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About Me

Racing Name
bond River
Date of birth
26 aug 2006
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Ear mark
Shyane RiverIE-JUL-02-BKW
Family tree & race history

Fly (Floppy)

male, 18 years old, Black

Added by Emma-Rae

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

His nickname is 'Floppy' because hus ears are all over the place! A quiet kenneller, who gets on well with other greyhounds, very friendly, would like an active home as he is always alert and enjoys company.

Fly (Floppy) has had 0 cuddles today (33 all together).
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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 13 Dec 20:33

So sorry to hear such sad news, Fly was a lovely lad. Lots of love to his family. Xxx

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by bluepeter

Wednesday 13 Dec 19:11

Sorry to hear the news that Fly has gained his wings today. My thoughts are with his owners. xxx

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by Jess&Koda

Monday 26 Aug 22:56

Happy birthday flippers! Xx

by LadyVictoria

Monday 26 Aug 21:10

Happy Birthday lovely Fly! I am sure you have been spoilt today. Xxx

by Robdog's-dad

Monday 26 Aug 20:28

Happy birthday Fly, hope you, Lucy & Charlie had a great day love&licks Tom & Dreams x x

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Monday 26 Aug 17:41

Happy 7th birthday to my little plippers flymo!!! Love u lots little man xxxx

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by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Monday 22 Apr 21:26

2 years today since i picked up my little man. Happy Gotcha day Flymo xxxxxxxxxxx

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by kallie

Sunday 26 Aug 18:30

happy birthday little man. lots of love from 'auntie' Ina and ur cousins Rossi Toby McKenzie and Daisy. xxxx

by Robdog's-dad

Sunday 26 Aug 17:30

Happy birthday young un, hope you and the rest of the family had a bostin day. Bacon for breakfast, pigs ear for lunch whats for tea saussage or roast pork? (after a trotter round kingsbury- hehe) Dream Tom Sam & Sie x

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Sunday 26 Aug 11:40

Happy birthday to my lovely little man! Bacon sanwich for breakfast..walk round the park, just had a pigs ear and going to kingsbury for a stoll in a minute...:0) Love you my baby boy, love Mummy, Charlie and Lucy xxxxxxxxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 23 Apr 13:29

Fly, Happy Gotcha day for yesterday. xxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Sunday 22 Apr 16:40

Happy Gotcha day little man! we love you lots and lots and cant believe where this year has gone. we wouldnt be without you happy waggy lump of gorgeousness!! lots of love, Mummy, daddy, Charlie and Lucy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

by LadyVictoria

Monday 28 Nov 13:30

Poor lads, glad to hear they are starting to feel better. I am sure they are gettting lots of TLC. xxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Monday 28 Nov 09:05

Both boys seem to be on the mend, Fly has stopped passing blood now thatsa relief! xxx

by Springy

Sunday 27 Nov 16:40

Really sorry that both your boys are poorly, get well soon x

by kallie

Sunday 27 Nov 14:36

lots of love to your two fur babies, hope they will feel better soon. xxxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Sunday 27 Nov 13:07

I h ave two very poorly boys at the mmoment, poor little flymo is being sick and has a horrible upset tummy with blood... be carefull when out walking your hounds what they pick up. The vet seems to think he has sniffed or eaten something which has caused his infection :o( poor boys!! xxxxxc

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Sunday 23 Oct 11:31

6 months today we picked our little man for a 'weekend' break from the kennels! Love u lots my little man! Xxxxxxxxxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Sunday 25 Sep 17:53

Hi auntie ruth... Can me and charlie book ourselves in for a bath after our holidays! We have been knee deep in cow poo and dirt today.... But we are having lots of fun and fresh air!! Xxxxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Monday 12 Sep 09:59

Hi claire! I'm good thanks, boys are fine! I'm currently working on simon to let me have Ronnie .... But I might aswell we talking to a brick wall to be fair. Two is enough (apparently) ill keep trying bit I'm not holding out much hope. We will meet up soon. Ill text you and we'll go kingsbury or somewhere Xxxx

by tiggersslave

Monday 12 Sep 08:13

Hi Claire
In my experience greys are usually terrified of other breeds as they've not usually seen them before .. just take the socialisation at Layla's pace, if you can find a friend with a quiet, calm 'real' dog then walking with them would usually really help - walk parrallel with them and you and the other person between Layla and the other dog then gradually - over days/weeks/months depending on how scared she is.. get a little closer and eventually walk so the dogs are next to each other (you may need to move away from the other dog at first) .Watch Layla's body language to make sure she's relaxed whenever you change things ie get closer etc and if she's not happy go back to whatever you were last doing when she was realxed (sorry does this make sense).
Be careful cos we've seen some dogs who have been a little worried by other dogs when they first come into retirement than their new owners have tried to socialise them too quickly and the dogs been absolutely terrified and ended up being a lot worse than they were which can take much longer to sort out :( Best wishes Julie

