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About Me

Racing Name
Greenfield Moon
Black with white flecks
Date of birth
05 sep 2005

Mia (Splash)

female, 19 years old, Black with white flecks

Added by Jess&Koda

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Mia (Splash) has had 0 cuddles today (34 all together).
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by susy

Friday 13 Mar 11:14

Thinking of you. Love The New Icemaid Clan xxxxxxxx
Reminds me of our first grey Kezy. He has splashes and the trainer said it was when he painted the kennnels,

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by LindaPaul

Friday 13 Mar 09:37

Really feel for you. xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 12 Mar 21:31

Thinking of you all...Xxx

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by cinders

Thursday 12 Mar 19:07

It would have been four years since we took you home today my precious. Love you forever xxxx

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by blackisbeautiful

Monday 09 Mar 21:38

Hi Cinders..We lost our beautiful much loved soul mate and companion Don in August last year and cried buckets for a long while-and still get tearful at times now but we also have wonderful memories to look back on and make us smile. When he became ill, we spent many hours cuddling him knowing we would soon have to let him go and we now have a script wall art with the words " Time is Precious...Waste it Wisely " Such a true statement We look at it knowing that we couldn't have loved our lovely boy more and we are comforted by the fact we gave him a lovely life, just as you have done for Mia When you see the brightest star at night..look up..for she is there looking down on you with love. When the time is right you will, I am sure, be ready to love another dog and Daybreaks will be there to help just as they have recently helped us find our new much loved boy Take care x x

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by helenanddave

Monday 09 Mar 20:18

Agreeing with you wholeheartedly Cinders. Daybreaks and all involved is truly incredible. We too have received help, support, love and understanding from them and to us it is like being part of a huge family. We have made many friends, met many wonderful dogs and even helped our fitness by walking the hounds! Your special girl will be looking down on you from the Bridge knowing that you loved her very much. Sending love. Xx

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by cinders

Monday 09 Mar 18:33

Thank you again for these posts - I am still stunned and moved beyond belief that you are taking the time to help me. What amazing people you all are, and what a truly incredible place Daybreaks is and all those connected with it. I feel as if I have found true friends and my true calling in life through Daybreaks...I spent some years wondering how to truly find fulfilment in life and now I think that you have all given me my answer. Greyhounds and Daybreaks have changed my life, and two individual greyhound girls Mia and Evi most of all of course. I am so grateful to all of you, and I know that someday when my grief allows me to choose the right time, I will open my heart and home to other girls and boys from here. Thank you again for your words, from the bottom of my heart, you are amazing, amazing, amazing!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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by Tinker'sNan

Monday 09 Mar 17:43

Hi cinders I was thinking about you and your husband feeling over the weekend I know the pain that both aes going through I know you have evi and she will bring you lots of comfort and as everyone have said it will get easy but you both must give time to greave but as I sad to you try and think of the lovely times you had with your beautiful girl Mia you will have good days and bad days but you have your husband and friends who will get you through God willing every night I pray that thinks will get a little easier for both I hope you don't mind me putting a few more words on here for you both my prayer are with you both and of course your other beautiful girl evi big hugs to all xxxxx

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by muddypaws

Sunday 08 Mar 17:37

Hi Cindy. Most of us know the pain you are going through right now. Over the years we have lost seventeen dogs, and we currently have six, so we know what lies ahead, and believe me, it never gets any easier to bear. For me, the pain is both emotional and physical, and l always feel ill for weeks afterwards. Every time we lose one, we say that's it, no more dogs, we cannot keep putting ourselves through this much pain,but we know as long as we have room in our home...and in our hearts to give another dog the chance of a life...we will. l think that over the years we have cried enough tears to float Noah's Ark. The pain that you are both feeling will, over the next weeks and months, start to get easier. l still have the occasional bad day even now...but l also have days when l remember some little quirk that one of them had, or a funny thing that they did, and it makes me smile :-) Grieving is a natural process that we have to go through. There is a saying that goes something like this..........
" ln order to experience love....we also have to experience grief....the latter is unavoidable...they come together, hand in hand." l am sure that when you feel the time is right, you will take another dog into your lives....and Mia will approve. She has left her paw print on your hearts, and that can never be removed. Love to you both...and to little Evi. XXX.

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by cinders

Sunday 08 Mar 13:47

Thank you so much all of you - I am overwhelmed you have taken the time out of your precious Sundays to be in touch with me over this. We are just reeling from shock, she was everything to us, along with her little greyhound sister Evi whom I still have to cherish and take care of. It just felt so right, our little family - Mum, Dad, and two greyhound girls. Mia was our first one too. Neither of us have spent a single night away from the two of them since we got them and very few evenings either - we could never bear to go on holiday and leave them with anyone, and we virtually always stayed in with them every evening as going out never compared with a night snuggling up with them. They were always upstairs in the bedroom and quite often Mia would climb onto the bed and snuggle up and take up all the room! I gave up a full time job and went to work part time so I could spend three whole afternoons a week plus weekends with them and giving them extra special walks on those days. I am so sorry I can't put into practice all the plans for her I had - she just loved foraging for her own food, even like bits of bread near the duck pond, so I was going to get some of the Easter treats from pets at home and hide them round the garden or house for an Easter Egg hunt. I know I can still do it for Evi and I will, I just wish Mia could do it too. But I'm sure you are right, I will have another one day and make our family complete again. Thank you so much for your words of support - it is getting me through all of this xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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by michelleandbertie

Sunday 08 Mar 13:37

Hi Cinders, reading everyones posts they have really said it all, for me the loss of Charlie Dog after 13 years was devastating, I couldn't eat sleep or stop crying for weeks, I could not sit still or concentrate on anything, my husband wanted a break from getting another dog straight away, that was his way of coping but I couldn't face going into our house without Charlie being there, so after 4 weeks Roy caved in and said that he would consider having another dog, I won't bore you with the details but I searched the country looking for another Charlie, so silly to look back on now as clearly there was only ever going to be one Charlie !! eventually Roy came across Bertie at Daybreaks and as they say the rest is history .... soon after we had Blade.
Daybreaks actually changed my life, I started to help out for a few hours on a Sunday at Daybreaks which has helped me enormously with getting over the feeling of pain, also Bertie and Blade have brought the house to life again with their funny ways and love, there will NEVER be another Charlie but as others have said I do take comfort that we gave Charlie a fabulous life, we talk about him all the time, he picture is my phone saver and I say hello to him every morning, three years on the pain is easier and I look at my two now and thank my lucky stars that I have them..... there isn't a remedy for a broken heart its just time and finding out whats the best way for you to cope, its a day by day thing really.
Charlie is buried in our garden in his favourite spot , looking out over the fields where he can see all the bunniess he spent hours watching.
Blade wears his collar and Bertie wears his coat and he lives on, he introduced me to greyhounds and through that daybreaks and through that he has helped so many others find homes like Flossie my moms, Martie my sister in laws and Sally my friends, what a fantastic legacy for such a wonderful hound x

