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About Me

Racing Name
Climpy Moonbeam
Black and White
Date of birth
23 jul 2005
Land of birth
IU Ireland or United Kingdom
Land of standing
UK United Kingdom
Ear mark
Killeigh DanaIE-SEP-00-F
Family tree & race history


female, 19 years old, Black and White

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Friday 05 Jan

Her trainer tells us she is very good with children

Bonny has had 0 cuddles today (26 all together).
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by mau&greys

Thursday 12 Jan 23:10

I can't stress enough how much joy my bonny boo has given us as a family since she came to live with us, i call her my little lady and i love it when i am giving her some love it sounds like she is purring! it is so funny to hear. She is the complete opposite to Cara our other grey as i have said before bonny is my little lady and Cara well lets put it this way she is a ladette!! bonny always looks out for Cara even when she is trying to wind bonny up whilst out walking, I know they do love each other and still have occassional growls and disputes over the sofa mainly lol. I have never owned a dog before i brought bonny then Cara into our home they complete our family and would not change either of them for the world, mummy loves you my little lady bonny boo and my ladette Cara boo xxxxxxxx

by mau&greys

Saturday 22 Oct 23:15

thanks kallie will do that xxxxx

by kallie

Saturday 22 Oct 18:53

sorry to butt in but yes you can just go to the kennels during opening hours and buy the coats, take Bonny with you so she can try the coat on to see that it fits right :-)

by mau&greys

Saturday 22 Oct 16:52

thanks fi but can i just turn up to buy them?

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Saturday 22 Oct 13:22

Yes fleeces and blizzards sold at the kennels hun xxx

by mau&greys

Saturday 22 Oct 09:19

hi all! do you sell winter coats as bonny needs one for winter and a sleep coat too, do we need to make an appointment or just turn up? bonny went to the vets and now weighs 27.4kg yay!!!!!!! nearly at the right weight and still being spoilt rotton.

by kallie

Thursday 13 Oct 08:55

if you are looiking for a companion why not come and meet Ronnie? he kennels really well with girls and is super in the house, clean and quiet and very affectionate....xxxx

by mau&greys

Thursday 13 Oct 00:48

mommy is still looking for another grey for our family so we will be coming over when i am bug free!!!! ssshhhhh just don't tell dad!!!

by mau&greys

Wednesday 05 Oct 16:23

Took bonny to the vets today as she was due her injections but was told she has kennel cough so she is on antibiotics and has to go back in 2 weeks for a check up and if ok then have her injections. So sadly can't take bonny to the arrow valley walk on sunday and bonny's play mate will have to wait till the vet says is she is fit and well. By the way Ruth the vets that i take bonny too (Acorns vet practice in studly) knows of you and thinks everybody at rgt perry barr do fantastic work. I could not agree more!!!!!

by SharonMolly&Reggie

Saturday 01 Oct 19:09

when we had Molly see was really scared of the dark she is fine now but took her a few months.

by sarah

Thursday 29 Sep 23:41

Toby was scared stiff of footballs when we first had him, I think it was the sound of them being kicked that scared him, but then he got stressed about carrier bags blowing in the wind too lol !! We nicked a football from our nephew and played in the garden, he was confused at first but when he realised he didn't have 2 back off and he could "kill" it he ran round proudly with the dead ball and only gave a passing glance 2 footballs in the park after that - didn't care less about footballs a few days later- hope this helps (sorry Jack I have just remembered we owe u a new football !!)

by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 29 Sep 21:05

I hate footballs too..... in fact football in general! Try and walk her somewhere where they are not playing footie, until she has settled into her new routine..... don't forget she is a newbie as a pet - it takes months for her to learn everything in her new life, so if it is just footballs she is not keen on, wait until she is more confident with life in general and then tackle socialising with footballs! It is a massive life changing experience for greys to go from a racing life to a home life but she will get there with your support and patience x

by mau&greys

Thursday 29 Sep 20:48

bonny really really does not like footballs to the extent we have to walk more or even avoid the area completely, any ideas to help please. xxx

by crackercharlieX

Tuesday 27 Sep 18:15

If ur looking 4 a friend y not try Ronnie or will or joey. Joey will make a great playmate as too wud the others. Hope u find a friend soon. X

by julie

Tuesday 27 Sep 16:45

Please be careful with your chucks, esp if you do get another Greyt Grey...x

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Tuesday 27 Sep 15:56

About 40 miles an hour!! Its impressive to see isn't it! So exciting that bonny might get a new friend xxxx

by mau&greys

Tuesday 27 Sep 12:27

omg how fast can bonny run! but she loved it and now she is zonked out lol, good girl bonny i knew you would surpass yourself big kisses xxx

by mau&greys

Tuesday 27 Sep 12:23

mum was feeling brave today she let me off my lead for first time and boy did i run lol i was very good i did come back and my mum gave me loads of cuddles. I still do not like footballs but love to chase the chickens lol, mum not happy when i do that but i know she loves me loads. Mum is on about bringing me over soon to be weighed and to choose a friend for me i can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by cinders

