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About Me

Racing Name
Killishan Bubble
Date of birth
21 mar 2009
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Land of standing
UK United Kingdom
Ear mark
Thornley CrackerIU/IE-OCT-05-BK
Family tree & race history

Bez (Bubble)

female, 15 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Monday 01 Jan

Bez (Bubble) has had 0 cuddles today (82 all together).
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by PamD

Saturday 02 Nov 14:41

Thank you Lisa. Such sad memories. I can’t believe it was 12 months ago xx

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by Lewisfuggie

Saturday 02 Nov 14:39

Ive just been to where we picked Bez up and put flowers on the canal... It was around 1.30 when we arrived... Still think of the poor children who pulled her was an honour for two of our volunteers to take her on her final journey. X

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by LindaPaul

Saturday 02 Nov 10:43

Thinking of beautiful Bez today xx

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by Xam

Friday 01 Nov 20:09

I still give bez a cuddle on here like it’s somewhere to see her, as it’s never left our thoughts. Still so tragic hope she is happy in dog heaven! She will never be forgotten ??

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by helenanddave

Friday 01 Nov 08:50

We often think of little Bez and still shed a tear. Xx

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by shanishoo

Friday 01 Nov 07:53

God bless little Bez, still makes me cry xxxxxx

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by Lewisfuggie

Thursday 31 Oct 21:25

Rubytwoshoes.... I will be putting flowers on the canal again on

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by rubytwoshoes

Thursday 31 Oct 18:06

Well its Halloween, I am remembering 1 year ago, my daughter and me and lots of other volunteers in the park, unsuccessfully searching for little Bez. It still makes me cry. . Give your hounds a special cuddle tonight x

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by Lewisfuggie

Saturday 17 Nov 20:13

Thank you to everyone who has visited the memorial of all our rainbow bridge fury friends.... There are so many flowers, it truly looks beautiful.... We are currently setting up a rememberance "tree" wall where people can ordered a name tag and attach to the branches of the picture wall. X

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by Caro

Friday 09 Nov 18:39

I can only echo everyone’s comments you are all stars at Daybreaks. Thank you for opening up the world of greys to me.

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by shanishoo

Thursday 08 Nov 23:22

Well said Thethirdronnie, everybody at Daybreaks and all the volunteers are angels in my eyes, anybody who criticises these wonderful people are just not worthy of anybodys time, commenting on things they know nothing about. Xxx

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by Thethirdronnie

Thursday 08 Nov 22:02

There are always people who will criticise and be negative. Usually they are the badly informed. To everyone at Daybreaks and beyond who did their best for Bez and do their best for so many other greyhounds - you are all champions who have helped create a world of happy greyhounds and owners. Tragedy will sadly always happen. Thank you sirenmelody for your affirmation. Xx

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by jetlucy

Thursday 08 Nov 21:12

Well said sirenmelody. I am not on social media either but I am upset to hear negative comments have been made about d aybreaks or anyone for that matter. Like you say this was a tragic everyone should learn from, whatever dog you have and as far as I'm concerned daybreaks is the best thing since sliced bread! I dreas to think what would happen if they weren't there! Each and everyone who works and volunteers there are angels and they've given us one of the best things that have happened to us...I hope jet feels the same way about us lol! Keep up the good work everyone, you're all fabulous! Xxx

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by loveheart

Wednesday 07 Nov 23:33

Sirenmelody.Thank you for putting into words what we all feel but could not say so eloquently,calmly, and fairly.
I did not think anyone would make negative comments about the RGT.Thank goodness they exist. These hounds deserve a loved old age, but Karma will triumph eventually. Now Bez can rest in peace, thank you xx

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Wednesday 07 Nov 21:10

Great words Sirenmelody. I totally agree. Thanks for everything you did for Bez.

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by NMD07

Wednesday 07 Nov 21:04

Must agree Sirenmelody, Our Breeze was one of two greys returned (at different times) mainly I believe because she couldn’t live alone. Xxx

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by PamD

Wednesday 07 Nov 20:49

Totally agree Sirenmelody
Tears again here xxx

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by sirenmelody

Wednesday 07 Nov 19:34

Join the club Lindygrey. I still keep shedding tears. My boys dont understand why mummy is so sad. I keep hugging them & telling them how much they would have loved her. They love boys but they love the girls. Bez would have probably been sharing a kennel with my Mel if he had been in there. He was always partnered up with the girlies when he was in residence as he was always a calming influence. Now that the weather has really turned I just thank god she isnt out there on her own. The majority of people who adopt from Daybreaks & other charities are great owners....for the life of their chosen ones. However, some decide after whatever period of time, that a dog is not for life. Sometimes there are genuine reasons for a return but sometimes there are not & working longer hours, wanting to travel etc suddenly seem to become insurmountable problems. I dont want to nag but can I just remind all of us and those who are maybe thinking of adopting an animal that it should be for life, through hard times, illness, etc etc. Whilst Mel was a retired boy I have rehomed 2 boys (not from daybreaks) in the last few years both of whom were returned after 7 years in a home for basically no reason other than they were ageing & becoming an inconvenience. The cruelty of some humans never ceases to amaze me. I nursed Cheets thru probably a brain tumour with dreadful seizures & had to make the dreaded decision after a horrific seizure at the vets. I always felt in the 15 months I had with him that he was underlyingly sad, as though he could not understand why he was living with me & not the family with children where he had grown up. My current boy Teddy will celebrate his 1st anniversary with me & Mel next month & I know he does not miss his previous owners who did not show him the kind of love and attention he deserves. Whilst I personally find these kind of characters so rewarding it nevertheless upsets me that they have been essentially thrown away like a piece of rubbish. Ruth & Kate know every single day how hard it is to find good homes for these wonderful boys & girls who have given their all to earn money for their owners/trainers. They are there predominantly as a rehoming charity & whilst they will do everything in their power to help owners who have a problem the onus is on the owner to keep the commitment they make, to keep the dog safe, to keep the dog well tagged etc.etc. I do not use social media and this is the reason why.......I have heard that many negative comments have been made against RGT regarding the situation with Bez. I was one of the many people who helped search. We all did our utmost. We willingly gave up our time. We are not professional trackers. Every single person involved has been traumatised & devastated by what has happened. I met the new owner & she knows that she & her husband have to live with the fact that a momentary lapse of concentration bought on a tragic set of events. I do not envy them that dreadful burden but apportioning blame is also very unfair. Let all of us try to learn & relearn from this sad experience about the importance of checking doors etc when the doggies are about. That is I am sure what Bez would want.

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by LindyGrey

Wednesday 07 Nov 18:49

Still thinking of you all the time Bez. Lots of love xxx

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by Lucy'sMomma

Tuesday 06 Nov 22:20

I really don't know how to start this comment but I don't suppose anyone does. I have been on holiday over the weekend and have only just got back to read the devastating news about poor Bez. When I was on holiday I didn't have access to internet and I kept hoping and praying that Bez would have been found safe. I knew that there were so many people looking out for her and just hoped with every part of me that she would be ok. I have been in tears reading all the comments from everyone this evening and I didn't know Bez. I can't begin to think how her owners must feel and everyone at the kennels who tried their very best to give her the chance of a great end to life after she had had a tough one. I really don't know what else to say this is such a shock. Please take care everyone and hug your greyhounds and human family very tight in memory of little Bez. I remember the day when my friend heard of a black greyhound loose and then driving round Smethwick that evening, I am just heartbroken for her. I will certainly be lighting a candle at church for her on Saturday. All my love Anne and Lucyxxxxx

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by Lewisfuggie

Monday 05 Nov 19:09

Just a note to say Bez will be back at the kennels from Friday onwards if anyone wants to pay there respects. All we ask is that you let the kennels know before hand, as it is still Bobs garden. We are scattering her ashes just prior to that. X

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by sarah

Sunday 04 Nov 21:42

I can't say how much little Bez has affected us all. We are a strong family and we will learn and help and support each other more because of this beautiful girl. I am so pleased how everyone pulled together during this sad and what turned out to be horrific time. I just wish we could have brought her back safe and sound. Loveheart, thank you so much for your moving words, they reduced me to tears again, as did your beautiful words a little while ago about my Will, Thank you ! Love to everyone involved in trying to help Bez x

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by Turtle

Sunday 04 Nov 20:58

Still so completely and utterly gutted for the loss of this beautiful baby girl! We’ve been so touched by her loss and that beautiful poem from love heart is helping to cope with the tragic end for beautiful Bez xxxxxxxmay god see her over rainbow bridge and have eternal peace

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by sirenmelody

Sunday 04 Nov 20:47

Loveheart......the floodgates have opened again. I have like everyone else cried & cried and am crying now as I try to type. I keep hoping I will run out of tears but I dont know when. How can life be so very cruel. I feel so very bitter, angry and just heartbroken. I went to work last night but came home as I kept crying. I feel so physically sick & keep having nightmare thoughts trying to imagine what happened. Even my beautiful boys are not enough to help at the moment. I havent been like this for 23 years when my grandmother was tragically killed. There are so many beautiful animals out tonight in the cold and damp without a guiding hand. It breaks my heart. I know there are dreadful things happening to people and there are those without a home and I feel so deeply for them but the difference is.....they can ask for help, they can ask for directions, they can ask for food & drink. This beautiful girl would have asked if she could have. I have no more words....just water flowing from my constantly swollen eyes.

