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About Me

Racing Name
Drumscraw Rock
Date of birth
25 mar 2007
Ear mark


male, 17 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Thursday 04 Jan

Pip has had 0 cuddles today (31 all together).
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by MrsMuddypaws

Thursday 26 Mar 13:48

Watch it muddypaws - my little Asbo Pippy is perfection and one day he may just grow into those ears ! It is windy today so maybe we should tape them down to stop him taking off and landing in Never Never Land (dont worry everyone, I am only joking). I dont hold out too much hope of him calming down - Davey is older than him and is a 'special needs geriatric delinquent' (sorry Aunty Ruth, I know you love him but he has so many special needs !) We were hoping that Louis might calm them all down but I fear that he is starting to follow the other 5 in their ways. Yes Muddypaws, I know you think Louis is so perfect and cannot put a paw wrong. Good job that we love them all so very much. I did sing happy birthday to Pip yesterday but have to say that he did not look very impressed with the noise. It is Davey's birthday on 23 April so I will sing to him, rub his ears and listen for the noises he makes and see if he appreciates my efforts any more than Pip. Dont know what we would do without them though - certainly have more money 'cause they love their chicken and ham.

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by TJ

Thursday 26 Mar 13:42

Sorry it's a day late Pip, but here's sending you belated birthday wishes. Big licks, Rosie Po & Brae xx

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by muddypaws

Thursday 26 Mar 11:07

l should just add...they are open 24/ 7....
365 days of the year. You can't ask for any more.

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by muddypaws

Wednesday 25 Mar 22:47

Fank youz for me birfday wishes. lze ad a luverly day. l luvs me pressie...cuz l luvs unkie David...the vettie man !!! l knowz ize is a norty boy...but l luvs life so much !!! Daddy sez ize is sending im grey...but l don't finks he looks like a greyhound to meez !!! luvz to all. X.

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 25 Mar 22:31

Wishing little Pip a very Happy Birthday! Sending him a cuddle tonight. Xxx

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by Alan&Paddy

Wednesday 25 Mar 20:08

Happy birthday Asbo...I mean Pip! Not the bestest birthday present,a dental. We hope you had something nice for your tea. Have a great time...luvs Paddy and Ele xx

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by muddypaws

Wednesday 25 Mar 17:05

Happy Birthday to our little man....7 today.!!!
We spoke to our vet yesterday about booking him in for a dental...and his comment went like this : " Oh....okay....we'll do him first so that we can get rid of him early....we can't have him upsetting the other patients".
THAT'S MY BOY !!!!! Way to go Asbo....I'm sure you'll soon be upgraded to a Crasbo !!!
You just gotta love him.:-) XXX.

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by sebby

Monday 23 Mar 18:56

Ah muddypaws, at least he is a handsome mystery, sorry I couldn't help, have searched myself for some of mine and turn into a bit of a detective but those sites are quite good.

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by muddypaws

Monday 23 Mar 14:30

Hi sebby. Yeah. found his trial form...he even finished last in all of them...except his solo trial...which he somehow managed to win !!!
Lazy bugger !!! His family history still doesn't ring true tho...because we know that the litter he is accredited to, there was only 4 pups. Yet the igb website lists 6 names in that 2 have been added that don't seem to belong there, including Pip. l think that maybe, when a dogs history is sketchy, that they look for a litter that has associated names, and place them there. We have even checked with the breeding kennels in Ireland that breeds all the Drumscraw dogs, and he is a mystery to them as well. After 15 months of research, we still don't know who he really is. He is our little mystery man...but we don't mind...we still love the little villain.

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by susy

Monday 23 Mar 14:13

Sorry muddypaws, I still cannot get any were with the siten to o look at my girls. Maybe you will have more luck than I. Sylv.

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by sebby

Monday 23 Mar 09:46

Hi muddypaws, I had another like at, it looks like pip only trialled, so when you enter his name in greyhound search underneath where it says races, trials or both, click onto both to get details. His trainer is listed, but doesn't ring any bells with me. Sorry.

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by muddypaws

Sunday 22 Mar 21:56

Thanks sebby...will give it a go.