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by PamD

Sunday 08 Mar 11:53

I feel for you so much. We lost our precious Susie and Dino just over 12 months ago. They had been with us for over 9 years. I still have a little weep every few days when something reminds me about them. It will get easier given time. I didn't feel like getting another grey because I
was so heart broken but after persistent nagging from my husband along came Maisie after 2 weeks.. Never a replacement but her funny antics helped to take my mind off my loss and I suddenly found that I was not constantly thinking about them. The best thing we had done. Never ever forgotten but as Ruthie says " they are only lent to us for a short time love them while we can". Unfortunately dogs do not live long enough compared to our life span. Lots of love and hugs Pam D xxx

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by helenanddave

Sunday 08 Mar 11:39

Hi cinders. we lost our girl, Tia, last May. She had been with us since 2004 and she was 12 1/2 when we lost her. I cried - alot and often for a good many days but gradually I cried less and would be ok for a while until something reminded me. We had Tias ashes returned to us and I felt better after this, knowing she was back with us, even though it was not in the way we wanted. We have a memory box with photos, her collar and lead and adoption papers we have a lovely photo of her on the wall and we had a plaque done and put on the wall at Daybreaks. Nearly a year down the line there are still days I get very tearful and sometimes have a little weep. We have since adopted Milly who is different in every way but whom we love dearly. It will take lots of time to start to recover but hold on in there and the good memories will start to replace the sadness. She will always be there with you in your hearts and memories. Sending you loads of hugs. xxxx

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by Willow'sMa

Sunday 08 Mar 11:27

I am so sorry your precious hound has gone to join all the other dearly loved hounds who are no longer with us. It is terribly painful I know.
It's 6 months since Iris was gently put to sleep and although I'm sitting here grizzling as I type this, I know that we gave her a fabulous retirement and she was deeply loved. It's raw for you just now and the coming days will be tough but it does get easier. I lasted 10 whole days without a greyhound by my side and then Willow came to join us. It was the best thing for us to do and a great tribute to Iris. It didn't feel disloyal somehow- just right.
Try to remember all the good times and how you have done everything possible to give her the best life. She was obviously treasured by you.

I wasn't going to have Iris's ashes back after she had been cremated but I am glad I did. As soon as I had made that decision I felt better- relieved somehow. She is now in the kitchen (where she spent many hours on her bed) which is the heart of our home. It's right for us that she is there and it's not morbid in the slightest.
Take time to recall all the wonderful times together, cry your tears- of which there will be many and give thanks for the precious time you had together. That's what I'd suggest. Take care of yourselves. X

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by Tinker'sNan

Sunday 08 Mar 11:12

Hi cinders just take one day as a time Hun talk about her as much as you can if you have a photo of her put it up I used to kiss my photo everyday think about the good times yes tears will flow but it will get easy you have great memory's in your heart those will always stay with you my prays are with you big hugs to you Hun keep strong xxxxxx

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by Caro

Sunday 08 Mar 10:44

It's devastating when you have to say goodbye you always want them to go on forever but it does get better with time, I know at the moment you won't feel like it ever will. Eventually you remember all the things that made you smile and laugh at having these wonderful animals in your life. Hang on in there it will get better. I did end up giving another dog a home I wasn't replacing my beloved Tess just giving another dog the chance of loving home and some comfort that they may never have known this would have been Tess's wish.

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by cinders

Sunday 08 Mar 10:05

Please tell me how any of you have coped with this loss in the past, it's just tearing me apart...sorry, just hope to get some advice on coping strategies xxxx

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by cinders

Saturday 07 Mar 18:16

Thank you so much for your kind words, it means everything. It would have been four years on Thursday since we had her...the best four years of our lives xx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 07 Mar 08:46

My heart goes out to you both Cindy and Phil as I know how much your beautiful girl meant to you. You have given her a wonderful home, so much love and did everything you could for her - something I wish every grey could have the pleasure of knowing. Sending you big hugs - her memories will stay in your hearts forever - run free little one xxxx

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by fatharry1

Saturday 07 Mar 01:15

So sorry that your Mia has gone,but may her memories live on x.

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by muddypaws

Saturday 07 Mar 00:01

So sorry to hear this sad news. You did everything that you possibly could for your girl, and she could not have wished for more.
l know that as you recover, you will remember all the happy times you shared together with fondness and love...and they never really leave us, they remain in our hearts and memories always.XXX

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by blueangel

Friday 06 Mar 23:07

Run free with the angels xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 06 Mar 22:16

Cindy, so very sad you have lost your beautiful girl...lots of love to you all. God Bless Mia. Xxx

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by ClareInsightHounds

Friday 06 Mar 21:37

So sad. Sending hugs to you all. Run free beauty over rainbow bridge. X

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by NMD07

Friday 06 Mar 20:57

Hugs. XXX

by michelleandbertie

Friday 06 Mar 20:28

I am so terribly sorry for your loss, a lot of us have gone thorough it, it's just so heart breaking , Mia will now be over the bridge running around pain free! take some comfort in the fact that you gave her a wonderful retirement filled with love x

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by goldi&ruby's-mum

Friday 06 Mar 20:20

Sendins snugguls
Zooooooooooooms free Mia

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by LindaPaul

Friday 06 Mar 20:19

So very sorry to read that your beautiful girl has lost her battle. Our thoughts are with you at this terrible time. Run free Mia. xx

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by PamD

Friday 06 Mar 20:15

Oh no. Lots and lots of love and hugs xxxxx

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by Lewisfuggie

Friday 06 Mar 19:59

Sorry to hear such sad news. :-(

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by helenanddave

Friday 06 Mar 19:47

So very sorry, it is the hardest thing to bear. Hugs to you. Run free Mia with all your friends. Xx

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by Melysa

Friday 06 Mar 19:32

So, so sorry, but she will always be in your hearts x

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by Tinker'sNan

Friday 06 Mar 19:30

Oh such sad news run free Mia at rainbow bridge all your freinds are waiting for you run through the fields free from pain beautiful girl we are also sending big hugs to your family Xxx

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by TJ

Friday 06 Mar 19:23

So so sad; thinking of you and sending big hugs. Run free beautiful girl, xxxx

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by SamA

Friday 06 Mar 19:19

Such sad news. Thinking of you. Run free lovely girl xx

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by Snipe

Friday 06 Mar 19:12

So sorry to hear this. She's free of pain now xxxxx

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by MomofTess

Friday 06 Mar 19:01

So very sorry to hear this. xxxxxxxx Run free.