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by willerby

Sunday 04 Nov 19:31

Beautiful words Loveheart and i'm off again :(

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by loveheart

Sunday 04 Nov 19:31

wow what wonderful news for Nick Brandy and all the other wonderful hounds with a new Red sign. I am sure Bez is now the Guardian Angel of Daybreaks Greys. Hoping they will get the happy ending in their forever homes that she sadly missed. We have been so lucky to have held our past 4 in our arms as they left us. What a lift for Daybreaks and everyone after such sadness. xxxxxxxxx

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by helenanddave

Sunday 04 Nov 18:55

Such beautiful words, love heart - although the tears are falling again. This little girl will never be forgotten

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by helenanddave

Sunday 04 Nov 18:55

Such beautiful words, love heart - although the tears are falling again. This little girl will never be forgotten

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by shanishoo

Sunday 04 Nov 18:33

Loveheart, so beautiful, you have managed to put into words how we all feel xxx

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by jetlucy

Sunday 04 Nov 17:30

Oh loveheart that's beautiful and yes same as pamd in floods again. This special little girl really has touched so many and that must be her legacy xxx

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by mutbags

Sunday 04 Nov 17:23

So so upset to read this and my heart goes out to everyone involved. God bless beautiful Bez xxxx

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by PamD

Sunday 04 Nov 16:49

Beautiful Jenny, leaky eyeborls again xxxx

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by loveheart

Sunday 04 Nov 16:37

I have been so upset by the passing of Bez. I never knew her but no old girl deserves such an end She has been on my mind constantly. She must have fought so hard to manage to stay alive for so many days in such bad conditions. I see an investigation is under way. I so hope there are answers found so we can understand and for her sake.

My eyes now close as I drift away
It was not meant that I should stay
I tried so hard because I loved so much
But I could not live without a human touch.
Then I heard them calling me from a peaceful place
So over a bridge I started to race
I was met by lots of old friends and everlasting peace
Don't be sad good people for me it was a happy release,
No more fear no more pain
Just back at last with the angels again.

For Bubbles God keep her safe in your arms forever. xxx

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by NMD07

Saturday 03 Nov 18:52

Heartbreaking for everyone. Xxxx

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by Alan&Paddy

Saturday 03 Nov 17:43

I've just ordered 3 gps trackers, thanks Steve. If you order 3 or more you get discount. You can also see a demo on you tube showing how they work

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by Fifi'sFamily

Saturday 03 Nov 14:41

Such sad news and a tragic course of events...thinking of all those who loved Bez & were involved in the search. RIP little one xx

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by shanishoo

Saturday 03 Nov 14:35

Steveandwend what a good idea, going to take a look at those - thanks xxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Saturday 03 Nov 14:06

Many thanks Steve. Have ordered 4!

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by sharon

Saturday 03 Nov 14:00

Thanks for the info Steve, just ordered three for mine, great idea, we should start selling them at Daybreak.

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by PamD

Saturday 03 Nov 13:28

Thanks Steve
Have ordered 2

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by morris

Saturday 03 Nov 11:40

Such sad news RIP Bez xxx

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by jetlucy

Saturday 03 Nov 11:33

Want to say well done to the children who got bez back to safety as sillasmum has already said. It must have been incredibly traumatic but so brave of them and shows wonderful caring human beings. God bless little bez and if there is a way we can donate towards cremation we'd be more than happy to xxx

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by steveandwend

Saturday 03 Nov 11:25

After the sad loss of Bez, we have been looking at GPS trackers for dogs and have found one from It's called the pet smart mini GPS tracker, going to order 3 for ours.

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by shanishoo

Saturday 03 Nov 10:05

I will light a candle tonight Bez in your honour. Xxx

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by shanishoo

Saturday 03 Nov 09:42

Beyond devastated that beautiful Bez has crossed over the bridge, heaven has gained a very special angel, many tears shed by us and countless other people, most of us never even knew Bez but we are all devastated by her passing. All you wonderful people that went out looking for her have been amazing. Much love to Bez's families and everybody who cared about her. Run free now beautiful Bez with all our other precious babies who have also closed the bridge. Xxxxxx

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by Sillasmum

Saturday 03 Nov 08:32

Just wanted to say how awful it must have been for the teenagers who found Bez and pulled her out of the water. But how humane, caring and brave of them. Heartbreaking for all concerned x

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by PamD

Saturday 03 Nov 08:16

Sorry for the wrong comment. I was told it was Lisa who pulled poor Bez out of the canal.
Poor youngsters who had that awful job.
But Lisa you were a star cuddling her for the last time until help arrived xx

Thanks Julie for stepping in to help.

Sorry I missed helping at the end as I am
at our caravan to get Maisie away from fireworks x

Lots of love to all who helped with the search.

We all love our precious breed so much.


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by tiggersmum

Saturday 03 Nov 07:58

Devastated not being able to find Bez in time, thank you to everyone who has helped in any way especially Lisa C who has been awesome. Thank you to everyone who helped by searching, suggesting ideas and sourcing equipment, sending good wishes etc and a thank you to the lovely Greyhound owners who have just offered £50 towards Bez' cremation costs. You know who you are and your thoughtfulness is what owning Greyhounds is all about. The Trust is paying for Bez' cremation, Lisa and I took her on her final journey yesterday :( Thank you everyone xx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Saturday 03 Nov 02:39

I have to say it was a young 16 year old girl and her younger brother who took Bez from the canal and stayed with her until Lisa arrived and brought her back. Lisa, we have spoken, cried and hugged. Thank you for collecting this little baby, she deserved so much more from life than she got. Thank you to everyone for their help and support during this difficult time. Xxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Saturday 03 Nov 00:03

I took the heart breaking call today of The passing of beautiful, gorgeous Bez. I was involved with the search for her, but I have so many questions to ask! Please do not comment on posts from new and previous owners as we have many unanswered to questions to ask. We require no negative comments regarding this. We need to get to the very bottom of our investigations. My thanks to Lisa for collecting little Bez. Xxxxx

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by conman

Friday 02 Nov 23:02

Crying my eyes out for a dog I never met and for people I met very briefly. This is not the ending I expected and certainly not the ending Bez, Alison and Peter deserved. Thinking tonight of all those who knew and loved Bez and those who searched for her xx

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by PamD

Friday 02 Nov 22:41

I will say it on this thread lewisfudge ,Lisa Campbell.
It was you that pulled her out of the canal and sat cuddling her cold wet body until help arrived.
You deserve a medal. We are all hurting and breaking up inside but you had to go through that awful ordeal
You deserve a medal

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by cellosmum

Friday 02 Nov 22:33

So sorry your last few days were so frightening for you little Bez, so many people were trying for you, but you're safe now. RIP little girl.

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by missfifi

Friday 02 Nov 22:16

I have been willing Bez to be found and am so so sorry that she has found her way to the bridge the way she did. I can feel the distress and pain of it all so many miles away - Linda is right - we never have them long enough - sleep tight sweetheart wrapped in love forever. Xx

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by pollyzeb

Friday 02 Nov 20:51

Devastated to see this news. So many tears for sweet Bez, bless her heart. At peace now sweetheart. So sorry for her previous and new mum and dad. Heartbreaking for all of you who did so much to try and find her. Love to you all xxx. Sleep well Bez xxxx

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by Thethirdronnie

Friday 02 Nov 20:13

So sorry for everyone, her previous and new mom and dad and everyone who went to such pains to find Bez. She is safe and at peace. Nobody could have tried harder. Xxx

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by thedarloprincess

Friday 02 Nov 20:11

We are so upset to hear the news- tried finding her in West Smethwick Park and Warley Woods but to no avail. Rest in peace at Rainbow Bridge now Bez. Xxx

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by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Friday 02 Nov 20:08

To Alison & Pete and Nat34 and her parents, I’m so desperately sorry to hear the news about Bez and like many others, am devastated that we couldn’t bring her home earlier. Love to you all. Mand xxxx

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by goldi&ruby's-mum

Friday 02 Nov 19:53

I’ve been checking every day for the best news for Bez, sadly this evenings news is the saddest. We all send our love to all concerned.
Bez zoom free knowing that you were so loved by so many people xxxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Friday 02 Nov 19:33

I am truly heartbroken about this. Sadly I took the call advising of her sad passing. God bless you sweetheart, God speed, rainbow bridge has gained another Angel way too soon. RIP Bez. Xxxxxx

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by Simon,Jan&Jet

Friday 02 Nov 19:26

Such a tragic end to Bez's life, my heart goes out to Alison and Peter, they must be devastated....
Can I thank all the people who gave so much time searching for Bez!!

