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About Me

Racing Name
Jims Maldini
Date of birth
01 jun 2008
Land of birth
IU Ireland or United Kingdom
Land of standing
UK United Kingdom
Ear mark
Creamery MistIE-JUN-02-WBK
Family tree & race history

Ruby (Pixie)

female, 16 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Ruby (Pixie) has had 0 cuddles today (24 all together).
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by cd

Saturday 12 Mar 20:15

Thank you so much to everyone who has kindly commented to my post about Ruby passing away. The thoughtfulness and kindness of each message is really appreciated. Xx

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by Thethirdronnie

Friday 11 Mar 20:19

God bless Ruby. Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Xxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Friday 11 Mar 18:06

So very sad and sorry to hear that you had to let Ruby cross the bridge. X

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 11 Mar 16:19

I'm so very sorry to hear you have had to let your beautiful Ruby go. Xxx
I know there were times during her life when she was very poorly, but you were always there for her and nursed her back to health. What a wonderful, long and happy life she has had with you. Obviously loved so very much, what a lucky girl! God Bless Ruby. Xxx Thinking of you all and sending lots of love, Kate Xxx

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by shanishoo

Friday 11 Mar 15:44

So very to hear that you have had to say goodnight to your darling Ruby, what a fantastic age to reach, there will be many wonderful memories to treasure of the time you shared together, hope they bring you some comfort. Rip beautiful Angel x

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by cd

Friday 11 Mar 08:19

We are heartbroken to say that on the evening of Wednesday 9th March we had to make the heartbreaking decision to allow the vet to lay Ruby to rest. She was 13 years and 9mths old and her health over the past 10 days had taken a sudden and unexpected turn for the worse. There was nothing more medically that could be done. We know she is now happy and pain free now which was always our focus. But as you will all understand we feel our heart has been absolutely ripped out of us.

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by cd

Monday 30 Mar 17:06

Thank-you for your all the kind messages they really are greatly appreciated. Xx

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by Alan&Paddy

Sunday 29 Mar 21:31

We are sorry to hear that poor Ruby isn't well again. This must be a worry for you. Do not punish yourself,its not your fault.She's just been unlucky,but with your love and care she will soon be back to normal xx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 29 Mar 19:50

Very sorry to hear Ruby has been ill again...but great news she is back on the road to recovery. It's wonderful that she has such a caring family to look after her. Sending her lots of love. Xxx

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by blackisbeautiful

Sunday 29 Mar 18:57

So sorry to hear that poor Ruby is not well again...some Some poor hounds just don't have much luck in life do they However its absolutely not your fault and she's so lucky to have such a lovely caring family to be there for her You love her and she knows it...Wishing her well Hugs x x

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by cd

Sunday 29 Mar 17:05

Hi everyone, sorry I've not written with any updates regarding Ruby. After my posts in January All seemed to settle down so well again (after taking Ruby to vets on 22/1/15) and she seemed back to her usual self. So much so that we even came to the kennels a couple of times to see about getting Ruby a new greyhound friend. But unfortunately on 4/3/15 Ruby took very ill again, thankfully not as bad as 2 and a half years ago, but it didn't look good. Amazingly though with vet care and plenty of TLC from us she's made a fairly good recovery. She still has an overall weakness on her left side and gets tired very easily but she's happy and doesn't appear to be in pain.
I still can't believe that she got so very ill at just 4 years old and now at 6&half years old she's took poorly AGAIN! I feel so guilty and that some how it's my fault because why would such a relatively young dog get ill twice like she has? Anyway sadly we have decided that at the moment we won't be adopting another greyhound as we want to concentrate fully on Ruby and her needs.xx

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by cd

Friday 23 Jan 10:34

Thanks so much alan&pam for your useful advice, it's much appreciated. Xx

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by muddypaws

Friday 23 Jan 10:02

l agree with Alan & Pam on this one. Blood tests are not always 100% accurate, and it's your dogs health that is at stake, and not the vets dog.... You know Ruby better than the vet
so you may have to be more insistent. We have had similar problems with vets in the past. Please don't be afraid to put your opinion across...after are the customer. Our current vet will always listen to our opinions and concerns, because, as he says,we know our dogs far better than he does. Some vets do seem to like to play a waiting game, but will he be any the wiser by Saturday...l doubt it. Please, if he won't listen to your concerns and is not willing to consider starting antibiotics, then l would seek a second opinion straight away. lt's better to be safe than sorry. Luv to Ruby. X.

