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About Me

Racing Name
Miss Sarajevo
Date of birth
01 jul 2007
Land of birth
Ear mark


female, 17 years old, Black

Added by KerryElliman

Updated: Tuesday 02 Jan

Star has been returned today due to a change in circumstances with her owner. She is a little shy and nervous.Has lived with cats and children.

Star has had 0 cuddles today (18 all together).
If you register or login, you can give her a cuddle too!


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by BeckyB-F

Thursday 29 Dec 14:55

We finally got in to make it official, Star is part of the family xxxx We want to send huge love to Ruth, Kerry and all the volunteers, a tough day for them with a couple of returnees. Please don't be disheartened, what you do makes a world of difference to the dogs and the people who adopt them, and even those that are returned come back to a safe place for love and care and aren't abandoned on the street etc You have given us 3 wondeful greys whom we love and adore and we think you are all amazing xxxxxxx

by BeckyB-F

Wednesday 21 Dec 18:22

She is with us to stay, we just need to get to daybreaks to sign on tne dotted line etc (I'm not driving at the moment as I have labrythitis, which means fuzzy vision etc) Was wondering if Stars previous family were following her, so just wanted to let them know that she is loved, adored and spoilt. Seems very happy, lying on her back with her legs in the air. Is very much part of the family, and we promise to look after her xxxxxxx

by Jess&Koda

Wednesday 21 Dec 15:21

has star been adopted yet??

by BeckyB-F

Wednesday 14 Dec 19:00

Thank you everyone for all the lovely comments xxxxxx Love Becky, James, Jake, Charlotte and Isabel (humans) Jasper, Sam, Belle and Star (hounds) and Mia, Katie, Charlie and Willow (felines) xxxxxxx

by leapinggreys

Wednesday 14 Dec 10:43

Well done Star - I knew you'd get there with the cats in the end. Congrats. to the rest of your new family too for their patience and perseverance. Rosie (the grey) & her family xx

by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 13 Dec 15:16

How Lovely! So pleased for you all. xxxx

by BeckyB-F

Tuesday 13 Dec 14:45

We are sooo happy too xxxxxxxx Thank you xxxx I have told her that shes staying and she is wagging her tail like she understands me xxxxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 13 Dec 11:58

Of course she can stay reserved until she is signed :-) I am so happy! xxx

by BeckyB-F

Tuesday 13 Dec 11:49

Thanks Jill. We will look at those and the hondas....its just jiggling finances etc to see what we can afford. Regardless Star is with us to stay, she is ignoring the cats like a pro, adores the kids, is my big grey Sams cuddle pal and we adooooore her xxxx Not sure when we can get to the kennels as with xmas and work following the flood we are tied up, but are hoping aunty Ruth will let us keep her as reserved until we can come in to do the paper work etc ?xxxxxx

by skinnyme

Sunday 11 Dec 21:36

Hi Becky, noticed you left a comment to Emma re: boot space, I have a ford galaxy and can get 4 comfortably in the back still leaving 3 seats available in the middle plus front passenger seat, didn't know wether that may be helpful. Jill.

by BeckyB-F

Thursday 08 Dec 19:23

Star has started to play, especially with our big Sam xxxx She is greeting people at the door with a verry waggy tail, backs away a little if she doesn't know them and then creeps back for a sniff and a fuss xxxx She likes teatowels (apparently they are toys lol ) and sausages and adores peanut butter xxxx

by BeckyB-F

Tuesday 06 Dec 18:18

Star is a wonderful girl, getting more and more laid back etc xxxxx Still not there with the cats though. Although not aggressive she will try and chase if she thinks we are not watching her (but we always are) and is still a little too interested. All our others completely ignore them if they wizz past and will let them cuddle them on the sofa! xxx But other than that she is a real character, and in her safety zone (with us and in our house) she is confident and chilled xxxxx

by BeckyB-F

Saturday 03 Dec 18:55

We hope so too xxxxxx It is amazing the difference in her from when she first came. Geting more and more confident. Loves food, sleep , cuddles and no paticular order! xxxxx

