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About Me

Racing Name
Glenske Lautrec
Date of birth
24 nov 2007
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Ear mark
Glenske SugarIE-JAN-02-BK
Family tree & race history


male, 17 years old, Blue

Added by Jess&Koda

Updated: Saturday 06 Jan

Blue is a little shy with strangers and good with children he knows.

Blue has had 0 cuddles today (32 all together).
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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 24 Nov 21:54

Happy Birthday Blue, I am sure you have been spoilt today! Xxx

by Springy

Sunday 24 Nov 21:28

Happy Birthday Blue xxx Seven todayxxx

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by Springy

Sunday 13 Oct 18:06

We have had a lovely day at the show , Blue has been with us two years ne xt week after being returned to the kennels twice as he would not go on walks or get in the car but today he was fantastic entered two classes just to get in the ring was brill but to top it we came home with a a 3rd and 4 th . Xx we need to give our hounds time then the rewards will come xxx

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by Springy

Friday 09 Dec 22:12

I can t belive we have had Blue for ten weeks we love him to bits.

by LadyVictoria

Thursday 24 Nov 15:18

Wishing Blue a very Happy Birthday! xxx

by Springy

Thursday 24 Nov 07:18

Happy Birthday to you. Love you lots xxxxxxxxx

by Deb

Sunday 20 Nov 18:46

Blue going for a walk I dont believe it!!

by billy-pixie-fizz

Sunday 20 Nov 18:43

Blue is cetainly not afraid of the big outdoors anymore.
Bless him, well done Jayne and Mark. Such a handsome fella. (that's Blue) xx

by Springy

Sunday 20 Nov 18:05

Blue has had a lovely day, a walk round straford race course with lots of other greys,Hamish, Suzy also Seamus from the kennels .
We then went for a walk round the Abbey ruins in Redditch with a friend of mine and her two dogs , Blue has had a lovely tea and now fast asleep.

by Aimee

Monday 17 Oct 11:47

glad to see you have your forever home blue boy!
good luck :) xxxxx

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by sarah

Saturday 15 Oct 23:58

Wow - have just seen the remoming pic and who has had him ! U lucky lucky boy, Blue. Enjoy your life - I know u will only be back 2 Daybreaks for visits !!!!!

by lichfield_sam

Saturday 15 Oct 19:56

good luck handsome boy, and well done xxxxxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Saturday 15 Oct 08:29

So happy to hear blue will have his forever home!! Xxxxx

by skinnyme

Friday 14 Oct 23:17

Yeah way to go gorgeous boy, good luck in your new home xx

by BeckyB-F

Thursday 13 Oct 19:49

So pleased for you Blue xxx really hope this is your forever forever home xxxxxx

by toryb

Thursday 13 Oct 17:09

Meant to ask did the package I sent him ever arrive?

by toryb

Thursday 13 Oct 17:03

I'm so so thrilled to see this!!! Absolutly made my day big lad! Be so happy...we miss you lots and lots xxxxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 13 Oct 14:44

Hi Kallie (Ina), yes it is definitely 3rd time lucky for Blue - he is going to a wonderful caring and understanding home which he can call his forever..... xxxx The news of this has cheered me up on a sad day with events happening at the kennels.

by kallie

Thursday 13 Oct 14:27

this makes me happy to see that Blue has been reserved, hopefully its 3rd time lucky for you.xxxx

by tiggersslave

Wednesday 12 Oct 13:14

Hi Aimee Your experience is very different to mine, I find the greys who freeze on walks are usually very scared not being lazy or stubborn. Like you say tho with company and understanding you can usually win them round and they begin to trust you and their confidence grows. J x

by Aimee

Wednesday 12 Oct 11:36

awww poor blue boy! his a fantastic dog, he just needs patience! His very lazy and stubborn, if he doesn't want to walk round the park he used to slam his bum down. the kennels were alot quieter without him. Think he prefers the company of another grey, he was always kenneled with a bitch. hope your forever home comes along soon! xxxx

by BeckyB-F

Monday 10 Oct 20:12

Just wondered how Blue is getting on ? We think he is related to our Belle (Bluebell) and looks just like her xxxx

by toryb

Saturday 08 Oct 18:49

Just dropping off a cuddle sweetie, hope your treats arrived in the post today and that you enjoy them...thinking of you lots poppet xxx

