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About Me

Racing Name
Call Linda
Date of birth
03 jan 2006
Land of birth
IU Ireland or United Kingdom
Land of standing
IE Ireland
Ear mark
Similar DesignIE-JUL-98-BK
Family tree & race history

Cally (aka Linda)

female, 18 years old, Black

Added by Emma-Rae

Updated: Wednesday 03 Jan

Cally (aka Linda) has had 0 cuddles today (27 all together).
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by blueangel

Monday 14 Apr 18:47

So happy for you Cally such a lovely girl be happy sweetheart xxx

by Lewisfuggie

Saturday 29 Mar 11:42

What a fab little girl. Did not hear a peep from her all night and was greated this morning by a very happy waggy tailed girl... She loves her food and ate all her breakfast (even though she only has 2 teeth, she managed to eat her food quicker than my other two. lol). She walked right by my side on her morning walk, did not pull once as was not bothered at all by any of the other dogs at the park. She has again been bouncing round and playing in the garden this morning with the other two, shes a real laugh and a real fusspot, shame I dont have 3 hands to fuss all 3 at same time.... you really are a pocket gem. x

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 28 Mar 20:55

Great news for Cally, really hope that forever home is hers on Sunday! Xxx

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by Lewisfuggie

Friday 28 Mar 20:46

Princess greyhound in my pocket. Aka Callie arrived for a weekend holiday at our mad house at 4pm today and by 445pm had a viewing and they came to see her straight away ... what a lovely couple especially with my 2 dogs and 4 kids pinging round .. ended up with 4 dogs, 5 kids, 5 adults all in house at same time... was a madhouse they must of thought they were in..... fingers crossed Callie you could possibly be going to your forever home on Sunday. As you can all see she is WELL chilled... has ate a huge bowl of dinner right next to my dogs with not even a glance. Played in the garden with our 2 dogs... running around like a loon... sat quietly next to me on floor whilst I ate a chinese and DID NOT scrounge once. This dog is a real 1 in a million. X

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by Shanesmum

Friday 28 Mar 18:47

I met this beautiful girl today and my goodness, she is so tiny and friendly and pretty - despite only having her 2 front teeth left!! Cally you are gorgeous!xxxxxx

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by blueangel

Thursday 27 Mar 17:56

Cally you are so sweet little girl and you get on well with all breeds large, medium and small just love her xxx

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by susy

Thursday 27 Mar 16:44

Cally I'm sure the ears have it, but anyway you are lovely.
'The New Icemaid Clan xxxx

by Simon,Jan&Jet

Wednesday 26 Mar 08:12

I had the pleasure of walking Cally while she was stopping with Clare, she is really adorable and so petite (proper girlie lol)
When she gets excited while walking she springs upwards, it is so funny and as everyone else has mentioned - the ears!

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 25 Mar 21:13

Cally is a very charming, dainty little girl...she really wouldn't take up very much room in anyone's house! She made us laugh today when She tried to chew her lead with her remaining two teeth! Xxx

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by rumblesmom

Monday 24 Mar 19:40

Now that is what u call a set of ears- I met this lovely girlie recently when Ruth was looking after her -she is really tiny and so sweet and despite only having two teeth left she is a pretty girl xx

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by Fairy

Sunday 23 Mar 21:37

You can have my cuddle today Cally just because of those lovely ears!!!

by blueangel

Sunday 23 Mar 20:40

Loving them ears Cally xxx

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by Caro

Sunday 23 Mar 19:07

What amazing ears!!

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by Shanesmum

Sunday 23 Mar 18:17

Cally, just love those ears my pretty girl! I really hope things go well following your viewing, sending big hugs. xx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 23 Mar 14:42

We have just had a viewing for Cally - the people have gone away to think about it.... I'm really keeping my fingers crossed!

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by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 23 Mar 10:37

Unfortunately Cally is available for rehoming due to a change in her owners circumstances. She has been fostered by the Trust since the beginning of February and has had a dental and just has her top two canine teeth left. She is tiny at just 23kg and was great at home with my 6 greys. Massive thanks to Clare who has been fostering her.