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by Katyandmoe

Friday 02 Nov 19:23

I'm so so sorry my darling. Wish I could have done more. Be at peace now Xxx

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by LindaPaul

Friday 02 Nov 19:16

I just feel broken and I’m sure I’m not alone. Rest in peace sweetheart I’m sorry that our very best efforts this time were just not enough. If the love of the Daybreaks family could have brought you back safely you’d have been out there only for mere seconds. Hug you hounds everyone, for our time with them is never long enough xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 02 Nov 18:59

Absolutely heartbroken, God Bless you sweet little girl. Xxx

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by Babynoel

Friday 02 Nov 18:47

Heartbroken. So hoped we would find her. Rest in peace now baby girl x

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by blackisbeautiful

Friday 02 Nov 18:43

Just home from work and totally upset and distraught to hear that despite all of us searching and willing her safe return it wasn't to be I guess we must be thankful to the kind people who rang in to tell us they'd found her Rest in peace beautiful girl So sorry we didn't find you Always remembered :(( X X X

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by Turtle

Friday 02 Nov 18:42

Our hearts are broken, one of our babies have gone to soon. The Hayes family are lighting a candle for beautiful Bez! We were so close to her last night, wish we stayed out longer!

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by Tinker'sNan

Friday 02 Nov 18:41

I am so sorry to hear this news today poor Bez everyone has been so kind feeling so sad for her new owners and passed owners ny heart is with them run free beautiful girl no more on the street alone my the angles put there loving arms around giving you loads of love tinkersnan xxx

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by bluesfan

Friday 02 Nov 18:41

In tears after reading such sad and devastating news. Rest in peace Bez xxx. Thank you to all the people who gave so much of their time in the search for her xx

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by blueangel

Friday 02 Nov 17:59

I am absolutely gutted! Heartbroken for you Bez run free at the bridge beautiful with new angel wings xxx

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by mary/john

Friday 02 Nov 17:56

Really sad to hear the news about Bez.... RIP run free in Rainbow Bridge.... Heartfelt sympathy for all those who searched for her and her owners and previous owner... xxxx

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by PamD

Friday 02 Nov 17:53

I met this sweet girl when Ruth came to sort nervous Jimmy out, a homing in our road.
She came into our house with Ruth and Andy for a short time.

I just can’t understand the reasoning!!!

She certainly didn’t deserve to end the rest of her life like she di!!

Run free with all our angels at The Bridge sweet girl.

No longer running exhausted in a world she didn’t know.

I will never forget you. Xxxxxxx

God please look after Bez xxxx

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by Aries

Friday 02 Nov 17:53

So sad to hear the news of Bez, have been following progress, i'm just curious thought from where she was spotted in bearwood, the stadium is a long way away, doesn't bear thinking about what she went through with the hunger and cold, RIP Bez x

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by lisaBaker

Friday 02 Nov 17:48

Totally devastated to hear this free beautiful. So many people were trying to get her home safe, sending lots of love to both her families such a sad ending but she was loved so much xxxx

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by hilaryu

Friday 02 Nov 17:45

Did not know this little girl but rip sweetheart.

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by sharon

Friday 02 Nov 17:43

So very very sad, poor baby, sleep tight sweetheart

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by LindyGrey

Friday 02 Nov 17:35

Heartbroken... didn't meet the beautiful girl but she stole my heart out searching for her. My condolences to her new parents, old parents, GT solihull people & fellow searchers. Sleep tight angel doggy. Lots of love from me and Lindy the Greyhound xxxxxxxxx

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by Sillasmum

Friday 02 Nov 17:32

So desperately sorry to hear this news about Bez. Just devastating for all involved. RIP little furry angel. Love Liz, Colin & Bella xxx

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by sirenmelody

Friday 02 Nov 17:08

I am devastated and shedding many tears for this innocent being that deserved so much better. My heart goes out to Alison & Peter who never had the chance to show her a loving home. The supporters who gave up so much of their time to help search and organise cameras etc should be proud that they did their best. Learning what I have learned about people this week only adds to my already concrete thoughts and this is an experience I will never ever forget. Bez my sweet girl I cant tell you how sorry and upset I am. I am only grateful that you can be at peace rather than living on the streets trying to survive in what would have been a miserable life. God look over your little soul. X

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by spencer68

Friday 02 Nov 17:05

Am so desperately sorry to read the sad news today. I was hoping for a happy ending, sadly not to be. Thinking of all involved in the search and her previous and new owners. Utterly heartbreaking. Rip bez. Xx

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by CuteBarneyGumbleS

Friday 02 Nov 16:59

We are absolutely devastated. Everybody who searched did an amazing job this is really heartbreaking. RIP to this girl.
Love Barney, Deborah, Ian and Samantha x

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by Ziggy

Friday 02 Nov 16:49

So sad. I am in tears, hugging my two hounds.????

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by Alan&Paddy

Friday 02 Nov 16:47

We are devastated to read the very sad news that poor Bez has crossed rainbow bridge. We like many of our Daybreaks family have searched for her day and night and we clung to the hope she might still be found. This is so sad for everyone concerned. With heavy heart we say sleep tight little Bez :( xx

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by jetlucy

Friday 02 Nov 16:25

Oh no I didn't even know this beautiful little girl but I am heartbroken to hear this news. Darling bez run free sweetheart just only wish you'd have known how well you'd have been looked after and how much clearly everyone thought of you. In tears writing this abs Alison and Peter I am so so sorry. Thinking of you at this time. Gutted I couldn't find you when I tried. If you still have her please give her a kiss goodnight from me and jet. Riding my horse in floods of tears writing this so good job he's a good boy xxx

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by Nifty'sMom&Dad

Friday 02 Nov 16:24

How sad we are devasted poor baby,at least she is at peace now God bless little one,and to all those who took the time to search.Sending a cuddle to the rainbow bridge for you Bez love Tanya,Mark,Nifty and Cilla xxx

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by Jembob

Friday 02 Nov 16:23

Deeply saddened by this awful news.
I hope that her previous families do not feel guilty. They are all clearly loving people who wanted to do their best for Bez and this was just a horrible accident. Hopefully they will rehome other hounds once that the wounds have healed a bit.
Well done to everybody who put so much time and effort into the search.
Hug your own hounds a bit extra tonight.

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by Turtle

Friday 02 Nov 16:23

Completely and utterly devastated! Our hearts are broken
God rest her sole
Love Tracey, Jess & Joseph ????????

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by helenanddave

Friday 02 Nov 16:16

Devastated. So very, very sad. Sleep well sweetheart so much love has gone out to you over the past week.

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by steveandwend

Friday 02 Nov 16:07

Myself and Wend are absolutely gutted to hear the news Bez has crossed to Rainbow Bridge and under such sad circumstances. Run free beautiful girl ????????

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by SweetPea

Friday 02 Nov 16:05

I am completely gutted to heAr this, just as I'm sure everybody else is.
You searchers have been wonderful and did all you possibly could. Bez I'm sure had a lovely life with her previous owners. My condolences to her new owners.
RIP beautiful girl ??????

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by willerby

Friday 02 Nov 15:50

so so sad RIP run free over the bridge xxx

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by Lewisfuggie

Friday 02 Nov 15:47

We are devasted to inform you that Bez has passed to Rainbow Bridge sometime in last 24hrs....
She was found l by the Alexander Stadium at 1pm today by some dog walkers.... We have her with us...
Thank you to everyone who helped look for her.. We are sorry that there was not a happier outcome.. Xxxxxxx

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by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Friday 02 Nov 13:53

I was walking around in the woods last night with sausages and cheesy pizza ..... my two weren’t happy when I walked out the front door! Mand x

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by SweetPea

Friday 02 Nov 13:06

Probably a daft question I know, but have you searchers got bits of chicken and suchlike on you? If she get a whiff of food in the vicinity she might brave it ...?????

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by Xam

Friday 02 Nov 13:04

Just so you are aware, my parents know by checking on the site to see if she was rehomed. They spent this morn in Smethwick shouting and searching for her and had no luck. They are upset they thought they were doing the best for Bez because of their situation and wanted her to have a better end of life and not be in kennels a lot. Let’s hope she’s found soon!! Xx

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by Lewisfuggie

Friday 02 Nov 12:08

Meeting at 6pm on Friday... Two teams 1)Uplands Cemetary... We are going to quietly walk round with the thermal imaging camera... 2) Warley Woods. Barclay Rd side from 5.30
****** Last sighted this Thursday morning in Bishopton Rd Bearwood *******
UPDATE....from Pete.
So we can say she is somewhere from bearwood high street to warley woods and Hagley Road up to Abbey Road

Can we look in the area today and he will let us know of any further sightings.
Please call
Go out in grps and bring torches.
Greyhound Trust Solihull

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by Badgerdaddy

Friday 02 Nov 11:53

My wife and I would like to help in the search for BEZ and have a night vision scope with an infrared light that allows it to see in the dark. However, we need some guidance as to who what and where. Just let me know how we can best be of help as we do not want to hamper any organised search by tramping around in the wrong place.