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by Alan&Paddy

Thursday 22 Jan 21:34

If you are worried and you don't want to wait until she might get worse perhaps it might be better to speak to the vet tomorrow.Pam is a nurse and with humans where meningitis is suspected they start antibiotics anyway as they can be stopped when they know its not meningitis.If the vet still refuses to treat her I would seek a second opinion especially as she has had it before and the symptoms are similar.Go with your gut feelings.Hope she's ok,let us know how you get on best wishes A,P, Ele and Paddy xx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 22 Jan 21:30

Poor Ruby, so sorry to hear she is not well. Do hope the vet can find out what is going on. Sending her lots of love. Xxx

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by cd

Thursday 22 Jan 20:20

Kind of good news as blood tests don't show meningitis but vet is still concerned with the symptoms she's been showing as they are the same as they where when she had meningitis last time. So we will return to see him on Saturday morning, unless she gets worse and then she'll be seen as an emergency. I'm still worried to say the least but until we know for sure what's what the vet won't treat her.
Thanks to TJ & alan&pam for their kind messages. Xx

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by Alan&Paddy

Thursday 22 Jan 18:34

We hope poor Ruby will be ok,we know how worrying it can be looking after a sick hound.Keeping everything crossed for a good outcome at the vets later

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by TJ

Thursday 22 Jan 17:36

Hi Ruby, so sorry to read that you're not too well at the moment and we're keeping every finger & paw in this home crossed for that you make a quick recovery gorgeous. T, J, R & B xxxx

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by cd

Thursday 22 Jan 11:41

Had to take my Ruby to the vets this morning. Blood tests been taken as vet thinks she might be starting with meningitis again. The first time she had it was 2& half years ago. At that point she was very ill and we did'nt think she would survive. This time if it is meningitis then
hopefully it's been caught earlier. Blood test results will be back tonight. Feeling sick to the pit of my stomach whatever it is! :-(

by LadyVictoria

Saturday 12 Apr 19:53

So pleased to hear Ruby's Vet is happy with her progress. Xxx

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by muddypaws

Saturday 12 Apr 14:05

Well done Ruby...keep up the good work mom...she will soon be back to normal. X.

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by cd

Saturday 12 Apr 11:11

Been to the vets this morning and had Ruby's foot re-dressed, vet is pleased with how her toe is looking, so all been well we won't be there again for another week. In herself Ruby is more like she normally is but still got a limp.

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by goldi&ruby's-mum

Thursday 10 Apr 11:21

We duz bes sendin yous sooopa snugguls n kissez Miss Ruby *nods* habs a sooopa snoooozins day oh n yous NEEEEEEDS lots n lots ob sossijs!!!!
Lubs snugguls n kissez
Goldie n Ruby Roo
Mwah mwah mwah

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by LindaPaul

Thursday 10 Apr 08:57

Thinking of you and Ruby. Ours are always a bit more sleepy than usual the day after a general anaesthetic. Lena had a lovely duvet day after she had her corns done at the vets so not sure if Ruby will be the same or similar. Bless her she just has to heal now and that will be that. You should be over the most worrying bit now the surgery is done so make sure you all have lots of tlc today. Linda xx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 10 Apr 08:18

Hope lovely Ruby will soon be feeling better. Xxx

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by cd

Thursday 10 Apr 07:15

Ruby had a reasonable nights sleep and I woke at least twice in the night to her drinking plenty of water. She had had a little fresh meat before settling for the night but that's all. Bless her she's limping this morning but there's no surprise there. Back to vets on Saturday for a re-dressing. Just hoping it all settles down very soon because I just hate to see her in discomfort. Xx

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by cd

Wednesday 09 Apr 16:50

Just a very quick update to let everyone know we are off to pick Ruby up from the vets in a bit. So pleased the op is done.xx

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by muddypaws

Wednesday 09 Apr 16:36

Hi CD. We hope everything has gone O.K for Ruby at the vets today. I'm sure she will soon be back to her old self. Let us know how she is doing ? Ruby gets my cuddle today. XXX