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by Simon,Jan&Jet

Saturday 08 Feb 20:07

Cally has landed at Clare's house today for fostering. She was an angel in the car with Jay and Amber and she has settled well with Princess. A gorgeous girl, once she has got over her dental work and shyness she will be great house guest!

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by jenesis

Friday 24 Feb 17:40

We decided 2day 2 try seeing how Cally & Mystic would react to being in the same room as the cats. so whilst they had their leads and muzzles on we walked them up 2 the cats. Cally whined and backed up as if scared and Mystic just stood looking at the cats with his teeth chattering. We were very surprised by their reactions as normally they only have 2 hear the cats or see them through the window and they'll bark like mad. Hopefully over time we'll be able to retrain them both 2 tolerate the cats in the house. Cally has now stopped having accidents in the lounge and the barking during the early hours has also stopped. Jen, Cally & Mystic x

by mau&greys

Saturday 04 Feb 17:56

hi jenesis we had the same prob when we had cara, she wud wee always in the same place at night, did not like being left at night barking and whinning, ruth and others gave me some good advice. Their house jackets on them to feel safe, i used serene extra tablets which helps to relax them you can buy them from pets at home. And the big thing which medaftboutdogs has said i put her a bed in our bedroom, it depends how you feel about that but with cara it meant she could either come to bed with us and have the reassurance she needs or she can just come into our bedroom see that we were there and that helped greatly. Cara has thankfully stopped the crying at night and we always sleep with our bedroom door open so she has access to us, just a question do you keep her in closed room at night as we found that made her worse. I hope some of this works it did for us and in time and patience she will get there. Let us know how you get on. xxxxx

by medaftboutdogs

Saturday 04 Feb 16:15

Hi Jenesis, what a to do your having. Lots of advice will be coming your way, but to start with I had probs with my boy exactly a year ago. He would bark & whine unless I was with him. Tried lots of things, late night walk, pasta supper,no contact or talking to let him out in the night, DAP plugged in, makouti wrap, tTouch massages, calming herbal tablets - all helped but didn't cure our prob. In the end he slept in our bedroom, and now sleeps on the landing just outside our bedroom door - silence ever since. Since then I have also read & used the advice of Jan Fearnell, the Dog Listener - brilliant is all I can say!! HTH luv t Reubes mum.

by jenesis

Friday 03 Feb 19:53

Hi we're in need of some advice please. We had builders in for a week just before xmas and again for nearly 3wks at the beginning of january. Ever since Cally has been unsettled at night. She has started weeing on the lounge floor almost every night even tho they go out last thing at night and also during the night.As she does it in the same place all the time we've started putting mats down at night. She has also started barking from just around 4am every morning. we get up and let them out into the garden until they've done whatever they need to do but then its back to bed. She will then continue to bark continually until someone gets up and stays up with them. as soon as we step out of bed and the floor creaks she will instantly go quiet but if we then get back into bed she'll start barking again. before we had the workmen in we wouldnt hear a peep from them until 6.30-7ish. they are both fine throughout the day no barking unless its at the cats and no weeing. Cally moreso than Mystic seems to be showing some signs of seperation anxiety regarding myself but noone else in the family. any help/advice that anyone can give us to try and overcome these issues would be greatly appreciated esp the early morning barking. Jen, Cally & Mystic x

by Winniethepooh

Tuesday 08 Mar 11:28


All of our three greyhounds had this problem, I give them Evening Primrose capsules and these seemed to have helped, they all now have shiny black coats. I also put a little bit of olive oil on their pasta a couple of times a week too.

When we adopted Tom he had hardly any fur on his tail and this has all now grown back and I think the oils have helped.


by skinnyme

Monday 07 Mar 14:37

hi jen, Keep grooming her it should start to go,the majority of them develop dandruff and it does generally go over time, if its persistent bathing her with coal tar shampoo or rubbing aloe vera on the area should help.