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Friday 06 Mar 18:07

So sorry for your loss. Rainbow Bridge has gained another special angel far too soon. No more pain darling, run free, til you all meet again.xxxxxxx

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by cinders

Friday 06 Mar 17:07

She has gone...can't even say anymore at the moment. We are devastated beyond words

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by lovegreys

Friday 06 Mar 13:34

Sending positive thoughts for you all. X

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by MomofTess

Friday 06 Mar 12:37

Sending positive thoughts to you Mia, and your family.

by Tinker'sNan

Friday 06 Mar 11:56

Oh Mia our thoughts are with you keep fighting beautiful girl we are sending hugs to you and your family Xxx

by ClareInsightHounds

Friday 06 Mar 09:45

Thinking of you all. Keep fighting Mia. Xx

by LindaPaul

Thursday 05 Mar 22:54

Poor Mia. Horrible to hear she is so poorly. Sending positive thoughts and virtual hugs to you all xxx

by LadyVictoria

Thursday 05 Mar 21:55

Don't give up Mia...Thinking of you all. Xxx

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by Melysa

Thursday 05 Mar 21:41

Sending prayers, luck & love x

by PamD

Thursday 05 Mar 21:39

Sending love and hugs and special thoughts xxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 05 Mar 21:02

Oh Mia.... Sending love and strength to you x

by SamA

Thursday 05 Mar 20:35

Thinking of you - keep fighting Mia xxx

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by TJ

Thursday 05 Mar 20:26

You're All in our thoughts tonight. Keeping our paws and fingers crossed that your brave little girl stays strong. Big hugs, T,J,R & B xxxx

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by Alan&Paddy

Thursday 05 Mar 19:40

So sorry to hear such sad news about Mia. Our thoughts are with you at this difficult time xx

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Thursday 05 Mar 19:40

We duz bes sendins lots n lots ob positif forts n snugguls n kissez
Goldie n Ruby Roo
Mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah

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by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Thursday 05 Mar 19:35

Sending you all our positive thoughts this evening. Mand x

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by blackisbeautiful

Thursday 05 Mar 19:32

So very sorry to hear that heart wrenching news Keeping everything crossed for you all and sending special hugs x x

by michelleandbertie

Thursday 05 Mar 19:09

I am so sorry to hear about Splash, are thoughts are with you all

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by cinders

Thursday 05 Mar 15:35

Again Mia is in hospital, fighting for her life. As a probable consequence of the high doses of steroids she has been on, which have been saving her life since the last terrible episode in the summer, she has now got severe pancreatitis and peritonitis and it's looking bleak...but she is a fighter, please spare us a thought tonight as the vets struggle to save her xx

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Saturday 09 Aug 16:37

Sorry pressed wrong button. So glad Mia seems to be so much better. Go girl.xxxxx

by TJ

Saturday 09 Aug 15:23

What a massive relief this wonderful news must be for you All. Here's to a healthier (& less scary) future for you with your 'darling precious girl'. x

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by LindaPaul

Saturday 09 Aug 07:53

Very pleased to read this news about Mia. You must be very relieved after your roller coaster ride. All our very best wishes to you and your very special girl xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 08 Aug 21:26

This is wonderful news! So happy for you all. Xxx

by cinders

Friday 08 Aug 19:38

We had some wonderful news today. Mia's results came back and they are 95% certain that she does not have tumour! This means that, though her condition is described as "chronic", and she could well be on medication for the foreseeable future, she does definitely HAVE a future with us. We are so, so happy and was far too soon to say goodbye to our darling precious girl. She knew that too, which is why she fought so hard to remain with us. Yes Snipe, we used Avonvale vets in Kenilworth and Warwick for her over the last couple of weeks and I simply cannot speak highly enough of them. xx

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by TJ

Tuesday 05 Aug 12:21

The latest update on Mia is fantastic news and this little lady's pure will to get better is amazing... of course aided by your quick thinking vets. Big hugs to you all, xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 04 Aug 22:42

Great to hear Mia is continuing to improve. Hope to hear more good news for her on Friday. Xxx

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by Snipe

Monday 04 Aug 22:22

Glad to hear Mia is improving. We use Avon Vale vets in Warwick and have always been very pleased :-) xx

by muddypaws

Monday 04 Aug 20:57

Great news to hear Mia is showing improvement.
Will keep everything crossed that she keeps going in the right direction. Give her a big cuddle from us. Mia gets our virtual cuddle too !!! XXXXXX

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by cinders

Monday 04 Aug 20:35

Mia has been in for more tests today. Her blood is now up from 21 to 27 in just 48 hours! The vets were stunned with her progress. Tonight she was jogging round the field investigating rabbits in the hedgerows almost as if nothing had happened. They have taken samples of her lung fluid and even lung tissue to check that a tumour hasn't caused this, but they think that this is less likely than likely and that, although Mia may have to permanently be on medication, she should be able to lead a normal life if the tests come back negative. The vets in Kenilworth and Warwick have been indescribably wonderful - quick-thinking, caring and professional. We are indebted to them. Thank you again for your support and will post the final results on Friday! x

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 03 Aug 10:36

This is good news! So pleased to hear Mia is improving. Hope she gets on ok tomorrow, please let us know. Sending your lovely girl my cuddle today. Xxx

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by cinders

Sunday 03 Aug 10:28

Thank you, she is so much brighter at the moment. She is still very weak but eating well and has even managed a couple of gentle little walks. Her red blood cell count is up from 10 - which is critical and the reason we nearly lost her - to 21. This is still low as it should be about 40 but obviously going in the right direction. Her heart rate has seemed fast and her breathing shallow and she has crammed on the double bed with us the last two nights so we can monitor any change!! However the vet said that is normal with the procedures she has had, plus the very strong steroids she is currently on. The fluid round her pancreas is gone so it's just the investigation of her lung tomorrow. She has started to interact with us more and has been wagging her tail at times so we are feeling much more optimistic. Thank you for asking! Final update tomorrow hopefully, then we can go back to normal and put this trauma behind us!