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by muddypaws

Sunday 22 Mar 21:24

Hi blackisbeautiful....talking of Ruth !!!! l feel this woman may be responsible for my boys lack of discipline, as she was briefly his parole officer during his early teenage years !
As you can see from the photo, Chez Boswell ls more like a hotel than a young offenders institute !!! ln fact...l think Foxy Boswell may well be responsible for leading my lad astray.
As for Crimewatch, Pip seems to be a permanent fixture on their most wanted board. However, there may be a glimmer of hope....l have promised him extra chicken on his Burns if he changes his ways !!! Tough love or what !

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by blackisbeautiful

Sunday 22 Mar 21:19

Muddypaws I would be very careful what you say if I were you as leaving a cheese sandwich within easy reach could be seen as assisting an offender ! X x

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by sebby

Sunday 22 Mar 20:52

If you log onto click onto results and put drumscraw rock into greyhound search you will get his racing details, then if you go onto again in results section, then greyhound search you will get info on his date of birth and also his parents etc., its their, just checked up on him last trail he had was in 2010, hope this info is helpful.

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by muddypaws

Sunday 22 Mar 20:07

l should just add that Asbo is currently out on bail facing charges on a mugging offence, i.e my cheese sandwich off the plate !!! He is also accused of an even more serious crime...
assault with a deadly tongue. Although l may appear in his defence on this one, as l now only need to shower once a week...and havn't needed to clean my ears for over a year now.!!! However, although l believe every ex doggie con deserves a second chance...l feel that he is slipping into the life of a career criminal. l can only pray that he manages to change his ways....before he gets his collar felt yet again !!!!!!!

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by blackisbeautiful

Sunday 22 Mar 19:49

Hi Muddypaws Absolutely love the photos..especially Pip in the bath and Ruth's hair is lovely !! Sadly I can't shed any light re his racing career for you... However I'm sure I recognise his face from Crimewatch some time ago....something familiar about those ears ?...x x

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by muddypaws

Sunday 22 Mar 17:20

As our little Pip...or as we prefer to call him...Asbo, approaches his birthday, we are appealing for information !!! Upon researching his criminal record...sorry...l mean his racing record...on Greyhound Data,
this one dog crime wave does not exist !!!
We are not even sure that his DOB or racing name are correct. We can only assume that this little thief, fraudster and con artist, did some sort of plea bargain with the courts to have his criminal past expunged from the records !!! Our other theory is that he is really a Galgo (his ears are mahoosive) who stowed away on board a container lorry travelling from Madrid to Felixstowe. Upon arrival in this country, he immediately sought asylum seeker status, and was given a false identity to protect the general public. As we are his third home, we suspect that periodically, he has to be moved to a new safe house to protect the vulnerable. lf anyone can shed any light on this lads murky past...please phone the Crime-Stoppers Hotline immediately....but be aware...this boy has more alias's than Ronnie Biggs !!!
l guess we will never know his true identity...but no matter...we still love him to bits !!! He will always be our very own Fun Loving Criminal. XXX.

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Friday 29 Aug 20:50

I too have changed to Burns over the past couple months. Tbere is not half as much to pick up after them if you know what I mean. They still have cereal & milk for breakie then Burns. I used to used a different dry food before but Burns is best. I would thoroughly recommend it.

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by muddypaws

Friday 29 Aug 19:02

Just a little footnote to my earlier comment about tinned meat...and l hope l am not sounding like an advertising campaign for Burns...because l really don't mean to be!!!
Over the years, l think we have tried just about every dried food on the market, and nothing we have found compares to it. Firstly, avoid food with loads of pretty colours ( this means loads of food colours, and additives ) secondly, most dried food contains at least 70% bulking agents... such as maize, wheat and starch, this is added to make the weight up, and is of no nutritional value what so ever!!! Third...but not least... most dry foods will not mix very well with water...even the ones that say they do...the food just floats on top, and does'nt absorb the water. Top Tip: lf you are feeding Burns...a dry mix will absorb the dogs stomach fluids and expand inside their stomach, causing gas build up... stomach pain, and possible bloat.The best way to feed it is, soak it in water, until the Burns has absorbed all of the water( about 30 minutes) this way, it cant expand any more in the stomach or gut, thus avoiding smelly wind, or possible bloat. The saying is... you are what you eat... and this applies to our doggies. So , in the words of Hill St Blues, those who are old enough to remember it, be careful out there people. XXX

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 29 Aug 14:53

Hi muddypaws, thanks for your comments regarding feeding tinned meat to your dogs and the effects it has had on them. Found it really interesting and really makes you wonder what is exactly in some of these tins of food! Xxx