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by LindaPaul

Monday 07 Apr 18:01

Hi cd
Here's a link to lots of stuff about the Thera Paw boots. You'll see pictures of greyhounds on there :)
Julie Sadler kindly lent us one for when Lola had her toe amputated but we have since bought some for Lena as she has since developed corns. I think Paul got them from this place:
As they were the best price he could find at the time. They come in a wide range of sizes so that you should be able to find a size for those slender greyhound feet.
We were just advised to keep the dressing and then the wound dry and it was Feb last year so probably not great weather at the time. If we have a nice dry spell and you don't walk her in long grass then you won't necessarily need a boot I guess and they won't fit over the dressing in any case.
Please do keep us posted how she gets on.

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by cd

Monday 07 Apr 17:02

Thank you Michelleandbertie, goldi&rubys-mum and ladyvictoria for your kind messages.

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by cd

Monday 07 Apr 14:49

Lindapaul.... Thanks for the good advice. One thing I'm not sure about is the therapaw boot you mentioned as I've never heard of it! So my dumb question is ......what is it and where did u get it from?

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by michelleandbertie

Monday 07 Apr 13:03

I can only echo what LindaPaul have said, thats exactley what happened with Berties toe !!Bertie trotted in for the op and came out his usual taggy tailed self, it was me who needed a sedative !! to say I was upset was an understatement, I was so horrified that I had let him injure himself, he had only been with us a short time and I thought ' already lost a toe '!!! but honestley he recovered so quickly and as others will testify it has not slowed him down a bit, he still runs round like he is on Perry Barr race track and now it is all healed even I forget he is missing a toe !! Good luck to you all, dont be too hard on yourself !!

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by LindaPaul

Monday 07 Apr 11:53

Sorry to hear that Ruby has to have the op after all. You'll have your own post op care instructions from your vet afterwards but I remember we were able to take Lola into the garden with a drip bag over her dressing and then for short walks with it on too, so if you can get your vets to give you a drip bag to go home with that will be a help (they are good and tough). Once she had the dressing removed we used a Therapaw boot until her stitches came out a few days later. I think she had her stitches out 14 days after the op itself. Trying to say that it really won't be long at all before Ruby is back to normal. I know that you will still be worried no matter what we say on here, that is entirely natural but please just know we'll be thinking of you. Linda, Paul & the girls xx

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by cd

Monday 07 Apr 10:05

Thanks everyone. Op is on for Wednesday.

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Monday 07 Apr 09:04

Wes gotted awr pawsys crossed forz guddy nooz
Sendins snuggle n kissez toz Ruby ns da hoomans tooz
Lub Goldie n Ruby Roo
mwah mwah mwah mwah

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 07 Apr 08:16

Hope all goes well for Ruby at the vets today. Xxx

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by cd

Monday 07 Apr 08:13

Off to the vets this morning to have the strapping removed from Ruby's leg and for the vet to make her final decision to do the op on wed or not. Been awake since 4am worrying about Ruby.

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by cd

Friday 04 Apr 07:46

Thanks for the thoughtful messages muddypaws, caro and ladyvictoria. Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 03 Apr 22:10

Hope Ruby is feeling better tonight. I am sure she is getting lots of TLC. Xxx

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by cd

Thursday 03 Apr 22:04

Thanks for your lovely message lindapaul. Xx

by LindaPaul

Thursday 03 Apr 21:05

Hi cd. I know it's not much consolation but there are plenty of pet greys who are missing toes. Our Lola had one of hers amputated in February last year (she had a tumour - benign thank goodness). It's on a back foot and she manages absolutely fine without it. If it comes to it, I'm sure Ruby will be fine and much happier without the discomfort of repeated disslocations in the future. We also went through guilty parent stage a few weeks ago when our other girl Lena skewered herself in the garden and had to be stitched up, so know what you are going through on that count as well. Takes a while to get your head round the fact you actually can't do much about these little accidents except have them on a lead all of the time which none of us really want to do in the garden. We still can't work out what she did and we have been round the place over and over looking for potental hazards.
Fingers and paws will be crossed in our house for your lovely girl. I'm sure she will be right as rain in a few weeks time
Linda, Paul, Lola & Lena xxx