Friday 23 Sep 16:05

Hi, we were just the same, by the time we'd had our first (female) greyhound, Mia, we were completely hooked and wanted to get a companion! We fully expected to get a boy, but then we went to the kennels and fell in love with another little girl, Evi. We've had both of them together now since May and they get on really well - it's lovely to see them running and playing together, they're almost always together both at home and when we let the off the lead on walks. From our point of view having two girls has worked really well - they love each other and we love both of them to bits! Good luck with the second one :)

by LindaPaul

Friday 23 Sep 14:33

Hi... we have 2 girls (Lola & Lena) who get along just fine. We did just as Mand and Ina have said and let Lola choose her new companion. The original girl we'd had our eye on was given a most definite 'no' by Lola and when Lena was brought out to meet us, she gave her a big paws up so that was that and Lena went home with us. I wish you all the best in getting a companion for your Bonny. It really is nice to see them with a friend (or ... partner in crime!) xx

by kallie

Friday 23 Sep 13:49

at the kennels we tend to pair up boys and girls together and that seems to work very well, however i have 3 boys and i know plenty of people who have 2 girls together, ultimately it depends on personality, let Bonny choose her mate and you can't go far wrong, that's what i have always done with mine, they choose their companion and i go along with whoever they feel happy with...glad to hear that she is doing so well, she is such a lovely little lady :-) xx

by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Friday 23 Sep 13:29

We've got one of each and they get along perfectly okay, but then I know people who have a couple of girls together and Ina has three boys! I guess it comes down to getting the right companion for Bonny. Taking her to the kennels to meet a potential companion is the best thing to do and see how they get on. Don't rule out a boy though - I know some of them can seem enormous, but after a while, you barely notice their size at all and I'm sure 'Daddy' would love another boy in the house!!!! Mand x

by mau&greys

Friday 23 Sep 12:55

can anybody advise as bonny is a girl and when i get my next greyhound(i am so hooked now!) does it matter if it is a boy or girl for companionship for her? Or is it based on their personalities?

by mau&greys

Friday 23 Sep 12:47

thanks for the warning about the leads i have put it to the back of bonny's cupboard so no more using of it, took her took a grooming parlor to be pampered yesterday i think it was all to much for her a she slept nearly all afternoon! bonny's personality is coming out she runs bonkers around my garden tail wagging and has now 3 beds one every room downstairs lol lucky girl .... she is scarring the chickens half to death so any advice would be good please, also does anybody know of a safe area where i can bonny off the lead in redditch or near by please. Bonny says my mummy keeps looking at DJ and rose but daddy says no but next time we come to visit mummy will get her way lol yeah maybe a play friend hehehehehehe

by Deb

Monday 19 Sep 09:18

We rescured a lurcher from The RSPCA and we werent warned about extendable leads.
We had Millie for less than a week and tried one out with similar thoughts of giving her a bit more freedom.However on the first outing with it she accelerated so fast when she saw a squirrel that my husband dropped the lead and she ran across the park dragging the lead followed by a frantic dad and hysterical teenager.Fortunately the squirrel ran up a tree and not across a road.Millie only stopped when she crashed into the tree.The exentable lead is now banished to the back of a cupboard!.
As well as causing possible harm to dog and handler it is difficult to control a dog who is out on an extendable lead especially when it sees other dogs/small furries etc.
It would be good if you could find an enclosed area to let Bonny off the lead and some of the training clubs hire stables from time to time to allow free running.With a lot of training she may even eventually be able to safely go off the lead
Sounds like this little girl is going to have a fantastic retirement and be spoiled rotten.She deserves no less.