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by muddypaws

Friday 29 Aug 12:28

lt's now been 10 days since we stopped feeding tinned meat to our dogs for breakfast....and l have to admit that we thought we were probably clutching at straws, but l am very happy to say that the change in their behaviour and general condition has been quite remarkable!!! We hav'nt seen any signs of the aggression that was becoming an everyday issue and they have calmed down an awful lot...they were becoming really hyperactive...almost to the point of being out of control !!! Some other changes that we have noticed are : no more smelly wind...that was becoming a big problem, and their stools are much firmer too. Their fur has really improved and they are getting their lovely glossy coats back. lf someone had told me that feeding tinned meat could have had such a detrimental effect on their dogs...well...l would'nt have believed them!!!!!!! As l said before, we had'nt fed tinned meat for several years, on the advice of our vet...and we wer'nt giving them a budget brand...they were having Winalot !!!
So it's Burns only now...and to be honest, the Burns works out considerably cheaper...even if we mix chicken...ham...or tuna with it, the cost is about the same as the tinned meat!!!
So, it looks like peace and harmony has returned to Muddypaw Mansions :-)))
P.S. Just one more thing worth mentioning...the brown colourants and dyes that they add to tinned make it look more like "meat", were really staining their teeth very badly!! Their tuffies are now looking much, much cleaner. X.

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by rolohound

Wednesday 20 Aug 13:34

We have 2greys one who is very fussy & can even get spooked by food at times. He is most settled on his greyhound kibble mixed with raw pet mince twice daily. Due to our lack of freezer space & sometimes difficulty in getting the mince from the butchers we chose not to feed our other grey the same. She still has the same kibble but has half a tin of pedigree chum with her breakfast & then gets the raw mince with her evening meal. They were both just on kibble at first but when Rolo stopped eating with no medical reason we tried lots of things & this is what he is most settled with. We changed Stars food as she was always wanting to see what Rolo had which was better than hers. After spending a day at the Pedigree Centre we were offered a trial of food. They both refused the dried food as the kibble required chewing due to its size but Star liked the wet food with her dry regular kibble. We have tried other tinned foods but most are often too rich for her or the meat content is very poor so we have stayed with the Chum. Not noticed any real changes in behaviour but they are all different. They have the occasional fishy treat both or a cooked rabbit if we see them on offer but they seem fine on the mix. It's a bit of trial & error to find what works for yours & then it's a case of sticking to it. It can be very easy to want to offer variety but often it is not required. Even us humans have our trusty favourite foods we will keep going back to, such as chocolate!

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by muddypaws

Wednesday 20 Aug 12:23

Having recently read Jeff's problem with Carla chewing things and Ruth's advice to stop mixing tinned meat in with her Burns,
we may be experiencing a similar problem.
Until several months ago, our 5 greys were fed Burns Sensitive Pork & Potato for their breakfast & their tea...usually with chicken or tuna mixed in. However, as l said, several months ago we changed their breakfast diet to tinned meat...mainly for speed and convenience, but also because they really seemed to enjoy it ( l must point out that they love the Burns as well ) but we also thought it would give them a more varied diet. However, we have seen a big change in their behaviour and temperament. They have become very hyperactive and, at times, very aggressive towards each other. The only reason we can think of for this change is the tinned meat. We are currently dealing with yet another bite wound, where one of them...and we dont know which one...has taken a large chunk out of Millie's shoulder!!! We have seen the biggest change with Pip, who was a really loving and laid back boy before, but has become mega hyperactive and aggressive towards the others,usually for no reason. So, from today, no more tinned meat allowed in this's back to Burns only!!! Fingers crossed that we see an improvement. l will keep you posted. l would be interested to know if any one else has had any problems that they can attribute to feeding tinned meat ??? X.

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by Jess&Koda

Wednesday 26 Mar 08:02

Happy birthday for yesterday xx

by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 25 Mar 20:44

Happy Birthday little Pip! Xxx

by Deb

Tuesday 25 Mar 20:16

happy birthday Pip squeak xxx

by ClareInsightHounds

Tuesday 25 Mar 19:17

Happy Birthday Pip! X

by muddypaws

Tuesday 25 Mar 11:50

Happy Birthday Joe !!! It's Pips 6th Birthday today as well !!! He too has had a trip to the vets today - only for his boosters though - and boy....did he cause chaos !! He's one little boy with attitude !! He thinks he is a Rottweiller in a greyhounds body !!! We still love him to bits though. Happy Birthday little Pipster...XXX

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by Terry

Wednesday 08 Jan 13:51

Pip is such a lovely and well behaved boy (so far at least). His tail is constantly wagging - especially when it is his food time BUT he is one greedy little dog and a thief given the chance so we are being 'extra vigilant' and ensuring nothing is within his reach because when he stands on his two back legs it is surprising how tall he really is even though he is extremely small for a lad - probably how he came by the name of Pip (Squeak). Such an affectionate little darling and he gives us the best of welcomes when we get home.