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by cd

Thursday 03 Apr 20:28

Ruby's all strapped up and back at vets on Monday for another check up. Vet says toe joint is very lose and it's likely to pop out again so she's provisionally book in on Wednesday to have the toe removed.
Thanks for the kind message michelleandbertie. Xx

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by muddypaws

Thursday 03 Apr 19:21

l have to agree with really is'nt a problem for the dog.We had a grey a few years ago who had a large corn that was too big to remove, so he had the toe removed...and i dont think he ever noticed it was gone!! We also rehomed another grey that came minus a toe...believe it or was about 2 years before we realised he was a digit missing, despite the fact that i used to clip his nails every few weeks!! observant am i !!! So dont worry if she does have to lose it, she will be fine. X.

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by Caro

Thursday 03 Apr 17:54

I would agree it's not your fault, don't worry, Jed has managed to rip off one of his claws last weekend simply by turning too quickly in the garden.

by michelleandbertie

Thursday 03 Apr 17:11

dont worry about Ruby ( easier said than done ) we had not had Bertie long when he did the same to his toe and it had to be amputated, when the vet said the word amputate I nearly collapsed at the thought I was so upset, I think that I would have felt better if it were my toe being removed !! I thought poor Bertie its all my fault I should never of let him off the lead !!! I called Ruth who was fantastic and after Bertie had his toe off it has not made the slightest bit of difference to him, within 24hrs he was back to his waggy tailed self and two years on still runs round like a loon !! lots of grey hounds loose a toe, you see it all the time at the kennels from old racing injurys etc ,, so please dont be too upset if it keeps dislocating Ruby would be better off without it xx

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by cd

Thursday 03 Apr 14:03

And so we are off to the vets again this evening (managed to get her squeezed in) because even with bed rest her toe has dislocated again! Feeling very tearful right now because I don't know what the vet will do& I'm worried she will have to have the toe removed.

by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Wednesday 02 Apr 13:27

Don't be too hard on yourself, if they want to run in the garden, they're going to do it. Trust me, there are times I shut my eyes and wait for the crunch in our garden! Hope Ruby's feeling better soon. Mand

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 01 Apr 22:59

So sorry to hear Ruby managed to dislocate her toe, hope she will feel better soon and be running around again! Xxx

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by cd

Tuesday 01 Apr 21:53

Had to take Ruby to the vets today as she had a slight limp on the left rear side. Turns out the poor thing had dislocated one of her toes on the outside of her paw,vet thinks she did it while running in the garden, thankfully The toe popped straight back in. She's now on 2 weeks bed rest and liquid anti- inflammatorys. Feel so terrible that I let it happen.

by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 23 Oct 14:51

Fantastic news for your gorgeous girl! So pleased to hear she is doing so well. She couldn't have done it without your love and care. xxx

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by cd

Saturday 13 Oct 15:48

Looking back over the comments i've Just worked out its been 14 weeks since Ruby took so very poorly......amazing how well she's done in such a relatively short space of time especially for saying our local vet didn't think she would survive. Xx

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by cd

Saturday 13 Oct 15:39

Hi everyone, just a quick update on ruby. She seems to be doing very well and is now only on a daily low dose of antibiotics. She is enjoying playing with her toys even more and is now managing to do things like walk forward and can look what's going on behind her without losing her balance. She can also chase her tail now where as before she just didn't have the co-ordination. We are all so pleased that she seems like herself again and seems to enjoy her life to the full. Got our fingers crossed that she will cont to stay well and happy. Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 20 Aug 13:17

Thanks so much for the update on Ruby, so pleased to hear she is improving and is enjoying playing with her toys again. Hope she continues to do well with the lower dose of steroids. Please give her a big hug from me. Kind regards. xxx

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by cd

Sunday 19 Aug 19:24

Hi Lady Victoria, thanks for asking about Ruby. The specialist vet is pleased with her progress and has just this week reduced her steroids. So we are keeping our fingers crossed that she conts to improve without such a high dose of steroids.
We also see improvements In her and is starting to enjoy playing with her toys. Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 06 Aug 13:51

Hi CD, how is Ruby doing? Kind regards. xxx

by cd

Tuesday 17 Jul 13:00

Saw vet and he was pleased with the bits of progress ruby has made already even though shes still clearly a poorly thing.he wants to see her again 2 aug and in the mean time our regular vet will do regular blood tests to check her white blood cell count. she will be on long term meds to try and reduced the meningitis but it's going to be a long journey for her. Xx

