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About Me

Racing Name
Overdale Shadow
Date of birth
22 jun 2007
Land of birth
IE Ireland
Land of standing
UK United Kingdom
Ear mark
Shelbourne SkyIE-OCT-03-BK
Family tree & race history


male, 17 years old, Black

Added by LadyVictoria

Updated: Monday 08 Jan

Jack is a great little boy who deserves a lovely home, his trainer has said he seems good around children

29.45 kilos

Jak has had 0 cuddles today (25 all together).
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by Jak'smom

Monday 22 Jun 10:50

God Bless love you always. Mom xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 04 May 21:45

She sounds like quite a character! Xxx

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by Jak'smom

Monday 04 May 08:37

Thanks Kate. She's a stubbon rather portly little madam. She likes to eat & sleep and potter about on HER terms. It was I am NOT going to the green this morning. If you want me there carry me & best of British luck to you. She agreed to go up and down bradford road but i think there may be another rebellion later. Her dad needs another operation. He's a tough old guy so hoping he will get better & have her back like last time they belong together xx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 03 May 21:17

Hi Jak'smom...hope your friend gets better soon. I am sure he feels better knowing you are looking after his lovely girl. Sure she will help you too. Xxx

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by Jak'smom

Sunday 03 May 14:56

Thank-you Cinders. At least I've got Bea-Bea to look after. I'm not her dad & she's not Jak but we're making the best of it and comforting each other. I don't have to rush into adopting now. Hopefully both our pointy nosed angels are smiling down on us xx

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by cinders

Sunday 03 May 10:38

Hi Jak's mom, we know exactly how you feel, Mia was our first grey too and we decided to have her ashes back and a casket made for her. It feels better now she is back. I still have ups and downs but it does get better over time, the sadness starts to diminish as we have started to talk more and more about how she enjoyed life and all the funny things she did, rather than all our thoughts being on the sadness at the end. I understand completely how you feel and am thinking of you xx

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by Caro

Saturday 02 May 21:09

I felt a little better once I had got my lovely Tess's ashes back I felt I had got her home, it did take me a long time to take her to her final resting place but I now go on walks pass her special place and have a moment of pause. It's ok to have a wobble, we have all been there and know how difficult it is.

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by Jak'smom

Saturday 02 May 19:40

Thank-you. My foster-paws from last year is back so at least I have something to fuss over and walk now. Her dad is in hospital and she's very stressed.

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by helenanddave

Saturday 02 May 17:20

we all get those wobbles - it's been a year since we lost our girl an I still get them. Like you, I did feel better once the ashes were home with us. Just felt like she was back where she belonged. Hope you are feeling a bit better today. xx

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Saturday 02 May 15:22

There is no shame in how you feel and certainly no need to apologise. A great many of us know these ceelings as we have sadly been through the same. It takes time, but now at least you have Jak back. Take care. Xxxxxx

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by Jak'smom

Saturday 02 May 11:42

Thanks. Sorry I was feeling low & had a bit of a wobble. Feeling better today now he's back home xx So happy for Georgie

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by blackisbeautiful

Friday 01 May 22:05

Thinking of you and your special boy especially tomorrow Its really hard but take comfort in the knowledge that you gave him such a wonderful life With love x x

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by LadyVictoria

Friday 01 May 22:04

Thinking of you. Xxx

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Friday 01 May 21:58

I know it is soon. But there are some lovely gorgeous companions at Daybreaks at the moment waiting for someone to love them and give their love in return. I am sure Jak would not want you to be without. He will watch over you from the Bridge. Xxxxxxxx

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by helenanddave

Friday 01 May 21:48

Sending hugs. Xx

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by Jak'smom

Friday 01 May 21:43

My precious pointy nosed boy. Your ashes come home tomorrow but your spirit lives on in a special place. I need another pointy nosed friend to walk beside me. You were my firsl Grey and will always be my special boy xxxx love Mom