by matt-claire-tilly-belle

Sunday 11 Sep 22:44

hi fi. hope you and your partner are well and obviously the hounds too. has simon agreed to you both having another one to add to your family yet? me and matt got married the other week, was great. it will be you and simon next? Layla is being fab. she is so good, i have been putting in alot of training everyday and i have started having her off the lead already and she is proving very well at coming back and dosnt go too far away from me. we have a great bond. she is clean in the house and rarely has accidents at all. I couldnt wish for her to be any better except she is very scared of other breeds. i am trying to socialise her with other breeds but she is really scared of them and hides behind me and does everthing she can to get away. i was wondering if lilly has this prob sharron if u read this.
I read lilly is still having accidents, i hope it gets better and u stick with it. should be ok in the end if u are consistent. if layla can do it then so can her sister hopefully. :-) be good to catch up soon fi and go for a nice walk. Much love to all from claire matt and the

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Saturday 27 Aug 23:08

Plips loved his birthday cakey... He even shared it with Charlie and his friends, and saved a bit for another day! Yum yum xxx

by Lauramc

Friday 26 Aug 17:21

Happy birthday Fly! Have a lovely day with your brother Charlie. xx

by LadyVictoria

Friday 26 Aug 13:22

Have a very Happy Birthday Fly! I am sure you will be spoilt rotten! xxxxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Friday 26 Aug 05:58

Happy birthday to my little plippers flymo!! My perfect little man is as cute as a button and loved to bits... Even by Charlie grumpy pants!! Love you lots plips.. Mummy daddy and Charlie xxxxxxxxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Sunday 31 Jul 09:51

Si can do them... Will be over about half eleven chick xxxxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 31 Jul 06:39

Too early!!! I'm up, dressed and off to the kennels in a bit as I am very low on volunteers today... if you are free that would be brilliant but understand if your fish tanks come first! x

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Sunday 31 Jul 06:02

Hi ruth... Bit early to text. Let me know if you need me to come and help today. If you have plenty of hands I have two fish tanks in desperate need of an overhaul :o( xxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Friday 29 Jul 22:42

I could try that, where fly will walk for hours... Charlie is still wearing a boot cos of his pad :o( its still really tender and he's fine on grass but anything else he really limps :o( xxxx

by crackercharlieX

Friday 29 Jul 18:21

Hi Fi. Just do wot I do n walk em 4 bout 5 hours a day. Mine go bed at 7 n don't get up til after 9 in the morning. Exercise, exercise, n more exercise lol. Hope ur boys r ok. X

by LadyVictoria

Friday 29 Jul 16:56

Hi Fi, you are right, all our dogs are fanstastic! We all try to do what we think is best for them and I am still learning! I am sure you will find a solution for your problem. xx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Friday 29 Jul 16:12

We also walk both our boys 4 times a day, twenty mins first thing, fourty if its a nice morning, ten mins at lunch time, 30-40 mins after work then about ten or fifteen mins at about ten thirty.. They eat only burns with sometimes added nature diet and rice in the evening... Also charlie has 3 digestive biscuits with every meal cos he's a bit skinny. They have joint supplements to and we've tried chill out music. My dogs are bloody fantastic so if this is the only problem they give me I can live with it. After reading about all the sad loses lately I'm grateful of every minute spent with them.... Even if at 4.30 it doesn't feel that way haha! Thanks to ruth for introducing me to my boys and the breed in general. Big loves to anyone who has lost there much loved grey xxxxxxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Friday 29 Jul 16:05

