be returning to the kennels tomorrow.

by skinnyme

Tuesday 10 Nov 11:16

Danny is staying with us until a new owner comes along. He is fabulous to walk, he is improving daily with his house training and is now getting on with our cats, he was fine in the park today with other dogs and ducks!! He is an absolute sweetheart and will make a lovely pet, he loves company and lots of fuss.

by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 10 Nov 07:08

Danny has been in a home for around a week but his disabled owner is unable to cope with him. He is being returned today. He is a very very handsome boy.

by kallie

Sunday 25 Oct 21:36

Danny went for a walk with us and was so well behaved, never pulled at all and is a lovely gentle boy. he is a real stunner. x