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 02 Aug 21:07

How is Mia today? Xxx

by DuleekDandy

Saturday 02 Aug 09:41

So pleased to hear that Mia is feeling much better. We hope that all goes well today & that there is good news on Monday. Such a worry when they're poorly xx

by cinders

Friday 01 Aug 18:47

Thank you very much. She is home now and so much brighter than last time we saw her. She has got to go back tomorrow to have her blood count done but we can take her straight home again. However, one slight concern is that she has developed fluid around her lung so on Monday she has to go back in for a few more tests and ultrasound but hopefully the fluid will disperse and it won't be anything sinister. For the time being it is just amazing to have her back and she has just had a big plate of steak and chicken to welcome her back. Thank you again for all your comments and interest x

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by kallie

Friday 01 Aug 08:32

oh my goodness I have only just read this, hopefully you will have Mia home by now and that she will be on the road of love to all of you and a very big cuddle for Mia ( and of course Evie) xxx

by LadyVictoria

Thursday 31 Jul 22:56

Fantastic news! So happy for you all....I am sure she will be a very pampered little girl when she gets home. Xxx

by cinders

Thursday 31 Jul 22:52

Sorry if I posted the same comment more than once, I'm not quite sure what happened there!!

by cinders

Thursday 31 Jul 22:48

She is coming home!! We aren't quite sure when yet as she still needs monitoring but they are so much happier with her condition. The vets have worked miracles - but it wouldn't have been possible without the wonderful dog that gave the blood donation. You are right LindaPaul - they do save lives. Our girl is only still here tonight I purely because a dog somewhere gave her life-saving blood. xx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 31 Jul 21:25

Do hope Mia will be well enough to come home soon; keeping everything crossed she will continue to improve. Sending hugs to you and her Greyhound sister. Xxx

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by ClareInsightHounds

Thursday 31 Jul 20:29

I'm so pleased to gear Mia is showing signs of improvement and is walking around! We are keeping everything crossed she continues to improve. Thinking of you it is just horrid when the are poorly. X

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by Caro

Thursday 31 Jul 19:18

Fingers crossed that Mia continues to improve it's horrible leaving them at the vets even though you know it's for the best.

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by helenanddave

Thursday 31 Jul 19:06

Fingers crossed the vets can sort medication for mia and you can get her home quickly. Glad to hear things are sounding a bit better. Xx

by muddypaws

Thursday 31 Jul 18:30

Massive hugs to Mia...l hope she continues to improve and they can find the root cause. Our thoughts are with you. XXX

by LindaPaul

Thursday 31 Jul 16:39

Really hope that Mia continues to improve and they work out the underlying cause and a treatment plan. I've had pancreatitis secondary to another illness and it made me feel very rough indeed so I really feel for your Mia . It is just terrible when our babies are ill and worse still when we are separated from them, so I am keeping everything very tightly crossed that you will have her home very soon and your pack will be reunited once more. They are all so very special.
Makes me very proud specially of all the greys who donate blood and its stories like Mia's that remind us all that our hounds really can save lives.

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by TJ

Thursday 31 Jul 16:06

We have our human fingers & canine paws crossed for you returning to full health very soon Mia. Sending your our biggest cuddle today sweetie pie. xxx

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by Melysa

Thursday 31 Jul 15:49

sending you big hugs at this time x

by NMD07

Thursday 31 Jul 15:29

Fingers crossed. Xxx

by missfifi

Thursday 31 Jul 14:47

Daisy and I send seaside wishes for a speedy diagnosis and recovery. It is always so worrying when our girls or boys are poorly. Xx

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by cinders

Thursday 31 Jul 14:17

Hi everyone. Thank you so much again for your concern. We have some fairly positive news about Mia and are feeling cautiously optimistic. She has responded very well to the transfusion and has even been up walking around a bit. She has some fluid round her pancreas and they think she may have a touch of pancreatitis, but that is secondary to the main illness which they believe is autoimmune disease. If this proves to be the case they believe they could control it with high dose steroids. They need to do a few more tests but if they are negative we may be able to get her back tomorrow. Last night was just one of the worst nights I have ever had and I don't want to be too optimistic yet just in case and so as not to tempt fate, but we are praying we can bring her home to us and her little greyhound sister who misses her. I am so grateful for your concern, it means such a lot xx

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by TJ

Thursday 31 Jul 13:37

Hi Mia's family... what's the update on Mia's condition today? Sending you all big hugs and wishing your beautiful girl a speedy recovery. x

by helenanddave

Thursday 31 Jul 11:36

Have fingers crossed for mia. Hope vet can sort out the problem and she can soon be back home with you. Sending hugs. Xx

by Winniethepooh

Thursday 31 Jul 10:07

Hoping that Mia is feeling better soon and that you find out what has caused her illness.

by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 31 Jul 09:37

Oh no - how awful..... Really hope Mia gets better soon - thinking of you and sending much love xxx

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by Hartstone

Thursday 31 Jul 08:12

You are in our thoughts x x

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by cinders

Thursday 31 Jul 07:44

Thank you so much for your comments and responses. They are very, very much appreciated. Late last night Mia underwent an emergency blood transfusion without which she would certainly have been dead by now, and which has stabilised her in the short term. Today is all about tests to establish why she became critically ill so suddenly. The vets have been incredible, phoning us into the night with updates. It has also made us appreciate what a life-saving thing you and the dogs at daybreaks are doing when we read about them giving blood at various times. Mia would not have survived even this long without the donor they found her. Thank you again so very much for your interest and concern and more updates later xx

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by ClareInsightHounds

Thursday 31 Jul 06:14

Sorry to hear Mia is so poorly. Keeping everything crossed for you all. Xx

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by LindaPaul

Wednesday 30 Jul 23:27

Thinking of you and your precious girl. Will be keeping everything crossed the vets can get her through this awful time. I know you must be desperately worried but try to keep strong. Sending my cuddle too xxx

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by Jess&Koda

Wednesday 30 Jul 23:02

Hope Mia is ok, please keep us posted xx

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 30 Jul 21:52

Sending Mia my cuddle tonight, so very sorry to hear she is so ill. Desperately hope she will be ok. Lots of love to you all. Xxx