by BeckyB-F

Saturday 08 Oct 14:04

He looks and sounds really sweet. Reminds me of our wonderful Belle. Hope the right forever home turns up quickly xxxx

by kallie

Friday 07 Oct 19:07

Blue is still as lovely as ever and patiently waiting for his forever home, he is very gentle and a little timid but utterly adorable, please someone who has a nice quiet home come and see him and take him with you, he will be so happy...:-) xxxx

by BeckyB-F

Wednesday 05 Oct 17:51

Really feel for you Blue and for Toryb....must be hard xxxx cuddles to you xxxxx

by toryb

Wednesday 05 Oct 12:57

Hope your ok sweet boy...havnt stopped thinking about you...want to come and get you back :( miss you xxxx

by BeckyB-F

Monday 03 Oct 20:04

cuddles Blue xxx soo handsome xxx

by LadyVictoria

Monday 03 Oct 16:54

Sorry to hear it didn't work out for you all. xx

by Dan&Mikey

Monday 03 Oct 16:36

He is such a handsome boy hope he gets a nice home.

by kallie

Saturday 01 Oct 19:00

oh bluey i am so sad to see you back again, hope you are ok and that you will be homed soon and that you will learn to love and trust and relax so you can enjoy life. xxxxx

by Tash'ntheGreys

Saturday 01 Oct 17:36

He reminds me of my blue boy, Jack, it took him ages to settle into home life, even with 2 other dogs with him. It was a week before he'd make eye contact with me, and at least a month before he'd make eye contact with my husband. Comparing him to Buddy and Penny, I would say after about 6 months he was fully settled and his true personality could be seen. I guess each dog takes different ammounts of time, patience and understanding to settle into the alien world that is home life...the right home is out there for Blue, as is the right dog for toryb xxxx

by toryb

Saturday 01 Oct 17:07

Yrs, I will add to what my husband said, he is an amazing dog however I just think our home with three young children was just too much for him. Be happy sweet boy, we love you but had to do what's best for you xxxxxxxxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 01 Oct 16:58

Blue sadly has been returned because of his nervous disposition his owner tells us.
He told us 'Blue is a fabulous dog which would ideally be rehomed with another grey as he lacks confidence'.
We hope he finds a home very soon......

by Bartleygreen,crew

Saturday 01 Oct 16:44

why s he coming back has he done anythink wrong

by BeckyB-F

Saturday 01 Oct 13:48

poor Blue....not again. He won't know whether he is coming or going. Give him a hug from us x

by toryb

Saturday 01 Oct 13:21

I'm so sorry :( xxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Saturday 01 Oct 13:20

Noooo! Why this time poor little poppet :o( xxxxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Saturday 01 Oct 13:09

Blue is coming back to Daybreaks today.....

by leapinggreys

Tuesday 27 Sep 10:58

Our dog used to freeze outside our front door & refuse to go for walks too. We found that he still liked to run, so we ran out of the front door, & kept running until he was far enough away that we had to go for a walk! It looks a bit strange & one neighbour did offer to race us to the end of the road (with him driving!) but who cares, it worked & exercised us too! Best of luck, he'll improve with time & patience.

by toryb

Sunday 25 Sep 10:23

Thanks very much for the offer medaftaboutdogs! :o) we are taking things slowly at the moment but i will be in touch!

To celebrate Bluey being home 2 weeks we made a liver cake yesterday and he LOVED it! Big hit and I will deffinatly make it again for him!

His new favourite place to lay is right next to the table when the kids eat...I can almost hear him willing them to drop bits of what they are eating! ;o)

by medaftboutdogs

Saturday 24 Sep 20:51

Hi, I live in Burton, so id you need more grey friends for Blue I'm happy to help. I have Reubes & Blossom. Bloss is a bit of an excitable girl & Reubes is too layed back to bother with anything. Have you tried ttouch massage? It helps loads with Bloss when she is stressed. Julie Sadler runs workshops, there really good.
luv t

by toryb

Saturday 24 Sep 12:00

Well lovely Harry came over this morning to meet Blue and they had a nice sniff/play in the garden but it didnt help with getting Blue out...he wouldnt budge off the front lawn again :( We tried for an hour or so treats etc and also tried to get Blue in the car so that we could try and take him up to the park and see if that made a difference but it didnt, I could get him to the car nevermind in it :(

