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About Me

Racing Name
Outer Limit
Date of birth
26 jun 2003
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Land of standing
IE Ireland
Ear mark
Family tree & race history


male, 21 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Harvey and his litter sister Lulu were homed from Daybreaks in October 2006. They are litter mates.

Due to very sad circumstances the pair have been returned to the kennels.

As Harvey and Lulu have never been apart, we will only home them as a pair - they are housetrained and so very sweet.

Harvey has had 0 cuddles today (1 all together).
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by AngelaCox

Friday 07 Jun 21:11

Thanks for all the comments.....

Harvey was diagnosed with renal failure over 13 months ago and his body just gave out on him. He was such a big happy boy all the way except for the last few days where he went down hill rapidly. It was the right thing for us to do to put him to sleep but he is leaving a huge hole in myself and Peters life.

When Harvey came to us it took about 8 months to bring the dog out of him. He was full of life and just a big happy boy who loved everything and everyone. He loved life to the full and had brought so much joy to myself and Peter. It was an honour to have him in our lives and will never be forgotten.

So far his sister Lulu is coping well..... It is as if she knew he was sick and his time had come. She is currently on the sofa with a grin on her face fast asleep as I type.....

Run free my big boy ....

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by doonie

Saturday 01 Jun 20:22

run free beautiful boy,hugs to u all.x

by ClareInsightHounds

Friday 31 May 16:56

Run free boy. Thinking of you all.

by Winniethepooh

Friday 31 May 13:10

Very sorry to hear the sad news about Harvey.

by LadyVictoria

Thursday 30 May 23:23

God bless Harvey. Xxx

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by DuleekDandy

Thursday 30 May 20:01

RIP Harvey xXx Thinking of Harvey's family

by Jess&Koda

Thursday 30 May 19:05

Rest in peace xxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 30 May 12:47

Rest in peace Harvey xxxxxxxx

by Coxy

Monday 23 Mar 09:15

We had our first weekend at home with our new owners. We have had lovely walks that all we can do is sleep!!! We are eating all our food and had a lovely treat of fresh chicken yesterday. I (Lulu) fell asleep on the sofa with both my new parent's and we all were sound asleep. I (Harvey) like the sheepskin rug and keep having doggy dreams. Settling in nicely here...... More to come

Thanks very much to Ruth & Pam who drove a long way to bring the dogs to us (we live in Bourne - Lincolnshire). There are the best thing to happen to us. Very big thanks must go the previous owners. The dogs are so well trained!! They are a credit to you and the work your Mum did with them. Happiness does come out of such tragic situations. We will send lots of photographs......

by Coxy

Wednesday 11 Mar 13:15

We will be along to the kennels this Sunday to see you and bring loads of hugs and kisses (also Ruth & company!!!)

by kallie

Sunday 08 Mar 18:53

we are so pleased that you and your little sister have been chosen and hopefully will go off to your new home soon, you are both so lovely and so very sad at the moment. lots of cuddles and love and good luck xxxx