Badgerdaddy (Bangers Dad)

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by sirenmelody

Friday 02 Nov 11:22

Lewisfuggie.......I dont know you but I think you are amazing with all your efforts, ideas & organisation. If god forbid I ever find myself in the same situation I will know to turn to you.

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by jetlucy

Friday 02 Nov 10:59

Lewisfuggie what time are you going and to which location? Xxx

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by Lewisfuggie

Friday 02 Nov 10:42

I have spent the last 3 hours on the phones to professional trappers.. We have a plan and Pete the new owner has been advised... We are going to concentrate around Uplands Cemetary and Warley Woods again... I will have the thermal camera tonight aswell. X

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by Nat34

Friday 02 Nov 08:24

Right...... what are your thoughts I my sister has come up with idea. Me and her will buy the following wildlife cameras to be delivered to Alison tomorrow then could set up the stations? If you agree we will buy them to arrive tomorrow.

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by pollyzeb

Thursday 01 Nov 22:29

Can't believe that woman was taking down your posters. What IS the matter with people these days?? Feel gutted for poor Bez. I'm miles away (Hertfordshire) and don't have a car. If I did I'd be there every day. I go to bed thinking about her and get up thinking about her. It could happen to any one of us. Bless all you wonderful people. xxx

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by jetlucy

Thursday 01 Nov 20:53

Sirenmelody you sound like my sort of lady! What time are people out tomorrow night and where do you meet as if we're back we'll catch you up? Xxx

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by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Thursday 01 Nov 20:28

Just got back after searching with Gayle and the thermal camera. We also had a long range torch to see if we could catch any eyes looking at us. We tried to get as deep into the bushes and trees and did pick up a cat with the thermal imaging camera, so we know it works and to what scale something is shown. Sadly there was no sign of Bez tonight, but the park is quite dense in places and difficult to get in everywhere. Thank you to all the people Gayle and I spoke to who were aware of Bez and to the lovely lady who stopped us in her car in Barclay Road to ask which roads she should search. Fingers crossed for tomorrow. Amanda x

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by sirenmelody

Thursday 01 Nov 20:18

Hi jet lucy, she said she worked for the management of the park. I understand if these things really are not allowed but she could have explained nicely & been sympathetic. Although there are posters on the noticeboards at both entrances they are amongst others so not as prominent as on lots of trees and we did see people stopping & looking at the tree ones. I did make it clear we were unimpressed and had I been alone or not just with Alison for the first time today there is a good chance that she would still be pinned to a tree herself!! As Kate would confirm I have a very cynical take on most humans in todays so called modern world. I bet if it were a child missing she would not have taken the posters down. Oh well I am a great believer in what goes around comes around. I am sure she will get her come uppance. Maybe something will come from tonights search. Lets all keep hoping & praying.

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by Babynoel

Thursday 01 Nov 20:03

I was out looking this morning, i did the route from court oak then warley and abbey and three oaks through to coopers lane and smethwick high street. I have some time off tomorrow after lunch so i will go out again

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by jetlucy

Thursday 01 Nov 19:37

Poor bez and what a vile woman the poster woman was I would have stuck pins in her! Jet has vets at 6.45 tomorrow but we can come straight after if there is a team going out? Xxx

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by tiggersmum

Thursday 01 Nov 19:34

Bez was spotted this morning on Bishopton Rd, when we got there 90 mins later there was no sign of her. I walked round the road, looked in gardens and asked lots of people but no sign. Bishopton Rd is at the back of Lightwoods Park but also close to Barclay Rd and Abbey Rd where she has been seen this week, it also is the edge of Warley Woods. I walked thro Warley Woods and looked under bushes and stopped people. They were really great, most aware of Bez and keeping an eye out for her - I asked them to call the kennels if they saw her on 0121 782 7702 so we could get out asap. Facebook is great but there are so many threads now that it's hard to know which is a recent sighting. Thank you to everyone who is looking, we will find her xxx

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by Lewisfuggie

Thursday 01 Nov 18:36

Can i also state that Natalie... Bez prev owners daughter also comes over to help on searches and has provided us with lots of facts on Bez, which are very helpful. Lets concentrate on getting Bez back. X

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by Lewisfuggie

Thursday 01 Nov 18:34

We have a team out at the moment with a thermal image camera. They are walkung from Abbey Rd, by Warley Woods down towards Lightwood Park... If you want to join in the search

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by sirenmelody

Thursday 01 Nov 16:19

I have just returned after several hours with Alison searching warley woods & driving around many different roads. Having spent a lot of this time putting up posters we spotted a woman pulling them down. When asked why she was doing this we were met with an aggressive response that basically we were trespassing with no right to put up posters throughout the park. She had the cheek to say she was a dog lover!!! The damn trees are not going to be damaged by posters. No one is going to die as a result of posters being put up so telling us that one poster at the end of each entrance on the noticeboard was I thought a very poor and inhumane response. We did post in Lightwood park as well so hopefully they will stay up. Certainly Bez's plight does seem to be very well highlighted via social media etc from people we spoke to. Having learned the reasons for Bez being returned lets hope she can be found and given the loving home with Alison & Peter that she deserves. They are certainly doing all that they can to find her and with the help of so many of the great Daybreaks supporters & the kindness of strangers in keeping an eye out it is still early days so there is plenty of hope for a successful conclusion. Good luck to anyone going tonight. I know Alison & Peter are so so very grateful.

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by Suziela

Thursday 01 Nov 15:41

Me and my son Sam have just been to the park looking for her, also drove round bearwood and Harborne, really hope you find her soon xxx

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by Lily'smom

Thursday 01 Nov 11:16

I will go and have a drive round bearwood and harborne now as I has a spare hour in between jobs xx

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by Nat34

Thursday 01 Nov 10:39

On fb bez was spotted bishopton rd in Bearwood this morn

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by Lewisfuggie

Thursday 01 Nov 10:03

Message from Pete....... I was talking to Lisa this morning about court oak road, and i have a few reservations over it. its a big jump from warley to harbourne in 24hours, i could see a jump from one side of bearwood to the other side of the hagley road, but not as far down as court oak road park seems a jump to far for me!

i could see her jumping over the hagley road and into harbourne and went south of last nights stop and touched the park and went back up to her lair nearer the hagley road.

I knoe courtoak road well as i lived down there opposit the park for a while, the park is wide open and very flat, other than the keepers cottage and workers area theres very little coverage for her to hide in. the army base , the parks growers areas and the residentil home and leasure centre offer better cover for her or the large gardens in and around that area.

i have suggested to everyone last night and today to concentrate in an area, from the hagley road west downwards either side of wolverhampton road south on the left edge and lockwood road on the right edge and down as far as the top of Harbourne high street. which is a considerable area.

if she gets to the golf course or the woodgate woods, we really are going to struggle as thats rabbit area and she has a good chance of feeding her self.

as for the three sightings two last night and one at 5am this morning, on court oak road, all came from face book, all are second or third hand, original posts i have not seen. no one has mentioned grey mussel and purple collar. with the large amount of information coming at me i have used the black dog, grey nose, purple colour as the defining points to seperate good info from bad. it could well be a blacklab running around not a grey hound.

I have had people in the park since 5am this morning with several people stopping off in and around on the way to work today. my wife is in there now checking a few areas. she is out at 10am and off to get the thousands of posters to target the area again.

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by caroline&Fred

Thursday 01 Nov 08:36

I will be going to see if I can find her today. Jayne going to come with me. If anyone could let us know which area to look would be helpful. I'm hoping she in someone's house nice and warm. Xx

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by tiggersmum

Thursday 01 Nov 08:26

I spent 3 hours yesterday morning from 7-10am walking round Warley Woods and talking to people but no sign of Bez :( . Thanks to Wendy and her son who have been out many times looking for her and to Gail who was also looking in between going to work and suggested we contact the Fire Brigade for a thermal imaging camera (so Lisa is doing that). Anyone with a quiet Greyhound who could walk in the area (not only Warley Woods) would be much appreciated, if you see Bez please please only try to catch her if she is exhausted and stands still - she will run away as she's very timid. Please ring Lisa 07985 164493 or the kennels 0121 782 7702 or me 0774 7754759 and we'll come out asap. Many many thanks to everyone who is looking for Bez - we will find her!!!