by toryb

Friday 23 Sep 13:36

Bluey is going to have company this weekend :) Saturday we are meeting up with harry for a walk and then sunday we are meeting up with another pair of greyhounds that I have been put in touch with, I really hope he enjoys their company and it makes him feel a bit happier about being outside! x

by toryb

Thursday 22 Sep 13:33

Thanks Ruth :) Ina has been by today and left me the number of another hound in Uttoxeter so I will give his mummy a ring and see if we can get the boys together...hopefully that will help blue a bit! :) x

by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 21 Sep 15:35

Hi Toryb. I have replied to your email and hope this helps.

by toryb

Monday 19 Sep 11:18

me again, looking for a bit of advice with feeding? we have kept blue on Burns pork/potato and half a tray of naturediet as he was on in the kennels but we are finding that since coming home he poops 6-7 times per that normal or could it be becuase he is still settling? Im not bothered by the poop but he seems hungry all the time and im worried that for some reason he isnt digesting the food properly? I spoke to a nutrition person at Burns and she suggested making sure that he was only having between 250-280g per day (he has 250g and has done since he came home)... just wondering if anyone has any advice?? :o) Thanks!

by toryb

Sunday 18 Sep 13:59

I had it under the pushchair and so we put it on when it started raining...

Blue had the left overs from boiled eggs this morning with his breakfast, went down a treat! Also found out that he rather likes sliced apple (no pips), strawberries and banana haha!

by Deb

Sunday 18 Sep 13:22

Did he have a raincoat on if not that might help as he will not get so wet.

by toryb

Saturday 17 Sep 21:02

Soooo a whole week at home, it feels like has always been we went for a walk and it was LESS than impressed and froze on the husband had to coax him ALL the way home!! I dont think i will plan anymore rainy day walks for a while!! I actually think he could smell the rain coming as he wasnt hius happy usual self on the walk at all...

He is continuing to settle really well, sleeps all night soundly without a peep downstairs, his character is starting to show more and more and he deffinatly has a stubborn streak!
I have some more photos so I will email them in for you to see incase you want to see more! :o)

A really lovely boy xxx

by toryb

Thursday 15 Sep 22:25

Thanks, easily resolved with a pack of baby wipes! :) x

by kallie

Thursday 15 Sep 21:45

ahemm, all my boys do it, think its just how it is, maybe you should have a damp towel at the door to wipe his paws....:-) xxxx

by skinnyme

Thursday 15 Sep 21:15

My Bobby does exactly the same, I think it's an aim thing! Whenever he does it I just try to move his back end slightly.

by toryb

Thursday 15 Sep 19:47

aww Deedee so pleased that little pea is settling in nicely!!

Right, any advice? i keep noticing that blue is wee'ing down his front leg when he goes to the there anything I can do to stop this? (have only had females before!!) just that I keep getting pee footprints in the house! Im guessing that its just a male thing? but some advice would be great x

by DeeDee

Wednesday 14 Sep 22:33

I am so happy, we are exactly the same with our new little pea, I saw blue and he was a beauty, everything you blue is doing, our pea is doing, it's great to see them so happy isnt it, and what you get back is priceless. We also lost our fawn 2 weeks ago to rainbow bridge and our gap is now filled with love and joy xx

by toryb

Wednesday 14 Sep 11:53

So today is Blues 4th day home and he is settling really well...untill now he has been unable to settle much during the day when we are home, he has been busy watching the kids and just adjusting to the noise level and busyness etc but today he seems to have calmed alot and has spent a large part of this morning asleep in his bed despite the kids and noise :o)

When we come down in the morning he goes absolutly loopy, he goes from the living room door to the back door in leaps and bounds and spinning round and round! haha! he is so funny to watch...he has been play bowing too and running like a complete loon around the big blur!

our big silly, soft, cuddly blue...the hound sized hole in our house has been well and truly filled and we are loving it, our house hadnt been right since we lost our last girl to rainbow bridge and its lovely to have Blues waggy tail around and his needle nose getting into anything that looks edible!! xxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Monday 12 Sep 22:22

