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About Me

Racing Name
Noonday Feast
Date of birth
02 jan 2003
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Land of standing
IE Ireland
Ear mark
Family tree & race history


female, 21 years old, Black

Added by KerryElliman

Updated: Saturday 06 Jan

Nooney has had 0 cuddles today (50 all together).
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by LadyVictoria

Friday 11 Nov 13:35

How is the lovely Nooney getting on? Any new photos yet?
Kind regards. xx

by KerryElliman

Saturday 29 Oct 09:42

shes a real cutie ,happy for you sar so glad i meet you at last years dogs show :) love to beautiful magic fire and mick

by zippy(TheNeals)

Friday 28 Oct 19:34

We are so happy to finally say Nooney is ours. She came with us to the kennels to sort her adoption papers and she refused to get out of the car, bless her. We assured her it was only for a visit :) Need to do a rehoming photo now of the whole gang (3 people 4 dogs - we're outnumbered haha) I am bursting I'm so happy. Awwwww Rose (maybe they will get a chance to meet up at a walk)

by Winniethepooh

Friday 28 Oct 09:10

Nooney is just a few months younger than our Rose. They are both pups of Judicial Pride and they both look so alike.

I can see why you have adopted Nooney and I hope it all goes well.

by Winniethepooh

Friday 28 Oct 09:05

I love it when the oldies are rehomed, best wishes to you all.

by BeckyB-F

Thursday 27 Oct 16:52

Wonderful news xxxx wish Nooney and yourselves well xxxxx

by spencer68

Thursday 27 Oct 16:39

congrats to nooney on securing a loving home with sarah and neal and the boys. ann and ellie-may.x

by Tash'ntheGreys

Thursday 27 Oct 16:16

So happy for you all, some things are meant to be...who would have thought that a year ago at the dog show, we were talking about you possibly rehoming a greyhound, while you were snuggling Mick and now you have 4! xxxx

by MarianFL

Thursday 27 Oct 15:40

I'm a new member and have been following Nooney's story. Am so pleased she's found a new loving home! Please post pics of the pack!

by LindaPaul

Thursday 27 Oct 14:07

Congratulations to Nooney and your new family!
This is a very happy ending xxx

by LadyVictoria

Thursday 27 Oct 13:19

That's fantastic news! xxx

by bestistdogs

Thursday 27 Oct 11:40

Congrats to you all ... wishing you good luck and enjoy Jx

by zippy(TheNeals)

Thursday 27 Oct 07:10

Well it's official Nooney is here to stay :) She has settled in so well and the others have really accepted her. It's like she's always been part of the pack. She seems to be a calming influence on walks too. The other 3 didn't react to another dog that we saw on our walk yesterday. Not even Mick who usually 360 leaps, squeals and generally goes bananas. Good on ya Noons - long may it continue. I think Nooney is what G3 have been looking for. G3 now becomes G4 whooo hooooo. xxxxxx

by zippy(TheNeals)

Monday 24 Oct 17:13

The walks went well today. I had Magic and Nooney and they walked well together really well. We haven't met any other dogs yet but I think I'll be able to cope with both of them as Nooney is not a strong as the boys. We went out for about half an hour to see how they were on their own. Dana waited at the door while we drove round the block to see if she she got upset or barked and all was silent :) When we got home all was well and no sign of any friction between them (phew - it was the longest half hour ever). She is eating her chicken at the moment so happy about that. She didn't want it earlier, but we think now it is because the others were around. They are in the garden now and she's happy to eat it. She has been very settled today, taking less notice when we move about the house and out of the room, lots of kisses and waggy tails, so all is good in the Neal household :) Keeping my fingers, and toes and everything else crossed. Will keep you posted

by LadyVictoria

Monday 24 Oct 13:29

Keeping my fingers corssed all continues to go well for Nooney. xxx

by julie

Monday 24 Oct 09:23

Wish I could have the 'F' word at least! :(

by zippy(TheNeals)

Monday 24 Oct 08:52

Haha Ruth, you know us so well. Seriously though, things are going well, there were a couple of little grumbles yesterday from each of them but all responded appropriately. We want to give it this week to make sure all is well when we have to leave them. Not so worried about walking becuase if 4 is too much, we can walk them 2 at a time and no one gets left on their own (so a good number.) It's all down to if she is definitely accepted into the pack. I'm praying she is because we have all fallen in love with her big time. (Mark was so sensible at the kennel - a big softie really haha) She had a good night (slept on the bed with us - she found her spot don't think the others will get a look in with the bed now) had loads of fuss when she woke up and had a playfight with Mark, she loved it. She seems as happy as Larry. Keeping everything crossed.

by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 24 Oct 04:32

Now...... do I put Fostered, Reserved or Homed?

by sarah

Sunday 23 Oct 21:17

Sounds like she is being spoilt rotton which I knew she would be knowing how amazing u guys are !! Glad she is having a good old feed and will be feeling loved and content - and Magic is welcoming her - wow ! ;-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

by crackercharlieX

Sunday 23 Oct 21:11

I'm so happy she's back where she belongs in a lovin home. I kno she'll b spoilt rotten if it all works out with the other 3 doggies. just wanted t say that I'd been feeding her on a pack n a half of nature diet in the afternoons at the kennels n she was polishing it off so u myt want t ask Ruth if u cud hav some for her. ( she seemed t prefer the fish not the sensitive ). Wishing u all the best. x

by zippy(TheNeals)

