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About Me

Racing Name
Volcanic Wizard
Date of birth
04 apr 2006
Land of birth
IU Ireland or United Kingdom
Land of standing
IE Ireland
Ear mark
Family tree & race history


male, 18 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Wizard has had 0 cuddles today (80 all together).
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by tiggersslave

Thursday 05 Apr 19:28

Hmmm Lucy and Lena have Phantom Flash tho .... and doesn't Iris have Phantom Flash? LOL J xx

by LindaPaul

Thursday 05 Apr 11:12

Hi Julie... hmm where does all that 'personality' come from I wonder? A tangled web....Wiz and Lena (Aghaburren Lena) share Brett Lee as their dad and Lena doesn't have Roanokee in her ancestry .... ;) xxx

by tiggersslave

Thursday 05 Apr 08:26

Blimey I better be quiet ... my Lucy and Wizard share a grand daddy in Roanokee ... is he related to Lena too (gulp) LOL .. this could explain a lot about Lucy.... J xxx :) :) :)

by tiggersslave

Wednesday 04 Apr 21:32

Oh many happy returns to Wizard- he's come such a long way with Ali and improved ssssoooo much with Ali's care and love- he is just a star :) tho I'm not sure I want to know he's related to Lena ... two of them - oh nnnooooo LOL J xx

by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 04 Apr 13:15

Wishing Wizard a very Happy Birthday! xxx

by LindaPaul

Wednesday 04 Apr 11:55

Happy Birthday are one lucky lad as your mum totally adores you. I just looked at your family tree and see now that you are Lena's half brother! Now that figures as you both have a liking for the furry snake and she can also do a good side-step :)
Enjoy your special day - hope you have loads of yummy treats. Love from Linda, Paul, Lola & Lena xxxx

by Gracie'smum

Wednesday 04 Apr 08:09

Happy Birthday to my beautiful big boy. The Wiz has come such a long way since I brought him home 11 months ago. He is still far from perfect and keeps everyone entertained at training, when he inevitably manages to let me down with his performances of pirouetting 6 feet in the air at a furry toy cat, destroying a box at the Christmas party whilst ignoring the sausages hidden within, or neatly side-stepping me during recall to say hello to Charlie or destroy a stuffed snake, sigh. On walks he is getting much better and has responded well to treat therapy – well don’t we all! He is such a gentle guy in the house and he loves his cuddles, gets excited about his walks, loves to throw his toys around, and tries so hard with his training, even when he’s not sure what he’s meant to be doing, which is most of the time. I love you to bits Wiz, Happy Birthday xxx

by Gracie'smum

Monday 04 Jul 13:41

Many thanks to Ruth and Rob for looking after The Wizz so well, he looks incredibly fit and back to his old self. He seemed to be really pleased to be back home and spent Saturday eve asleep on the settee with his head on my knee. We had been on a long walk along the canals on Saturday afternoon and apart from showing interest in a snappy Jack Russell he was good as gold and coped with a labrador and a couple of small furries of indeterminate breed. In the park on Sunday he was really good yet again. He has such a funny face and sits and looks at you with a vacant expression when you ask him to do something he's not sure about. It was so the right decision to home him permanantly. It looks like Daybreaks had a fantastic day on Saturday and i'm amazed at the number of dogs who have been reserved and homed whilst I was away, yo!!!Keep up the great work Ruth and co xxx

by Deb

Saturday 25 Jun 11:01

Alison deserves to go on lots of holidays especially after all she has done for Wizz and all the other foster dogs she has had.

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 24 Jun 18:43

We have allowed Alison to go on holiday so I have the pleasure of having Wizard for the week. He has walked into our house like he has lived here forever! Scoffed his tea, played with some toys and is now crashed out on the carpet! Bless him.... he is gorgeous!

by LindaPaul

Monday 20 Jun 14:27

What a lovely picture of the 3 of you! x

by LindaPaul

Monday 20 Jun 14:27

What a lovely picture of the 3 of you! x

by BeckyB-F

Sunday 19 Jun 20:05

A wonderful family picture xxxx

by Nes

Sunday 19 Jun 17:28

So pleased for Wizz. met Allison on one of the Sutton walks, so pleased for him. XXX

by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Saturday 18 Jun 21:48

Wow, what a handsome couple! Glad to see Wizz has got his happy ending. Mand x

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Saturday 18 Jun 18:02

Woo hoo wizz wizz!! Happy days for you xxxxx

by Deb

Saturday 18 Jun 17:58

Wizz looks so contented and happy with his mum and Gracie .He really is one big softie!

