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About Me

Racing Name
Carraig Tale
Date of birth
02 nov 2005
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Land of standing
UK United Kingdom
Ear mark
Carraig PrintIE-JUN-01-BK
Family tree & race history


male, 19 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Microchip Number: 981 098102593080

Craig has had 0 cuddles today (92 all together).
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by tiggersslave

Sunday 05 Feb 16:49

Oh don't worry I think mine were noisier LOL I thought he did very well and he settled better as the class went on :) See you next week :) Julie x

by Tash'ntheGreys

Saturday 04 Feb 20:46

Hi there, I was at training with Penny and thought Carraig did really well! To be honest, I bet the other owners were concentrating on their own dogs behaving, I know I was, lol, hoping Penny didn't try and eat another dog...keep coming, he'll settle down and we can all share stories of our quirky Greys! Hopefully see you next week x

by Liddy

Saturday 04 Feb 19:50

Can I just appologise to the 9am training group this morning. Carraig was very vocal to say the least, but I think he enjoyed the class as he did get lots of chicken. Hope he won't be as vocal next week - fingers crossed ; )

by LindaPaul

Thursday 03 Nov 16:49

Happy belated birthday Carraig. Hope you gots lots of lovely treats. x

by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 02 Nov 13:25

Hope Carraig has a very Happy Birthday! xxx

by Liddy

Wednesday 02 Nov 12:25

Happy 6th Birthday Carraig.

You have come a long way since we fell in love with you and adoppted you last December. You have made our family and we would never be without you.

Lots of love, hugs, kisses and licks

Liz, Rachel, Lindsay, Dill and Lyonell

by kallie

Monday 01 Aug 15:05

Craig was one of my favourites and i was so happy to see when got chosen...thank you from the bottom of my heart for making him the happy boy he now is and for loving him enough to teach him to accept other breeds...lots of love to you all and a big hug to the beautiful little boy himself. xxx

by LadyVictoria

Monday 01 Aug 13:54

So nice to hear how well he is doing and how much you love him. He is a very lucky boy. xxx

by crackercharlieX

Sunday 31 Jul 22:18

I was only thinking bout Craig the other day n wondered how he was doin? Glad he's doin well n so pleased that uve given him a brilliant home n he is loved to bits. X

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Sunday 31 Jul 21:26

I've read this, I'm very happy thay Carraig has completed your family! He certainly deserves to be a happy boy! I feel the same about my boys... Love them to bits, even if fly has eaten two pairs of mu slippers, my other halfs shoe and various other household items... Including a bag of bright orange pegs!!!! Xxxxxx

by LyonellDillCarraig

Sunday 31 Jul 20:33

My beautiful Carraig,

Just wanted to say how amazing it is that we've got you and how much you've changed since. Yes you still freak at little dogs, but the main thing is that you're getting there - and that's only in 7 months!

You, Dilly and Ly make the perfect pack and it'd never be complete without you stealing our shoes and hiding them in the garden or you carrying your water bottle around while whining!

Our family wouldn't be the same without my baby Carraig and we're so lucky mum fell in love with you online and that you loved us back. You've learnt to trust us and turned into an amazing, loving grey who was in desperate need of some TLC.

I know no-one will read this but it doesn't matter as there's no need for anyone to look at this page because you're re-homed in a forever home with people who'll love you always and unconditionally.

I love you kaykay, my special gorgeous grey.

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by Liddy

Sunday 12 Jun 17:53

Thanks for the idea of bark - I think I'll try that.


by Deb

Sunday 12 Jun 13:05

We have the same problem a garden that looks like a racing track and brown spots everywhere.We have recently reseeded part of the lawn more in hope than anything else.
Looked up dog rocks on the internet and always thought they were something you put in the garden for the dogs to wee on not put in their drinking water!
I think we have accepted our garden will never be the same since having Millie which isn't a problem but managing muddy paws in the winter is a bit of a pain!