PS: Hope that Joseph feels better soon Ruth and you get some sleep.

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by Shanesmum

Tuesday 31 Dec 17:43

This is just such a lovely story, a perfect way to start a new year. I am sure that the beautiful Bobby will be quite happy for his collar to be worn by the lovely Pip and will be watching over you all. All the very best to you all for your life together. xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 30 Dec 22:44

So great to hear how happy little Pip is! Xxx

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by Terry

Monday 30 Dec 13:52

What can I say about this little boy - he is gorgeous. He is very calm and loves a cuddle (or two or six or eight!) He has settled in as though he has always lived with us and Nell's excitement was great to see, she definitely remembered him - I think he may have thought OH NO, that bossy pushy dog again! He does live up to his name, he is certainly a Pip Squeak (so small for a boy, he is actually smaller than Nell - no wonder she bosses him about and he lets her too, he looks like a puppy next to Flynn and Davey and he is not much bigger than Millie). We are very very happy with him and feel sure that Bobby (Pumpkin) and all our other dogs are looking down at him from Rainbow Bridge and wishing him all the luck in the world. He has been given the posh new house collar we bought for Bobby and is wearing it with pride because it belonged to such a wonderful boy as Bobby. Our thanks go to 'Remint' for looking after him so well, his condition is lovely. Terry and Paul.

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by Bess&Reene'smum

Sunday 29 Dec 21:03

I was moved to tears when I read that Pip had been reunited with Molly (Now Nell). How fantastic that Terry & Paul (Pumkin's owners) have found room in their hearts for Pip. Every cloud has a silver lining. Hope he can finally now settle into his forever home xxxxxx

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by ClareInsightHounds

Sunday 29 Dec 18:58

This is amazing news! I have confess I shed a tear of joy when I read about Pip and Nells reunion. I'm so happy for everyone involved. X

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by Deb

Sunday 29 Dec 15:34

this is such a heart warming story so happy to see Nell(mollie) reunited with PIP no wonder Mrs B has been screaming for joy at this little bit of Christmas magic.

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by Remint

Sunday 29 Dec 10:42

What wonderful news to wake up to!

I am so happy that Pip has found such a lovely home and I hope that he brings as much joy to your household as he did to ours during his stay with us.

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 28 Dec 21:57

So happy for little Pip! I was sad to think he was coming back to the kennels after having such a lovely Christmas with Maddy, but now I don't have to worry...he has a wonderful home! Xxx

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by muddypaws

Saturday 28 Dec 21:15

So - Pip & Nell have been reunited for the 3rd time!!! Nell gave him the most fantastic welcome, kissing him & fussing over him- it was lovely to watch!!! They are like 2 bad pennies who keep turning up together!! He has settled in like he has lived here for years !! A big thankyou to Remint for fostering him - he is in amazing condition!! So happy for Maisie, Cassie, & Iris. Be happy girls & have a great life !!!!! XXX.

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by blueangel

Saturday 28 Dec 19:36

Happy days pip have a wonderful life xxx

by Shanesmum

Saturday 28 Dec 18:23

Pip this is such brilliant news, well done. You had a lovely time with Remint in your foster home and learned lots - and now you have a chance to put this all into practice in your very own home. Big cuddles poppet.xx

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by michelleandbertie

Saturday 28 Dec 16:52

Oh this is wonderful for pip, this has really made my day, what a wonderful ending for pip and Nell :) congratulations to you all xx

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by muddypaws

Saturday 28 Dec 16:25

Pip is coming home to meet Nell (previously called Molly) who he has shared a home with twice already. We thought that they are meant to be together - third time lucky! We are sure that he will be welcomed also by Millie, Davey and Flynn. We will keep you informed of their progress. Terry and Paul.