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by MrsMuddypaws

Thursday 23 Apr 13:44

So sad to hear of another friend leaving for Rainbow Bridge. Run free lovely boy. My thoughts are with your family during this sad time. XXX

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by blueangel

Wednesday 22 Apr 21:40

Run free with the Angels Jak xxx

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by Jak'smom

Wednesday 22 Apr 19:30

Thanks for all your kind comments. They are much appreciated by me and my pointy nosed little angel xx. I don't have email so I'm not really supposed to put messages on but I wanted to say thanks. It's true they leave us far too soon but they leave their paw prints in our hearts xx

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by Shanesmum

Wednesday 22 Apr 16:58

So very, very sorry for your loss. He was a lovely boy, thinking of you. x

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by TJ

Wednesday 22 Apr 13:45

So sad to learn that Jak has crossed over the 'bridge'; You and your family are in our thoughts beautiful boy. Run free gorgeous. xxxx

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by Jess&Koda

Wednesday 22 Apr 11:56

Rest in peace Jak xx

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by mary/john

Wednesday 22 Apr 10:12

Run free Jak Xxx

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by cinders

Wednesday 22 Apr 09:28

So sorry Jak's mom. We know only too well how it feels, we lost our first ever dog Mia last month and it felt like the world had ended. We are thinking of you. xxxx

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by LindaPaul

Wednesday 22 Apr 08:50

So very sorry to read this sad news.Our thoughts are with you at this time. Run free lovely Jak. xxx

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by susy

Wednesday 22 Apr 07:52

In our thoughts at this sad time.
Love The New Icemaid Clan xxxx

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by michelleandbertie

Tuesday 21 Apr 21:09

so sorry to hear about Jak, another beautiful grey taken too young, just so sad x

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by blackisbeautiful

Tuesday 21 Apr 20:43

So sorry to hear about lovely Jak They are so wonderful to be with and so hard to be without.. Special hugs to you tonight Run free lovely boy x x

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by muddypaws

Tuesday 21 Apr 20:38

So very sorry to hear this sad news. Run Free Jak...gone far too soon. Thinking of you at such a heartbreaking time. X.

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by stevie,sarah,willow&Max'smum

Tuesday 21 Apr 20:33

Rainbow bridge has gained yet another special angel too soon. Shine bright, run free without pain sweetheart. So sorry to your Mom, special love to her and to you darling baby.. Xxx

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by Tinker'sNan

Tuesday 21 Apr 20:32

We are sending you a love and hugs for you tonight we are sorry for the lose of jak there will be a very bright star in the sky run free beautiful jak your friends will be at rainbow bridge waiting for you out of pain now bless you xxxxxx

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by helenanddave

Tuesday 21 Apr 20:21

So sorry to hear about Jak. It is so very hard to lose them. Sending you many hugs tonight. Run free Jak. Xx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 21 Apr 20:20

I am so, so very sorry to hear about Jak...sending you lots of love. God Bless your beautiful boy. Xxx

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by Jak'smom

Tuesday 21 Apr 19:42

Sorry forgot to say thanks for your kind words and also to Kate for being so kind on the phone this afternoon when I was having a bit of a melt down

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by Jak'smom

Tuesday 21 Apr 19:39

There's another beautiful pointy nosed angel in the sky tonight. God Bless you Jak I'm going to miss you so much. You were such a good boy Always kind and gentle and even in pain today you gave me your paw to rub. All my love Mom xxxx

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by Tinker'sNan

Tuesday 21 Apr 19:00

Sending lots of love to you jak hope you get better soon xxxxx

by TJ

Tuesday 21 Apr 14:21

Sending you BIG thought cuddles today Jak, hurry up and get better soon. xxxx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 21 Apr 13:41

Lots and lots of love to Jak...Xxx

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by LindaPaul

Tuesday 21 Apr 12:58

Jak gets my cuddle today as he is poorly. Keeping everything crossed for his recovery xxx