by sarah

Sunday 18 Sep 23:00

Hey I hope Bonny Boo is doing well, but I am sure she is x Sounds like she has fallen on her paws and can enjoy her retirement in a loving home ! The lead thing - our greys are happy on their short leads, they just love dragging us from smell 2 smell - sometimes it seems that we walk miles in zig zags ha ha ! I did briefly think about extendable leads until a friend at the kennels pointed out the pit falls - tis ok wen u kno and as Fi says that is why having a grey from daybreaks is so amazing cos everyone looks after each other and u get so much help and information 2 help u along - thats what we are here for x x x

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Sunday 18 Sep 21:33

Aww don't worry hun.. That's why this page is so helpful.. You can get advice and help from other owners. You could always take bonny to an enclosed field where she can run? I don't know if you have anything like this near you but if you post your area on here maybe someone in your area could suggest somewhere. Its just not a nice thought if she was to see a small fluffy in the distance she could seriously injur herfelf...40 miles an hour doesn't take them long. So please to hear how well she is doing bless her. She really is a little star xxxxxxx

by mau&greys

Sunday 18 Sep 20:16

Sorry I was unaware extendable leads were not suitable for greys, i thought by giving bonny a little bit extra space to sniff whilst we were out walking on the playing fields would be fun for her. She is always in my sights and she never goes too far ahead of me. I love her so much she is my baby would not do anything if i thought it would hurt her.

by DaybreaksRuth

Sunday 18 Sep 19:51

I have used extendable leads in the past - great for giving your grey some freedom but equally a nightmare if your grey suddenly runs - you can do great damage to their necks. You have to really pay attention and hang on tight to prevent an accident happening - sadly I have heard of many tragic stories using extendable leads too :-(

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Sunday 18 Sep 19:50

Hiya.. Not really recommended for greyhounds becausee of how fast they can go and how quickly they can get to speed... It can be really dangerous if she decides to shoot off and can realy harm her xxxxx

by lindylou

Sunday 18 Sep 19:29

She's gorgeous.
I don't think extendable leads are recommended for greyhounds, though. Perhaps someone who knows can comment?

by mau&greys

Sunday 18 Sep 14:54

I can't believe i have been living with my new family for a week now! They all give me big hugs and kisses especially my mum xxxx I do like to chase the chickens in my garden lol. My mum has got me my name tag and a new collar and extendable lead, my family and i go on long walks and i like to chase cats and squirrels but mum just says no and gives me loads of kisses when i turn away and carry on walking. xxxxxxx

by mau&greys

Friday 16 Sep 11:54

Thanks to everyone for the advice putting it into practice and my bonny boo is still doing fantastic xxxxx

by tiggersslave

Thursday 15 Sep 09:16

Hiya Greyhounds have always had company (of other greys) so need to be shown that they can cope alone .. some are more nervous than others but a good system to start is sit in the room where her bed is and read a book plus give her a Kong full of nice sticky treats that'll be difficult to get out (obviously don't leave food down if you have more than one dog without supervision) .. then get up, don't make any sound, don't look at her, walk out the door and shut a childgate behind, stay in view, turn round, come back into the room, don't look, touch or speak to her and sit down .. carry on reading .. do this until she stays on her bed or doesn't whine at the childgate .. then you can stay in view doing something else like making a cuppa, return to the room as above. When she's settled and ignoring you leaving them go out of sight, come straight back, stay in view, do something, return to the room etc etc etc. You build it up little by little, if she gets overly worried go back a step till she's settled again oh and it often helps to leave a smelly jumper etc in her bed so she can smell you :) I'd also increase her exercise .. a good hour in the morning and the same late afternoon/evening (with a late wee walk) can help them settle too .. then when she's in your routine and knows home is somewhere safe and not scarey you can reduce the walks. Julie x

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Wednesday 14 Sep 19:50

Awwww bless little bonny!! She will grow in confidence! Xxxxxx

by spencer68

Wednesday 14 Sep 16:35

Hello, when i brought ellie home she followed me everywhere i went around the house, she also whined even if i was in the bathroom! what i found helped is that when she whined for no apparent reason other then ellie letting me know that she is looking for me is to say a firm NO! she would then just lie down and wait until i was ready for me to make a fuss of her, also have you got other family members who can take it in turns to give her dinner? encourange other family members to take it in turns so that bonny dose not see you as the only person who feeds her and take her for a walk, this will hopefully make her realise that her mom is not the absolute only person who is doing everything for her. In my home my husband takes ellie out every morning for her long walk , my 2 boys take it in turns to feed her and i take ellie out when i return from work in the afternoon, hope this helps. Ann and ellie-may.xx

by mau&greys

Wednesday 14 Sep 16:00

Thanks for the advice fi, she only does it when i go and sit in the front room and bonny is in the hall way, i have called to her for reassurance too, and she will not venture into the front room either i have put extra matts down so she does not slip as we have laminte floor in the hall way and front room, i guess she will come in when she feels comfortable and safe. Any tips would be good but apart from that she is a fab girlie and a welcomed addition to our family xxxxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Wednesday 14 Sep 13:52