by medaftboutdogs

Saturday 18 Jun 11:20

Oh Wizard, what a lucky boy you are, I'm so pleased for you. Looking forward to seeing you again someday. luv t reubes & blossom

by leapinggreys

Friday 17 Jun 10:28

So glad that Wizard has cast a spell on Alison's family and will live happy ever after; wonderful news. Love & best wishes from Rosie,Jet & family xxxxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Wednesday 15 Jun 21:17

I'm so happy wizz is finally in his forever home! Well done alison, I didn't think you'd be able to part with him when you got him back, I also agree we need a new pic of wizz with his new family :o) how is his weight coming on? Xxxxx

by fatharry

Wednesday 15 Jun 21:03

Thats great news Alison, I guess youve found Wizard the best home you could,he's one lucky chap.All the best Dave ,Maria,Blue&Ben x.

by kallie

Wednesday 15 Jun 18:44

Alison, I am so very happy to see that your lovely boy will be staying with you forever now...i guess we both knew he was not going to leave again when i saw you last time, the way you talked about him and the way he looked at you it was clear how much you both mean to each other. well done ... :-) xxxx

by Tash'ntheGreys

Wednesday 15 Jun 16:39

Can we have a family 'photo? x (so pleased for you...almost burst when I read the news! They have a way of wriggling into our hearts x)

by Gracie'smum

Wednesday 15 Jun 16:00

No sooner said Linda!!!! xxx

by LindaPaul

Wednesday 15 Jun 09:56

So happy for Wizard and will have to be 'WizandGracie's Mum' now! Lots of love from Linda, Paul, Lola & Lena xx

by Gracie'smum

Wednesday 15 Jun 08:26

Thank you all for your lovely comments. Wizard was special from the first weekend that I had him and as Tash says, I guess some things are just meant to be. He is progressing really well and I think he feels at home now. He is trying so hard to behave with other dogs and has really become one of the family. I love him to bits!!

by tiggersslave

Wednesday 15 Jun 07:51

He couldn't have a better home :) ..

j xx

by Deb

Tuesday 14 Jun 22:41

Having seen WIZ at training a few times I don't think he was ever going anywhere else.
well done Alison ,Wizard has the best home possible.

by BeckyB-F

Tuesday 14 Jun 20:55

Thats wonderful, it was meant to be. So pleased for wizard xxxx

by Emma

Tuesday 14 Jun 19:16

Brilliant news! Well done both! Em xxx

by crackercharlieX

Tuesday 14 Jun 19:10

I had a feelin he'd found his forever home. I'm so chuffed. Thankyou 4 all u hav n r doin 4 him. He's a very special boy as u already kno. x

by SamA

Tuesday 14 Jun 18:48

Thats bostin news-magic infact!!

by bestistdogs

Tuesday 14 Jun 18:38

Brill, brill .... I have been following the reports on the lad ..... and I'm so pleased that 'all's well that ends well' continue to have a super retirement chap and hope you and your 'new' family continue to have lots of fun... Jx

by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 14 Jun 16:46

Brilliant news...with a name like Wizard he just had to have a magical happy ever after! xx

by Tash'ntheGreys

Tuesday 14 Jun 16:36

Ahhh, that's fantastic news! Well done Wizard and well done Alison, I think you were meant to be together like me and Penny were, I love a happy ending! Penny sends you big hugs xxxx (and a growl for Wizard!)

by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 14 Jun 16:28

What fantastic news! I had a phone call from Alison who has been fostering Wizard and she asked if he could become a permanent member of her family :-)

by Liddy

Tuesday 14 Jun 12:58

How's Wizard?

by tiggersslave

Thursday 26 May 08:10

Ali's doing a great job with Wizard, just taking it slowly with him and having walks with friends and their 'real' dogs under control in the park and at Wizard's coping distance.. she's putting no pressure on Wizard and not 'making' him meet other breeds in an effort to socialise him which can do completely the opposite with greys and really traumatise them - think how you'd feel if you can't escape (you're on a lead) and there are some strange beings in an enclosed space (other breeds in a small area) which are coming close to you ... and this happens every few days .. wouldn't you be absolutely terrified ?
Many thanks again Ali for all your hard work :) Jools xx

by Gracie'smum

Wednesday 25 May 15:55

Wizard is doing well Fi. He is very sweet in the home and in the evening has started to snooze on the sofa with his head on my lap. He is still very nervous with other dogs, but I am working with Julie on this to try and help. I hope to get down to Daybreaks over the weekend to check on his weight and discuss his progress xxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Tuesday 24 May 13:00

How is gorgeous gorgeous Wizz getting on? Any new homes on the horizon? xxx

by Tash'ntheGreys

Sunday 15 May 20:20

Lol Alison! Aren't mis-types great?! So pleased Wizard is doing so well with you, Penny sends her love and says that you are a star! xxxx

by Gracie'smum

Sunday 15 May 19:20

Or even perFect!!

by Gracie'smum

Sunday 15 May 17:13

Wizard continues to progress well and is looking much better. He went training again yesterday and Julie gave me some good advice on the use of a training lead to control him when he meets other dogs. He has been on walks this week with a friend and her Staffie and today we walked around the nature reserve with another friend and his collie cross. Wizard has been much better behaved and the lead definately helped. He is a real sweetheart in the house, no trouble at all. With a little work on his social skills this chap will be perect!