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by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Wednesday 31 Oct 22:38

Yes it’s cold, yes it’s dark, but wouldn’t it be great to get Bez home before the weekend? I didn’t get chance to join the search properly tonight, because I got to the woods when the search-team had gone inside, but I’ve ordered a better torch and will be back there tomorrow about 6.30 pm and now have a contact number to call if I don’t see anyone around. Please everyone, don’t think that no-one will miss you if you’re not there, you could be the one person who makes the difference in finding Bez and wouldn’t that feel anazing? We are stronger in numbers and if you need any more encouragement, what would it mean to you if a great big group of people came out to help look if one of your fur-babies went missing, because it would mean the absolute world to me. I’m keeping my fingers-crossed that tomorrow’s the day she’s found. Mand x

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by lisaBaker

Wednesday 31 Oct 22:15

Can’t stop thinking about Bez and was hoping we would find her tonight but with so many people out looking now hopefully it won’t be long....Nat34 it’s great to hear you have been out too and at least the recording of your voice might encourage her out of her hiding place. I really hope she is found soon xx

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by NMD07

Wednesday 31 Oct 21:58

Was late out of work would have just about have got near by now. - if any one out tomorrow evening am off. So sad she was missed again, only a matter of time now. Love to Nat 34 and her parents. Xxxx

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by sirenmelody

Wednesday 31 Oct 21:50

Lewisfuggie.......I would like to help search tomorrow. I live in Solihull & dont know the area at all but happy to go find the woods. I did text Kate but havent heard. I think she must be up to her eyes eith everything that is going on. My boys & I are praying very hard for Bez to be found safely. I keep thinking how ill I would feel if it were one of them. I feel so sorry for both families. If this doesnt get posted in time I will head for woods & hope I find other searchers. Seana

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by Babynoel

Wednesday 31 Oct 21:05

I was heading up to Warley when I saw a posting she was sighted on Ridgacre Rd/court oak road. I have been all over them like a rash calling out for her but no sighting.

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by caroline&Fred

Wednesday 31 Oct 20:51

If bez not found tonight , Jayne and I will try to find her tomorrow. It's been so cold my heart goes out to her.

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by Lewisfuggie

Wednesday 31 Oct 20:50

We have been out all day and night.. We are just about to leave Warley Woods. No sightings tonight, but have thermal imaging tomorrow... We have a number of people resuming search at 7am. X

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by Nat34

Wednesday 31 Oct 20:37

Thank you everyone. Bez will have an amazing life with Alison she’s such a lovely person and she feeds her whippet custard creams that bez will love! I feel lot more positive after your kind words! Let’s hope she is found tonight! My love for this community is beyond words trust me! Xxx

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by Lily'smom

Wednesday 31 Oct 20:21

Hi Nat34, Don't worry, i'm sure we will get her back. One of the searchers who is out tonight has a thermal imaging camera and I have hired one too which is coming tomorrow. I sure we will find her. I also bumped into one of the Perry Barr Greyhound Trust committee members this morning, whilst I was out searching and she said this has happened before, around 3 years ago. That particularly greyhound was out on its own, for 4 days but with people siting the greyhound every now and then, the trust was able to find her, just as its happening now. Stay positive, we will get her back and take care xx

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by Caro

Wednesday 31 Oct 20:16

No one thinks bad of you, your family had to make a difficult decision but you made the best for Bez by returning her to Daybreaks. This is distressing but as all we hound owners know this could have happened to any one of us.

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by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Wednesday 31 Oct 20:09

Hi Nat34. We’re a determined bunch, we’ll all do what we can to help Bez home. I’m just sat on Barclay Rd now looking for anyone who’s part of the search, but I suspect they’re all in the woods by now. I have sausages and am keeping my eyes out from this side of the fence. Big hugs to you and your family. Mand x

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 31 Oct 19:11

Nat34, please don't think people think bad of you or your family, it is very clear to us all that you are very upset and distressed about Bez, you are doing all you can for her, please, we all have to stay positive, and hope and pray that she is found soon. Be strong xxxxx

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by Nat34

Wednesday 31 Oct 18:32

Hiya I’m bezs previous owners daughter. Is killing me inside that’s she’s out there all alone. I’d be out everyday if I could but I have a poorly 1year old and live in Coventry a hour and 10drive and I work also. No excuse I know. I haven’t told my parents as they would blame themselves for giving her up as was a very hard decision for them and I honestly think this would upset my mum sooooo, I am just trying to protect them, please don’t think I’m a bad person. I’ve joined a search and it didn’t help. Lisa has a recording of my voice. I’ve been intouch with lost dogs, council and suggested Alison leaves her bed outside and I’ll buy her a new one when she’s found. It really is heartbreaking and everyone is doing such a fab job and it’s a great community. I admire everyone who has helped and I hope and I’ll keep praying bez will be home. If she’s still missing at weekend I’ll be back out with searching xxx don’t think bad of me or my family! X

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by PamD

Wednesday 31 Oct 17:08

Good luck to those searching tonight

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by PamD

Wednesday 31 Oct 17:06

It’s the daughter Kate

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 31 Oct 16:40

I agree with Lucy&Ellie, never give up hope. Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 31 Oct 16:35

A member of Bez's previous family has been out over the last couple of days and joined the search. Xxx

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by PamD

Wednesday 31 Oct 16:34

It’s her previous owners father who is seriously ill in hospital

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by helenanddave

Wednesday 31 Oct 16:23

Keeping everything crossed that tonight's search is successful. Have to agree with the other comments that we really need her ex owners there to call her as she would know their voices. Xx

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by Lucy&Ellie

Wednesday 31 Oct 16:15

I think everybody needs to try and stay positive. It's not really going to help anyone to express our worst fears right now. Even if there are few sightings of her, at least there are sightings of her, we need to keep everybody's morale up and stay positive that we will find her! :)

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by NMD07

Wednesday 31 Oct 16:13

Her last owner is unwell in hospital- post from his daughter on Facebook, he is v upset at having to part with her and from what I read to unwell to be told what has happened so we must prove that the daybreak’s caring family will pull together for Bez. Sounds like she has set herself a camp up let’s just hope she can be if not enticed our trapped. Xxxxx

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by blackisbeautiful

Wednesday 31 Oct 16:00

Pam I'm inclined to agree It's about this time that she's seen in or around Warley Woods off Abbey Road Turn left thru main gate up the hill to wooded area and follow main path It's where we have spotted her several times and we were in the woods late last night calling her and fairly sure we spotted her running the path but it was too dark Please is there a way we can leave food somehow ? My heart breaks thinking of her starving :((

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by PamD

Wednesday 31 Oct 15:51


After being in Warley Woods searching a number of times
I still believe that the only way for her To be tempted out of hiding is if the previous owners walked round calling her name.

She could be feet away from us but petrified, starving, exhausted, hyperthermia etc.

She is in an alien place miles away from home and knows no one.

My thoughts anyway!!

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by Babynoel

Wednesday 31 Oct 15:29

There is a current thread on the Bearwood FB page that she has just been sighted on Three Shires Oak Road heading back towards Warley Woods. I believe several searchers are enroute...

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by bluesfan

Wednesday 31 Oct 15:14

It is very heartbreaking that Bez has still not been found but we had a dog who went missing for 10 days and was found so I do think that with all the hard work and effort that is being done by everyone searching there is still hope. A massive thank you to all who are looking for her. XX

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by loveheart

Wednesday 31 Oct 14:57

Interesting that Debbie says the recent re-homing means there is not a person she knows well out there that maybe she could scent. I don't know the circumstances of her previous homers so do not want to be judgemental but have they been out with the group looking.? If they have and she has still not responded I am agreeing with Debbie and Pam
that hope is fading and I am so upset thinking that it is Halloween tonight and fireworks. Please God we are all wrong. It is certainly not for lack of all those good people out looking.

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by PamD

Wednesday 31 Oct 14:23

Debbie 21
My thoughts entirely

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by Nat34

Wednesday 31 Oct 12:09

Just to update i have given all the details i can to dogs lost and hopefully they will go out and do a trap soon. the sightings arent consistent but all we can do is hope and prey now she comes home safe! with it being night 5 tonight and no sightings today i am starting to lose hope, i just there is a light at the end of this as doesnt feel like it at the min. Everyone is doing such a fab job! xx

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by Alan&Paddy

Wednesday 31 Oct 11:45

We saw her yesterday at about 2:30pm in Warley Woods, and possibly at 9pm same place. Hope this helps.

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by Nat34

Wednesday 31 Oct 10:57

does anyone have a list of all the sightings? for me to go back to lisa?

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by shanishoo

Wednesday 31 Oct 10:47

Have there been any sightings of Bez today, she must be so cold, hungry and scared bless her, this is just heartbreaking xxxxxxx

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by Nat34

Wednesday 31 Oct 10:40

another reply.......

Lost dogs once they stop the initial running will form a route that they are comfortable with, this is why it is so important to accurately record the sightings to be able to establish her route

It is really difficult but it is important that people dont chase her as this will scare her & then she may move areas, also important that people dont leave food out for her other than the feeding station which you should keep the location out of the public domain

As soon as she is visiting the feeding station we can ask Ray to come & trap for you so please dont panic, Ray is an expert trapper, I have sent Bex's details to him as he is based in Solihull so not too far

If the sightings havent been accurately recorded to date please go back through to pinpoint those you can, if you can send it over to me I can have a look

I have to work today but will look as soon as I can

So to clarify, the things you should be focusing on at the moment are ensuring that people know not to chase her, record sightings & look for a quiet place on her route to leave food, you may not yet know the best place for this in which case go for where she was last seen


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by Nat34

Wednesday 31 Oct 10:23

Ive emailed dogs lost and so far this is what ive had back......

I can see she has been sighted from her page, is someone keeping an accurate plot of her sightings on a map please? Can you send it to me?