Hi... have you got a stair gate? this helps cos they can still see you when you leave the room, the more you leave and come back the more secure she will become and will soon learn that you will come back. Charlie used to cry when i left the room, now he doesnt even lift his head off his bed unless im heading towards the kitchen!! xxx

by mau&greys

Wednesday 14 Sep 12:16

So are we took her for a 40 min walk this morning do not know who was more tired bonny or me! She loves her walks and gets very excited lol. My mum is spoiling her rotton every day she comes round to give her a treat, need some advice though bonny follows me every where i go and when she can't see me she whines a little is this normal and how can i help her?

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Tuesday 13 Sep 22:11

This is fantastic.. I knew shed be the perfect little lady for your family. So so happy you chose her. Xxxxxxx

by mau&greys

Tuesday 13 Sep 21:32

when bonny arrived at her new home she was unsure we showed her round giving her lots of kisses and reasurance, we made a bed for her in the front room but bonny wanted her bed right by the back door and she had a king size duvet all to herself with blankets and teddies, lucky girl. She has met all the family and they have all fallen in love with her but she is so cute and spoilt rotton!!!! when she went into the garden for the first time the chickens went berserk! bonny thought it was fun and went to investigate and the chickens are not happy about it lol. We all feel that bonny has always been apart of our family, even though she has only been with us for a couple of days, she is loved, spoilt and my baby girl, even though tonight her head came into contact with my nose as i was bending down - ouch! My children are involved in helping to look after bonny especially my eldest who says she is 6 and so is bonny,she helped to fannel wash her yesterday and then brush her, bonny just lapped it all up and then went to sleep. xxxxxxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Tuesday 13 Sep 13:08

Would love to know how beautiful bonny has got on in her first few days? hope she is doing well bless her xxxx

by Lorraine

Monday 12 Sep 22:50

Aww, so glad she's found a family, she is such a pretty girl and with so many races behind her, deserves a comfy sofa! Love the new pink collar :-) good luck to Bonny and her new family! x

by MarkP

Sunday 11 Sep 23:00

Bonny was in our kennel as a racer , so glad that she has found a good home. She looks very happy with her new family and they look happy with her too. Good luck to her new owners and if there is anything you need to know about her that we can help with please just ask. Thanks again to everybody at Daybreaks you have been superb.

by SharonMolly&Reggie

Sunday 11 Sep 18:02

So pleased, be happy beautiful girl :-)

by SharonMolly&Reggie

Sunday 11 Sep 10:59

Why has this girl not been chosen?? She is so gorgeous!! I would take her in a flash if I could. Good luck little girl I hope your new life is just around the corner for you, you deserve it especially after all those races. xxxxx

by toryb

Wednesday 07 Sep 11:58

aww what a gorgeous girl...i want them all xxx

by Jenni

Tuesday 06 Sep 10:23

I fell in love with this little girl at the weekend - she is beautiful and loved leaning up for a cuddle. She's Cookie's half sister and I would snap her up if my lovely madam wasn't quite such a madam! She'll make a lovely pet for someone and has lots of love to give.

by AimeeJayne

Thursday 25 Aug 11:52

Was lookin at Bonny's family tree and found out shes Madge's half sister!!

by zalthered

Thursday 25 Aug 09:02

I put a comment about Bonny on the actual comments site instead of on here. Apologies for that. But read about her stay with us on Val,Ray,Peg & Max.

by kallie

Tuesday 23 Aug 20:27

cute and dainty and so gentle, she is very very lovely....xxxx

by kallie

Saturday 20 Aug 22:10

what a very pretty little girl and such a long racing life ...well done on your retirement, we just need to find you a suitable sofa to lounge about on :-) xxxxx

by BeckyB-F

Saturday 20 Aug 19:13

She looks beautiful xxx and sooo many races.....she really deserves a wonderful retirement xxxx

by Lorraine

Saturday 20 Aug 15:11

What a pretty smile :-) x