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by blackisbeautiful

Tuesday 21 Apr 09:43

Sending special hugs to you and your poorly Jake We all know how heartbreaking it is to see a much loved special hound unwell You feel so lost and helpless Wishing him well Hugs x x

by skinnyme

Tuesday 21 Apr 09:25

Poor Jak, sending lots of healing hugs xxxx

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by Jak'smom

Monday 20 Apr 23:23

Just saying a big prayer for my baby boy who's very poorly at the moment. Love you, miss you please come home. God bless love mom xxxx

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by Jak'smom

Sunday 16 Nov 10:59

Thank-you Ruth. That would be lovely. She doesnt do car travelling at the moment so It may take me a while to get her up there but could you let me know the details of the pamper sessions and I may book her in for one. Jak prefers a wash with the big aloe vera doggy wipes. They like basket swapping. Jack is currently in the one with the pink throw and Bea-Bea the blue xx

by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 11 Nov 22:53

Hi Jak'smom, it was lovely to see you today. I do hope your friend will soon be well and your little house guest will be able to go home. She is very lucky to have you to take care of her. Xxx

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by Jak'smom

Tuesday 11 Nov 12:13

Hi just a quick thankyou to Kate this morning for her help and advice She has eaten a little burns so hopefully will eat more later. As I said she is a big podge so it shouldnt do her too much harm. Still stressed as missing her Dad who spoilt her rotten she slept on his bed and lay next to him on the sofa. Hope he gets better and comes back home xx

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by Jak'smom

Thursday 01 May 01:04

Amazing Greys, how sweet the hound
Who found a home with me
I would be lost without my hound
And the love he gives gladly

Twas Greys that taught my heart to see
The joy a hound can share
How precious is my hound to me
And the love thats waiting there

Through many dewy morning walks
We have already come
Twas our Greys who bring us safe thus far
And Greys who lead us home.

With love to all our Amazing Greys and their devoted two legged carers xxxx

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by Jak'smom

Sunday 23 Mar 10:58

You are very welcome. I know you walk the lovely Twiggy round Castle Bromwich sometimes. Hope she is feeling better now and enjoying her new boyfriend. I don't usually add messages now as I don't have email except at work but I am still an avid reader of all messages posted. Take care xx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 23 Mar 10:48

Hi Jak'smom, many thanks for the information. Xxx

by Jak'smom

Sunday 23 Mar 10:39

Sorry I meant to say in the Shard End/Castle Bromwich area particually along Old Croft Lane and onto Bradford/ChesterRoad

by Jak'smom

Sunday 23 Mar 10:27

Sorry its either me or my phone or possibly both thats completely useless. I am ringing the council tomorrow to see if anyone has already reported the dog but please please please be careful as I say the dog looks well behaved from a distance but I am not exagerating he is a complete nightmare and the worst behaved dog I have ever seen. Love to all all at Daybreaks on two or four legs xx

by Jak'smom

Sunday 23 Mar 10:19

Hello. If you are walking your Grey in the Shard End/please be careful and watch out for a large white either boxer or american bulldog. If you see this dog walk very fast in the opposite direction. DO NOT approach this dog even on the opposite side of the road. It is VERY DANGEROUS. Both the dog and the man clearly have ISSUES. Its walked on a massive long chain not a dog lead and he lets it run into the road after your dog where it fights the chain snarling barking it is frightening and distressing to watch. It should be muzzled and on a short lead. All you will get from the owner is abuse so don't try explaining. WMP have said that the dog needs reporting to Bham Council Monday as a Dangerous DogPlease be careful. From a distance it looks well behaved

by Jak'smom

Monday 20 Jan 11:42

Just a quick stealth mail as I still dont have an email account.
My clever brave little boy sniffed out a load of Cannabis Bush on the Green at Castle Bromwich this morning and stood on guard until the Police came to bag it up. Had a little fantasy that he might get his photo taken and in the Evening Mail and mention Daybreaks but they just said thanks to me and didn't even give the hero of the day a pat. Not even when he gave his best sad eyes look. Never mind Jak you're still my brave little soldier xx. Hope the lovely Twiggy is feeling better xx