Thanks guys.... I have tried these things.. Even letting them sleep in the bedroom when they wake up... The crying contines even when the are on our bed with us!! Xxxxx

by tiggersslave

Friday 29 Jul 12:47

Hiya I think we've all done things to animals -and probably children, that at the time we thought - with the knowledge that we had .. that was the best way to deal with a situation and then we get more information or understand more and we realise there are now better ways ... I use rewards rather than anything else cos I find it works better and I like to work with dogs that way.
Dog training is always an interesting topic with lots of different opinions .. the saying I like is that when three dog trainers get together the only thing two agree on is that the third knows nothing :) J xx

by Tash'ntheGreys

Friday 29 Jul 11:18

Oh Julie, I feel terrible now...Fi, ignore what I said, sorry...I really do love my dogs, I've never hit them, been intentually cruel to them and their needs always come first before mine, I was just trying to help :0(

by tiggersslave

Friday 29 Jul 10:17

Hi ...Usually having the dogs where they can see you settles them down as their 'family/group/pack' are all together and they will wait till you get up - unless they really need to toilet or have heard next doors cat :( You may need to teach them how to do stairs (use 2 towels) and if you don't want them in the bedroom put a child gate on your door so they can see you but can't come in. Increasing exercise can help make them more tired and likely to want to lie in, feeding pasta and other carbs as a late feed can make them sleepy too.
The problem with punishing dogs for doing something (or not doing something) is that a) its a negative reinforcement :( and b) dogs only tie the punishment (or reward) to an action if it happens within TWO seconds of the behaviour SO if you don't get there within 2 seconds and then punish a dog the chances are that it links you coming into the room with being punished ... it doesn't think 'oh I mustn't whine cos that upsets everyone and they come down and are cross'.
J xx

by SamA

Thursday 28 Jul 19:57

Our alarm clock(Dreamer) is set to 5.00am. Whether we take her out for last wee 10pm 10.30 or 12.00 she's up at 5 usually on the dot. Tom could sleep for England and sometimes needs to be prized out of bed to go on first walk.We find with Dreamer, a little drink, big love and sky sports news she'll go back to sleep, unfortuatly I'm wide awake! Si

by Tash'ntheGreys

Thursday 28 Jul 17:57

I too sympathise with you, Penny was a 5:30 alarm, then she went to 4:30, I tried all sorts, coming down and letting her out, ignoring, saying/shouting (!) ssshhhhhhh, eventually I took drastic action...and I did feel mean doing night we make the dogs go onto their beds and say "bedtime" so at 4:30am I came down, let them out and made them go onto their beds saying "bedtime", the next time she started whining I came down armed with a water spray, squirted her with a firm "NO!" and told her to lie down, saying "bedtime", praised when she did and went back to bed. It took a week and now she doesn't need squirting, I tell her it's bedtime and she lies quietly until I get up. It worked for me, but I did feel mean doing it, but 4:30am is not funny and I really need my beauty sleep! ;0)

by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Thursday 28 Jul 17:50

Happens to us too. Gent would happily sleep the day away. We used to have lie-ins at the weekend and then we got Emily...wakes at 5.30 am most mornings (got me up at 3 am when we were on holiday!) and whines until we go to her. I guess some of them are just early risers (lucky us!!). Mand x

by StefanBecky

Thursday 28 Jul 15:46

Hi Fi
Can't help, but I can empathise...since Perdi has been poorly our alarm call has also got earlier. Paddy is a happy, lazy boy, who only barks in the night/morning if he needs the loo and settles down well whenever he's left. Perdi is a little pain (which is why we had Paddy in the first place!), she (and the Cat) awake at about 5.30am and squeak (and meow) until I get up, after breakfast she'll settle again for an hour or so and then starts again...I've ignored, shouted and gone down with little success whatever I do. I'm hoping this is partly to do with the upset of routine/nerves caused by Perdi's injury and partly due to the light mornings and that it will improve over time...any advice greatly appreciated :-) Becky

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Thursday 28 Jul 13:24

HELP!!!!! When we had Charlie we found he was regular as clockwork waking up at 6.30 for a walk and dinner, this was fine as fitted in perfectly with work and getting ready...since havin Fly this acceptable 6.30am wake up call has been slowly replaced by a 4.40 wake up call. . . . i have tried ignoring the barking, it carries on till i go back down, i have tried letting them in the garden and then going back to bed, when i do this Fly stops barking and goes back to his bed....then Charlie starts crying till i go back down. I have tried repeatedly going down and letting them into the garden and going back to bed but Charlie just wont settle down, he cries and cries till i go down, getting louder and louder! with the winter coming up im not really keen on going out before 5am in the pitch black as i wont feel safe... any ideas or suggestions welcome! xxxxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Friday 03 Jun 21:09

Took fly to the vet today because I found a lump on his tummy.... Good news is it was just fatty tissue. Phew!!!! Over protective but better to be safe than sorry I always think xxxxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Sunday 15 May 18:08

We took fly and charlie to Bark inn this morning for a run in the gallop, whilst charlie was tired after his first burst I thinl fly could have ran forever bless him! They both came back when we called them and turned round as soon as we were too far out of sight... Bless them. It really is a pleasure to see them running care free :o) bloody love em xxxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Saturday 07 May 19:03