Well done blue! Sounds like he has slotted in perfectly xxxx

by kallie

Monday 12 Sep 22:01

i am sooo happy to hear that beautiful boys Blue is settling in really well, spoke to his mummy tonight and they all love him to bits and he is being the most wonderful boy ever :-) xxxx

by toryb

Monday 12 Sep 20:14

Things are going great here, Blue and I have just enjoyed a lovely (blustery) walk on our own now that the children are asleep, was lovely and he is now snoozing in his bed! Happy times xx

by toryb

Sunday 11 Sep 20:07

That should have been slept soundly! And good boy blue! Dam autocorrect! X

by toryb

Sunday 11 Sep 17:36

Well he had a great night last night and skeptic soundly without a peep! Good buy blue!! Today we took him to pets at hone to choose a treat...the kids choose pudding on Sundays so its only fair right?! :) he is a fantastic boy and has slotted into the family nicely xxx

by Deb

Sunday 11 Sep 13:58

Oh Blue what a lucky boy you are have just spotted your picture with your new family.I think you are in for a life of lots of fun,cuddles and love.Well done.

by Aimee

Sunday 11 Sep 12:47

welldone blue boy, you don't hang around! glad you found another loving home so quickly! The kennes are definatly alot quieter without you handsome boy! good luck xxx

by toryb

Saturday 10 Sep 14:20

Gorgeous Blue is safely home and already asleep in his bed! What a sweetheart xxx

by toryb

Friday 09 Sep 16:00

Yay! Tomorrow! 1 more sleep lovely boy! We can't wait to bring you home...need to get some bits at the kennels (food, collars, coats etc) but everything else is ready!!! X

by toryb

Thursday 08 Sep 21:55

Saturday is looming but its not coming quick enough!! 2 more sleeps! x

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Wednesday 07 Sep 12:56

Good luck in your new home Blue, it sounds like Auntie Ina thinks youll be a very lucky boy! bigs loves xxxx

by toryb

Wednesday 07 Sep 11:52

Thanks Ina, thats very kind of you :o) we will deffinatly be in touch!
We are ready for you to come home now sweetie, your bed is all made up and ready with some snuggly fleece blankets in there too, the garden is getting all tidy and finnished today and there are some yummy sneeky treats waiting for you in the kitchen and lots of little hands wanting to stroke you when your ready for a fuss!! xxx

by kallie

Tuesday 06 Sep 23:29

how very kind of you to say so Victoria, it was a pleasure to meet you all and i have no doubt that Blue will have a wonderful home with you and will be very much loved and treasured, if you need any help at all or have any questions then please ring me and i shall try to help, don't forget that if you need anything from the kennels give me a shout as i go about once a week and its not a problem for me to drop things to you...good luck Blue, be happy gorgeous boy :-) xxxx

by toryb

Tuesday 06 Sep 17:57

Great homecheck today, Ina was lovely and very helpful!! Can't wait to come and get you Saturday!! Little trip to pets at home kept us busy this afternoon!! 4 sleeps to go!! Xxx

by toryb

Monday 05 Sep 20:02

drdolittle, I have joined the group on facebook for the kennls and im more than happy to post updates and photos for you to see if you wish. He will be very very loved here, its been 2 years since our last greyhound went to the bridge and its taken us a long time to feel ready for another one...i think we might have found a real gem in bentley, we feel very lucky...he was a true gentle giant with my little ones today and totaly relaxed about the whole thing. We will be sure to take very good care of him. Like I said, im always happy to offer updates/photos if you would like them xxx

by kallie

Monday 05 Sep 19:14

well gorgeous boy i shall be going to do your home check tomorrow and hope that all is well for you to go into your new home soon, you shall live not so far from me so maybe i can get to see you from time to time, you also have a handsome boy called Harry who lives in Uttoxeter and I am sure that his mum Barbara will be delighted to let him meet you if your mum and dad would like that :-) xxxx

by BeckyB-F

Monday 05 Sep 18:03

Really pleased for you Blue xxx off to your new home soon xxxx

by drdolittle

Monday 05 Sep 16:29

Ahh my darling bentley. You have a new mummy already, Im so pleased you were not there long. I hope that you are very happy with your new mummy and daddy and family. I miss you loads. Hope you have much happiness toryb with Bentley. xxx