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by LadyVictoria

Sunday 23 Jun 23:04

Hi Jak'smom, I managed to watch the Paul O'Grady programme tonight showing WIllow the beautiful Greyhound conquering his fear of getting up and downstairs. It was great to see Greyhounds featured in such a positive way. I agree with you; hope it encourages more people to consider adopting one of these lovely dogs. Twiggy is fine thank you, fast asleep next to me on the sofa! Xxx

by Jak'smom

Saturday 22 Jun 23:17

Thanks Lady V. We went to the pet shop to choose a present. Felt sorry for him because he smelt all the nice treats and wasnt able to have any because all the really nice smelly ones had unspecified cereals in them. He had a lot of fuss in the shop from the staff and from a lovely family with a little boy who gave him a hug. Maybe when he's older he will come in with his own grey. Hope you and the lovely Twiggy are well. It was lovely to see Paul O'Grady FTLOD this week. Hope it makes more people consider adopting a grey xx

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by LadyVictoria

Saturday 22 Jun 20:19

Happy Birthday to your lovely Jak, I am sure he has been very spoilt today! Xxx

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by Jak'smom

Saturday 22 Jun 00:39

Happy Birthday my beautiful boy. You are a gentle, kind and lovely boy. I hope you have a special day. Lots of love your devoted humommy. Thanks for all the head rubs, loving leans and for your kind and merry nature xxxx

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by Jak'smom

Monday 10 Jun 00:03

I think he's ok thanks Lady V. Can't find any puncture marks and went over him with baby wipes so any red would show up. He polished off his breakfast and his tea. Think I was more upset than him. Will have to be mkre careful in future. Last bank holiday monday he ran accross the field after a football and into the rope tied around the cricket pitch and ended up with a rope burn on his chest. Hes not usually flighty like that so it took me by surprise. Now i dont let him off if there are any footballers about. Hope the lovely Twiggy is well xx

by LadyVictoria

Sunday 09 Jun 22:05

Very sorry to hear about Jak's upset today; so happy he wasn't hurt by the other dog. Xxx

by Jak'smom

Sunday 09 Jun 12:21

Poor Jak had a frightening experience at Arden Hall Park this morning with a nasty little two faced chocolate lab bitch (see im not bitter about this) who decided to come over to Jak all waggy and submissive and then launched herself at him. He was covered in her saliva but luckly looks like was not bitten. He didnt seem to bothered afterwards and was happy to run off the lead on the back field and say hi to some of his doggy pals on the way home. If she comes anywhere near Jak again and shes still unmuzzled shes going to get a bottle of water in her face or my foot up her....

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by Jak'smom

Friday 15 Mar 18:32

My mom's found something really good on this thing called "you tube". It's called " greyhounds the Dogumentary". Lots of us lovely greys talking about our lives from puppyhood, training, racing, retired and re-homed. Of course I've tried to tell her that it's comedians doing the voice-overs, but you know these hoomans, they're not too bright. Lots of love, big licks and wags Jak

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by Jak'smom

Wednesday 27 Feb 21:27

Well I've had my hoomommy for 6 months now and she's not a bad old girl really. Of course there were some training issues at first but after some nose to nose advice from the perfect Miss Poppy (mmmm) and some on line advice from the divine Miss Daisy (mmmm too) these were quickly sorted. She now walks well to heel and comes when she's called. She still has a bit of seperation anxiety when she goes out to work but were working on that.