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Saturday 07 May 18:54

Lovely to see gorgeus wizzard looking happy and smily today he really is a lovely and very popular boy :o) well done alison, I can tell he is very special to you xxxx

by kallie

Saturday 07 May 18:40

so chuffed that Alison came to bring Wizzy in to visit...he is doing so well over 3 kg put back on already and his coat is lovely and shiny and he is a adorable as ever, his collar matched my boys and if i would be able to have Number 4 greyhound then he would be it...he will make a special pet to anyone who wants to give him their heart. :-) xxxx thank you Alison for bringing him in so that i could have some cuddles with him. xxxx

by Emma

Saturday 07 May 16:57

So pleased to see this gorgeous boy today, he looked so happy and relaxed and has put on 3kg already! Wish I was allowed to take him home myself :0( Em xxx

by Gracie'smum

Saturday 07 May 16:23

Wizard did enjoy his training today, especially the corned beef. I took him to Daybreaks this afternoon and he has put on just over 3 kilos, so with Ruth and Co's advice we seem to be on the right track which is great. Wizard is eating well and has enough energy to destroy the squeaky elephant he had from Daybreaks today, bless. He is still nervous with other breeds (except Rowan of course), but he is an absolutely lovely, gentle, sweet hound in the house. Love him to bits, so anyone interested please note Deb's comments below!!!!! xxx

by Deb

Saturday 07 May 13:26

Wizard was great at training today he seemed to enjoy himself and I understand he will be popping into to see his friends at the kennels today.
Hopefull yhe will find a new home soon but his new owner will have to pass the Alison test as do all owners who take a dog she has been fostering !!

by Bartleygreen,crew

Friday 06 May 19:42

i feel soo sad at the tought that someone can do this to anuther living thing wish wizzard all the best in finding a new home

by tiggersslave

Friday 06 May 08:01

I agree that there are always two sides to any story but anyone who has researched the breed would know that they are very different to other dogs so why consult other non-greyhound owners for advice? We at Perry Barr are always available to help new owners with any questions about their greys, the home checkers, Ruth's and my numbers are all on the forms that are given out with the dogs so it is simple to ask for advice and help. That's also why new owners are given free training sessions so that we can explain how to train pet greyhounds and avoid any problem behaviours that may arise.
There is absolutely no excuse for anyone to have a dog that loses weight to that extent and they don't check it with the kennels and/or vet - the dog food sack has the recommended feed amounts on the back, again not rocket science and yes they can lose weight due to stress but you simply increase the food... you do not ignore the problem.
As Emma said the RSPCA stresses that all animals should have the five freedoms - the first of which is freedom from hunger and thirst ..when Wizard's owners are feeling hard done by and upset I'd suggest that they think how Wizard felt as his weight fell by a quarter of his body weight due to lack of food.

by Vikic

Thursday 05 May 22:30

I can't comment on the weight loss, but we had a very similar incident with the face biting 11 months into having Riley from Daybreaks. He'd always been a very calm and collected dog, but always got overexcited when my partner came home from work and he'd play with him. In Dec last year, a friend came over, he greeted Riley as usual, and was bending over to fuss Rileys head. Riley jumped up and had an open mouth (this wasn't a bite, it's important to emphasise that) - sadly this caught our friends eye and he had a serious eye injury for 6 weeks, had to stop working- it was an awful and worrying time. I can understand why this owner lost confidence, I still haven't quite got over this incident myself, although we consulted a specialist greyhound behaviourist who confirmed what we had believed -it wasn't an act of aggression at all, but boisterous play gone bad. Anyway, you can read a case study here:
It sounds as though Wizard's actions have been misunderstood by his former owners, but I can sympathise having been in the same situation. Something the behaviourist said really helped me accept that this wasnt as big as deal as it felt, and that was to point out at had the same thing happened with a smaller dog, their mouth wouldnt have reached our friends face and the injury would never have occurred. So his size was his biggest downfall, poor boy just didnt know his own size and strength.I agree with a post further down that says getting advice from non-greyhound owners can sometimes even be misleading - as us greyhound owners know, they are totally unique. What applies to most other dog breeds quite often does not apply to our retired lovelies. I agree it's important to seek specialist advice, unfortunately this didn't seem to be taken on board in this case but as previously stated, I can sympathise 100% with the former owners. Best of luck with getting Wizard back to his happy and healthy self and I'm confident his forever home is just around the corner xx

by sarah

Thursday 05 May 22:03

Emma - that was a heartfelt post and I agree with everything u sed and Ruth's post earlier was spot on ! ! And then some ! x x x But 4 Wiz a new home is beckoning with a family who will love u as much as we love Toby and Jo !! Oh and one that may actually feed u !!

