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About Me

Racing Name
Heathmill Farloe
Date of birth
01 may 2010
Land of birth
UK United Kingdom
Land of standing
UK United Kingdom
Ear mark
Mr Paul Meek
Family tree & race history


female, 14 years old, Fawn

Added by KerryElliman

Updated: Monday 08 Jan

Tink has had 0 cuddles today (6 all together).
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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 01 May 13:39

Wishing Tink a very Happy 2nd Birthday! Still love that photo of her. xxx

by Suziela

Tuesday 01 May 12:16

Happy 2nd birthday to our gorgeous girl Tink. We love you so much. lots of special treats, a lovely long walk with your big brother Sid, and lots of extra cuddles for you today our special girlie whirley. Love mommy, daddy, Jack, Samuel & big bro Sidxxxxxxxxx

by Suziela

Thursday 12 Apr 15:59

Aaaahhh... Had a shock when i saw my gorgeous little girl as recently xx

by BeckyB-F

Thursday 12 Apr 15:09

Aaaah thats good, I though two lovely girls had been returned xxxx

by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 12 Apr 13:01

Hi BeckyB-F - no this Tink hasn't but Tinker has! She was 'clicked' on in error! Sorry for the confusion! x

by BeckyB-F

Thursday 12 Apr 12:05

Has Tink been returned and gone out again ?

by nutellajar

Thursday 12 Apr 11:09

cute first picture...CHEESE!!!!!!

by Suziela

Tuesday 21 Feb 10:55

Oh it was lovely to meet you both too, and the lovely Milly and handsome Joey of course!!! Suex

by rosierecorder

Friday 17 Feb 22:40

Enjoyed meeting tink and Sid at cannon hill park today!! Nice meet the whole family :) hopefully bump into you all again xxx

by lurcherlover

Tuesday 29 Nov 20:18

Aahh.... a bright white 'colgate' smile! Fabulous foto, this puppy looks like an ad for a Dental Vet!

by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 29 Nov 15:54

Great new picture of Tink! xx

by LindaPaul

Wednesday 23 Nov 16:55

Hi Sue. Meant to add my congratulations on your new addition ages ago but keep forgetting as really busy at work. Just saw your latest comment and it reminded me! Hope your baby feels better soon poor thing. Looking forward to meeting her at training class sometime in the future. She is such a pretty girl it's not hard to see how you fell for her. Glad to hear Sid likes his new sis too. L.xx

by Suziela

Wednesday 23 Nov 09:36

Hi Ruth, i managed to get Tink to the vets yesterday, he said it was most likely an infection due to her spay and has given her antibiotics. Tink wasn't very happy with him when he tried to get a urine sample and really cried :( But we've given her extra special snuggles and TLC, and Sid was so pleased to see her when we got home, it was really lovely to see :) Thanks for been on the other end of the phone for when i'm panicking. Suex

by tiggersslave

Tuesday 15 Nov 13:31

Hiya hmmm as a big sister myself I'm with Sid LOL ... my grey is just 3 and very annoying ooppps I meant a delight to have around LOL She's very playful and eventually my lurcher just did a little snap at her .. and she sulked for hours- ever seen a greyhound's bottom lip tremble :) but it was what she needed to understand that she can't go on and on and on. It sounds like Sid is doing the same - just nicely putting her in her place :) so as long as she doesn't keep pestering him I'd just keep an eye on them but I would stop her if she does pester him. Yep I'd take all her toys up whilst you're not there .. I'm not saying my lurcher is miserable and a spoilsport but my Lucy loves flinging the squeaky ones about and is very annoying - and then I'd find Charlie had got them all in his bed and Lucy was looking bereft (again LOL) so if the toys aren't around they can't fall out over them. I'm sure you'll get there with the toileting especially when you can take her out for nice long walks. J x

by Suziela

Tuesday 15 Nov 13:30

Thanks Val, i'll give that mixture a try!
See you at training soonx

by Suziela

Tuesday 15 Nov 11:42

Hi Julie, she is trying to get Sid to play, but not as much as i thought she would, she is more interested in me at the moment. She is nibbling at his neck though, and Sid seemed to enjoy it at first, but i told her 'No' as i thought she was trying to bite him. She has done it a few times since and this morning Sid barked at her and she stopped. Is this normal as i'm not sure if its aggression or affection? We are muzzling them both at night and during the day when we are out, and for now we have put the toys away and just get them out when we play with them. With regards to toileting still no change, but i'm sure we'll get there! It's all fun and games in our house at the :)xx