I've made some doggyfriends Max and Charlie the Yorkies. Stan the black Lab and of course the perfect Miss Poppy (mmmm). Made lots of hooman friends too but they sometimes puzzle me. Why don't they like our bit sniffing and licking sessions and poo sniffing? How else are we supposed to know who's who, whats what and who's been where? Lots of love and big wags Jak xxxx

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by Jak'smom

Friday 15 Feb 22:07

Lintbells who make Yumega are offering free samples of Yumove. You get 30 tablets to try which is either 10 or 15 days supply depending on the size of your grey. Its got a really good write up on the net. All you do is ring 01793 862078 and quote BSYM1012.

by Jak'smom

Friday 18 Jan 21:24

Here's hoping that the big scary monster who lives in our back garden at night time and eats cute little greyhounds has gone away cos of the snow and Jak will do a lovely big wee instead of going for his pre bedtime walk xx

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by Jak'smom

Friday 18 Jan 21:24

Here's hoping that the big scary monster who lives in our back garden at night time and eats cute little greyhounds has gone away cos of the snow and Jak will do a lovely big wee instead of going for his pre bedtime walk xx

by Jak'smom

Tuesday 25 Dec 21:04

Merry Christmas my beautiful boy. I love you very much xxxx

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by Jak'smom

Wednesday 19 Dec 20:31

Thanks Lady V. He's a lot brighter now. Still not drinking but i hope thats because his meals are so sloppy at moment. He's doing plenty of wees anyway. Hes doing his loving teeth chattering again so i guess im forgiven xx

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 19 Dec 13:48

Poor Jak, hope he was ok last night and is drinking better today. Typical the wet weather is back when you need to try and keep his paw dry! Touch wood Twiggy is very well, thank you. xxx

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by Jak'smom

Wednesday 19 Dec 08:57

Hi J. Thanks. Thats what ive been doing. Glad ive been doing the right thing. He had a cup and a half of water in his tea last night and his wee looked normal this morning so im hopefully going to leave him to drink in his own time now after his sloppy breakfast. Morrisons carriers make fab paw protectors but I think hes a bit ashamed of me for forcing him to walk around with a carrier on his foot and me constantly looking at his wee xx

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by tiggersslave

Wednesday 19 Dec 07:25

Hi Jaks mum .. you could add some warm water to Nature Diet or your JWB sachets to encourage him to drink .. try him little and often so 5 or 6 little sloshy feeds to get fluid into him tho hopefully once he's over the anaesthetic he'll pick up .. he must be feeling a lot better now the thorn's out.
J x

by Jak'smom

Tuesday 18 Dec 18:32

Thanks Lady V. He was dehydrated this morning as his wee was orange. Wouldnt eat or drink yesterday but did hope he would have a drink in the night like usual. Started syringing water into him this morning and he has since eaten some heavily soaked burns with a small sachet of JWB and a pilchard. Hope he drinks himself later or i will be syringing overnight. His wee is a little lighter now and his skin is springing back. Still giving me the sad eyes. Hope Twiggy is well and enjoying herself xxxx

by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 18 Dec 12:43

Poor Jak, hope he is feeling better today. Hope he has forgiven you! xxx

by Jak'smom

Monday 17 Dec 17:31

Sorry didnt make the open day. I was already committed to do something else and couldnt make both. Jaks been a very brave boy today. He had a thorn and gunk removed from his poorly paw. All the salt water baths must have brought it to the surface. He also had two little teeth removed one when awake and one under anasthetic as they had come loose and they cleaned his very back two teeth as they were a bit placky. Hes not too impressed with me at the moment hope he forgives me later xxxx

by LadyVictoria

Thursday 13 Dec 13:55

What a cheeky boy...sometimes they are just too clever! xxx

by Jak'smom

Wednesday 12 Dec 20:29

Hi Lady V. He seems a bit better thanks. He's being a little tinker about the short walks & soon discovered that if he holds on a bit longer each walk he goes a bit further each time. Jaks new game is "lets pretend to have a wee in th e garden." He cocks his leg, looks at me, puts it down and moves on. He will do it a few times each time looking at me then he sniffs and has a bit of a scamper round while i panic. All with a smile on his little face

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by LadyVictoria

Wednesday 12 Dec 13:43

Hi Jak's mom, I agree, the calendar photos are all lovely....nice to have the names of the hounds on them so we can see who's who. As for Twiggy, I have always been at her beck and call! Hope Jak is feeling better today. xxx