by karenb

Friday 10 Jun 17:27

Hi Liddy we had the same problem, we decided to put down bark chipping we just made sure that we used the ones that don't contain cocoa chippings, we had them from B&Q we just top them up once a year. They really helped with the muddy paw problem in the winter :)

by LindaPaul

Friday 10 Jun 16:39

Hi Liz.... I will also be interested in any suggestions that come along as Lola & Lena have created a dirt track up our garden where they run to the top of the garden looking for the squirrels in the trees. Add to that the places the girls pee and the result is not as much green as there was pre-greyhounds! That's with 2 so I can only imagine the devastation that 3 cause! Am trying dog rocks now for the brown spots though think it might be too little too late! Love 'em to bits though and wouldn't be without 'em!! Linda xx

by Liddy

Friday 10 Jun 12:47

Since having my 3 beautiful greys my garden has disappeared - well the grass has. I want to get rid of the grass but not sure what to replace it with. I have thought of paving but the garden is on a bit of a slope so I think that would be a night mare - not sure about gravel - anyone any suggestions?


by Winniethepooh

Monday 13 Dec 10:55

So pleased to see Craig has been rehomed.

Best Wishes

Alison, Richard, Rose, James and Tom

by steveandwend

Sunday 12 Dec 18:59

So happy to see you have finally found your new home, hope it works out for you. Lots of luvs xxxxxx

by Liddy

Tuesday 07 Dec 13:12

Craig or Carraig as we have decided to call him after his racing name, is fitting in well. I have got a harness for him which Zoe helped me with and this has really made a difference - thanks to the grey who modelled it for me. On saturday while I was gathering the things that had been lent to me while he was on trial, he went and stood by the front door - I think he thought he was going back to the kennels.
Thanks again for all the good wishes, you have been very supportive.


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by zippy(TheNeals)

Sunday 05 Dec 21:40

Whoooooo hoooooooo way to go Craig. You are going to have the best Christmas ever. I am soooooo happy for you buddy. Lots of love from the Neals.

by Donna+Baby+Jake

Friday 03 Dec 18:01

Ahhh well done Craig...what a great Christmas you will have with your new owners in your forever home. Be happy gorgeous boy - with love from the Hackett clan, Baby Jake and 'Saffy xxxxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Friday 03 Dec 13:06

Well done Craig!! So so pleased for you! xxxx

by manda

Friday 03 Dec 11:23

This bought a tear to my eye, Rich was very happy as-well. Well done Craig you deserve this. Such a lovely christmas present xx

by kallie

Thursday 02 Dec 19:27

this has given me the best biggest smile i have had in a long time, our gorgeous boy has got himself a permanent home. thank you for having and loving him, i am truly happy for him and for you. much love Ina xxx

by lindylou

Thursday 02 Dec 18:15

So pleased that you've found your forever home, Craig. Big hug to you and your new family!xx

by Lauramc

Thursday 02 Dec 17:12

Wowee! Great news guys. I was chatting to you on Saturday when you came in to see Craig and was so pleased that you were giving him a chance. I hope your family now feels complete and all three greys continue to bring you such happiness.

by zippy(TheNeals)

Thursday 02 Dec 16:29

That isthe best news. Wow what a wonderful Christmas present for Craig. You enjoy your well deserved retirement in your fantastic forever home sweetheart. Lots of love Sarah and the Nealsxxxxxx

by Liddy

Thursday 02 Dec 12:37

I have just phoned Zoe to confirm that we would love to keep Craig permanently. Thanks Winniethepooh, I know we can help him and that it will take time, but it is reassuring to know that they can overcome their problems with other breeds.

Thanks to everyone for their good wishes for Craig.

by Winniethepooh

Wednesday 01 Dec 12:48


I have given Craig a cuddle today as I really hope he is rehomed with you Liddy. From what I have read looks like Craig is a bit keen on other breeds. I just wanted to say that our James who we have had now for a year and a half didnt like other dogs either unless it is a greyhound. At first it was very difficult as he used to make a shrieking noise which seemed to echo everywhere. We found over time that this stopped with the help of having a harness around him so he couldn't jump up and we found that stopping with him on the walk until the other dog passed helped a lot. At first we thought he would never get better but over time we are glad we persevered as he is such a loving dog.

We are always happy to share our experience as to how we got over the problems, it is worth it in the end.