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by tiggersslave

Wednesday 30 Jul 21:16

Hi Could it have anything to do with the heat? Check out Exertional Rhabdomylosis on the internet, has she been near Startford Racecourse recently or woodland? Some dogs are becoming ill after walking in woods and near the Racecourse ... the bottom line tho is that she's in the best place and hopefully they'll find out what's wrong and she'll be back very soon. All crossed. J x

by cinders

Wednesday 30 Jul 19:28

Hello, we wanted to unburden on here as we are very worried. Mia seemed very lethargic the last two days. We took her to the vet and they said her gums are very pale and her heart rate is massively raised, suggesting blood not getting round the body. She has been kept in as an emergency. They mentioned possible heart problems, lungs, or internal bleeding. They think it could be very serious. We are distraught and wonder if anyone has a clue what it could be and whether you think she has a chance of recovery. She only had a corn removed three weeks ago and they were happy with her liver, kidneys and heart then. I can't even contemplate being without her..

by cinders

Tuesday 12 Mar 21:23

Two years ago today a most beautiful little girl with sad anxious eyes and snowflake markings stepped into our house for the first time. At the same moment she stepped into our hearts. We have often said that getting Mia two years ago today was one of the best things we ever did ... and one of the other best things we did was getting her cheeky little greyhound companion Evi two months later. We didn't know much about greyhounds before we got our two special girls but now we think they are the most wonderful breed in the world. We LOVE greyhounds and our two girls most of all. Happy "gotcha" day Mia! xxxxxxx

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by cinders

Monday 31 Dec 10:47

Thanks Julie - much appreciated. I'd like to get Mia checked as she does seem prone to corns - our other greyhound, Evi, doesn't seem to have a problem at all. I really appreciate your taking the trouble to reply. Have a good new year!

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by tiggersmum

Sunday 30 Dec 19:26

Hi Cinders and Mia There's a vet called Daniel Doherty at Myvet24/7 in Uxbridge who specialises in treating greyhound corns if you're interested ... I'd guess you'd need a referral from your vet but that shouldn't be a problem :) I've heard too that corns are caused by too much pressure in one place so it'd be worth having Mia checked over by a chiropractor (I use a McTImoney chiropractor) too .. again that's usually reclaimable on your insurance :) Best wishes Julie :)

by cinders

Sunday 30 Dec 11:31

Oh thank you for the reply - we'll definitely try them as we really want her to be more comfortable. That's a good idea to get one for each foot as well - both Mia's corns have been on the same foot (back left) but different pads. We're very pleased for the recommendation - thank you!

by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Sunday 30 Dec 00:59

Hi Cinders. Our little girl wears Thera-Paws. She had a corn removed from her left foot and within 6 months it was back. We keep her comfortable now by removing as much as we can ourselves and she always wears her boots when going out on a walk. We got ours from this company :
The sizes vary depending on the size of the Greyhound's feet, so I don't think it really helps with the weight, but there is a size guide on the website for measuring their feet, which we used and our 27 kg girl came out as a T/D medium, which seem fine for her. They are not cheap at £15 each, but we've found them invaluable. We decided for our girl to wear a shoe on each front foot (not just the affected front foot), as we wondered if unbalancing her with a shoe on just one foot , might cause a corn on the other foot. So far so good and we have just the one corn. They stay on pretty well, although we have found that if she runs from standing, she leaves at least one of her boots behind!!! Good luck. Mand

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by cinders

Saturday 29 Dec 16:22

Hi Ruth and everyone at Daybreaks. We were so pleased to read the article on corns in the Grapevine as Mia has had problems with this. Last year we had a large one surgically removed but Mia was very knocked about by the anaesthetic. She now has the start of a much smaller corn which isn't bothering her too much as yet and we'd like to avoid the surgery as long as possible seeing how much it affected her last time. We're trying all the various things you suggested but would like to ask about the Thera Paw boots - do you know what size a girl greyhound (a fairly large girl at 30 kilos) is likely to need? We bought some boots from another website a while ago and although they're only medium they seem rather big on her! If anyone has tried them, do you know what size would be best as they seem to come in so many sizes and we obviously got it wrong last time! Thanks so much xx

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by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Wednesday 05 Sep 18:47

Happy birthday Mia xxx

by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 05 Sep 13:10

Wishing your beautiful Mia a very Happy Birthday! xxx

by cinders

Wednesday 05 Sep 11:47

Happy Birthday to Mia our "Furry-Tail" Princess - 7 years old today! We hope you enjoy your treats presents and special sardine birthday cake as much as we enjoyed getting them ready for you! With all our love, from your human "parents" and Cheeky-Monkey Evi your greyhound sister! xxxx

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by Deb

Saturday 10 Mar 14:37

it is lovely to hear how you are all getting along and your posting should be compulsory reading for any prospective new owner.Looking forward to hearing about May when it is her anniversary.

by SamA

Saturday 10 Mar 14:09

HI Cinders - just had to write in response to your lovely story - so much was familiar for us as we have two wonderful 'babies' who have completely taken over our lives - but oh so much for the better. They really do make every day special and couldn't agree more. Take care. Sam

by JoTowns

Saturday 10 Mar 13:20

Hi Cinders, your message just had me sitting her with tears rolling down my cheeks. That was so well put and so true I am sure for those of us who have taken greyhounds to our hearts. :-) Thank you for the update. I will do the same when we have had Lucy (Faith) for a year, lovely idea. We had Brucey (RIP) from Ruth when she was at Top Hat kennels, so was unable to do updates with him. This site is brilliant for this.

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Saturday 10 Mar 09:29

Hi Cindy, thats lovely to read!! i was talking about your mia at crufts on Thursday, there was an artists portrait of a grey with the white specs on and reminded me so much of your little miss :o) you were obviously mant to find each other, thats exaclty how i felt about my charlie, i HAD to have him!! xx xxx

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Saturday 10 Mar 08:59

Cinders, what can I say, an amazingly beautiful write up about your obviously adored Mia, so many of the things rang true with me and thankfully like you I overcame those negative thoughts, though I have to admit it was my 12yr old who desperatly wanted a grey!! We had our 1st in Sept n like you now have 2, all our rules went out of the window very quickly, is it the way they look at you with those melting eyes? Or the way they just know you're a bit down n lay their head on your lap? Who knows but how lucky are we to have found these most fantastic creatures to share our lives. So like you Cinders life has changed dramatically n oh so much for the better. Looking forward to your next anniversary in May, have a fabulous family day Mandy, a proud mum to Goldie n Ruby xx

by kallie

Saturday 10 Mar 07:41

your article about Mia has brought tears to my eyes, I am so happy that she has made your life so happy and so complete, like both of you I also can't imagine my life without the boys and I am really pleased that I was there that day to introduce you to your special girl. much love to you all...Ina x