by Doghouse.jane

Thursday 05 May 19:28

How sad for Wizzard.
It's not hard to see the profile of a greyhound changing. Mine changed during a 2 week kennel stay and she dropped weight. I jumped straight on it and had her looking fine again soon afterwards. I pointed it out to the kennels and they weighed her when she went in and then when she went out to make sure she was getting enough food.
Sorry but there is quite simply no excuse to a dog dropping that much and not even addressing it.
Wizard would have been feeling terribly hungry - we all get narky when we are hungry so there is a good excuse for snapping.
Daybreak kennels are wonderful and have the dogs Interests first and foremost. At least he's getting the right care until his new future comes along.
I wish I could have him but sadly I have another male.
For all greyhound lovers ..... Heres a recipe I got from USA some years ago, dogs go mad,mad,mad for them!!!! Good for poor appetites.

1 lb blended liver
1 cup flour
1 tbs garlic
1/2 cup bran
1 cup cornmeal.

Mix together, make into balls, squash with bottom of glass dipped in cornmeal. Bake at 350 deg for 10 mins. Cut with scissors if needed and freeze if required.

Makes them drool!!

by kallie

Thursday 05 May 18:47

just to add to the comments below, - i have owned dogs all my life from the age of about 9 years old, i adopted our first greyhound Rossi nearly 3 years ago. despite the fact that i still had a non grey hound and have owned different breeds and cross breeds for almost 35 years i was frequently on the phone to Ruth at the kennels and to my home checker Bob, a greyhound does have different needs to other dogs and that needs to be learned and can only be learnt from people who are dealing with this specific breed. when Rossi first arrived he lost a little weight due to being a little unsure in his new surroundings and i immediately contacted the kennels to find out what to do about it. by the time he went for a visit to the kennels 4 weeks later he was at his optimum weight and has been ever since. i now do home checks myself and i can't stress enough to the new prospective owners that i am but a phonecall away if there is anything at all that they are unsure about. no question is ever a stupid question because if you do not know the answer then you need to find out to make sure that you give your new pet dog the treatment they need and deserve. i have never come across a more open, friendly and helpful group of people than the Daybreaks volunteers who all try and help to do the best for this beautiful breed of dogs. we are all passionate about their well being and therefore get upset when we see the odd dog returned who maybe has not fared as well as we hoped they would, especially as there is so much back up and help on offer. Ina xxx

by Emma

Thursday 05 May 11:40

Well, I think this just goes to show that, if in doubt, always consult Daybreaks - help, advice or reassurance is only ever a phone call or mouse click away and is actively encouraged at all stages of the homing process.

It seems that the resounding theme of the posts were ones of concern for Wizard, and especially the updates from Alison which have always been positive, reassuring and well received. I'm also 100% confident that these same posters and more would have freely (and preferably) offered advice and support in any amount in order to help Wizard and his previous family.

Other breed dog owners are a valuable source of information but, in my experience and particularly with regards to greys, many are keen to offer well-meaning conjecture as fact and if you are a new dog owner it is all too easy to bow to this 'experience'. This is one of the reasons why the RGT offer free grey specific training.

The overriding belief seems to be that greyhounds are 'skinny' dogs (not the glorious muscular and finely tuned athletes we know them to be), and so it would seem reasonable not to expect a passing member of the public to notice and then act upon a dog who is 'meant to be skinny'. I don't wish to upset anybody by saying this, but ultimately, the responsibility for a dog's welfare, whether it be feeding, teeth, socialisation, behaviour etc, lies squarely at the feet of the owners. This is not just my opinion, but also that of the RSPCA

I think lessons have most probably been learnt all round, and we can now look forward to hearing about Wizard's progress and finding him a new family.

by Tash'ntheGreys

Thursday 05 May 08:46

The comments on here haven't shocked me, I've been impressed how reserved and unjudgemental people have been. The comments have been written by concerned people who own greys and can visualise what their own dogs would look like if they had lost that much weight or from people who have seen the condition Wizard was returned in first hand. Daybreaks are kennels that are there for the wellfare of retired Greyhounds who need a forever home. The dogs are looked after by people who are passionate about this wonderful breed, it's a lovely place to be because the dogs are so loved and their needs come first. I think it's a bonus that Ruth and her team are so friendly and warm to us humans too, which is why so many Greys are homed and happy...sometimes it doesn't work out, for whatever reasons, the people returning the dogs will have to deal with their own feelings as to why. Thankgoodness for passionate people

by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 05 May 06:50

Hi Ruby's mum, thank you for your comment. I dealt with this family when I homed Wizard and I take great pride in giving as much advice as possible which is also duplicated to take away in the homing pack given to all new owners.