Good luck

Alison, Richard, Rose, James and Tom

by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 30 Nov 13:22

Good luck Craig, be happy! xx

by Liddy

Tuesday 30 Nov 13:15

During our walk last night we encountered a small dog and Craig was definitely not happy. Glad that my daughter held on to him and I had the other two. Hopefully with time and lots of TLC he will get better. He couldn't wait this morning for us to come down stairs so he decided to come up - which is not allowed but it was quite funny watching my daughter trying to get him downstairs when all he wanted to do was snoop around upstairs. The three of them are still getting on well and last night Dill curled up on the two seat sofa and Lyonell and Craig shared the three seater. Good job we were going to bed cos there was no where for us to sit - lol

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by zippy(TheNeals)

Tuesday 30 Nov 07:26

We are all keeping everything crossed in our house for you sweet boy (fingers, paws, everything). It sounds like you are doing really well and settling in. I really hope it works out for you. Good luck sweetheart xxxxxx

by lovemygreys

Monday 29 Nov 18:35

Hi Liddy I am soooooooo pleased you are giving Craig a chance,our Ollie is very keen on small furries but is getting better gradually, and Cara still grumbles at the other 3 occasionally. They all ignore her (especially the boys!) So I have fingers and legs crossed that he has found his forever family. bless you x

by skinnyme

Monday 29 Nov 17:07

I am so pleased that he is doing well, I spoke to you on Saturday in Solihull and was so happy when I found out you had been and collected him, I said on saturday that if you had him you would make my christmas and you have. Jill xxx

by manda

Monday 29 Nov 11:20

Sounds like he is doing well. Hope this week goes well for you all xx

by Liddy

Sunday 28 Nov 13:08

Craig seemed to settle well yesterday with Lyonell and Dill. Lyonell gives him the odd grunt just to say he's in charge and Craig seems to understand. Took the three of them to Brueton Park, and despite Craig not liking small furries he did very well. Fingers crossed that this trial week goes well and he becomes a permanent member of our family.

by Lea,Sonny,Poppy-Obi

Sunday 28 Nov 08:49

A reserved sign !! well done gorgeous boy, fingers crossed you have found your forever home, im so happy !!!! xxx

by kallie

Saturday 27 Nov 21:14

oh Craig i hope this is your belated birthday present and early x mas present all in one ...your very own home, i'm so happy i am crying. xxxx

by steveandwend

Saturday 27 Nov 20:50

So pleased you have been reserved, please please let this be your forever loving home, you deserve it so much xxxx

by sarah

Saturday 27 Nov 20:20

plleeeeeaaasssssssssssseeee hope this is ur forever home, good luck craig. Everything crossed and then some :-) x

by Deb

Saturday 27 Nov 17:53

reserved!! keeping everything crossed and hoping all goes well this time.

by medaftboutdogs

Saturday 27 Nov 17:43

Go Craig! Hope its all good for you, met your new family today, they seemed mad keen on you!! luv t

by Lauramc

Saturday 27 Nov 17:30

Yaaaaaaayyyyyy!!!! Are you with Dill and Lionel? Fingers crossed for you my lovely. Be a good boy. xxx

by Donna+Baby+Jake

Saturday 27 Nov 17:25

Please please let this work out my lovely. I am so happy to see a red reserved sign on your page. Be happy xxxx

by nickysnan

Saturday 27 Nov 17:23

Craig so glad to see reserved, you deserve a lovley home,xx

by zippy(TheNeals)

Saturday 27 Nov 17:13

Oh Craig I am keeping everything crossed for you that this really is your forever home. You really do deserve it sweetheart. hugs and kisses. xxxxxxx

by Emma

Saturday 27 Nov 17:00

Wow, is that a reserved sign I see before me? Well done Craig! Em xxx

by manda

Friday 26 Nov 08:43

Craig I'd come and get you tomorrow if I were allowed another and we had a bigger house. I felt the same towards you as I did Rolo when I first met him. But you hold on little one and soon enough there will be a family just around the corner for you, they'll snap you up and wonder why you were ever in there so long... Just like rolo did, and your going to make such a lovely member of the family you go too. Love Rich, Manda, Rolo & Chillie xxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Sunday 21 Nov 08:55