Fly is now officially my baby! Welcome to the family my handsome little man :o) so happy xxx

by kallie

Saturday 07 May 18:58

i am so happy that Fly has now a permanent home with the lovely Fiona, Simon and of course Charlie, see you soon gorgeous boy. xxxxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Tuesday 03 May 17:23

Hi Ruth ...when is my lil mans actual birthday? Greyhound data says june 06 and on here it says 26 august 06? dont wanna get his birthday wrong :o) xxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Friday 29 Apr 21:07

My little floppy is such a good boy and climbed into the car today for the first time :o) good boy!! Charlie seems to be loving the company until it comes to sharing his mummy and even that is getting better! We feel so lucky to have two gorgeous boys xxx

by LadyVictoria

Thursday 28 Apr 13:46

So happy to hear he is staying with you. Hope all continues to go well. xx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Monday 25 Apr 18:46

Hi ruth incase you haven't guessed floppy isn't coming back today! Every thing going well so far. I'll give you a call tomorrow xxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Sunday 24 Apr 18:11

just to add floppy is a right little thief he's already stolen both my slippers, a sock, a shoe and has destroyed the fluffy draft excluder! He tried to steal my pink fluffy dressing gown but unluky for him I was wearing it ha ha!! Xxxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Sunday 24 Apr 18:06

Day two in our house for floppy today, he did 3 hours on his own today and an hour and fifteen mins yesyerday and seemed to cope very well! At least we haven't heard otherwise from the neighbours!! Charlie refused to go outside this morning till I let floppy out of his cage... Bless :o) xxx

by hilaryu

Sunday 24 Apr 12:41

well done floppy knew you at the corbett kennels have a lovely life lots of love hilary xxxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Saturday 23 Apr 20:20

Hi ina and all the floppy fans! He is still here with me, charlie and simon... His first night went really well and there was barely a grumble from charlie... Its still early days and I don't want to jinx it but it looks good so far. Simon seems to have really taken to him and is thinking of a new name for his new life! I'll keep you posted!xxxx

by kallie

Saturday 23 Apr 19:11

does this mean what i think it does?...if so then i am so very happy and excited for you all :-) ...Fiona let me know please!!!xxx

by Aimee

Saturday 23 Apr 19:04

Soooo happy to see that this beautiful boy has been reserved!! his a lovely dog, always knew how to make me smile when he was at the kennels with me and the Corbetts! hope you have a long and happy life, with all the affection you deserve floppy! lots of love aimee xxx

by BeckyB-F

Saturday 23 Apr 18:50

Yeah !!!!! you are reserved, thats fab news Floppy xxxxxx

by suejo

Saturday 23 Apr 11:35

Two is definitely better than one! Good luck x

by lindylou

Saturday 23 Apr 08:07

Keeping everything crossed for you, Floppy. Be a good boy! xx

by matt-claire-tilly-belle

Friday 22 Apr 20:54

ahhh fi. hope it goes well.
come on simon 2 are always better than 1. :-) xx

by kallie

Friday 22 Apr 19:12

Floppy, be the best boy you can be and fingers crossed you may persuade Fiona's other half to keep you with Charlie. :-) xxxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 22 Apr 18:35

Floppy has gone out on trial with Charlie (Glynn) tonight with one of our volunteers Fiona. I am keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well......
Deb - as Floppy is not available to go on the walk tomorrow, do you fancy taking our next longest stayer who is Connie instead? x

by BeckyB-F

Friday 22 Apr 16:37

That is fab. Will have fingers crossed for you and Floppy xxx

by Deb

Friday 22 Apr 14:25

Floppy is going to join us on the Saturday Greyhound training clubs Easter walk. Ruth I have begun a plan to chip away at the hubbies resistance to a second hound. Bringing him into kennels on the grounds of buying a bag of treats for Millie is just the start of it!
Getting him to agree to taking Floppy for an outing was just a bit too easy!
Hopefully my doggie training friends will drop subtle hints in the morning for those of you coming prepare your strategy!
Debs and Millie X

by sam.lilypeep

Friday 22 Apr 11:23

What a beautiful face, he reminds my so much of my gorgeous wonderful Ellie, gentle and adorable. Hope he finds a fab home soon. (Big hugs to Floppy xxx)