I was available for advice to the family the day before returning Wizard due to an incident where he had bitten his owner whilst playing, which was understandably frightening. However sadly I was not at the kennels the following morning when he was returned, only seeing him later on the afternoon.

I was saddened to see the shadow of the boy weighing in at only 26kg I had homed only 6 weeks ago at around 35kg. A weight loss such as this could only possibly mean illness or not getting the food quantities quite right. I have spoken to the family since and am aware that a dog can lose weight in a new environment but not to this degree.

I am also aware that Wiz was going to a local training club. However this is why we offer a Greyhound Training Club membership free of charge to offer specialist advice for this breed especially with regard to weight control. Sadly the home checker was unable to get in touch with the family on several occasions also and this would have been an opportunity to see how he was doing.

I just find it so sad that with all the support we offer, a dog can be returned when it is just learning all the new skills of being a family pet. This is something that can take months sometimes. I am always there to support anyone who takes a grey and am sorry in this instance things haven't worked out. Everyone at Daybreaks is so passionate about all the dogs and Wizard was an 'inmate' for a long time so obviously everyone was devastated to see him back but at no time have I ever implied he was mistreated.

I am upset for the family as they are clearly devastated but I am equally saddened for Wizard.

by Ruby'smum

Wednesday 04 May 23:33

I have been shocked and very troubled by the forum posts about Wizard. I have been involved with the welfare and rehoming of another breed for over thirty years and I know that the thought of a dog being mistreated in a new home can be traumatic - BUT - what is the other side of the story? Wizard joined a family who had thought incredibly hard, planned and prepared over a number of years for the time that they would be in a position to offer a dog a home. When that time came they did an enormous amount of reading and researching to ensure that they did the very best job possible. Wizard attended a local training club every week and was walked in very public places in between times. Wizard was seen regularly by a wide range of experienced dog people - none of whom had any concerns, only encouragement for a family who were wholeheartedly entering the world of sharing their life with a dog. I assume the follow up checks also raised no concerns? The family returned him with a very heavy heart, but did so with a full set of 'kit' so that he moved with familiar items. I didn't meet Wizard, but I have become aware of the family who owned him for a short time. I do know that they wanted to follow his progress to a new home via this forum. I understand that they are devastated by the comments they have read.

by Gracie'smum

Wednesday 04 May 17:39

Wizard has been for a brilliant walk through the countryside surrounding Ironbridge with Gracie, Jules and her dogs and several work colleagues. He was nervous and fiesty with the non-greyhound/lurcher dogs at first but calmed down and by the end was much better. He had a lovely day, a big tea and is back to snoozing on the sofa. He is a really handsome fellow.

by BeckyB-F

Tuesday 03 May 16:41

Hi Wizard, hope you are well on the way to recovery (enjoy your sardine cakes-yum xxx)

by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 03 May 14:22

Very sad to hear about Wizard, but I am sure a happy ever after is just around the corner for him. Please give him a hug from me. xxx

by kallie

Monday 02 May 20:29

big cuddle for Wiz today, thank you Alison for looking after him so well, you are a star and so are your houndies :-), i am so glad that he is doing well and hope that i will get to see him when i am down next weekend ( if you happen to be passing that is. ) Ina xxxx

by Gracie'smum

Monday 02 May 18:47

Wizard is enjoying cuddles, treats and a most amazing sardine cake donated by Deb and the beautiful Mille which he and the gang absolutely love. Thank you Deb. He has enjoyed his walk and after a good tea and cake (sardine of course) he is settled on the sofa. He still needs reassurance and care but hopefully his progress will be good and he will be back to his peak soon.