Has any scenting been done? I notice that she has recently been rehomed so if there is not a person she knows well (if there is use their urine) then something with her own scent on, the idea is that this can be built upon, leaving food regularly at the same spot & then this will allow a humane trap to be introduced - I have attached full guidance on this

I will also make Ray Dedicoat aware of Bex, if you can get her returning to the same spot regularly then we can ask him to come out trap her

Hope this helps


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by pollyzeb

Wednesday 31 Oct 08:41

Hoping and praying so hard for Bez, and for all you wonderful people out looking for her. Wish so much that I was closer. I'd be with you. Sending loads of love to Bez. Be safe little girl xxx

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by NMD07

Tuesday 30 Oct 23:05

The only thing that worries me - having three black hounds - is she could stand still 3 foot away and you could miss her !!! Xxx

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by shanishoo

Tuesday 30 Oct 22:45

Sending all the cuddles I have to Bez, we all so need her to come home safe and soon, so many wonderful people looking for her, you are all fantastic, keeping everything crossed for a speedy reunion xxx

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by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Tuesday 30 Oct 22:41

Hi Honey’smom. It’s not an area I know either, but again, happy to meet up if there’s a group going up tomorrow night. I’m at work during the day, but could get to Warley Woods for 6.30 pm. Mand x

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by Alan&Paddy

Tuesday 30 Oct 22:18

We have just got home from another search for Bez. Our torches caught the eyes of a fox and another animal which we thought might have been her but sadly we could not find her. We feel sure she is in or close to Warley woods. Will try again tomorrow xx

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by honey'smom

Tuesday 30 Oct 22:02

Is it worth putting out a bowl of water and food where she seems to have made herself a bed. She must be starving by now and it may encourage her to stay put. I have a boot load of blankets ready for the kennels and may be able to join in tomorrow night's search. I will look on website before heading out. I don't know the area and would not want to walk around on my own but happy to meet up if I know where everyone will be.

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by songbird

Tuesday 30 Oct 20:22

I’m wondering if it might be a good idea to contact the dog warden -now it looks like you’re closing in on the area she’s frequenting- with a view to setting up a cage to trap her. It would be so awful to spook her from the area she’s visiting to lose her all over again. A trap with food might be the safest way to catch her, especially as apparently she’s very nervous. I’m so rooting for you all & for Bez & pray that she’s found soon. I wish I was nearer to help, with much love & positive vibes Tracy (& Storm) N. Devon. xx

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by Lily'smom

Tuesday 30 Oct 20:15

I've been up there tonight......there are other people looking too. It's difficult in the dark to look for her and I just felt I might scare her off and I won't be able to see where she goes so Im going up there with Lily at first light tomorrow. Good luck to everyone who's looking, let's hope we find her Tonight or tomorrow, now we are closer to her xx

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by NMD07

Tuesday 30 Oct 19:19

Felt for this girlie when she came in - am complete stranger to area (sat nav says 63mins away), so can come up after work giving eta of 8 to 8-30 - after feeding pointy noses and putting thunder shirt on Jato (scared of kids) and hoping there aren’t to many fireworks Breeze is scared. Anyway won’t bring my girls out in the dark at this time of year. If someone can point out where need to be happy to look for her. Xxx

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by lisaBaker

Tuesday 30 Oct 18:58

We could possibly join in a night search with our Grey tomorrow too. Just need to know details x

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by Lily'smom

Tuesday 30 Oct 18:36

im local to Warley Woods and walk my dogs there most days. I'm happy to help in anyway, night search, fleece placing on the bed etc. I would go and have a look now with my husband but I dont want to scare her and then find she doesn't go back there....any ideas? Are we getting a group of us to do this? or shall I pop up there now...any thoughts?

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by PamD

Tuesday 30 Oct 18:32

Message from Steve Hill
Possible sighting in the woods 10 mins ago, still looking

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by jetlucy

Tuesday 30 Oct 18:26

I am happy to do a night search just let me know a meeting point. Are we bringing our Grey's? I went back driving after work no sightings but every one I asked knew about her so everyone is looking. Ive never even met this little girl but she's touched me that much I feel a love for her already and just want her home safe xxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Tuesday 30 Oct 18:21

I am working at the kennels tomorrow, but God forbid she is still out on Thursday, if someone can give me the exact location I will go over and see if there is an update or sighting. Want this little one back safe and sound. Xx

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by PamD

Tuesday 30 Oct 18:07

Good idea

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by blackisbeautiful

Tuesday 30 Oct 18:05

Wonder if anyone who is local maybe tomorrow can put a fleece blanket there to encourage her to stay in one place It's fairly well protected there X

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by blackisbeautiful

Tuesday 30 Oct 17:34

Yes that's where Alan and daughter spotted her running and were by there when the ladies were pointing to the scrapped up leaves she may be sleeping in X

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by PamD

Tuesday 30 Oct 17:29

Someone who was looking told us that they had found a type of bed that had been scraped up with leaves. It was at the top of the hill in the Woods by the Abbey Road entrance. As you go in through the gate it’s the hill at the top on the left

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by PamD

Tuesday 30 Oct 16:42

We were in Warley Woods around 2.45ish
We took a long walk round the park but no sighting

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by shaunhelen

Tuesday 30 Oct 16:23

if anyone is up for a night sortie tomorrow to look for Bez let me know. Its Halloween and she might just settle in one place and not be a moving target.2 people so far are up for this could do with a few more.

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by blackisbeautiful

Tuesday 30 Oct 16:22

This girlie is too clever at stealth and has an invisibility cloak :( So close to her and yet so far Alan, daughter and grandson spotted her running into Warley Woods but couldn't catch up with her Went armed with lead treats and sardines So frustrating but definitely around that area Another sleepless night for me..:((

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by Alan&Paddy

Tuesday 30 Oct 16:12

We had a good search around Warley woods off Abbey road. We saw her run across the woods but could not catch up with her, this was about 2:30pm. She is in this area and local dog walkers are aware we are looking for her. We will try again tomorrow unless hopefully she is found :(xx

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by helenanddave

Tuesday 30 Oct 16:05

Spent a couple of hours in Warley Wood and then drove round Abbey Road area but no sign of Bez.

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by jetlucy

Tuesday 30 Oct 13:45

Drove down Abbey road so the woods was on our right, then down past the shops and did a left at the traffic lights to go past thimblemill baths but no sign :( xxx

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by Lily'smom

Tuesday 30 Oct 13:44

I've been driving around the area too...fingers crossed

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Tuesday 30 Oct 13:34

We were around Abbey Rd earlier this morning and checking Warley Woods. Must have missed her by a matter of minutes. Stopped every dog walker and non dog walker and asked them to keep a look out for her. A surprising amount of people have already been checking as they are watching on Facebook. Hopefully there will be gòod news after this latest sighting. Fingers and everything else crossed. Thanks all for helping.

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by jetlucy

Tuesday 30 Oct 13:12

Going to have a drive round lunchtime xxx

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by Alan&Paddy

Tuesday 30 Oct 13:01

We are heading out for another search starting in Abbey road area. So need to find her xx

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by Lewisfuggie

Tuesday 30 Oct 12:05

Bez was spotted on Abbey Rd Smethwick not too long ago... If you are in the area. Please keep a look out

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by Babynoel

Tuesday 30 Oct 09:25

I have driven round this morning on my way to work and I think Churchill Street and roads leading off it present some promising places for her to hide out. I believe there are boarded up flats nr Lowry Close where homeless sleep. There is plenty of disused land along Churchill Street for her to hide out in...

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by Lily'smom

Tuesday 30 Oct 09:18

I spent over an hour driving and walking around South Road and Coopers Lane with my greyhound Lily, this morning before work but sadly we didn't see Bez. I will keep going back to that area today, as and when I get the chance. Let's hope we find her soon xx

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by Lewisfuggie

Tuesday 30 Oct 08:10

Previous owner says they called her bezzy or sometimes bezzyboo... If that helps. X

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by Lily'smom

Monday 29 Oct 22:00

Sorry got the position of the site, slightly wrong, sorry feeling tired. The site is on the corner of Church Hill Street which leads onto South Road by Holy Trinty Church.

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by Lily'smom

Monday 29 Oct 21:53

Alison I will try and get to coopers lane at first light too.

I noticed today that there is a disused site 'proberly where a building has been knocked down'. This site is fenced off with blue boards and is situated on the corner of south road. I think there is a gap in between the boards 'I'm not 100% certain' but this might be a place where Bez is going at night. Only a thought, anything worth a try. The site is very over grown and site is by the church on South Road.

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 29 Oct 21:27

Hi Babynoel, she does answer to "Bez" she is quite a shy girl and is nervous of other dogs, but she was very happy in the kitchen in the kennels with several other Greyhounds. Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 29 Oct 21:22

Alison is planning on going back to Coopers Lane first thing in the morning. She is hoping Bez decides to come out from her cover early as she did today. I know she will be grateful for any help in her search.

Anne if you call the kennels 0121 782 7702 we can give you contact details for Alison and Peter. Xx

Stay safe little one. Xxx

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by Babynoel

Monday 29 Oct 21:14

Which name does she answer to most please? Bez or Bubble?