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by Jak'smom

Tuesday 11 Dec 22:08

Jak says thanks very much for the cuddle Lady V. Hope twiggy is not minding the super cold weather. Must say that she looks very pretty on the calender as do all the greys pictured. Hope shes not going to turn into a diva now shes famous xx

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by LadyVictoria

Tuesday 11 Dec 13:16

Sorry to hear Jak is still having problems with his paw. Please give him a cuddle from me. xxx

by Jak'smom

Monday 10 Dec 21:22

Poor Jak is lame again. Went dead lame sunday evening exactly 2 weeks after the last time. Vet recons i may have overdone it a bit with the walking. Hope this is the case. If no better by end of week he will be having x rays and if still no joy we will be de-camping to Andre for a 2nd opinion. He's in his basket at moment chomping on his antler bone. Still wont pee in the garden after dark even when its lit up and will not dream of doing a garden poo so am trying to take him for as short as possible walks. Thanks to Louise this morning for your help and advice was very grateful xx

by Jak'smom

Friday 30 Nov 22:01

Thanks Lady Victoria. You're so right there. Rather have it dry and cold than wet and windy any day. Just not too cold so everyone on two or four legs can keep safe and warm xx

by LadyVictoria

Friday 30 Nov 13:36

Hi Jak's Mom, hope Jak is ok over the weekend and he has no problems. Yes, we are enjoying the drier weather, so nice to go out for a walk and not come back soaking wet! Kind regards xxx

by Jak'smom

Friday 30 Nov 01:16

Hopefully ok i think thanks Lady Victoria. He had his last pain killer thurs am so will see over weekend. Still no back garden poos so has been walking out on it all week like a brave little soldier. Hope you and yours are well and are enjoying the drier weather xx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 29 Nov 13:36

Hi Jak's Mom, how is Jak's poorly paw? xxx

by Jak'smom

Monday 26 Nov 20:08

Thanks Lady Victoria. He's still lame but not as bad so Im hoping that things will improve over next few days. Vet gave me 4 days worth of pain killers so i suppose he expected it to be painfull for a while. Hoping can get him to poo in the garden for the first time later xx

by LadyVictoria

Monday 26 Nov 14:16

Sorry to hear Jak has hurt his paw, I am sure the extra TLC today has cheered him up! Sending him my cuddle today. xxx

by Jak'smom

Monday 26 Nov 11:21

Jak went severely lame over weekend so was really worried last night especially after looking at greyhound lameness info on tinternet. Luckily enough the vet found a small entry wound on his paw which opened when he really squeezed it and managed to get a small shard of glass out which must have been stabbing into him each time he put it to the floor :o(. Got some pain killers and need to keep an eye on him today so am taking day off work to give mommys brave little munchkin some much needed fuss xx :o). Thanks to Ruth and Louise for advice this morning. Was much appreciated xx

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by Jak'smom

Saturday 24 Nov 15:34

Hi Emma. You better watch those clever little greys dont try to sabotage the builders so they can stay dry all winter. One of Jaks endearing (when the weather is ok) little quirks is that he steadfastly refuses to poo in the garden. He will quite happily wee but to brsmirch his garden with poo he just wont do. Looks like hes a bit ocd like his mom xx

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by Emma

Saturday 24 Nov 07:05

We're having an extension (no, not for more hounds!) and my lot have discovered that underneath the scaffolding is a slightly less wet place to do their business!