Awww Craig is such a beauty! His coat his shiny, his eyes look right into yours and he loves his fuss!! Anyone willing to give Craig a chance will get a loving, gentle boy!! Give him a chance someone! xxxxx

by Bartleygreen,crew

Friday 19 Nov 19:12

craig why u still there with ur lovly face i hope u find ur loving home soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx pat katie gang

by welovegreys

Wednesday 17 Nov 22:25

Craig we hope you find your forever home very soon,you need a cosy bed ,and lots of love and plenty of walks you look a lovely natured dog please,please consider Craig every dog needs a chance.

by Naomi

Tuesday 16 Nov 15:45

What a shame he seems such a quiet laid back boy with people....maybe just needs someone with another grey who works part time or something and can do some training! The blacks are gorgeous btw...I have just got one! x

by Bartleygreen,crew

Monday 15 Nov 21:40

im so sorry ur back keep ur head up your right home is out there some were love and cuddles pat katie and gang

by LadyVictoria

Monday 15 Nov 13:23

What a shame; I am sure he will find the right home soon. xx

by manda

Monday 15 Nov 12:50

Poor boy, reminds me of our Rolo. The right people will come along and give him all that he needs and he will soon relax when left on his own. Hope that lucky person comes to get you soon. All our love Rich, Manda, Rolo & Chillie xxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Monday 15 Nov 12:28

I had a sleepless night thinking of craig last nught, poor baby, a glimmer of home snatched away...Next time will be the one gorgeous boy xxx

by StefanBecky

Sunday 14 Nov 22:26

Ah, poor boy, it sounds like he just needs his new mummy and daddy to take a long weekend to settle him in...or take a friend too, our two help each other along and it actually seems to be less bother to have two! cuddles Craig xx

by Donna+Baby+Jake

Sunday 14 Nov 20:13

oh bless - hed have three here if i could fit him in...

by kallie

Sunday 14 Nov 18:38

sounds like he needs to have another greyhound mate then so he can learn to settle into a home from his 'sibling', is there nobody out there looking for number 2 greyhound? if so please consider this beautiful boy, he is a little treasure and will be a great addition to any family given a little time and training. xxxx

by Lauramc

Sunday 14 Nov 18:35

Big cuddles lovely, the right home will be out there soon. xx

by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 14 Nov 18:32

Craig, our longest Daybreaks inmate went out on trial yesterday. Unfortunately he became very stressed and only seemed to settle when he visited another family member with a greyhound.

Due to his anxiety levels and having to be left on his own tomorrow, although I knew he would learn to settle with time, it was felt it was in his best interest to come back sooner rather than later.
Big cuddles for you Craig - I was so sad to see you back so soon but we will help you find a home soon xxxxx

by bestistdogs

Sunday 14 Nov 18:21

Oh goodness, off the reserved list again????? Can someone give this lad a 'break' and give him a forever home ... please!! Jx

by kallie

Sunday 14 Nov 17:59

so gutted...want to cry, big hugs. xxxxx

by zippy(TheNeals)

Sunday 14 Nov 16:23

Oh no Craig, please don't say he's off the reserved list. I so wish I had the room for another one, you'd be coming home. It breaks my heart to see your beautiful face on the screen waiting for a home. Please someone give this gorgeous boy a his break. xxxxxxx

by Donna+Baby+Jake

Sunday 14 Nov 16:13

oh no....what happened????

by StefanBecky

Sunday 14 Nov 09:24

Yay! So pleased for you Craig, hope all goes well lovely boy x

by sarah

Saturday 13 Nov 21:46

Yay !!!!!!!!!!! well done u gorgeous boy x x ur new parents are so lucky 2 have u x

by Lauramc

Saturday 13 Nov 18:22

Oh well done Craig! It's been a long wait for you, fingers crossed all goes well. Big hugs!

by Donna+Baby+Jake

Saturday 13 Nov 18:11

Yeeeessssssssss!!! Aw bless i am sooo happy to see this! Well done my lovely - i hope you are very happy and that it all works out for you. Jake says hes made up for his former kennel mate!!! Woof!!! xxxxxxxx

by Nes

Saturday 13 Nov 16:49

Saw you at the dog show at Solihull Riding Club - lovely boy. I am so pleased you now have a new home.