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Thursday 21 Apr 20:37

I haven't even asked ruth yet lol! He still hasn't said yes the only worry I have is havin floppy over easter and if o/h won't let him stay I will have to tale him back and someone else might have had him over easter! Aaagghhh! Hope you have a lovely easter too ina... See you soon I hope xxx

by BeckyB-F

Thursday 21 Apr 19:22

I hope if you have him to stay that he gets on wonderfully with you all xxx

by kallie

Thursday 21 Apr 17:46

Fiona, i hope that you are able to take this gorgeous boy even if its just for the easter be honest i have never just had one dog or at least not for a very long time as i have always found that they are happier if they have a canine companion..keeping my fingers crossed for you and for Floppy. :-) Happy Easter... i shan't be down for the next 2 weeks as working non stop to cover my colleagues hols. xxxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Thursday 21 Apr 16:36

He hasnt said yes yet!! hahaha xxx

by LadyVictoria

Thursday 21 Apr 14:53

Will keep my fingers crossed for you all! I met Floppy at the kennels a few weeks ago, he is lovely. xx

by lichfield_sam

Thursday 21 Apr 12:26

this is brilliant, hope it all works out, floppy is a gorgeous boy, good luck xxxxxx

by sarah

Wednesday 20 Apr 23:11

Go Fi - Floppy looks sssssooooooooooooooooo lovely, and Charlie was happy round Kingsbury with another grey ! Give it a go, u probably won't find 2 any more trouble than 1, we didn't with little Jo, in fact Toby has been a lot more content now he has a sister !! Good luck with what ever u decide mate x x x

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Wednesday 20 Apr 21:28

Yes he has, ihave asked him to seriously consider us having floppy over easter (if ruth would let us) and see how he gets on, with a view to him just staying over easter if other half or chsrlie aren't happy with the situation. Don't want an unhappy partner and I don't want either dog to suffer! He has said he will think about giving it a go!! Xxx

by BeckyB-F

Wednesday 20 Apr 18:56

Has the other half seen those beautiful eyes yet ?! I know how you feel, I would love to take floppy and a few others home, but I think the 4 cats might be too much for him ! xxx Plus we are already sitting on the floor in the evening while Jasper, Belle and the cats have the sofa's xxxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Tuesday 19 Apr 20:13

This little lad is so full of character he is just adorable! I'm working so so hard to get my other half to let me have him but my pleas are falling on deaf ears! He's actually ignoring me when I mention floppy now :o( charlie seemed to like him too and they were lovely together at kingsbury! How can I change his mind... This is so so frustrating! Sorry for the rant xxx

by kallie

Monday 18 Apr 19:12

he is such a lovely little boy, the cutest face and the lovliest nature...we had a great walk and wonderful cuddles today :-) xxxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Sunday 17 Apr 19:28

Took floppy to kingsbury water park.... He loved it bless him! We met some other dogs and at first he ws very interested. But after a while he barely noticed them. Someone please give him a home before I take him home and end up single!!! X x x

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Thursday 14 Apr 13:08

Aww i love floppy! he's my new favourite black boy!!! Im coming on saturday for lots of cuddles with this cutie and working on the o/h to let me have a new addition! ha ha xxxxx

by BeckyB-F

Monday 11 Apr 19:29

We met Floppy and he is a real cutey with those fab eyes. Cuddles to you Floppy xxxxx

by kallie

Tuesday 05 Apr 21:01

beautiful Floppy was very brave and gave blood today to help lots of other dogs when they are poorly. :-) xxxx

by kallie

Saturday 26 Mar 18:52

those sad brown eyes look right into you and i am willing someone to come and give him a home he is such a lovely lad. :-) xxxxx

by kallie

Wednesday 16 Mar 18:58

as adorable as ever and sooo loving, have a look at this cutie and let yourself fall in love. xxx

by xgeorginax

Tuesday 08 Mar 20:26

Such a cute hound, his coat looks lovely x <3

by kallie

Saturday 26 Feb 19:07

this is a most gorgeous boy, he is so loving and his ears are so cute, someone will be very priviliged to offer him a home. xxx

by skinnyme

Friday 25 Feb 08:16

Floppy loves fuss and his ears are fab!

by kallie

Tuesday 22 Feb 16:02

what a cutie...lovely eyes. xxx

by Aimee

Tuesday 22 Feb 15:07

Its my beautiful boy floppy :) Ive worked with floppy at the racing kennels from when he came to Georges and left us :( His got such a lovely temperament, very loving and affectionate! His always alert and playful so would benefit from lots of walks and plenty of company! Any home would be lucky to have him, theres never a dull moment when floppys about! I hope you have a wonderful life floppy :) xxx