by jenesis

Monday 07 Mar 13:26

Hi Cally has developed what appears 2 be dandruff. We would be very grateful 4 any advice on what 2 do/use to help get rid of it. Thank u Jen n Cally x

by jenesis

Thursday 10 Feb 09:57

Cally has been an absolute star since she's been with us. Since Mystic arrived yesterday she has been like a different dog, she's been much happier and full of beans, wanting 2 play more and racing him 2 see who can get out the door into the garden 1st. Fingers crossed that with a bit of time and patience things will calm down with regards the cats and we can make Mystic a permanent member of the family, its been lovely coming home and being greeted by 2 happy, tail wagging dogs. Jen xx

by Nicki

Sunday 06 Feb 19:33

Hi, glad to here Cally is settling in okay, we adopted Lucy about the same time, and met Cally at the kennels, she was lovely. Lucy is our second grey now, we adopted Davey about 8 months ago. It is lovely having two, and i'd recommend it to any 1!! They've settled together quickly and it really hasn't been any different for us, having two than it has having one, just lots more love and cuddles!! Nic x

by jenesis

Sunday 06 Feb 18:18

Cally has settled in really well, she has been muzzle free in the house since tue n so far has been fine with the cats (Tilly & Tiny), although Tiny is still a bit wary. It's been an absolute pleasure having her as part of the family, If it was up to me i'd be up 2 Daybreaks 2moro to find a brother for Cally, but need to convince the man of the house 1st lol but fingers crossed it wont be long. Jenxx

by jenesis

Saturday 29 Jan 15:01

Cally (Linda) is settling in ok n is lying comfortably by the heating, still some work to do with the cats tho xx

by SharonMolly&Reggie

Monday 24 Jan 15:45

Well done pretty girl, you have landed on your paws now with the lovely family you are going to. Be good to the pussy cats xxx

by KerryElliman

Sunday 23 Jan 20:53

hi jenesis ,best thing to do is to give ruth a ring tomorrow.she really is sooooooo sweet

by jenesis

Sunday 23 Jan 20:19

hi we've discussed it since we got home n have decided that if the people who have been looking after Linda think its a good idea we'd like to see about giving her a home. I work from home so she'd rarely be left alone and would get lots of cuddles x

by KerryElliman

Sunday 23 Jan 20:05

hi jenesis ,i cat tested little one today she was very good with the cats .she is a little shy at 1st but think she would be cool with kids ,once you get to know her she does love to play ball and will give you lots of fuss.i will help u cat train her i have 6 cats and 4 greys. kerry

by Barkinnkennels

Sunday 23 Jan 19:19

While she stayed at our kennels she had no problem with children and once she gets to know you she has a bubbly character awaiting underneath that shy and timid she is showing. Linda would be a lovely addition to your home Jenesis :)

by jenesis

Sunday 23 Jan 17:40

met this little lady 2day, she is so sweet but very shy/timid. we would like 2 offer her a home but would she be able to settle with the cats and the kids???x

by SharonMolly&Reggie

Sunday 23 Jan 17:06

cat friendly :-) xxxxx

by Jasmine

Sunday 23 Jan 16:17

She is so cute and little. I wish I could have her but I have already got two. :(

by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 23 Jan 15:26

Linda passed her cat test today - Fab! big thanks to Kerry, Vicky and Sarah for taking them all.

by SharonMolly&Reggie

Wednesday 19 Jan 13:03

Oh Linda you are my Mollys half sister (same dad). You look the same as her and your temperament sounds the same, quiet and a bit shy. I wish you could come and live with us:-(
Good luck sweet girl xx

by bestistdogs

Sunday 16 Jan 19:27

Honcho eyes!!!! can't you tell without looking up 'family tree'!
yet another beautiful gal!!! Jx

by kallie

Saturday 15 Jan 18:29

so sweet, a little unsure at first but once introduced she loves a gentle cuddle, very cute and loving. xxx

by Emma

Sunday 09 Jan 19:35

Oooh, gorgeous, so many black beauties in at the moment, better keep my distance ;0) x

by kallie

Saturday 08 Jan 22:53

look at those pleading eyes, how can anyone resist her? xxx

by Belli

Saturday 08 Jan 21:38

She's georgus

by welovegreys

Saturday 08 Jan 20:52

Linda what a lovley girl,another wonderful will be homed very quickly.

by fi-be-looking

Saturday 08 Jan 18:08

she does, xx

by lichfield_sam

Saturday 08 Jan 17:52

aww she looks lovelyyy :D x