by kallie

Saturday 13 Nov 16:11

omg i am so happy to finally see a reserve sign on this gorgeous boy. Craig i wish you all the love and happiness in the world and hope you will give your new family lots and lots of 'greyt' times. big hug from your auntie Ina xxxx

by Bartleygreen,crew

Saturday 13 Nov 00:24

come on ppl lets give craig a home if i didnt have my lot id take him on he been here to long now hes a lovely baby boy love and cuddles from the gang at bartley green pat kate

by tinabina

Monday 08 Nov 21:40

Poor Craig looked sooooo fed up yesterday, my heart really went out to him. Please can someone give this gorgeous boy a chance..

by Donna+Baby+Jake

Sunday 07 Nov 15:33

Come on people its Craigs turn now....hes waited long enough. he is such a beautiful dog he was no trouble on the lead last week and gave me such a wonderful cuddle. I so wish i had room for one more, sweetie. It breaks my heart to see your little face still waiting for a home. He was kenneled with my Jake and we homed him August 7th so this boy has served his kennel days and more. Please please give him a chance people. Hugs to you my lovely xxxxxxxx

by kallie

Saturday 06 Nov 23:00

I really wanted to cry today when i saw that he still has no home to go to, he is such a little dot for a boy and yes he needs to get used to other breeds and needs a little bit of time and training but surely that is all part of adopting a hound?! All three of mine are not other breed friendly and it really is not a problem if you know how to deal with this, there are plenty of us who are only too happy to help and Craig really does deserve to have a home of his own, he is such a lovely lad, please give him a chance!! xxxx

by lovemygreys

Saturday 06 Nov 17:29

Craig is still not reserved! please someone take a look at him and give him a chance, he has been there far too long x

by lovemygreys

Tuesday 02 Nov 20:14

Oh Craig, from what I hear you are a bit like my Ollie (Vinnie) was (still is if another breed crosses his path) but he is getting there with love and guidance from my Izzy who has a good influence on him when out walking. Wish I could say the same about the "Gent" Dylan who gets freaked by cats dogs and thinks they should not even look at him! so sometimes sets Ollie off by association! If someone out there has a balanced calm Grey (there are lots of them) maybe they could give Craig a chance to learn from them. He has been there too long for such a lovely boy, even with all the fuss I am sure he gets at Daybreaks. There is nothing like a forever home x

by Lauramc

Tuesday 02 Nov 18:39

Happy birthday sweetheart. I can't believe you've been in the kennels so long! I remember you arriving in the summer holidays and you were so shy and scared, how you've come along with a little bit of attention and what a gorgeous pet you'll be with that little bit more love! Good luck in finding a new home soon. xxx

by LindaPaul

Tuesday 02 Nov 17:39

Happy Birthday Craig xx
By next birthday you will have a new home and will probably get some b/day pressies and maybe even cake xx

by Bartleygreen,crew

Tuesday 02 Nov 17:15

happy birthday

by Winniethepooh

Tuesday 02 Nov 15:39

Happy Birthday Craig

I met you at the kennels recently and you are a lovely chap.

I hope someone adopts you soon. xxx

by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 02 Nov 10:11

Wishing you a very Happy Birthday Craig! xxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Tuesday 02 Nov 07:48

Happy birthday Craig! lets hope today is the day you get picked xxxxx

by Donna+Baby+Jake

Saturday 30 Oct 16:55

oh Craig you are such a handsome boy. We went for a lovely walk this afternoon and had lots of cuddles - you are so loving and placid....fantastic on the lead too. I was sooo tempted..but threes a crowd in this house and sadly i had to make do with a big long cuddle in the run. I really cant understand why you are still here. Ruth I really would like to foster him but being at work all day it wouldnt be fair on him...perhaps i should have taken him on in the school lucky very soon handsome. xxxxxx