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by michelleandbertie

Saturday 28 Dec 16:25

Yey fantastic news for pip, who is the lucky person who has rehomed pip ???

by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 28 Dec 16:11

Screeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam!!!!!! x x x

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by Remint

Saturday 28 Dec 15:31

In the house Pip is extremely affectionate and he loves nothing more than spending time with people. Cuddles and fuss are his two most favourite things.

Out on walks he does get excited and vocal when he sees other breeds of dog. This goes for any breed that doesn't look like a sighthound and the smaller the dog, the more excited he gets.

This not aggressive at all, Pip just doesn't understand how to react to these other dogs. I found that calling his name and offering him squeezey cheese (I used Primula) through his muzzle worked excellently as a distraction. He began to associate seeing other dogs with getting cheese and over the couple of weeks that we had him there was a noticeable improvement in his behaviour. (The goal was to turn seeing other breeds of dog into a positive thing when out walking - Pip no longer saw them as something that needed to be barked at, instead they were things that got him food.)

He lived with a female Golden Retriever and he never reacted adversely to her, so this behaviour is only something that occurs when out and about.

If there are no other breeds of dog around Pip walks excellently on the lead and doesn't pull.

Overall Pip is a fantastic and exceptionally loving little chap. In the house he is just such a superstar and a real joy to have around. During his last few days with us he started to play with some toys; his favourite was the tennis ball and he liked catching it if you rolled it across the floor for him.

If you are considering homing a dog then please do not be put off by Pip's vocal attitude towards other breeds out on walks. It is behaviour that can be easily trained out with consistency, time and understanding. How Pip is in the house easily outweighs how he can behave on walks.

Pip has been such a fabulous dog to foster - we all miss him very much and hope that he gets a forever home soon.

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by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 28 Dec 09:54

Welcome back to Daybreaks Pip - thank you to Maddy who has been fostering Pip since 10th December to give him a break from the kennels since he was returned at the beginning of November for the 2nd time. This little fella just needs to find a new home.

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by Remint

Friday 20 Dec 17:22

Pip will be coming with me to the Pets at Home awareness day on the 22nd of December. We will be there from 10am until approximately 1pm.

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by michelleandbertie

Wednesday 18 Dec 17:57

I agree with Ruth, pips new pictures are lovely, especially 6 and 7 such loving eyes, and gosh what a shiny coat :)

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by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 18 Dec 15:57

Some gorgeous new photos of Pip in his foster home :-)

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by Remint

Sunday 15 Dec 19:46

Pip enjoyed himself at the Stratford walk today, although he did get a bit vocal whenever he spotted a couple of the non-greys that attended.

There is no more barking at night - he now happily takes himself into the lounge and trots off to one of the baskets when he knows it is time to go to bed.

Out on walks with my cousins' dogs (both male non-greys) Pip sometimes walks next to them good as gold and other times he barks and starts to pull towards them. Calling his name and walking backwards with pieces of chicken or cheese as a reward works well as a distraction. On occasion Pip will look at the other dogs, as if wanting to bark, but instead turns and looks back at me for food in anticipation of being called - which is excellent!

Progress is definitely happening with the reaction towards other breeds of dog. At the moment we are just taking it slow and steady so Pip learns to understand other breeds at his own pace. (As stated in a previous comment, this reaction towards other dogs only happens when out on walks. He is living with our female Golden Retriever and he has never reacted to her.)

In the house Pip remains as lovely as ever. He can be a bit of an opportunist with food left lying about but he knows the word "no" and is quick to leave things alone when told to do so.

We all love Pip to bits and hope he finds a permanent home soon - you really couldn't ask for a sweeter, more loving dog.

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 13 Dec 21:06

Will keep everything crossed that someone special will spot Pip when you take him on the Stratford walk this weekend. Xxx

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by Remint

Friday 13 Dec 20:48

Pip has been with us for a few days now and he has settled in just fine.

He has met Freya, our Golden Retriever and gets on well with her - although he was quite excited when he first saw her he soon settled down and went to explore the garden as that was clearly far more fascinating!

Initially he did bark a little at night after we went to bed but this has lessened significantly with each passing day. I imagine he just needs a little extra time to settle into things here.

Pip is a real sweetheart in the house as he just loves fuss and cuddles. He would happily stand next to me all day being stroked and scratched as he really does thrive on love and attention.