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by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 10 Mar 05:04

Hi Cinders - what a lovely write up for Mia and how you came to get a greyhound. It has made me smile and I am so pleased we were able to help you find something so special..... this is just what greyhounds have done for me too xxxx

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by cinders

Friday 09 Mar 22:24

It will be a year this weekend since we had our Mia and I just had to share some of the thoughts we've been having reaching her first anniversary.
Just over a year ago my husband and I had decided after careful thought that we'd like to adopt a dog -our first pet. The question was - what breed? My husband mentioned he liked the look of greyhounds. I have to admit - now with amazement and shame - that my first reaction was very negative. Yes, I'd never thought about greyhounds before - I was one of the people with all the prejudices! Surely they weren't suitable pets, they were made for flying round a racecourse, they must be highly-strung, excitable, possibly even aggressive as I'd often seen them muzzled! Never having looked at them closely before I thoguht they looked skinny, bony dogs, not my type at all!
By pure coinicidence I shortly afterwards read an article in a newspaper all about how misunderstood the breed often is and how great they are as pets, and why muzzles were recommended. Suddenly reading about their gentle natures, how well they get on wih children and dogs etc I suddenly started to take an interest, perhaps the breed for us after all?
Suddenly I started to look out for these dogs and greyhounds seemed to be everywhere! I realised, for the first time, how I'd never looked closely before, how stunningly beautiful they are with their slender, graceful build and beautiful delicate faces. How placid they seemed to be on the lead and how amazing they were running off the lead. We decided we'd consider homing one but having no experience as owners we wanted to get one from somewhere where we could get some really good advice and support but didn't know where.
One day I stopped a lady walking a greyhound and asked her all about them. She couldn't praise the breed highly enough and told us all about Daybreaks. The following weekend we went across to Daybreaks; by now, far from wondering if they were too excitable having seen them so quiet and calm walking with their owners I was actually wondering if they would be TOO quiet - would they be palyful / responsive enough?!
Any such thoughts were put to rest the moment we got in the kennel amongst the beautiful dogs there at the time. Affectionate, playful, friendly, we fell in love with them -now the only problem would be how to choose one?
Thanks to Ruth and Ina we were introduced to "Splash", now Mia, who was very upset at having had to leave her previous home through circumstances. We felt the most incredible wave of protectiveness towards her the moment we saw her, trembling and confused, and we knew she was made for us. When we collected her she was the most petrified little thing; when we got her home she was terrified of almost everything, especially loud noises and bikes, and if anyone came to the door she would run upstairs or wet herself in terror. A year on we cannot believe the difference. Her fur has grown back so she is beautiful and glossy. Her worried expression has given way to the most beautiful smile. She loves her walks, she loves her squeaky toys, she adores running around off the lead exploring everything, she runs to the door wagging her tail when we have visitors and comes everywhere with us she can, especially enjoying visits to her human "grandparents" in Malvern (especially because they sneak her forbidden treats like pork pies!)
We simply cannot describe the joy she has brought to us during the last year, watching her grow in confidence and feeling a bond develop between us. All the resolutions we made about her not getting on certain furniture or beds had vanished within 24 hours - by the end of the first afternoon she was cuddled on the best sofa with us, by the end of her first night she was up in the bedroom where she's remained ever since - quite often up on the bed next to us! Every day she brings us joy, makes us smile and laugh and gives back the most incredible love. Both of us love spending time with her and the highlight of our day is the evening walks we all go on together. I've loved learning to care for her (for example trying out the recipes in the a la Bark cook book!)and have negotiated part time work so I can spend more time with her. After a few weeks we were so overwhelmed by how much she had given us that we chose to adopt a second girl who is equally adorable - but I'll update on her in May when it is her "anniversary!"
To anyone considering adopting a greyhound I'd say - please do it. It is the most incredible thing we have ever done in our life and we just cannot imagine life without our girls. They've made our house a real home and have become our loved and cherished family. Thank you to everyone for all the support, especially Ruth, of course, and Ina who spent so much time with us choosing our first precious girl. Thank goodness I read that article correcting all the myths about greyhounds .. what a wonderful coincidence which lead to a life changing decision!

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by cinders

Monday 19 Sep 08:34

Thank you everyone - it's good to know that Mia isn't alone! It was just that she has a bit of a crazy expression in her eyes when she does it so we wondereed if it was any kind of sign of distress - but I think that, as you say, it's just that she goes into a sort of trance! We'll leave her to it then as she seems to enjoy it! Thank you for your posts - I find it incredibly helpful, as an inexperienced owner, to be able to ask people things who have the experience and knowledge to know all about these wonderful dogs, and to know that people will always take the trouble to reply - thank you xxxx

by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Sunday 18 Sep 08:38

Just a thought, but could it be something to do with what you wash your sheetings/pillow cases in? Perhaps she likes the taste of them. Mand x

by Tash'ntheGreys

Sunday 18 Sep 08:25

Hi there, my 3 do it as well, just like Ina says, it almost sends them into a trance! Buddy is the best at licking odd things...walls...the floor...sofa...his bed, and yet he isn't really a licky dog, if he really loves you you might get 1 lick on the nose, that's it! I tend to leave them too it unless I think they might make their paw sore or wear the wall out (!), then I just say "I think that's enough now" and they stop...just a funny quirk maybe?! x

