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About Me

Racing Name
Highfire Flash
Date of birth
01 oct 2004
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Land of standing
UK United Kingdom
Ear mark
Family tree & race history

Black Flash

male, 20 years old, Black

Added by Paul

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Friendly boy with a pet name of Flash

Black Flash has had 0 cuddles today (10 all together).
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by fran_pitt

Monday 06 Dec 16:53

Hiya, just thought I'd post an update on Flash as he's been with us for almost 6 months and I know you daybreaker's peebs like to know how things go after a proper settling in time. I have to say Flash has gone way past our expectations. One of our criteria when choosing a grey was that they got on with other breeds as my family have so many in all shapes and sizes. Well, Flash has just been fab, he mixes on his own and in groups with every dog we meet, we've even been on a walk with a heard of 5 chiwawa's and Flash was one of the gang! Flash even has a spaniel grilfirend who throws her paws around his neck in a hug every time she's in heat :) Flas has adapted well to differet forms of travel in the car, boat and on the train - After a careful trial on our local line we noticed he had no fear of the trains rushing in and would lay down in the carrage as soon as we got going. He's even travelled through London on the tube, getting VIP treatment at the stations as staff let us use the lifts. After a couple of months we noticed Flash relaxing around the house so much more, he has a whole sofa to himself upstairs in the office and now will often stay there all day while we rumage around. We staggered time away leaving him in the house on his own (after a month or so settling in). He has responded very well thanks to a kong and his sofa. But most of all we feel its being in a routine that has helped him the most - he now knows when its time for morning and evening walk so being left in the morning while I'm out is not a problem for him. Interestingly contrary to all advice, leaving him the whole run of the house makes him feel secure and he lounges in the office (we've watched him on web cam), however if we confine him to one room when we leave, he takes to bar biting the safty gate and causing general havok. I phoned after a few weeks when we got him as he had to go to the vets with stomach pains. Turns out almost half the dogs at our local park had the same thing I found a couple of weeks later and 3 of them also ended up at the vets. Flash recovered within 4 days and my vet had done all sorts of tests on his gut. The last test for B12 adsorption came back two weeks later and it turned out Flash was sevearly deficient for B12, such a result can be caused by all manner of things in a dog but one thing that is know is that without injections of B12 the stomach can't repair itself to take B12 up again. I've since learned that B12 is one of those essential nutrients that impacts the whole body. Well, Flash went on a 4 month course of weekly injections and a month corse of antibiotics for a possible gut bacterial overgrowth that could be the cause. At the end his B12 was tested again showing adsorption was restored. We noticed that at the end of the course he suddenly gained weight (3 kg) in a week and his coat went really glossy, and his capacity for evil farting stopped :) The vet was so pleased by his performance that she used his treatment as a case study at a dog and cat gut conference :D. If any of the staff remember Flash, you may have noticed that he was a little shy, taking time to get to know you. I'm so pleased to say that over the months he has grown to hanker after chin scratching and attention. Last week we visited my folks and when I gave their collie fuss Flash was straight over barging the poor collie out the way swiftly dipositing his chin in my hand (as if to say "no fuss me, not her") :D We're chuffed to bits with our lad and want to say a big thank you to all of the staff for making us feel welcome when we visited. Maybe one day when we get a bigger place we'll be popping by for another hehehe (don't tell my partner Ben :). Have a gret Xmas xxxxxxxxxxx Fran Ben + Flash (gordan)

by PamD

Thursday 17 Jun 14:07

xxxxxxxxxx to you all

by fran_pitt

Thursday 17 Jun 14:05

Took Flash on a walk this morning and met on the way a lady with a collie cross called Biddy. Biddy was off the lead and not really that interested in Flash so there was only a bit of sniffing between them. As we were both walking in the same direction we continued together chatting about dogs. Before much time had passed Flash and Biddy were at ease and I noticed a change in Flash, he started to nose around where ever biddy was nosing obviously intrigued by what was so interesting. This was a fantastic development as up untill now Flash hasn't been doing much sniffing on the walk, being too focused on me and all the commuters passing by on the canal. Further on we came across some fishermen with a small wire terrier which politely came to sniff Flash, then we came accross a large very hairy dog (not sure what breed) which at first Flash shied away from but after chatting to the owner for a bit they both sniffed and then were on their way. It was finally time to head home and I was shocked to check my watch and see we had been out for over an hour and a half! looks like I won't be moving some one from their sofa untill the afternoon :)

by skinnyme

Thursday 17 Jun 09:22

Fran, I am so pleased that Flash is settling in well, I am too keeping quiet about the sofa, my 5 would love one! I hope he is continuing to get along with your friends dog, thank you for adopting one of our beautiful dogs. Jill

by PamD

Wednesday 16 Jun 11:43

So pleased it has worked out for you all. It doesn't seem a week ago when you telephoned phoned Daybreaks!

by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 15 Jun 16:55

What a lucky boy! x

by kallie

Tuesday 15 Jun 16:17

how wonderful to see that he is doing so well and that he has got all the comforts a hound may want including his very own sofa!!! (i'd best not mention this to my 3 lads otherwise they will be asking for the same). good for you Flash ! xxxx

by fran_pitt

Tuesday 15 Jun 15:17

Hi Everyone, we adopted Flash last Saturday and I just thought I'd leave a quick post to let everone know how he's getting on. I didn't realise how many noises our house made untill Flash arrived. When the radiator wurred behind the Fridge he though there was something behind it and you should of seen the look on his face when I showed him the microwave door opening lol. I'm really chuffed that he is not fixated by my chickens outside, which also comes in handy with the ducks along the canal. Unfortuately my Pet rats are definately on the menu but after a quick call to Liz my home checker and Julie the trainer I've instigated a trial separation and invested in a Kong which when stuffed with cheese and peanut butter keeps Flash going for at least 20 mins. At Julies advice I've started walking Flash on longer walks in the morning. Flash really loves to walk when its cool and then he passes out asleep, much more content for the whole morning. We've always had the policy no dogs on furniture but after Flash looked so deeply depressed at not being able to get on our sofa we've bought him his own off Ebay which turned out cheaper than the larget beds at Pests at Home! the most bizarre thing was that the person who I bought the sofa off of on Ebay was also getting a retired greyhound from Daybreaks and not only that, we met on Saturday as she was choosing Sandy! What a coincidence, whats even better is the sofa is for Flash and the proceeds are going towards Sandy, how Fab is that :) Flash was so pleased with his new Sofa we installed last night that after his walk this morning he hasn't moved from it. When I take a break from my work I walk pass him and say can I get you anything Lord Flash, to which he raises his head and then just lets it fall back down again. Before he was following me all round the house not he's definately got his forever Sofa. Hopefully we'll see some of you at training classes on Saturdays. Buy for now from Fran, Ben and a very comfy Flash xxx

by Braveboy

Monday 07 Jun 19:57

Wow another good looking lad xxxx

by kallie

Monday 31 May 22:01

what a lovely looking lad and so many races as well. surely he will find his perfect home soon. love n hugs Flash you are gorgeous. xxxx

by joe

Wednesday 19 May 22:02

i remember this dog when i went to perry barr dog race track he came 1st !!!

by Chloee

Tuesday 18 May 21:19

Flash is such a big friendly giant. He is shy when you first meet him, but once he has got used to you, you definatly have a friend for life. Hes so lovely and will be missed very much by all the kennel staff. Hope you find a forever home in a flash! You deserve it lado. :))
love chloe xx