Walks, however, are a slightly different ballgame! When Pip sees another dog out on walks he gets very excited, pulls and announces proudly to the whole neighborhood that he has just spotted another canine. None of this is malicious at all in any way, Pip has not got a mean bone in his body, but he just does not currently understand the correct way to greet other dogs. I am sure that with some training, which I shall start during his stay with me, he will soon learn how to be a perfect gentleman when out and about!

I aim to come to the walk at Stratford Racecourse on Sunday and I will be bringing Pip along with me if anybody is interested in meeting him.

As a final note I would like to add that Pip is just the sweetest and most affectionate lad and that it is a joy to have him stay with us.

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by walkersinwellies

Sunday 17 Nov 14:55

Had the pleasure of walking Pip today and what a lovely boy he is. He has the most wonderful ears that stand to attention when he sees something interesting and although he is inquisitive he is still the perfect gentleman out on his walk. XXX

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by bonnie

Sunday 17 Nov 12:59

awww pip you are a stunner...hope you find your forever home soon....xxxxxxxxxxx

by blueangel

Wednesday 13 Nov 20:59

What a lovely boy x

by LadyVictoria

Monday 11 Nov 22:00

Pip is a very happy, lively lad. Enjoyed his walk today despite the pouring rain! Xxx

by Terry

Monday 11 Nov 14:11

Sorry Pip - my mom put the message on for me and got it all wrong! My new name now is Nell and I have not been here a year that is Millie (aka Sykes). My dad has phoned my mom and told her off. Anyway, I wish you all the good luck going -love NELL XXXXXX

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by Terry

Monday 11 Nov 13:45

Hi Pip - remember me - Molly (in a previous life) who used to live with you. I hope you get a new home very soon and that you are as happy as I am now. I was returned to the kennels, as you know before you, but I have been in my new home now for just over a year and I have friends here too - Nell, Davey, Flynn and Bobby who recently came to stay (aka Pumpkin). Good luck old house mate, I will bark a BIG prayer for you. Love Millie (my new name now). XXXXXX

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by rumblesmom

Saturday 09 Nov 17:15

So sorry to see pip returned I saw him briefly when I popped into the kennels this afternoon- he is a seriously good looking boy and like Ruth I have my fingers crossed that this lovely lad will be back on a forever sofa very soon xx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 09 Nov 11:47

Pip has been returned today. Unfortunately he isn't getting along with the other dogs in the family. Therefore they feel it is best to retun him. They say he is good around children and walks well on the lead but is anxious around small dogs. Pip is not good with cats.

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 08 Nov 16:52

So sorry to see Pip is being returned. Sending him my cuddle today. Xxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 08 Nov 13:43

Unfortunately Pip is being returned tomorrow. Let's hope we can find him a home as soon as possible as he is used to home life - perhaps third time lucky.....

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by TheBrownies

Saturday 23 Mar 16:37

I am so pleased that Pip has now got a new forever home, I just want to send him all our love and cuddles and hope he gives his new family as much pleasure as he gave us... and such a big thank you to his new owners for giving this lovely boy a home xx

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by Shanesmum

Thursday 21 Mar 16:53

Wonderful news for the lovely Pip (and Molly too). Delighted that they can stay together, and I'm sure they will have a very happy life with their lovely new family.x

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by rumblesmom

Wednesday 20 Mar 16:26

As already said on molly,s page this is fab news and I also wish pip a happy new life alongside molly. Well done xx

by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 20 Mar 13:31

So pleased for Pip, be happy! xxx

by Danny'smum

Wednesday 13 Mar 19:30

To TheBrownies, no one knows what the future holds, you have given them the best love and care for 2 years and even more by actually returning them so that someone else will get the joy of giving them the attention they deserve and that you can no longer provide through no fault of your own. Controversial comments are only usually aimed at the people who try to blame others for their mistakes, genuine returnees are from what I have read are given support as it is a very hard decision and time for both owners and dogs. I can understand that you are heartbroken and hope that you do take some comfort in knowing that others agree you did the right thing. I'm sending you my cuddle for today :p

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by TheBrownies

Wednesday 13 Mar 17:39

Thank you rumblesmom, it took a lot to actually post as I know sometimes there can be controversial comments on here, but after taking some advice decided to do it - to find out and see how they are doing and also to try and help them find a new home. They were a huge part of our lives for 2 years but unfortunately our work just went crazy. If I knew when we homed them that this would be how it ended up I wouldn't have taken them in - purely to avoid the change. But they have given us so much love in our home that I don't regret taking them for a second - I just hope that they find a forever home soon, and I hope they are still behaving in their foster home too xx