by bestistdogs

Monday 02 May 17:52

Yesterdays comment seems to have gotten lost!! I hope everything goes one way for Wizard .. he is in the bestist place. I'm trying not to be judgemental. Hope you soon find a super forever home lad Jx

by bluepeter

Monday 02 May 14:26

I heard about Wizard and am saddened by the news. I hope that he is getting lots of love on his road to recovery. Alison has a heart of gold for looking after Wizard and he obviously trusts her as he has settled in with her dogs, I hope that he is enjoying lots of treats and plenty of cuddles. Give him a human cuddle from me and a lick from my Blue so he knows we are all thinking of him. xxxxx Al

by tiggersmum

Monday 02 May 09:54

I agree that we should not be judgemental BUT how can any dog lose nearly 8kgs (2.2lbs = a kilo so by my calculator that's at least 16lbs which is more than an old stone or a quarter of its body weight) and it not seem strange to even a new dog owner? We at Daybreaks and Perry Barr RGT pride ourselves on a thorough re-homing process, new owners are 'walked through' feeding, care, training and the help that's available when they are home-checked and again when they collect the dog and again with follow up checks- we are all passionate about helping dogs settle in their new home and helping new owners understand their new dog - Ruth is always on the end of a phone and the rest of us will always talk to people, go round, offer all our experience and advice because we love greyhounds- they are different to other dogs and we have years of experience we want to share.
How very upsetting that as ever it's the dog that suffers, fortunately Daybreaks is there to have the dog back and we have fabulous volunteers who will help Wizard recover.
Sending him and Alison and her dogs big hugs and thanks for all their help. Julie xx

by zippy(TheNeals)

Monday 02 May 09:41

I am so glad Wizard is doing well now. He is obviously somewhere he feels happy and loved now. You have a wonderful time gorgeous boy, you deserve it. xxxxxx

by Gracie'smum

Monday 02 May 08:31

Wizard's doing really well. He is getting his spirit back and has been teasing Rowan and playing with his toys. He is eating well and enjoyed his walk yesterday evening. He has stood for fuss and loved having his ears tickled and his tummy scratched. He's been clean in the house, fine with the other dogs and shown gentleness, cheek, affection and a good appetite, (he thinks sardine cake sounds wow). He really is a lovely boy.

by kallie

Sunday 01 May 20:27

so glad to hear that Wizzard is doing so well at Alison's, as i knew he would, it's hard to for a lot of us to understand how things like this happen but happen they do whether it is out of ignorance or by design and thankfully there are always wonderful people in the Daybreaks family ready to help....a real credit to Ruth who inspires so many of us to help and do the best we can to make the greys life a happy one....much love to you Wizzy, and speedy recovery. xxxxx

by rumblesmom

Sunday 01 May 17:47

i am sitting here in tears ruth i jst can,t believe this- as you all know i took on duffy in jan and boy was he a handful- he,s still not cat friendly but the cat knows the rules and so does duff- i also have an old greyhound and when i first had her she was so frightened she bit me on the face but come on people it only takes love that,s all they need- if i had a big house i,d scoop them all up - jst glad you,ve got him bck ruth- give him a big kiss from the lloyd family and pippa and duffy. xx

by Deb

Sunday 01 May 16:46

I will be baking you a scrummy sardine cake and perhaps when you are feeling stronger alison might bring you to training again so you can meet some of your friends.
PS Millie says the sardine cake is very tasty and can she have one too please!

by lichfield_sam

Sunday 01 May 14:02

i hope wizard is doing better today. he can have my cuddle again today. xxxxxxxxxx

by BeckyB-F

Sunday 01 May 11:29

As promised you have my cuddle for the day, you so deserve it. You are obviously with the best people in the world to get you back to yourself xxxx I'm sure that you are getting lots of well deserved love and cuddles xxxxx

by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Sunday 01 May 10:07

Read Wizard's story last night and feel absolutely heartbroken for him. I said that if I'd been at the kennels yesterday, I'd have had to have brought him home with me- no question! Thanks Gracie's Mum for looking after him for the timebeing, please keep us updated on his progress and let us know if there's anything you need for him, I'm sure we can put together a little SOS box for him. Hope everyone who was at Daybreaks yesterday feels a little brighter today - you all do a fantastic job and our family are eternally grateful to you all for introducing us to the most wonderful dogs in the world. Mand, Gent & Emily xxxx

by Gracie'smum

Sunday 01 May 09:06

After a good tea Wizard had a peaceful night and slept well. He is up and breakfasted, has had a quick play with a toy in the garden and is now snoozing again. He has been calm and sweet, got on great with the other dogs, enjoyed some love and fuss, and is quickly showing what a true gentleman he is.

by spencer68

Saturday 30 Apr 22:34

reading some of these comments about wizard has bought a tear to my eye, how very sad for him. All i can say is i know that wizard will turn a corner and get a much deserved forever home soon thanks to the dedication of ruth and daybreaks.x

by fake-farm-girl

Saturday 30 Apr 21:09

good God, how has he dropped that much weight in so little time? Poor, poor Wizard if there is anything I can do to help, please let me know. xxx to Wizzy.