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by Lucy'sMomma

Monday 29 Oct 20:46

Sounds good to take your dog with you Jo if he spent day with herxx

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by Lucy'sMomma

Monday 29 Oct 20:45

Hi everyone. Willows Mum I believe it was South Road that she was sighted in. I will certainly be going out looking and will be in touch if I spot anything or here any sightings. Her owners must be out of their mind with worry and Bez must be so frightened and cold bless her, I expect her owners feel a little comfort with all the support and kindness from everyone on here. Just pray she is found safe and sound. Sending love to her owners and to Bez. Will keep in touch with you and of course will call if I hear anything at all. Excuse if any of this doesn't make sense typing from my IPad. Annexx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Monday 29 Oct 20:43

Thanks Jill. Just wanted to make sure we were in the right area.

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by skinnyme

Monday 29 Oct 20:25

Apparently it was South road Jo.

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Monday 29 Oct 20:13

When I said my car had broken down, i meant to say my husband said I can use his van! Previous post should have said I am taking Max, flipping predictive text, sorry. X

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by Alan&Paddy

Monday 29 Oct 19:59

We have been searching this afternoon in Coopers lane and Holly lane areas but sadly no luck. I just keep looking on the site desparately hoping to see she has been found. The poor girl must be cold hungry and very frightened :-( Paddy has had extra cuddles tonight xx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Monday 29 Oct 19:56

Hi Anne
Is this South Street or South Road South Street is closer to Cooper Street as I am heading out tomorrow?

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by skinnyme

Monday 29 Oct 19:52

Hi Anne (lucy'smomma) Thank you so much for your update, yes please if you can go looking that would be great, as you know the area, it would be a great help, you can call the kennels, 0121 782 7702 if you want to check on any recent sitings. She will be hungry now so have tasty treats to tempt her ready, just in case. Jill

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by Lucy'sMomma

Monday 29 Oct 19:32

Hi all

Not really sure where to post this or who to call but just seen this.
I have been in town today (Smethwick) and met my friend who had heard there had been sightings of Black Female Greyhound. She told me as I have greyhounds. This would probably have been around 3.45 and she thinks the sightings were around the South Street area of Smethwick but can't be sure. Apparently a lady tried to run towards the greyhound but she ran off scared of the crowds (as expected).

Hope this is of any help and sorry I cant give any more information. Please let me have a number and let me know who can call me if I can be of any help. I live in Smethwick so am more than happy to go out searching, just let me know. Regards Anne xx

Hope she is found safe and sound very soon-please keep us posted.xx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Monday 29 Oct 19:16

My car has broken down again, but I am going out in the morning with my son to check the area. I will be one of my boys Max who spent Friday in the kitchen with little Bez who followed him everywhere. Hopefully she will come out when she sees him. Praying for a result, the area she has been sighted in looks like she may have found shelter in a garden. Update tomorrow. Xxx

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by lisaBaker

Monday 29 Oct 19:07

Haven’t stopped thinking about Bez all day. I wish I could of been out searching.....hopefully she will be found really soon and back home where she belongs.

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by shanishoo

Monday 29 Oct 18:33

There are so many good people searching and rooting for this old lady, you are all doing a fantastic job, we would be out searching if we lived nearer, so many people wishing positive thoughts for Bez, desperately hoping she is found safe and sound, just can't stop thinking about her poor little lamb xxxxx

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by Nifty'sMom&Dad

Monday 29 Oct 17:38

So worried for Bez now,we do hope she has found somewhere warm to hide do hope she is found soon ,sending her a cuddle to keep her safe xx

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by blackisbeautiful

Monday 29 Oct 17:04

So upset that we've been driving and walking
around the area and have spoken to people also looking but no sign Heading home now as getting dark Keep safe until we find you little girl X X

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by Lily'smom

Monday 29 Oct 16:56

Hi everyone, such heart breaking news to hear of poor Bez. I bumped into a fellow greyhound mom in warley woods on Sunday who told me about Bez. I drive around Birmingham whilst at work, so I'm able to look out for Bez during the day. I've just spent a few hours driving around Smethick, Handsworth & Hamstead looking out for him but disppointly, nothing but I will do the same tomorrow, just wanted you to know there is another pair of eyes looking out for him xx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 29 Oct 16:26

Sorry more news as yet. :(

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by jetlucy

Monday 29 Oct 15:58

Sending my mom home from work that way with a lead and hope she has more luck than I have looking for her! Xxx

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by Tinker'sNan

Monday 29 Oct 14:36

Hi Kate any news on Benz yet so sad for her I’ve been thinking about all last night hope she is found soon I know how it feels tinker did this to us so scary but she did find her way back but this girl doesn’t know the new address yet with her new owners I’m sorry we can’t help we are to far away hope she is found today love to all tinkersnanna xx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 29 Oct 14:23

Bez is believed to be in the Smethwick Town Centre area - roads to concentrate on are Coppers Lane,Holly Street, South Street and Smethwick High Street. Post Code - B67 6PE Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 29 Oct 12:18

There was a possible sighting of Bez this morning on Coopers Lane in Smethwick. The Dog Warden was allerted and as far as we know have been out but seen nothing. Alison is out searching the area. If anyone can help her she would be very grateful but please call the kennels on 0121 782 7702 and we can give you her contact details so everyone knows where to look. Fingers crossed it was her and she is alive and well. Xxx

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by Lewisfuggie

Monday 29 Oct 08:24

Update on Bez... Hi Ruth. I just saw ur post about Bez. I saw a greyhound the same colour as her and wearing a purple collar running down the old Walsall road towards hamstead by the garden gate pub at 10 past 4 yesterday (27/11). I pulled over as soon as I could and tried to get her but by the time I had she was out of sight. I hope you find her soon x

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by jetlucy

Monday 29 Oct 07:35

Would like to mirror lovehearts comments for Alison and Peter. You could see yesterday how upset they were and my heart goes out to them as these monkeys are so quick. Jet did it to us the 2nd day we had him and bolted out the front door but luckily didn't get too far as panicked at which way to go but had he have had a straight run we would have been in the same situation and they are lovely people. Come on bez we're all rooting for you! Asking the angels all the time to bring her home safe xxx

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by skinnyme

Sunday 28 Oct 23:59

Please everyone let's stay positive, the more people who go looking the more chance we have of finding her. A few years ago one of ours escaped during a storm, the scariest time of my life, we searched for 9 hours, thankfully she found her own way home. Come on Bez, we are all praying we will find you safe and well

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by PamD

Sunday 28 Oct 22:20

Please could you ask the owner to register her lost on DRONES SAR for lost dogs.
The are on Facebook and the owner needs to register with full address and postcode
They are a great team with drones all over UK

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by loveheart

Sunday 28 Oct 22:11

I feel she must be hiding somewhere or please God someone has taken her in, a Greyhound on it's own would surely have been spotted by now, but would be hard to catch in her frightened state. It is so hard to think about and I also feel for the good people who gave her another chance, they must be gutted, but when a Grey makes a break for it how could they have done anything. Any inquiries from her previous owners yet? I would have been wondering how she was getting on after she was returned if I was them.
I will say a little prayer for her again tonight but so hard to stay positive as the night draws in again. Bless her lets hope she has a guardian angel.xx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 28 Oct 21:54

Peter and Alison would like to thank everyone so much for all their help looking for Bez today. Very sadly there were no new sightings of her. :) They are going to extend their search tomorrow to the local canals, Galton Bridge Nature Park and Sandwell Park. He has also contacted West Bromwich Football Supporters page to ask if anyone spotted her on Saturday.

All lost dog forums and pages contacted along with Sandwell and Birmingham Dog Wardens. Planning on contacting all vets in the West Midlands area. They are both devestated at what has happened and are desperate to find their new little girl.

I am heartbroken and can't bear to think of her being out in the cold all alone, but if we all stay positive I'm sure something good will happen!

I have taken Jo's advice from earlier and given my three lots and lots of extra hugs tonight. Stay safe little girl. Xxx


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by Babynoel

Sunday 28 Oct 21:12

Have posters been made?

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by jetlucy

Sunday 28 Oct 20:22

Think this has upset and affected everyone. Just keep praying for this little girls safe return. My husband came with me today as just kept thinking how he'd feel if it was our jet and how he'd want everyone to pull together as we all have. Just wish we could tell the little monkey that everything will be ok and she's got a good and happy little life infront of her xxx

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by LindyGrey

Sunday 28 Oct 19:46

Me and my grey went round the whole of Warley park this morning/afternoon and the surrounding roads. No sign. Swapped numbers with my taxi driver in case he spots her on his runs. Told everyone i could in the park about missing Bez.
Hope she's found soon and back home safe

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by helenanddave

Sunday 28 Oct 17:48

So hoped Bez would be found today. The weather is so awful and she must be so scared. Everything crossed that she is ok and will be found soon.