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Sunday 18 Sep 07:18

Charlie also lies there licking his fleece blanket (ewwww) and he's usually got his eyes shut so I just leave him to it. Seems to just relax him! Don't think its anything to worry about cindy xxxxxx

by kallie

Saturday 17 Sep 22:51

Cindy, my Toby licks his bedding , not all the time but sometimes he will lie there and happily lick and lick, he seems very contented when he does it and he is certainly not stressed when it happens, seems it had almost a hypnotic effect on him, have no idea why he does it but as he does not seem stressed when he does i don;t worry about it...ich hoffe es geht euch allen gut? alles liebe..Ina xxx

by spencer68

Saturday 17 Sep 22:34

Hi cinders, when we adopted ellie in feb we bought a greyhound soft toy from ruth at the kennel, as soon as ellie had it she immediatly started to knibble at it, ever since then she does it all the time , from what ruth told me as i had never had a grey before this is what bitches do to there puppies they "knibble at them", ellie is constantly always knibbling at the toy. not sure about the cotton sheets and pillows though, Ann and ellie-may.x

by cinders

Saturday 17 Sep 21:17

Just a question as we're curious about something... a few weeks ago Mia has started nibbling on the cotton sheets and pillow cases where she sleeps (on our beds of course!) it's not a problem, she never does any damage (apart from a slightly soggy pillow!) but does anyone know why she does it? She's definitley not hungry(!) she's fed on Burns, has lots of toys to chew and lots of hard chews as treats. It can't be boredom as she gets 3 good walks a day and she isn't left alone for too long and has her greyhound sister for company; in fact when she started it was towards the end of our summer holiday from school when she was hardly having any time without us at all. If it's just a sort of "hobby", it's no problem - it's just that she looks a bit frantic when she does it so hopefully it isn't as sign of anxiety or anything? She never does it downstairs on the sofa or anything, only when she's lying on cotton on the beds upstairs!! And she only started a few weeks ago when we'd had her nearly 6 months. Thanks - just curious!

by cinders

Sunday 04 Sep 19:52

Slightly early I know as actually it's not Mia's birthday til tomorrow but we've been celebrating today as unfortunately it's our first day back at work tomorrow after the school holidays! So - a very Happy Birthday Mia! I'm glad you enjoyed a slice of your birthday cake (thanks to Vicky at greyhound gifts!) and a lovely long walk all round Kenilworth castle. We've had you nearly six months now and you are a special, sweet and adorable girl - much loved and cherished. Many more happy birthdays to come I hope. Love from us and your greyhound sister Evi xxxxxxxx

by Emma

Wednesday 11 May 17:37

Brilliant - found it, thanks! Another good site is where I get the Drontal and Frontline from. MUCH cheaper than the vets or pet stores! Em xxx

by beryltheperil

Wednesday 11 May 14:48

Hi Em,
Re powdered glucosomine, Arthriaid is available from - they do all sorts of stuff for animals with quick delivery - I spend a small fortune there! Also recommended is a product called Joint Aid. This comes as granules in a bag, my friend gets it from a pet shop in Northfield but I'm sure other large pet stores will have it. Both products work out around £22 each but will last several months for one dog. Hope this helps.

by cinders

Saturday 07 May 09:47

Oh that's great, thank you very much for taking the trouble to let me know about all those things. I'll make a note of them and give them a try as I really would like to think we can avoid Metacam as much as possible particularly as Mia is still a relatively young dog. It did help to have her on it for a couple of weeks I have to say - she was on only 3 legs a lot of the time and is now mostly putting all four down apart from the occasional hop, but I definitely want to try all these other things before I have to resort to the metacam again so it's absolutely brilliant that people are taking the trouble to tell us about these things as we wouldn't have had a clue otherwise about these alternatives, so thank you! xx

by beryltheperil

Saturday 07 May 09:37

Hi Em,
I've been using Arthriaid which I get online from Bestpet Pharmacy but it's just disappeared from the product list. I've emailed them to see if I can still get it, also a friend uses something similar and I'm waiting for her to phone me with the name if it - she swears by it. I'll keep you posted.

by Emma

Friday 06 May 12:59

Hi Beryl
Where do you get the Chondroitin/Glucosamine/MSM powder from? I find the tablets (which are easier to get hold of) are too big for 2 of mine :0(
Em x

by crackercharlieX

Friday 06 May 12:29

Julie recommended the Neem capsules 4 my cracker who's nearly 14( not a grey) bcus he has arthritis n a heart mumor n was bein very restless n panting all myt. since he began takin one a day the change is amazing, I didn't believe it wud work but it has been a miracle n he is now so much more settled at nyt n not panting much at all even with the weather we've had. giv it a try n thanx Julie the results r amazing. x

by tiggersslave

Friday 06 May 09:17

Hi CIndy
As well as the Chondroitin/Glucosamine/MSM products which can really help I've used a product called Inflammex made by Equine America which is herbal - Yucca and Devils Claw and very reasonable at about £15 a bottle and it lasts for ages. There are a lot of anti-inflammatory help before you have to resort to Metacam or Rymadyl (they are non-steroidal anti-inflammatories NSAID) and like you said can have serious side effects so better to use other things before you have to use them. The vet Richard Allport has a arthritis remedy which is supposed to be as good as the NSAID, I was going to take my dog to him so he could prescribe it and I could reclaim it on the insurance but eventually didn't need to (Google his name for info). I give Neem/Tumeric capsules too which Ruth sells at the kennels .. and I take them too :) I take mine to a McTimoney chiropractor (Wendy Lymer) to keep any tweaks sorted and that can help if they have a few sore places .. Wendy 's going to do a fund raising Talk for us to explain how she can help greys so watch out for it :)
Welcome to greyhounds :) Julie

by cinders

Thursday 05 May 22:28

Thank you Beryl, that is very helpful. Mia was put on Metacam and when I looked it up I started worrying about the side effects so in fact we're just starting to try the glucosomine as advised by you and Ruth. Thank you very much - it's so helpful to have this website to ask advice from all of you who have experience as Mia is our first dog and we're anxious to do everything right if we can! xx

by beryltheperil

Wednesday 04 May 16:56

Hi Cindy, re Mia's arthritis, my oldie Rosie has it in her spine and has been on Rimadyl for over 3 years which has helped a lot. All of ours have glucosomine every day from the time they arive regardless of age and it really does help. I buy a powder form which includes chondroitin and MSM and put a
dose on their dinners. Could be worth trying.

by cinders

Thursday 21 Apr 14:43

Hi, are you in Kenilworth too? Do you know Parliament Piece, through a kissing gate just off the road out of K'worth into Cov? We thought it would be ages until we let Mia off the lead but we do it every evening now - she has a good run round, usually sees a couple of rabbits and a couple of other dogs and really enjoys herself! A few people I've spoken to say they let their dogs off there as it's a safe area, but it is pretty big so if your dog isn't that good on recall (and Mia isn't - seems to find it hilarious to let us get really close and then trot off again!) it might take a while to get your dog back!!! But we've checked all round and the field is fully fenced all round, a small dog may get through but greyhounds and larger breeds should be absolutely fine!

by Suziela

Monday 18 Apr 12:43

Hi, where is the enclosed field? I am always on the lookout for them as i'm not brave enough yet to let ours off the lead!