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by rumblesmom

Wednesday 13 Mar 14:26

Dear brownies I,ve just read your posting and I know how difficult it is juggling dogs family and work- you took a very brave decision and by reading your comments we can all tell how much you loved them and i just know that things will work out for everyone in the end

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by rachel01

Thursday 07 Mar 21:41

Thank you for that

by TheBrownies

Thursday 07 Mar 18:38

Hi Rachel so pleased they are getting on well it is such a relief that they are settled and getting on with your dogs and family. I did spoil them they had cornflakes, rice pudding and warm milk for breakfast and then they had some dry food (Gain/ Burns) for tea with some wholemeal bread and gravy and pichard/ sardines. They were fed twice per day - morning and night with this. I know it isn't strictly greyhound diet but they loved it!!

by rachel01

Thursday 07 Mar 15:27

Hi to thrbrownies we can tell thay were loved so much and thay miss you we are treating them like thay was our own so please don't worry thay are being looked after and loved untill thay are homed pls could you tell me what food you give them as thay are being fussy in what thay eat many thanks Rachel

by TheBrownies

Wednesday 06 Mar 19:02

It has taken me a week to be able to look the website for Pip and Molly as we had to make the heartbreaking decision to return our dogs to the kennels. We have had tears every day since they returned to Daybreaks last Friday. It has made me cry now reading the post from their foster parents - one because they have found a wonderful foster home and two because they have left such a big hole in our lives. Pip is the most loving dog you could ever wish for, he is so full of personality and just loves to be around people. He loves his fuss and you just can't help but love him. He is great with children, my daughter and nephew would always sit and fuss him - he just loves fuss!

Molly is an absolute beautiful girl. She does like to have her own space but at the same time if Pip wasn't around she would pine for him, she does need to be with another grey even though she will pick and choose when she wants to play. Molly is so good in the home, you hardly know she is there, she finds a spot and she loves to watch the world go by! Molly is clever and I have to say a little bit bossy sometimes - but what female isn't!!

It broke our hearts to return the dogs, it was for no reason other than my husbands shifts changed at work - we had to leave them home for over 10 hours per day and it just wasn't fair to them as we both work full time.

All I can add is that Pip and Molly are badly missed at home, it is not the same but we know we have done the right thing for them. They have never fought when we have been out, they have not damaged anything either and have no issue in being left alone. I just have everything crossed that they will find their forever home soon and I just want to say a big thank you to the foster parents for homing them in the meantime. They will bring a lot of happiness to their new family. We miss you Pip and Molly xx

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 06 Mar 13:50

Pip and Molly sound lovely, hope a new home comes their way soon. xxx

by rachel01

Wednesday 06 Mar 00:23

Just to quick update to let you no how pip and Molly are both doing thay have settled in well Molly doesn't like it when my to greys to to close to her unless she wonts them to but we are getting over that now she is a lovely girl and would make someone a great pet.well pip what can I say about him he his the most loving dog and also my baby monitor when when my 5 month old baby boy crys in the morning pip is back and fourth to my bedroom until Oliver my baby is picked up he is always by Oliver and I have left them in the same room together and feel at ease and I no Oliver has his watcher all in all thay are doing well Molly I would say is a mans dog as she is always following my husband around pip is anybody's lol but have to say thay are both great with my 3 children and Molly's getting there with my 2greys we will be sad when thay have to go but like I said thay will be great faithful dogs xx

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by Honeypen

Friday 01 Mar 22:22

It certainly was their lucky day today. I was also there today & saw them being, reluctantly, brought it & half an hour later they were in a foster home together. I do hope they settle well in their foster home & gel well with the other dogs in the home. I'm sending my best wishes to all involved in their care x

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by medaftboutdogs

Friday 01 Mar 21:32

Happy Birthday Pip & Happy Foster home to you & Molly.

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by Jess&Koda

Friday 01 Mar 19:10

Awwe Pip was returned on his birthday :( but was also fostered! :))

by michelleandbertie

Friday 01 Mar 17:10

Oh I am so pleased that some really kind person has fostered Molly and pip, I was there when they were brought back today and I left with it playing on my mind, it made me so sad as they came trotting in and had no idea that they were going to be left after being in the same home for a number of years !! I drove home really really sad, also jelly was there looking a bit bewildered !! It is a really amazing job all the foster careers do for the greys xxx

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by Winniethepooh

Friday 01 Mar 12:21

Happy Birthday Pip

Hoping that your new home will soon be found.