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by NMD07

Sunday 28 Oct 17:35

Oh no - was hoping she had been spotted and may be caught by now. Thinking of all. Xxx

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by shanishoo

Sunday 28 Oct 16:44

So heartbreaking, I have checked this site for news numerous times today hoping for good news, so very worried about her x

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by PamD

Sunday 28 Oct 16:10

Just got home.
No luck.
Walked round Warley Woods park with Maisie and Monty off lead, hoping that if she was lying low she would spot them and come out.
Driven round the area West Bromwich Albion Football Club and business parks in the area.
Stopped by Canal Heritage Centre, Dunc went for a walk no one has seen her.
So very sad poor 9 year old baby.

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by Babynoel

Sunday 28 Oct 14:44

I have driven round every street from Tollhouse Way across to Londonderry and back towards Victoria Park and everywhere in the middle of that zone... ????

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by conman

Sunday 28 Oct 13:27

We've done sports fields, cemeteries and a churchyard close to Peter's house. Had to head home now but will keep an eye on this page.

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by skinnyme

Sunday 28 Oct 11:52

Lisa and I have been out since 9am, searched the whole of Victoria park and surrounding areas, no sightings sadly.

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by PamD

Sunday 28 Oct 11:47

Me too Jenny
We are joining the hunt later if she’s not found

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by loveheart

Sunday 28 Oct 09:26

I cannot stop thinking about poor Bez/Bubbles it was so cold last night and she is an old girl like me. Praying that she is found soon. Maybe she might respond if her previous owners had time to join the search if they know she is missing? I keep hoping someone has found her and will make contact with the trust .Please God there is a happy ending for this lovely lady. Jetlucy you are a star, as are all that are out there looking. xx

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by Nat34

Sunday 28 Oct 09:24

Is there any news on bez? Anything can do to help?

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by NMD07

Sunday 28 Oct 08:54

Have to work - tried to get cover but can’t - would have brought our girls for a walk about. Will be thinking about you all and wishing you all the best. Xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 28 Oct 07:49

I have Peter's contact details if anyone needs them. Please call me on 07587 133 553. Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 28 Oct 07:42

Peter and his wife have started their search at the north corner of the woods, Abby Road and Barclay Road. At Abby Joiner School. He is also going to cover roads from Harwood High Street East towards the park. They think she may have gone via the Bearwood Road A4040 Hadley Stadium.

She was last seen positively on the corner of Smethwick High Street and Coppers Lane.


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by jetlucy

Saturday 27 Oct 23:46

No problem just gutted I didn't find her. Keeping everything crossed and praying she'll be found asap xxx

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by Lewisfuggie

Saturday 27 Oct 23:45

Lisa and Jill going out in morning. Let us know where to look. Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 27 Oct 23:39

:( Thank you for looking....Will speak to her family in the morning to see how best to help. Thanks everyone. Xxx

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by jetlucy

Saturday 27 Oct 23:25

Sadly drove round and round the woods and surrounding little roads calling her but no joy. Please keep me posted and like the other's ammore than happy to bring jet in the morning as know warley woods quite well xxx

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by lisaBaker

Saturday 27 Oct 23:00

I hope she is found soon....if not I will be at warley woods as soon as I can tomorrow....she may have found somewhere safe to curl up for the night x

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by shanishoo

Saturday 27 Oct 23:00

Hoping Bez is found safe and well, so worried for her. Xxxx

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by BertSkipSamNadieMum

Saturday 27 Oct 22:57

If she's not found by morning we can come and help search. Post on here whereabouts to look so we don't duplicate. We'll bring Bert and Skip. Maybe she'll feel more safe to come out from wherever she is if there are other greys about. Hopefully she'll be found tonight. Lynne and Simon. x

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by NMD07

Saturday 27 Oct 22:47

Like you Jetlucy it’s mithering me too - keep thinking about her and dropping on the site - but we are so far away - south Worcestershire. Wish you luck. Xxx

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by jetlucy

Saturday 27 Oct 22:38

Praying I'll find her it's mithering me. Jet has his search and rescue head on and I have plenty of leads in my car. Leaving in next 10 mins or so so will text when I get home but hope I can make a good news phone call before. Warley woods is huge so it may be that she's gone in and found a safe place for a while xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 27 Oct 22:27

Jetlucy, thanks so much...Xxx

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by jetlucy

Saturday 27 Oct 22:27

Ok I'll head home that way as I went the opposite side of the postcode given on my way here which was about 7.30pm so will go bearwood side on the way home xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 27 Oct 22:20

Her new owners had a report of her being seen near Warley Woods. They went to look but sadly no luck. They are intending on going back there first thing in the morning in the hope there will be plenty of dog walkers who may see her. She is wearing a collar with a tag giving the kennels telephone number. Desperately hoping someone will find her and call us. Xxx

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by jetlucy

Saturday 27 Oct 22:00

Oh no I'm so worried and she's not even mine. I diverted and drove all round that postcode tonight on my way to moms in the hope I would see her and will go back that way tonight just in case. There is a park type place near, I wonder if she's gone near there. Thank goodness for microchips as soon as she's found that'll help get her back xxx

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by NMD07

Saturday 27 Oct 21:57

Keeping everything crossed that she is found soon and safe. Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 27 Oct 21:41

Sadly no news on Bez. So very worried about her. She must be terrified. Keeping everything crossed tomorrow will bring good news. Praying she will be found safe and sound. Xxx

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by Nifty'sMom&Dad

Saturday 27 Oct 20:25

Oh no poor baby hope she is found safe and well,is there still no news xx

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by helenanddave

Saturday 27 Oct 19:38

Oh no - is there any news? Hope she is found soon. Xx

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by jetlucy

Saturday 27 Oct 18:35

Kate I am going to moms tonight which I have looked is 2.6 miles from bez, has she been found as if not I'll come help the search. 07742932175 if you want me xxx

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by jetlucy

Saturday 27 Oct 18:31

So happy for bez but oh no has she been found? Xxx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 27 Oct 15:28

Bez has managed to escape from her home and run off....please can anyone in the Smethwick area B67 6DA help to find her. Xxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Saturday 27 Oct 15:21

So pleased for Bez. Be happy little one. Xxxx

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by rubytwoshoes

Friday 26 Oct 13:46

Met this delightful lady yesterday. I have everything crossed that tomorrows meeting goes well for her . Xcc

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by cellosmum

Friday 26 Oct 10:29

Good luck for tomorrow little Bez, hope it all goes well for you. xxx

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by helenanddave

Friday 26 Oct 09:57

Hello beautiful girl -seems like you've had a busy time since arrriving. And what brilliant news that you already have an offer of a new, comfy sofa! xx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Friday 26 Oct 06:56

The Little lass is just adorable! She came home with us last night but I’m afraid her work wasn’t done as she travelled with us over to Bournville to drop off some calming aids for Jimmy who was rehomed recently. She loved the car and settled straight away and wasn’t even upset at looking like a traffic warden in her fluorescent coat I put on her for safety of going out in the dark. We dropped by and quickly visited Maisie and Monty and then headed home.
She has spent the night settled and curled up on her bed and the great news is after the phone call last night we have a viewing and offer of a home on Saturday!!! X

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 25 Oct 23:19

Sending a big cuddle to this pretty little lady tonight. So sad to see her returned today. Xxx

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by jetlucy

Thursday 25 Oct 21:00

Oh no poor bez my heart goes out to you baby girl. So hoping your new forever home comes quickly xxx

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by Stevie,Sarah,Willow&Max'smom

Thursday 25 Oct 15:56

So sorry to see this, I will look forward to meeting you tomorrow. Let's try and get you a new home as soon as possible. So sad. Xxxxx

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by loveheart

Thursday 25 Oct 14:57

Poor lady, she deserves a forever home even more now at her age. At least she doesn't look it but she must be so confused. I get so upset when I see a dog returned through no fault of their own, but at the end of the day at least she is somewhere where she will be very loved until her new home can be found. Fingers crossed it will be very soon or maybe a foster mom will turn up. xx

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by SweetPea

Thursday 25 Oct 14:02

Hoping she may be cat friendly ????????????

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by willerby

Thursday 25 Oct 12:39

such a shame poor baby she must be really confused, wished i could help :(

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by shanishoo

Thursday 25 Oct 11:55

Poor little lamb, she looks so sad bless her, I hope somebody offers this lady a home very soon xxxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 25 Oct 11:20

Unfortunately Bez has been returned today. She has had a change in home circumstances and they feel it is best that she finds a new home.

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by Deb

Saturday 23 Apr 14:00

well only 24 hours since my last comment and she is reserved that is no suprise as she must be one of the cutiest funniest dogs I have seen in a long while no wonder she has been snapped up!
Well done Bubble

by Deb

Friday 22 Apr 14:20

Saw Bubble today she is so friendly wagging her tail,loving cuddles and so funny as she tried to pinch one of the volunteers cup of tea. She is gorgeous and will make a fabulous pet.

by skinnyme

Wednesday 20 Apr 20:53

Bubble by name and bubbly by nature, such a gorgeous waggy girl.

by kallie

Monday 18 Apr 19:21

such a young pretty little girly and so lovely...:-) xxx