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by cd

Monday 16 Jul 15:34

Ruby is off to see the vet specialist later today, I'm hoping&praying that he thinks she's made some progress and that the pills she's got are working well enough to carry on. To us she seems to have made a bit of progress over the weekend but she's clearly still feeling v poorly as she's not fully herself. Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 16 Jul 09:06

Keeping everything crossed for your lovely Ruby. xxx

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by Tash'ntheGreys

Sunday 15 Jul 10:47

Sending lots of love and positive thoughts to you all xxxx

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by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Saturday 14 Jul 22:31

Oh my goodness, what a terribly worrying time for you all. I'm glad to hear that Ruby is making progress, you must have been delighted when she got up to greet 'Auntie' Ina. We're sending you all our thoughts and keeping our fingers (and paws) crossed for Ruby. Love from Mand (with licks from Gent and Emily) xxxxx

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by doonie

Saturday 14 Jul 21:17

big fingers crosssed for

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by cd

Saturday 14 Jul 20:27

Thanks for doing the update ina. I finally managed to work out what I was doing wrong and why I couldn't log on....using the wrong email! Xx

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by goldi&ruby's-mum

Saturday 14 Jul 20:15

Thanking you both for the updates, so pleased to hear that Ruby is progressing, slowly but surely. Got everything crossed that she continues to make progress, we have a Ruby, so you are in my thoughts always xx

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by kallie

Saturday 14 Jul 19:02

an update on Ruby for you all from me, Ina, Andrew and Claire have asked me to tell you how she is doing as they are having problems getting on the site at the moment. first of all they want to say thank you for all the good wishes for Ruby and all your kind thoughts. Ruby was diagnosed as having meningitis, not a heart attack in the end, however she was and still is a very poorly girl and has only just been allowed home after being with a specialist vet clinic all week. she is taking lots of medication to try and fight the meningitis and although she is still weak she is improving slowly. she got up to greet me when i went to visit her at home tonight and she knew that i was her 'auntie Ina' which was lovely to see. please keep all your fingers and toes crossed that she will be able to fight this terrible illness and that she will regain her strength before too long. Ina xx

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by cd

Saturday 14 Jul 18:41

Thank you everyone for your messages. Ruby has been diagnosed with meningitis. She was very very ill-crashed at the vets but he managed to revive her, thank God and was paralysed from the neck down. Anyway after 3 nights there she became more stable and she was moved to a specialist vets in hucknall.the vet there did MRI, bloods, spinal tap and X-rays &stayed there for another 4 nights on I've fluids/meds. Shes now home but is still ill as the meningitis and fluid on her brain is still there.but thankfully she is making some good improvements. She's on strong antiobiotics and steroid pills and will be having regular blood tests to check her white blood count as that's still high, as well as physical checks to make sure she doesn't regress. We just have to hope and pray that with lots of tlc, drugs and a peaceful/restful time at home she'll make a good recovery from this. We would like to say a very special thank you to Ina for helping out on the day it happened, texting&calling to see how ruby and I have been doing & for visiting today with a lovely new collar as a get well gift for ruby. We very much appreciate the time and effort you've taken ina. Xxxx

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by Winniethepooh

Saturday 07 Jul 11:09

Sending best wishes that Pixie is ok.

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by Emma

Saturday 07 Jul 09:34

Oh no, is there any news on Ruby this morning? Keeping everything crossed for her xxx

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by lindylou

Saturday 07 Jul 09:24

Thinking of Ruby and her family and sending big hugs. xx

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by poppysmum

Friday 06 Jul 21:48

Poor Ruby, I dont think I met her as she was before I started going to Daybreaks, but she is so pretty and only a baby really, hope she pulls through, my thoughts are with her family. xxx

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by goldi&ruby's-mum

Friday 06 Jul 21:16

Sending Ruby and her owners love n hugs xxx

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by Foggie

Friday 06 Jul 21:04

Best wishes to Ruby for a good recovery. xxxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 06 Jul 20:57