by skinnyme

Saturday 30 Apr 21:05

Wizard is now where he belongs and we must now concentrate on his future and not dwell too much on his past, I am absolutely sure that a loving home is out there for him, thanks to Alison, Ruth and all at Daybreaks he will soon be back to the beautiful boy we know and love.

by Gracie'smum

Saturday 30 Apr 20:25

A quick update on Wizard as there is obviously a lot of concern out there. Ruth has given me a lot of high nutrition food and advice on feeding Wizard to bring him back to full strength. He has already settled well, renewed his friendship with Rowan and Gracie, been flirted at by Tippie (who is a darling) and played with some toys, which was marvellous to see. He is following me around quite a lot and is asleep at my feet as I type. I see this as an good sign that he has not lost faith in humans despite his experience. As has been said below, thank goodness for Ruth and Daybreaks being there to take Wizard back and give him the chance to be cared for and found a more suitable home. The 5 cuddles he has received today have been passed on and more xxx

by Tash'ntheGreys

Saturday 30 Apr 19:38

Just heartbreaking to think that a human can do this to an innocent, I can't write what I really think...thank goodness for Alison, Ruth and Daybreaks, sad...

by medaftboutdogs

Saturday 30 Apr 18:48

I popped by Daybreaks today, not often that I can, and saw first hand the state of poor Wizard. Not only was he emaciated but utterly withdrawn and in shutdown. His mood was reflected in the staff on duty too. All were downbeat and clearly upset at the state of him. I'm not certain about the biting story but this poor boy as definately been neglected to a major degree and to me this is abuse. I'm so glad that all of you guys a Daybreaks are there to help every hound and are so non judgmental with the people returning the dogs. I understand just how important that any owner feels they have somewhere to turn other than turf the dog out on the streets when it goes wrong for them and thats what you guys do best, open arms no matter the story. Please please keep up the good work, I cant praise you all enough for the hard work that you do. luv t reubes & blossom

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Saturday 30 Apr 18:35

Oh poor poor wiz! Sending you big big hugs... If I could take you home too I would. But I have been told in no uncertain terms there is no more roomat my house! You'll find the right home soon handsome xxx

by lichfield_sam

Saturday 30 Apr 18:33

omg i am so shocked, hes lost so much weight, he obviously wasnt happy, hes always been a good eater when in the kennels unless they didnt feed him. i hope hes doing okay, he can have my cuddle for today, i will come up and you soon wizard. xxxxxxxxxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 30 Apr 17:50

When I saw Wizard, my eyes nearly fell out of my head. This shaddow of a boy weighs just 26kg (when neutered at the beginning of March prior to his homing he was almost 34kg). Alison has come to the rescue and taken him home until he is back on the mend. His eyes were sorrowful but with Alison's help the Wizard we know will be back very soon I am sure.....

by BeckyB-F

Saturday 30 Apr 14:02

Poor wizard, its easy to get excited and he wouldn't have meant to do it. Hope he can find the right forever home soon. I have already used my cuddle today but will save tomorrows for him. So sad when they have been settled in a home to have to go into kennels. At least he has you wonderful people at daybreaks looking after him xxx I'm sure he won't be short of love xxx

by Lauramc

Saturday 30 Apr 13:55

Another returnee? How sad! I know Ruth that this always upsets you, it sounds like once again you've done your best and offered advice and support and it's unfortunate that these owners can not see the effect that they're having on the dogs by not trying to resolve issues. Sending love and hugs, will come up for walks tomorrow. xx

by Gracie'smum

Saturday 30 Apr 12:01

Oh no, this is so sad. Wizard stayed with me for a while and was a quiet, shy, gentle chap and a perfect gentleman. I do hope he gets another chance with someone who can appreciate what a lovely dog he is.

by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 30 Apr 11:51

Wizards distraught owner phoned me yesterday. He had been playing with Wizard and unfortunately Wizard got too excited and bit his owner on the face. This is totally out of character for Wizard as we all know he is a big softy. Sadly due to his excitement of playing, it got out of hand and his owner feels he can't trust him any more. I offered advice and also said that the advice of an experienced dog trainer was available but unfortunately he has been returned today.