by DeeDee

Monday 05 Sep 16:18

OMG you are so lucky we saw blue and fell in love, we went to collect our new dog Little Pea and blue was magnificent, I wish you all a happy forever life with blue, bless you for saving a grey xx

by toryb

Monday 05 Sep 15:27

Met blue today, what a sweetheart...home check tomorrow and hopefully we can come and get you on very children were so sad we couldn't bring you home today! Thanks to all the kennel staff xxx

by BeckyB-F

Sunday 04 Sep 15:11

Met Blue/Bentley today. A sweet boy, who needs to be in a home again. He was lovely with me kids and he is cat friendly, a winning house trained xxxx Ready for a family xxx Always wish we had more space, money etc xxx

by drdolittle

Friday 02 Sep 22:52

To my darling blue/bentley. I love you so much and miss you terribly. It broke my heart giving you up today, and my home is not the same without you. Please someone, look after my boy, he knows himself to be Bentley now, and he loves cuddles on the bed in a morning. watch your food though, as he is a bit of a thief! Please don't think it was you, you are a darling, and your new mummy and daddy will be blessed to have you. xxxxx

by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Thursday 01 Sep 21:17

How sad for Blue's owner. Hopefully it won't take too long to get him back into someone's lovely home. Mand x

by kallie

Thursday 01 Sep 19:44

so gutted as i did his home check and he is such a gorgeous boy...surely someone will love him and give him a home very

by BeckyB-F

Thursday 01 Sep 19:39

Poor Blue and his family....must be hard for them all xxxx

by LadyVictoria

Thursday 01 Sep 16:39

Sorry to hear Blue's owner is not well; very sad for you all. xx

by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 01 Sep 14:37

Sadly Blue is being returned due his owner's ill health.

by hilaryu

Wednesday 29 Jun 18:15

well done blue have a lovely life

by skinnyme

Wednesday 29 Jun 10:11

Blue has been golden for another night, although prefers to lie in the garden than in the house, who can blame him when the sun shines!

by drdolittle

Wednesday 29 Jun 08:49

Oh blue boy, cant wait to bring you home and take care of you! Your new Daddy is so exited! He plans to walk you every day after work to have some male bonding time:)) Hope you enjoy! Hope you were a good boy for Aunty Jill last night...Give her a lick to say thank you for looking after you so well xx

by kallie

Tuesday 28 Jun 16:59

glad to see you this morning my lovely boy when your auntie Jill brought you and even happier to say that your mummy has passed her check and is ready for you to come home to her will be one very much loved boy XXXX

by drdolittle

Tuesday 28 Jun 16:18

Passed our home visit bluey!!!! Mummy is coming to fetch you tomorrow!! Be a good boy again tonight at aunty Jills....lots of kisses and cuddles

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Tuesday 28 Jun 16:09

Just met your new mummy... You are going to have a wonderful life lucky boy xxxxxxxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 28 Jun 07:21

Really pleased to hear he is cat friendly - FAB! x

by drdolittle

Monday 27 Jun 22:11

Ahh this is my little blue boy. He is going to be the baby of the family, with much love and kisses. His gorgeous baby browns have captured our hearts. Come home quickly little man xxxxxx

by skinnyme

Monday 27 Jun 21:44

Brought Blue home tonight so he could meet and greet some cats! He is being such a good boy and although he likes to watch the cats it is more a curiosity thing rather than aggression so I think he will be absolutely fine. No accidents, as yet, and he has managed to climb the stairs. Such a sweetheart his new family are very lucky to be welcoming such a gorgeous boy into their home.

by Aimee

Monday 27 Jun 20:22

Ahhaaaa straight away you've gone blue boy :) lovely handsome boy, who loves lots of fuss and treats! His quiet lazy aswell, the kennels are definatly going to be alot quieter now! hope you have a long and happy life blue boy xxxxx

by kallie

Monday 27 Jun 19:59

doing your homecheck tomorrow my darling and will see you in the morning :-) xxxx

by BeckyB-F

Monday 27 Jun 19:40

Amazing Blue, reserved so quickly xxx well done xxxx

by Emma

Monday 27 Jun 19:14

Wow, that was quick! I'm liking this boy's style with regards to walks LOL! xxx