I have had the most awful news that Ruby has been rushed into the emergency vets with a suspected heart attack. She is on oxygen and a drip and we are praying she pulls through. Our thoughts are with her owners who are understandably in a state of shock - sending love to them all. x

by cd

Friday 13 Jan 20:06

This was our 1st Christmas with Ruby and we all had a lovely family Day With Her. she got 5 new squeakers and a large variety of treats from us, our family and friends. she seemed to have a fun day and she really enjoyed some nice food. Christmas with Ruby was really very special especially as you could tell that she was excited by all that was going on around her.
Unfortunately new years eve wasn't too much fun as there where a lot of fireworks going off and poor Ruby was very stressed!
Anyway Ruby continues to be a real joy in our lives and we can't believe she will have been with us a year at the end of Feb.xx

by kallie

Wednesday 01 Jun 18:42

Happy Birthday little Ruby Roo...lots of love from 'Auntie Ina' and your three boyfriends Rossi Toby and McKenzie xxxxx

by lichfield_sam

Wednesday 01 Jun 16:14

happy birthday ruby xxxxxxx

by cd

Monday 09 May 08:10

over the Easter break we had a few days out with Ruby this included a trip out to the seaside. Ruby seemed to really enjoyed it especially being able to paddle in the sea with me and must have been cream crackered as she slept in the car all the way home.xx

by cd

Thursday 14 Apr 13:05

we have now had Ruby for about 9 weeks and she seems to have settled really well into our family life. she loves playing especially with her big 'Ratty' soft toys and her squeakey burger. she enjoys her walks and stretches out on her bed afterwards. And she just loves her food and treats, she has expensive taste when it comes to treats as she really likes smoked salmon! She also seems to have taken well to our parents and friends that visit. she even watches when my mum & dad leave until their car has left my street. She also loves been tickled behind her ears....she would sit with us most of the day if we carried on tickling her.
We are hoping to take her on holiday with us in Sept, so that will be real fun.
We are having a really lovely and fun time with Ruby and I think she is with us. she's really has been one of the best choices we've ever made. xx

by kallie

Thursday 31 Mar 17:07

my Toby has a new girlfriend and in fact all the boys do, we met up with RubyRoo for a walk yesterday and when the boys got back into their van Rubes jumped straight in with them. they all curled up and went to sleep whilst Claire and I had a coffee...happy days. :-) xxxx

by kallie

Thursday 03 Mar 19:49

i saw little Ruby walking with her mummy the other day and she looked so sweet in her beautiful fleece and matching collar, it's lovely that i get to see her as she does not live far from me. :-) xxx

by AndyD

Thursday 03 Mar 16:08

Ruby is settling in well, you'd hardy know she was there except for when something goes missing and it mysteriously appears on her bed :o)

by kallie

Tuesday 22 Feb 21:36

Pixie, you are going to a home with lots of toys and a lovely soft bed already waiting for you and your new mum and dad can't wait to get you, a lovely name for you as well as you'll be known as Ruby and best of all you'll have 3 boyfriends living just down the road from you. :-) xxxx

by cd

Tuesday 22 Feb 19:45

Really looking forward to bringing her home....v excited. Xxx

by kallie

Tuesday 22 Feb 16:07

going to do your home check at 5 today!!! xxxx

by tinabina

Monday 21 Feb 18:45

She loves to have fun this girl, playing with her kennel mate Connor and loves to play 'fetch' too with the ball. Bless her, good luck in your new home gorgeous girl. x

by kallie

Friday 18 Feb 19:02

well done Pixie girl. hope you'll be happy in your new home. xxx

by lichfield_sam

Wednesday 16 Feb 18:07

pixie is a little cutie, a bit quiet but shes just lovely x

by skinnyme

Tuesday 15 Feb 20:46

Gorgeous girl, such a little sweetheart.

by TheBrownies

Tuesday 15 Feb 12:52

Pixie you are beautiful! If only, if only I could talk the husband into another, but he isn't having any of it! x X x Am sure you will be in your forever home soon!

by Naomi

Monday 14 Feb 10:13

Beautiful....looks like she is wearing eye liner with that hair missing from her eyelids, very pretty just like my Millie (Clara) who I adore! x

by kallie

Saturday 12 Feb 18:39

such a sweet little girl. loved her walk and loves a good cuddle, ever wagging tail and a pretty little face. xxxx