by lichfield_sam

Monday 21 Mar 21:29

good luck handsome boy, ill miss you :) xxxx

by Gracie'smum

Sunday 20 Mar 16:56

Wizard, you look perfect with your new family. Good luck, you are a very special dog xxx

by crackercharlieX

Saturday 19 Mar 19:05

Gud luck whizz. Hope ul b very happy. X

by kallie

Saturday 19 Mar 18:50

oh Wizz you look gorgeous in your new coat, good luck beautiful boy. xxxx

by Tash'ntheGreys

Monday 14 Mar 11:56

Well done Wizard! Be happy in your new home xxxx

by lichfield_sam

Sunday 13 Mar 22:34

yay who has reserved the lovley wizard xxxxxxxx

by Gracie'smum

Sunday 13 Mar 14:51

Wizard, the very news I wanted to see. Good boy, a very lucky family have chosen you. Be happy you lovely hound xxx

by kallie

Sunday 13 Mar 14:22

how ownderful to see the reserved sign on this gorgeous boy. so very pleased for him xxxx

by Gracie'smum

Saturday 12 Mar 19:13

I spent another lovely day with Wizard. He settled very quickly this time. He is a shy dog at first but once he gains confidence he becomes very affectionate and loves company. He was brilliant with Rowan and Gracie again, and when left with them on his own for an hour he settled quickly and was there were no problems. He loves playing with his toys. In the park he was fine, I was walking three dogs and had no problems. This is a dog who may not show his potential at first, but give him a little time and a lot of love and he will return it several times over. He has the sweetest, most gentle manner of any dog I have known, he is an absolute beauty. Please give him the chance he deserves.

by Gracie'smum

Sunday 06 Mar 16:24

Wizard spent his weekend with me. What a lovely dog. He was a little shy and nervous at first but soon settled down and played with his toys. He became very affectionate and cuddly, which doesn't show when you first meet him. He had a couple of walks in the park and although interested in the smaller breeds he was very controllable on the lead. He was also interested in Rowan at first but very quickly got used to him, and there has been no need for a muzzle in the house, even overnight. Wizzwizz settled well after his evening constitutional, and slept well. There were a couple of accidents - only to be expected - but he is learning to go outside, and of course got lots of praise when he did so. He easily became part of the family and all three dogs kept me company in the living room, on sofas and rugs!! He did not react at all when Gracie dived into his food bowl after woofing hers down, he is such a calm and gentle dog in the house. He has been left on his own for short periods and settled well. He really will fit into any home, and I have found him to be very good with my other dogs once he has been introduced. Well done Wizzwizz (he kind of became that as the weekend went on), you are a good boy, someone out there will notice you very soon I'm sure xxx. ps And his ears do flop forward just as Julie says, so cute!!!

by tiggersslave

Monday 28 Feb 09:05

Wasn't Wizard a really good boy on Saturday, he's got gorgeous floppy ears (very strokable) and was very well behaved, he seems a real sweetie. Many thanks to Alison for bringing him over and doing her usual magic with him in class :) and I see he was great with her Rowan and Gracie Jxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Sunday 27 Feb 20:21

I looooove Wizzard, what a lovely personality he has, and so loving! xxxxx

by Deb

Sunday 27 Feb 15:46

hopefully Alison's magic touch will work again and Wizard will have new home soon.

by kallie

Saturday 26 Feb 19:18

Wizzard is such a lovely lad, he had a fab day out with his 'auntie Alison' and was quite shattered when he came back, he had his tea and climbed onto his bed having a good well deserved snooze. please go and have a look at this beautiful boy, he is truly lovely. xxx

by Gracie'smum

Saturday 26 Feb 18:10

Today I took Wizard training. Although nervous, (which is hardly surprising as he was being taken to something completely new by a total stranger) he was very well behaved and made friends with a delightful lurcher called Murphy. Back home he met Rowan Cocker Spaniel and Gracie Greyhound. Although he has been keen with small dogs he was no problem at all with Rowan, and very friendly towards Gracie (who was definately smitten). On his walk in the park he met several other breeds and was fine on the lead with them. He understands the word 'no' and responds well. He is obviously intelligent and any socialisation issues I am convinced can be solved after seeing his behaviour today. He took treats very gently and when Gracie snaffled his he did not react at all. It would be difficult to imagine a more polite dog. On top of all this he is the most handsome grey I have seen in a long time, an absolute beauty to look at. I love this guy, he's magic!!!! So what are you all waiting for??!!

by skinnyme

Friday 25 Feb 08:24

Wizard yesterday was playing with his new best friend, his tennis ball, he was so cute.

by lichfield_sam

Wednesday 16 Feb 18:11

i love wizard, he is like the handsomeiest (if thats a word lol), boy ever, he loves cuddles and kisses, im a bit attatched but someone will be sooo lucky to have him xxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Monday 14 Feb 21:06

Wizzard is such a loving boy, someone will be lucky to have him x x x

by Naomi

Monday 14 Feb 10:18

Looks like he could win a competition for longest nose in this photo. He looks very wise and suits his name x

by paulieg

Sunday 13 Feb 15:00

what a cute face

by kallie

Sunday 13 Feb 14:38

Wizzard, i forgot to mention you yesterday and yet we had such a lovely long cuddle. He is a lovely lad..but then i tend to be a bit biased as i love the black greyhound boys. :-) xxx