by kallie

Thursday 14 Apr 19:37

Hi Cindy, thanks for the lovely update. as regards the arthritis, my Monty dog ( who was not a grey ) had arthritis and he had to have medication and yet he was a very active happy and fit little man right up until cancer took him at the grand age of 15and a half. he used to come to the kennels and 'Monty test' the greys and walk with them right up until he please don't worry about your gorgeous girl not having any quality of life she can be as active as the rest of them :)...its lovely to hear that she is doing so well and even more wonderful that you are considering a brother for her, hope i shall be there when you come to visit so i can say hello to you all and have a snuggle with your lovely girl. love to you all...Ina xxx

by cinders

Thursday 14 Apr 16:06

Just to update everyone on Mia! She is doing really well and her personality is emerging more and more the longer we have her. We've found a fantastic place to let her run free off the lead - a fully enclosed field where she has been able to run around to her heart's content and make friends with lots of other dogs which she absolutely loves - so much so that at some pont within the next few months we're very seriously thinking about getting her a "brother" whom she can play with so in the near future we'll come and look at the boy greyhounds an see if she takes to any of them! On the down side - the vet saw us again today and says that he's certain she has the onset of osteo-arthritis - fairly mild at this stage and easily controlled with medication though obviously not really entirely curable. I'm sure that some of you have had greyhounds with this problem and maybe you could reassure us that she will still be able to lead a full and active pain-free life for a lot of years yet? She certainly seems pretty active at the moment and full of fun! The vet also said incidentally that she looks magnificent compared to when he saw him the first time - her coat is so glossy and even though he says her bald patches won't ever be completely covered in fur again due to lack of hair follicles they have definitely filled out and she looks beautiful (especially in the lovely pink collar we bought her today!) See you soon when we come to have a look at the boys!!

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by cinders

Sunday 03 Apr 18:50

Thank you Ina - yes, we really appreciated the time you spent with us; it was the biggest factor in our decision to adopt her and we're so grateful to you for the part you played. We couldn't be without her now - she's absolutely one of the family. The vet has given her some anti-inflammatory drugs for ten days and then we'll take her back to have it investigated further if necessary. Thank you again for your continued interest in our beautiful girl. Take care, lots of love, Cindy xx

by kallie

Friday 01 Apr 20:10

Hello Cindy, how lovely to hear she is doing so well and that you are so happy with her, i spent some time with you the day you decided to give her a home and i am delighted that it is working out so well for you all. good luck with the leg, keep us posted on how she is doing. much love ... Ina xxx

by cinders

Friday 01 Apr 15:39

Finally managed to get logged in! Just a quick update on Mia (Splash). She's settled in so well we can hardly believe it and is absolutely wonderful! Gradually she has worked her way up from her basket .. to the sofa .. to the spare room bed .. to the master bed where she reclines on a variety of pillows and cushions like a little princess! Only slight problem is she has a bit of a bad leg at the moment - it's been investigated once but has been slow to heal so we're going back tonight for another check-up. Otherwise, it's been an incredible experience seeing her settle in and watch her adorable personality emerge. She's absolutely gorgeous in every way - we love her!

by bluepeter

Saturday 12 Mar 18:41

Dear Mutley,

My friend and I did the home check for Splash and I believe that she will be adored by her new parents. I think that she will love her new home. Not very far to walk to the huge local park where she can explore and meet new friends. I hope that you will be able to keep in touch and I will see if we cannot get a photo to you of Splash lounging in her new home so that you know that she is safe,loved and well cared for.
Blue's Mom x x x x x x

by kallie

Saturday 26 Feb 19:04

message for Mutley, your little girl has found herself new parents, i spent a long time with them today and they are very excited about bringing her home as soon as possible. she will be pampered and loved and looked after so now you won't have to worry about her anymore although of course she will always be with you in your heart. kind regards from Ina at Daybreaks. xxx

by welovegreys

Wednesday 23 Feb 21:39

Hope you find your forever home very soon Splash

by kallie

Wednesday 23 Feb 20:57

Deat Mutley, your post has brought tears to my eyes as it is so aparent how much you love her and miss her. It was such a hard decision to make but you are doing it because you love her and want the best for her, be rest assured that we shall all look after her until someone falls in love with her and takes her home. kindest regards to you . Ina x

by Emma

Wednesday 23 Feb 19:44

Had a lovely cuddle with this gorgeous girlie today - so friendly and so so pretty xxx

by mutley

Wednesday 23 Feb 17:44

splash is a loving dog more of a friend then an animal if that makes sense and in my heart she will always be my girl it wasnt fair on her having to be in on her own when i had to return to work so for best interests as hard as it was i had to rehome her the kennels shes at now wehere fantasic with both her and me ... though it never stopped my tears all the way home shes still very muched love , missed and thought and talked about at home by all of us . i hope she will find a new home very soon as she has so much love and joy to bring to a family like she had to us . we still have pics of her up and they will never be taken down . we will still love girl
and in my heart she will always be my girl and i miss the way she greets me in the morning with he smile so pleased with her little tail wagging we used to say if she wagged it any faster she'd end up flying love u splash , be good for ur new mum n dad x x x

by fake-farm-girl

Friday 18 Feb 20:45

I have a passion for the big boy dogs, but this little girl won my heart today, she is quite simply the sweetest darling and also very pretty. She must miss her owners (who were very sad at having to let her go) but I am sure that the first person to spend some time with her will snap her up. A total sweetie.

by kallie

Friday 18 Feb 19:04

she's lovely, so sad that she had to be returned. someone will want her before too long for sure. xxxx

by Donna+Baby+Jake

Friday 18 Feb 17:32

is she from Monmore? she looks like one of their dogs, lots of them have flecks. Shes beautiful...

by court-family

Friday 18 Feb 16:09

How devastating for you all! Such a brave decision shows how much you care about her. Lots of love :-(

by LadyVictoria

Friday 18 Feb 15:24

what a great name! Hope she finds a new home soon. xx

by Deb

Friday 18 Feb 14:52

She is adorable lets hope she finds a new home quickly.It is a shame her owners cant keep her she must be so sad to be returning to kennels, quite heart breaking.

by Liddy

Friday 18 Feb 12:48

she looks beautiful and what an appropriate name. Hope you find a forever home soon

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 18 Feb 11:56

This little greyhound was homed by another Trust but the owners are unable to keep her due to new working commitments sadly.
She is great with kids, other dogs, a good guard dog and loves cuddles and toys.