Sunday 23 Oct 20:21

We've had lots of cuddles. She is so loving and loves giving kisses. On top of the chicken this afternoon, she's had a bowl of liver tonight, but like Magic she wouldn't eat it raw, so raw for the boys and cooked for the girls haha. Magic is laying next to her on the sofa :)

by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 23 Oct 20:08

Thanks so much for taking Nooney for a break - she has not been eating very well despite tries with different food - she was obviously very unhappy. Give her a big cuddle xxxx

ps wish there was a 'like' button for some of the comments!

by BeckyB-F

Sunday 23 Oct 19:01

Fingers and paws crossed for Nooney xxxx

by zippy(TheNeals)

Sunday 23 Oct 16:26

Nooney munched through her quarter chicken no problem. Think she may have been on raw food during her racing days, as she wasn't phased by it at all. So glad she is eating. Hopefully she will fill out again in no time :) She's beautiful

by zippy(TheNeals)

Sunday 23 Oct 15:22

Well the introductions with Nooney have gone well. She's checked out the house and garden and is now having a lay down. She started to whine and had a bark when Mark went out, but I said no, told her to go and lay down and she did as she was told. What a star. She is so beautiful and loving. Mark has metled very quickly. I think he likes her kisses. He's just gone to get some chicken, so hoping she'll have a good feed. Bless her she's spark out now. Don't want to say too much but if everything continues to work out!!!!!!

by Jess&Koda

Saturday 22 Oct 18:31

Why was she returned?

by BeckyB-F

Saturday 22 Oct 17:31

! agree bless her xxxxx a comfy sofa she needs xxxx

by Jess&Koda

Saturday 22 Oct 14:40

I wish someone would give this girls a home she's 8 now! She needs a sofa of her own!

by julie

Saturday 15 Oct 13:01

I Know its horrible when these dogs are returned but its better that they are returned and not abandoned or left to rot somewhere:-(

by skinnyme

Friday 14 Oct 23:15

Cuddles for you today gorgeous girl xxx

by Bartleygreen,crew

Friday 14 Oct 23:01

ho no not again you look so lovely if only u were cat friedly we are so sorry u are back big kisses

by poppysmum

Thursday 13 Oct 22:27

Poor Nooney, I have been catching up on her story, Not happy with the people who returned her over what was seemingly a trivial incident, how sad that she is back at the kennels, all alone in the dark after being in a nice home all this time :( I dont think my comment would be printed if I said what I really think about this person, I really hope she finds a new loving home very soon, my cuddle is going to her today. xx

by julie

Thursday 13 Oct 22:14

Oh no, nearly jumped out my seat when I saw her picture again. What a shame, I remember her so well, hope she will get a new home asap.xx

by lichfield_sam

Thursday 13 Oct 22:09

oh noo. shes lovelyyyy xxxxx

by BeckyB-F

Thursday 13 Oct 19:44

Poor Nooney, at 8 years old she should be enjoying her creature comforts xxxx Hope she settles ok xxxx

by kallie

Thursday 13 Oct 14:26

poor little Nooney, life just does not seem fair...she is bound to be upset about being back at the kennels after having been in a home so long...big cuddles little one xxxx

by Winniethepooh

Thursday 13 Oct 13:48

Oh no, so sad to hear this - hope she finds a new home soon.

by LindaPaul

Thursday 13 Oct 13:07

Poor Nooney. She was in the kennels when we chose Lola back in April 2010. I have very occasionally met her while out walking our girls as she lived not far from us. Cuddles for you today. xxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 13 Oct 11:01

Poor poor Nooney is being returned today after being in a home since last year through no fault of her own. This old girl just wants her comforts and being back at the kennels is not what she needs :-(

by Tash'ntheGreys

Thursday 13 Oct 11:00

I just did a double take seeing Nooney back, so sad, hope she's ok x

by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 19 May 08:46

Brilliant news! Hope everything goes well. xxx

by tinabina

Tuesday 18 May 23:01

Lovely news! Brought a tear to my eye. x

by suzie

Tuesday 18 May 17:53

Good Luck Nooney, hope it works out for all.
Time & patience & one will be rewarded.

by Emma

Tuesday 18 May 17:25

I'm so glad Nooney has been given another chance, by the sounds of it she and her owner clearly love each other and want to make it work. Best of luck to you, I know how hard it can be. Em x

by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 18 May 16:49

Nooney's owner came back to the kennels today realising he had made a rash decision in returning her. She has gone back home and we are helping him with training to stop her seperation anxiety. She was so happy to see him and went off wagging her tail :-)

by jacksmum

Tuesday 18 May 13:09

Just found out that both Nooney and Mannie are related to Jack (William's Dream). If only he'd agree to share his settee with hsi family, I'd take you home. We wouldn't discard you after one incident. good luck.

by Bartleygreen,crew

Monday 17 May 21:50

poor little girl u will will find a loving home soon cause a little thing like u did is nothing it is to be laugh at with ours the blinds r all ways down more than up so what can be replaced at a later date love all kate,pat,till,tiptop,and peter

by steveandwend

Monday 17 May 20:37

Nooney you poor poor girl. When we had our first hound we worked full time, I came home every lunchtime to check on Jack. The little devil had chewed the mail, c.d and video cases and sucked the cushions on the settee. After a couple of weeks i removed said items and returned them to there original places a couple of weeks after that. Jack was no longer interested in the items that had facinated him previously. This just goes to show patience and dedication is required when taking on a new pet. Perhaps Nooney's previous owner should get a goldfish instead!