by StefanBecky

Tuesday 26 Oct 17:31

I've met Craig and he's a lovely boy. We needed a cat-friendly dog, but both he and Mick struck us as being gorgeous. We now have a big black boy and a black and white girl and the boy is laid back, quieter and more easy-going. He calmly backs out of any situation he doesn't feel comfortable in and takes himself to his bed; we've not had a cross word from him. I think black boys are fab and I'm sure ours would cope with children, as long as the children know to give him space when he retreats...x

by KerryElliman

Tuesday 19 Oct 22:34

craig is a real sweetie ,not sure how he would get on with boisterous children he can be really shy at thing to do is come along the to the kennels and see him .kerry x

by Emmsy

Tuesday 19 Oct 21:15

Craig's a really gorgeous boy. Wondered whether he'd be happy in a home with boisterous children? Lots of love, but lots of noise too??

by kallie

Tuesday 19 Oct 19:03

Craig is another one who pulls my heartstrings and again i can't understand why nobody has offered him a home, he is such a loving lovely boy. surely not everyone has a cat and requires a cat friendly hound? please go and have a look at this lovely lad and spend some time and you'll fall in love with him. xxxx

by lovemygreys

Sunday 17 Oct 22:55

saw Craig yesterday at the show and he is so lovely, but I guess I am a black beauty fan. They just have something about their eyes and seem to know they have so much competion for rehoming from the other mixed colour Greys they seem to try harder to get your attention (or perhaps its my imagination) anyway I have just recieved my new black "Homer's Friend" soft toy and its fab! just like my 3 black beauties, unfortunately they would like to get a leg each and have a tug of war!!! so I have had to put it safely away for my little grandchilld in America for Christmas. good luck Craig sweetie x Jenny

by Amy&Monty

Sunday 19 Sep 09:25

Still working on another grey, Craig has taken my heart. He's such a gorgeous boy and I can't understand why he hasn't been reserved yet! He's such a sweetheart, someone has got to fall in love with him and take him home soon, he's so lovely x

by kallie

Friday 17 Sep 19:52

another gorgeous black lad who is being overlooked and i don't know why as he is a lovely boy. xxxx

by rubyjojomyles!!

Wednesday 15 Sep 14:24

I agree vinniesgift, the black are so beautiful, have a gorgeous black boy myself and he would melt anyone with one look from his caramel eyes! its so sad there is a waiting list, I wonder why they are harder to rehome?

by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 14 Sep 21:05

yes, vinniesgift, unfortunately the black ones are much harder to home - boys especially.... but there again, boys in general. The girls go so fast and there are hardly any on the waiting list. There are nearly 30 boys waiting to come into Daybreaks sadly.

by vinniesgift

Tuesday 14 Sep 19:37

Do you still have trouble rehomeing the black males compared to the"prettier" colours. I think the black ones are beauties.

by liam_dave_&_cracker

Friday 10 Sep 22:11

He looks JUST like Cracker!!!

by crackercharlie

Tuesday 31 Aug 20:11

Giv him a chance once he knows u he's great & luvs fuss. X

by Amy&Monty

Monday 30 Aug 15:28

Craig is such a gorgeous grey, so many black beauties in atm. He'd made a wonderful pet, so handsome.

by PamD

Monday 30 Aug 15:25

The lady who fostered him could not manage 2 greyhounds after all

by Lauramc

Monday 30 Aug 15:03

Why is Craig no longer reserved? X

by Donna+Baby+Jake

Wednesday 18 Aug 22:33

look at that glossy coat and beautiful face. Sure to be gone soon!!!

by kallie

Monday 16 Aug 19:20

does not just look lovely he is very sweet in the flesh, we had a gentle cuddle and a lovely walk. xxx

by kallie

Friday 13 Aug 16:00

what a lovely looking little boy. xxx

by toadie

Tuesday 10 Aug 09:44

hi beautiful lad your sooo cute i'm sure you will find a forever home soon

by toadie

Tuesday 10 Aug 09:44

hi beautiful lad your sooo cute i'm sure you will find a forever home soon

by Lauramc

Wednesday 04 Aug 18:59

Met this lovely boy today. He was shy at first but soon realised how much he liked cuddles and was really friendly. Absolutely beautiful!

by Lauramc

Tuesday 03 Aug 16:26

Look at those eyes! And the same name as hubbie! Hmmmm but which one is cuter!?! :-)