by LadyVictoria

Friday 02 Dec 13:50

I hope it won't be long before she becomes a permanent member the family! xxx

by BeckyB-F

Thursday 01 Dec 18:58

Super Star , settled soooo well, is part of the furniture lol xxxxx Just working on the cats xxxxxx But we adore her xxxxx

by BeckyB-F

Tuesday 29 Nov 14:56

Star is doing well xxxx Not a fan of the rain, the only time she hasn't been keen to go out etc xxxx Nearly always ignores the cats but occassionally will still suddenly be interested.....but we will keep working on it xxxxx

by BeckyB-F

Sunday 27 Nov 17:17

We decided not to do the sutton walk as we thought after making such good progress that we didn't want to push her to quickly into a busy occassion, so opted for a quieter walk, though we missed seeing everybody and all the beautiful greys. She is still doing really well xxxxx Each day she shows us a little more of her lovely character xxx

by BeckyB-F

Saturday 26 Nov 16:07

We love miss Sarah Star very much. I don't want to tempt fate but we are getting somewhere with the cat interest. Keep paws and fingers crossed for us xxxxx (anybody know where I can get a cheap and reliable Volvo v70 or equivelent ?? lol )

by BeckyB-F

Friday 25 Nov 19:26

Again a lovely girl, coped really today with builders coming in to rip up my soggy floors etc, she even made friends with one rolling onto her back to have her belly tickled xxxx

by BeckyB-F

Thursday 24 Nov 19:37

Lovely Star has been good company today, I haven't been to well and she seemed to know so, nudging me for cuddles and staying close by.....such a sensitive soul. My Dad walked them today for me, and although she had only met him once she happily walked with him and seems to trust more easily xxxx

by BeckyB-F

Wednesday 23 Nov 20:18

Being really good, if anything she is getting quite cheeky xxxx She is one of the pack, and I get her and Sam confused at times xxxx Hoping to be at the sutton park walk, I'm not sure whether it may be too much for her with large amounts of people, but we will judge it nearer the time xxxx

by BeckyB-F

Tuesday 22 Nov 20:23

Big test for star today as I had to go to work :-( so she was left with the other hounds for a few hours (cats out of the way though !) No problems, neighbours reported that it was all quiet, and a very happy waggy girl greeted me with the others and went straight to the treat cupboard lol xxxx You wouldn't believe how much more confident she is already xxxx

by BeckyB-F

Monday 21 Nov 19:39

This girl is sooo lovely, a real character. In just over a week she is less shy and nervous, a chatty girl who makes the funniest little sounds to communicate with you. She gets on well with the other hounds and we are working on the cat interest xxxx She loves running with the others, and gets really excited when she hears a lead jingle. Following us around the house less, I think that is because she feels safe and less dependant. It's really amazing how these beautiful creatures learn so quickly xxxx

by BeckyB-F

Sunday 20 Nov 15:56

Star being wonderful still, more and more trusting with us, going to the children to snuggle up on the sofa with them etc xxxx Have told her that the extra cuddles are from her aunty Ruth xxxxx

by BeckyB-F

Saturday 19 Nov 20:09

I think Star is enjoying life here, often found with her feet in the air snoring xxx Has managed to sneek onto the bed every night, and doesn't move until breakfast is ready xxx Still a little too interested in the cats occasionally, but we are hoping with persistance we will get there as she is definately part of the family. We wish we could take Bobby too xxxx

by BeckyB-F

Friday 18 Nov 19:10

Star is such a sweet and loving girl, inquisitive in a shy way and soooo cuddly. I keep telling her to ignore the cats as we want her to stay xxxxx Hope she is listening to me xxxxx

by LadyVictoria

Friday 18 Nov 15:18

I am keeping my fingers crossed for her! xxx

by BeckyB-F

Thursday 17 Nov 19:55

Daily Star update xxx Again no trouble at all, still a little nervous out and about, but seems to be getting better, she hasn't been with us a week yet and already is gaining confidence. She knows where treats are kept and stands by the door etc Into our routine, has really bonded with the kids and is loving the cuddles xxxxx