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by lichfield_sam

Tuesday 01 Mar 23:01

happy birthdayyyyy xxxxxxxxxxxx

by crackercharlieX

Tuesday 01 Mar 17:48

Happy birthday pup. Loads of luv Sara. X

by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 01 Mar 14:18

Happy Birthday Pip, have a lovely day! xxx

by TheBrownies

Tuesday 01 Mar 12:32

Happy birthday to my dearest Pip, my first grey - a real treasure x X x Love from mom, dad, ellie and molly x X x

by TheBrownies

Wednesday 23 Feb 18:37

Hi guys, does anyone know of any enclosed fields where we can take Pip and Molly for an 'off the lead' run? Our local field has closed for the cemetry to take over and we have nowhere else to go without roads and open spaces - any locations most welcome please!! Will send you some new pictures soon, Pip and Molls have changed so much and have filled out wonderfully, so will forward you some new ones xx

by Liz&Murray

Sunday 16 Jan 19:14

Use dial a dog wash for bathing and grooming greys ( They were fantastic dealing with my very timid grey Lady (Gypsy) I was even allowed to watch the whole process. They groomed her in a heated van on my drive, she loved every minute of it. She looked and smelled gorg and even licked the lady goodbye .

by TheBrownies

Sunday 16 Jan 09:57

Bath time for Pip and Molly next week - wish me luck - first time we're going to attempt bathing!! Any tips would be most welcome x

by TheBrownies

Friday 31 Dec 10:05

Hi all, just wanted to wish you all a happy new year and to say I am loving my new home, my family love me and they have even given me a new sister in Molly - love her lots too! And mom and dad have even booked me in for training with Moll next week with Julie - can't wait! Thanks for everything you did for me this year and love and miss you all, love from the ever cheeky Pip(squeak) x X x

by kallie

Friday 12 Nov 15:45

well done Pip squeak for being reserved, very happy to see you going into your forever home soon. :-) xxx

by hellokittyrules

Tuesday 09 Nov 07:57

he is beautiful even my mummy likes him

by kallie

Saturday 06 Nov 22:52

what a cutie and yes, he has definately something of the 'Foxy' in him, he is adorable. xxx

by lovemygreys

Thursday 04 Nov 15:35

Is this Foxie in his Halloween costume,? cannot fool me Ruth LOL x

by Lauramc

Wednesday 03 Nov 18:16

Every new pic of Pip makes me smile even more, he looks such a character! And cat friendly. Clever boy!! xx

by Tash'ntheGreys

Wednesday 03 Nov 16:51

Oh, just look at those ears...adorable! X

by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 03 Nov 15:29

Surprisingly Pip passed his cat test today!

by Emma

Tuesday 02 Nov 10:37

Ha ha, judging by the colour of that water I'll bet he was a proper stinker! I keep looking at Pip's lovely bathtime photos as they make me smile - he looks so happy and content! Em xxx

by LadyVictoria

Monday 01 Nov 13:31

Love the bath time photos! xx

by Lea,Sonny,Poppy-Obi

Monday 01 Nov 10:31

Oh look at him, he really did love his bath bless him, im sure he feels much better without that dirt on him.. blimey.. and by the looks of it enjoyed his cuddle afterwards ,he looks so sweet all cuddled up ... So whats the new Spa going to be called then and are you takeing bookings now ??? Xxxxxx

by StefanBecky

Monday 01 Nov 07:58

He he :-) love the bath piccies ! xx

by lindylou

Monday 01 Nov 07:58

Awwwww - what a cutie!!

by Tash'ntheGreys

Monday 01 Nov 07:38

He does look happy and no doubt much cleaner...just look at the colour of the water! You know the other hounds will be lining up at home time for their pamper sessions too!

by DaybreaksRuth

Monday 01 Nov 06:33

Pip arrived at Daybreaks yesterday. I took him home with me last night so he could have a much needed bath as it was too cold at the kennels to do this. As the photo shows he just lay there - he loooooooved it! He smells much better now! He had a very restless night but as I am drinking my morning coffee feeling knackered..... guess what..... he is FAST ASLEEP!!

by KerryElliman

Sunday 31 Oct 20:17

he is such a sweet lad and will make a wonderful pet