Our new hounds Gracie (baby) and Blaze are proving a hand full, but we are determined to help them settle into the home life.....

by kallie

Monday 17 May 16:09

it beggars believe however if that is how the people felt about her then she is going to be much better off without them, i so wish that people would seriously think about having a dog if they are going to have such problems with a small incident like this. we shall be able to find her a home where she is truely loved and wanted. xxxx

by LadyVictoria

Monday 17 May 09:56

Very sad news; people are not perfect, yet we offer them forgiveness and second chances when things go wrong; why can't we do the same for our dogs who love us unconditionally? Please give Nooney a big hug from us. xxx

by Braveboy

Monday 17 May 09:41

How sad hope you will find a nice new home soon . lol xxxxxxx

by tinabina

Sunday 16 May 22:22

So sad,chin up little girl. Sending you big hugs. xx

by Lea,Sonny,Poppy-Obi

Sunday 16 May 14:59

What an awfull shame... - really cant believe that... not a day goes by in our house when something doesnt get knocked over, spilt... pulled over - pulled off etc etc,,,,by kids - hounds and hubby ! its all part of being a family and having a family home .....- never mind Noony we met some lovely people this morning at Webbs so hopefully a new family will come along and give you a forever home !! XX

by Ann+Kya+wolfy+pixie

Sunday 16 May 14:36

The poor girl what do people expect why did they not ask for advice I remember when I first had Mr Wolfy he did the same but he was very scared due to paramedic s coming to the house and being left while we was at the hospital my blinds were fixed and i had to buy new curtains but my boy means more to me than than a few blinds and curtains, I wish people would think about the dogs feelings and kong training is great.

by PamD

Sunday 16 May 11:50

I cant beleive it!!!!!

by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 16 May 11:40

I had to leave a comment as I was knocked to the floor when Nooney was returned today. She has been in a home since the end of February and had 'changed her owners life'. She had been treated like a special girl - treats a plenty - even allowed to sleep on the owners bed at night.

Today she became disposable - She had been left for a few hours and had torn down some net curtains and messed in the house..... maybe she had been spooked by something - we will never know. Help and advice was not asked for. Maybe fate has asked for her to find another family who will love her forever.

by undertaker

Friday 26 Feb 12:34

going to do your home check tonight nooney,, so you will soon be enjoying your new life with your new family xxx

by LadyVictoria

Friday 19 Feb 13:31

Hi Ruth, I hope all goes well for Nooney today; please give her a hug from us. Lots of love to the other patients at the Boswell Hospital, Kate and Twiggy xxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 19 Feb 06:39

Nooney is off to be speyed today..... as long as we have no trouble getting there with the snow! She will spend the night at ours, along with post ops Ruby and Lucy..... turning into an animal hospital here!

by julie

Thursday 18 Feb 21:53

She's a lovely girl, we took her for a walk today with guinny and pickles and she was great, no trouble at all. The picture reminds me of pickle when she was there, same cheeky look, bless, i'm sure she will find a home wishes to you.......x.

by kallie

Wednesday 17 Feb 21:31

Nooney sits just like my Toby and she looks so lovely shame about her not liking cats..also just like my Toby he hates them with a passion bless him. hopefully a non cat family will offer her a home soon. xxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 15 Feb 18:07

Unfortunately she failed her cat test miserably today so now is unreserved :-(

by welovegreys

Thursday 11 Feb 22:00

Nooney what a lovely smile you look such a wonderful girl,you will make a great pet.You remind me of our wonderful Lizzie who also loves to sit upright on her favourite armchair.Greyhounds are fantastic pets they adapt to a new home easily and are very affectionate .We hope you find a forever home soon.

by edbanata

Thursday 11 Feb 16:54

nooney????more like *LOONEY* she is absolutly nuts!

by kallie

Tuesday 09 Feb 16:49

i think she has got the cutest ever face and such a lovely smile, just looking at her makes me all warm and happy. she should be able to find a home soon how can anyone resist her. xxx

by lindylou

Monday 08 Feb 21:05

She looks such a cutie. Where's she been since her last race on 16 March 2007?

by court-family

Sunday 07 Feb 23:01

Aahh, what a sweetie!! Good luck in finding a fab forever home girlie. XX

by binnzgang

Sunday 07 Feb 13:01

ah she looks like a loving girl and we just love her snout with the grey and white all mixed together xoxo