by BeckyB-F

Wednesday 16 Nov 18:26

We have discovered that Star can talk ! So far we have learnt 'play with me', 'don't stop the fuss' and 'where are you', she had us in hysterics last night, really lifted our mood xxxx The only thing is that she does the 'play with me' to the cats, so we are working on that. This girl is amazing xxxx

by BeckyB-F

Tuesday 15 Nov 19:55

We will if we can get her cat friendly xxxx Other than the cat issue she has just slotted in really well xxxx and will just have to find a way to sort the car issue, but we can't afford to change the car just yet so will have to travel in 2 cars when we all want to go out together. My hubby adores her he couldn't say no, especially as she isn't keen on men,yet she goes looking for him for cuddles xxxxx

by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 15 Nov 16:58

She sounds so happy, it is a shame you can't keep her. xx

by BeckyB-F

Tuesday 15 Nov 14:31

Still being a star, woke up and she had sneeked up on the bed in the night (without waking us) and looked really funny with her legs in the air xxxx Still occassional nervous when meeting people in the street etc but soon relaxes. She is very much a pet, and really loves her runs, its funny watching our lurcher try and keep up with 3 greys. 9 times out of 10 she ignores the cats, but occassionally is v v interested, but not aggressive, so we are working on it. xxxxx We adore her xxxx

by BeckyB-F

Monday 14 Nov 17:45

Still being lovely but still interested in the more so than the other 3. Coming out of her shell, and coming to us and children for cuddles etc. Loves walks/runs and wags her tail loads at the jingle of a lead. We had to pop out to get replacement towels etc after the flood, but she was fine, not a peep (our neighbour was listening in for us) and welcomed us home as enthusiastically as the other 3 dogs. Just trying to get her to ignore the cats more xxxx

by BeckyB-F

Sunday 13 Nov 17:39

Star is a lovely girl, no trouble at all, quiet and clean etc She is a bit nervous with the girls but is getting used to them. She loves walks and she wags her tail and has even jumped up James (my hubby) when he got the leads out. Has had a good run twice today, all 4 hounds together, it was wonderful to see and really lifted our spirits. All we need is for her to notice the cats less......have your fingers and paws crossed for us, because we love her to bits xxxxx (still going to have to solve the car problem....but will find a way xx May have to take Ruth up on the fund raising offer for a limo ! lol xxx) She is currently cuddling with our grey Sam xxxx

by BeckyB-F

Saturday 12 Nov 20:00

We remember Rosie xxxx Belle sends love back, Belle is an amazing girl who is a total princess and has everybody (human and hound) doting on her xxxxx We are all hoping that Star settles well, as I have finally convinced my Hubby that we can manage 4 ! Considering the day we have had she has been very laid back, and has had lots of walks as we cannot let the dogs in the garden at present !xxx Plus she and my hubby have really bonded, she makes a funny noise when she wants a cuddle and rolls on her back to have her belly stroked xxxxx All the hounds have helped us cope today xxx

by leapinggreys

Saturday 12 Nov 18:24

I've given Star my cuddle today, but it sounds as if all your family could do with some tlc. Glad Star seems to be coping well at your home, hopefully she'll find her forever home soon. (We now own Rosie, who I think used to be Belle's kennel mate; she sends her love!)

by BeckyB-F

Saturday 12 Nov 13:08

Star being a star ! Slept throughout night and if any thing reluctant to get up. Is quite interested in the cats and will not wear her muzzle, so we are being extra careful, hopefully she just needs to realise they are part of her pack. We have been flooded overnight, it is on the news, we are lucky, only our part of our downstairs affected, and our back garden is destroyed, others homes are totally wrecked. This means we were up in the early hours and have had firemen etc in and out. Star slept through it all, and this morning has met all our neighbours etc, and seems fine. Still had a great big walk in the park, we needed to get out too from the mess. However despite all this she seems very at home xxxxx

by BeckyB-F

Friday 11 Nov 20:57

The sound of 4 hounds munching pigs ears, followed by sloppy thankyou kisses......priceless xxxxx (and I'm a vege xxx)

