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About Me

Racing Name
She's Gonna be a Cracker!
Date of birth
25 aug 1976


female, 48 years old, Black

Added by DaybreaksRuth

Updated: Monday 08 Jan

Tonight Emma is sleeping at Daybreaks! If you can sponsor Emma please log onto

Emma has had 0 cuddles today (2 all together).
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by Emma

Saturday 09 Feb 13:08

Hello, some of you will know me as mum to retired Daybreaks greys Kevin, Sadie, Moomin and Frankie, and I REALLY need your help in completing a survey about your greyhound(s). The survey can be found by clicking or copying and pasting the link into your web browser.

If you want to find out more about the survey please read on...

I am in the 5th year of a BSc and Masters Degree at McTimoney College of Chiropractic and I am conducting a study to discover whether there is a relationship between back, neck and shoulder pain, and a greyhound’s behaviour when walking. The results of this study will help us to understand if there are any injuries common to greyhound owners and therefore it will also contribute towards enabling rehoming centres to identify owners at specific risk of injury and offer support/follow up as necessary to avoid potential returnees.

I would be grateful if you could fill in the questionnaire as accurately as possible. The survey can be found by clicking or copying and pasting the link into your web browser. Please complete the questionnaire even if you appear to be saying 'no' to all of the questions, as it is just as important to find the proportion of people who experience no problems as it is to find out about those who do.

You will notice that the questionnaire has no space for a name; this is to ensure that the data collected remains completely anonymous. If you have any questions or are dissatisfied with any aspect of this study, please contact me at, or my research supervisor (Dr Hunnisett) on 01235 523336 or McTimoney College of Chiropractic, Kimber House, 1 Kimber Road, Abingdon, OX14 1BZ.

By agreeing to complete this survey you are providing the researcher with your consent to use your information anonymously. The analysis of this research will be written up as a dissertation in partial fulfilment of a Degree and may also be published in scientific journals.

Many thanks for your help and cooperation with this important study.

Emma Bryce

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 28 Jun 13:18

Emma, what a lovely family you have! x

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by Emma

Thursday 28 Jun 09:36

I very sensibly sent 3 of them back home with my hubby last night, leaving me with just Frankie (Chaotic Frankie - the one on the furthest right) seeing as she's a teeny tiny dot and I *thought* she'd be the one least likely to hog the bed. Well, after spending the night perched on the edge of the bed I can safely say that I got that one wrong! Absolutely shattered now, but at least Ruth and Robbie got some kip as the kennel dogs were on their best behaviour now that they're back to their normal routine (sorry Jill!) Em xxx

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by goldi&ruby's-mum

Wednesday 27 Jun 21:18

wow 4 hot bots , not sure their gonna be needed tonight!!! sleep well, fingers crossed xxx

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by DaybreaksRuth

Wednesday 27 Jun 21:02

Emma has just been joined us with her 4 greys - Kevin, Sadie, Moo and Frankie! Please sponsor Emma and help our fundraising. Thank you so much.

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