by tiggersslave

Tuesday 15 Nov 11:15

Hi Sue .. all crossed this cunning plan works :) and once she understands what's wanted they usually try to please - as they've been able to toilet when they need to as they've lived in kennels it can take a few days for them to 'get it' :) Is she trying to get Sid to play? She's only a baby but you need to be careful he doesn't get very fed up and it all ends in tears .. good alternatives to use up her energy are Kongs (for both her and Sid and only when you are there to supervise) plus I'd be watching them carefully and telling her leave him before I think he's had enough. See you soon at class :) J xx

by leapinggreys

Tuesday 15 Nov 10:06

Hi Sue, When we had Rosie she 'bit' Jet's neck quite a lot, and still does to a lesser extent when they are playing. In our case it wasn't aggression; but they are all different & you're right to watch carefully until Tink has settled down.
I use kitchen towel to soak up any wee I can, then make a mixture of water,a bit of pet-friendly disinfectant, a drop of washing up liquid and a bit of white vinegar and wipe the area over with that. I read that white vinegar will take away the smell & discourages re-offending in the same spot & it's always worked for me. Best of luck, Val

by Suziela

Monday 14 Nov 14:34

Thanks Julie, we tried over the weekend taking her out on the hour but we are back at work today, not sure what i'll be going home She has been clean during last night, and maybe with us been back at work she'll find her routine around us. She is such a little poppet....yay i'm not the only female in the house now!!!! I'm sure we will be seeing you at training in the next few weeks, can't wait for you to meet her. Suex

by tiggersslave

Monday 14 Nov 13:55

Hi Sue How about taking her out every hour or half hour into the back garden on a lead... lots of praise when she goes and ignore when she toilets in the house. Check too what you're cleaning up with as anything ammonia based will encourage her to mark that place again and possibly use a crate during the night as they don't usually like to go where they sleep tho be sure she can see you and/or Sid so she doesn't panic at being alone. Usually once they get into a routine they're fine but possibly she's a bit sore after her op too. If she's using the pads at least you can put them in a tray so its not everywhere and gradually move them towards the door then eventually outside so she gets the idea ... that can take a while - days or weeks but they do get there J x

by Suziela

Monday 14 Nov 11:55

Hi Ruth, have you or anyone got any advice on toilet training????
We are struggling a bit with this as Tink is toileting everywhere. We can only take her for little walks as she has only just been spayed, but she wont wee outside. I was outside with her for quite a while yesterday hoping she would wee and came back inside and then done it. We are putting a puppy pad down now to try and contain where she is toileting and she is doing it on that now, but i'm not sure if that is just encouraging her? Any ideas would be much appreciated.Thank you, Suex

by Suziela

Sunday 13 Nov 19:55

Hi the brownies, Tink has settled really well, its like she has always been here :-) Sid & Tink have had a couple of growls and barks over a toy and raw hide, so we have put them away for now and only getting them out when we are with them. She is real character though and gorgeous with it. She has been nibbling at Sid's neck, is this normal as didnt know whether she was going to bite him or kiss him? Suex

by TheBrownies

Sunday 13 Nov 08:10

Hi we were there when you were getting ready to take tink home on Fri, hope Sid and Tink have settled together. Have they settled without any grumbles?

by poppysmum

Saturday 12 Nov 21:51

I dont know wether to be happy or sad that Tink has gone already, happy that she has a lovely new home so quick, :) but sad that I probably wont see her again:( loved her soooo much, give her a hug from me xxxxx, (thats me in the kennel pics with her btw)

by Suziela

Saturday 12 Nov 18:46

Tink has settled in really well, she is adorable. She is getting on well with Sid apart from a couple of grumbles, but so far so good! She is getting lots of fuss and tlc after her spey. Any tips on toileting would be welcomed as she is weeing all over the place!!!

by Jess&Koda

Friday 11 Nov 19:20

If only rink could stay with Dora ...

by LadyVictoria

Friday 11 Nov 14:41

Reserved already! Be happy Tink xxx

by BeckyB-F

Friday 11 Nov 14:04

Good luck Tink xxxx

by Suziela

Friday 11 Nov 09:11

Tink and our lovely Sid have the same dad, could this be fate????

by goldi&ruby's-mum

Friday 11 Nov 09:00

tink and dora have the same dad as goldie, goldie's new dad loves tink, that us banned from visitin the kennals for a while!!

by Suziela

Thursday 10 Nov 19:51

She is gorgeous!!!!

by Deb

Thursday 10 Nov 17:44

Tink and Dora the babies in the kennels :did they both retire due to injury?

by poppysmum

Thursday 10 Nov 17:28

I've fallen in love with this baby, wish I could have her, she is so gorgeous I'm sure she wont be there for long. xx

by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Thursday 10 Nov 16:58

Ah, a ready made family for someone if they adopt Tink and Dora together - looks like they're sisters. So cute, go on someone, you know you want to! Mand x

by BeckyB-F

Thursday 10 Nov 16:35

Another baby xxxxx