by BeckyB-F

Friday 11 Nov 18:50

All quiet at present, Sam has stopped trying to 'get fruity' with Star !! she has met all 4 cats, looks at them but no aggression. Initially nervous around girls (5 & 7) but they have been quiet and given her space and she has let them give her a little fuss and seems to accept them. xxxx

by BeckyB-F

Friday 11 Nov 16:54

Just get a good airfreshener for in the morning lol xxxxxx

by rosierecorder

Friday 11 Nov 15:47

No - you aren't weird! We haven't encouraged Joey to learn how to get upstairs yet as it is a hide away for the cats whilst they get used to the idea of living with a dog. He will probably sleep with us soon enough!!

by BeckyB-F

Friday 11 Nov 14:50

Good so far, once in the house amazingly confident, investigated everywhere, asked to go in the garden. Has only met our 16 year old cat so far, but sniffed and walked away. Actively coming to me and James for a cuddle, and has sussed the sofa, and eaten dinner. Only issue is that she keeps telling Sam off as he is really interested in her (he has never shown any interest in Belle). Has she been speyed ?? Hoping they will get used to each other !! Any tips to stop him being so interested welcome xxx Otherwise no problems xxxx

by BeckyB-F

Thursday 10 Nov 22:39

Ruth, you know we have 3 hounds (2 greys and 1 lurcher), 4 cats and 3 kids. I know we couldn't offer a permanent home but would we be any good to Star as a foster home ? My hubby can't bear the thought of her being in kennels after being used to being in a home for so long. xxx

by fi,charlie,fly+Lucy

Thursday 10 Nov 22:04

No becky, both of our boys sleep upstairs with us in our bedroom. Since they have been sleeping upstairs they don't get up in the night and sometimes I can get away with a cheeky lie in!! Xxxxx

by doonie

Thursday 10 Nov 21:19

what a beautifull

by BeckyB-F

Thursday 10 Nov 20:03

Poor little thing xxx I have to admit our hounds sleep in our bedroom. They go straight to sleep and don't disturb us. xxxx (not sure if that makes us weird ?) xxxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 10 Nov 19:45

Star went to stop with Grey Faced Joey last night but sadly kept the owners up most of the night with her crying. I collected her early this morning and she spent a day at the kennels with me. She is terrified of some people(mainly men) but ok with others and Bob managed to take her on a nice walk this afternoon and she enjoyed cuddles with Karen too. She is back home with us and fast asleep - she is so lovely x

by rosierecorder

Thursday 10 Nov 19:44

Star spent the night with us last night and was lovely. She quickly forgot to be scared of us and it wasn't long before she was belly up with her legs in the air on our sofa with us. She got on really well with Joey and was keen to meet our cats but not in an aggressive manner. She didn't like being shut away from us during the night and cried until we eventually brought her up to our bedroom (after putting her out twice), but this could easily be solved with some patience and love. A really cuddly and affectionate girl who needs someone to love her back!

by BeckyB-F

Thursday 10 Nov 19:33

Have tried to convince my hubby to visit you, but he won't because he knows i would try and convince him that we should have you......he still says 4 is too many :-(

by BeckyB-F

Thursday 10 Nov 16:33

How is little Star doing ? xxxx

by BeckyB-F

Wednesday 09 Nov 18:02

Bless her, its a shame she couldn't be homed with Bob, but sounds like she is happy to be with new hound friends xxxxx She looks like she is very comfy xxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Tuesday 08 Nov 20:20

We have brought Star home as Bob (who was returned with her) has gone out on trial and she has settled in so well. She has been sharing Rob's magnum ice cream and ate a full bowl of dinner! She is now on her bed in the lounge with our 6, Paddy and Ruby! She is a little nervous of the odd firework going off but after initial panting on arriving, she has settled so well x

by LadyVictoria

Monday 07 Nov 12:56

I hope she finds a new home soon. xxx

by BeckyB-F

Saturday 05 Nov 18:09

Hello Star xxx Really hoping you and Bob find another home asap xxxx

by Danielle

Saturday 05 Nov 17:25

Honey's friend?