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by Jak'smom

Friday 23 Nov 22:09

Weathers been soooo horrid lately. Its so not nice having to poo in the rain. You hoomans should try it sometime. Lets see you lot get out of a nice warm bed, expose your backside and crouch in a puddle. And now poor little Tootsie in Emmerdale. I know greys are not supposed to like small fluffies but she is soooo sweet. love to all the greyboys and greygirlies looking for a home xx Jak

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by Jak'smom

Thursday 15 Nov 22:55

Thanks lady V. He's really enjoying the Lamb & rice. Am going to try him on the fish, duck and chicken and rice over the coming months as I dont want him to get fed up with just the one flavour. I'm suprised I havent had any we-told-you-so's but Im happy to admit i was wrong about Burns. take care xx

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by LadyVictoria

Thursday 15 Nov 13:34

Glad to hear Jak is eating ok again. xxx

by Jak'smom

Wednesday 14 Nov 21:09

Jak is eating much better now thank goodness. Saw a cat tonight which didnt stay still. Got exited and gave a big woof which surprised us both as he doesnt woof very often now. Started to weave but after I said no and leave it he calmed down a bit and started to listen more. Still very much a work in progress with cats and squirrells etc but is so far excellent with smaller dogs. Is scared of golden retrievers for some reason and hides behind my legs like a small child with his head peeping out occssionally if one tries to say hi.

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by Jak'smom

Sunday 11 Nov 16:59

To be fair JWB are sending me an env so I can send them a sample to check out and will compensate me if there is a prob with it. It will have to be in pouches though not dry as Jak is a Burns dog now. Only put him on JWB as he can be grain sensitive and I wanted him grain free. Thanks for your advice x.
Jak had fun watching the Cadet band rehearsing this. morning and enjoyed the fuss from a few of
the. cadets. Wasnt scared at all. Greys amaze me all. the time

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by tiggersmum

Sunday 11 Nov 15:13

Hi Jak'sMom .It's frustrating when feed companies change things and don't warn you isn't it ? It sounds like they may have increased something in their food that Jak doesn't like so I think you're doing exactly the right thing and listening to him :) Many people say to leave the food down for a short time then take it up so the dog HAS to eat it but we find Greys will often just stop eating :( so I'd rather find something my dog likes and is happy to eat .. Burns is a good ethical company and we've recommended Burns food for years for the greyhounds :) so Jak has very good taste :) J x

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by Jak'smom

Sunday 11 Nov 12:40

Been really worried about Jak this week. JWB changed their kibble size of their & veg range but swear they handnt changed recipe. Jak refused to eat it slowly over coupla days but would eat pouches on their own as long as wasnt mixed in with kibble. He got really depressed so wasnt sure if it was to dovwith fireworks. Wasnt sure if i was turning him into a fussy feeder by offering him the pouches on their own but couldnt stand those sad eyes. Kept trying to introduce the JWB back into pouched foof but he would only eat a little or non of it. Yesterday I couldnt bear it any longer and bought a small bag of Burns Lamb & Rice to see if it was dry food in general or Just the JWB he had a problem with. Gave him small meals of Burns with a little pilch or a sachet and so far he is scoffing it fown. Tried to put some JWB in to make it a gradual change but he just left it. Dont know in future if will by the big sacks of food just in case. Do you sell the 7.5 kg bags of lamb, fish, chicken or duck and rice or just the 15kg ones?

by savocat

Tuesday 06 Nov 19:37

my black dog phil has a half blue tongue. i was worried but the vet said it's just a pigmentation, nothing to worry about X

by Jak'smom

Tuesday 06 Nov 18:52

Thanks for your reply. It's nice to know that he's been in great company. I know I was lucky to end up with such a lovely dog
:-) x

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by tiggersslave

Tuesday 06 Nov 13:04

My bridge girl Tigger had one .. some say it's lucky :) J x

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by Jak'smom

Monday 05 Nov 21:58

Thanks. Gave me a bit of a shock first time I saw it till i checked on line. Couldn't find much info about greys and blue spots though mainly GSD's.

by skinnyme

Monday 05 Nov 21:22

One of my greys has a blue patch on his Tongue, nothing to worry about.

by Jak'smom

Monday 05 Nov 20:20

My lovely little Jak has a blue mark on his tongue. Having checked tinternet seems its quite common in some breeds and I wondered if any other daybreak greys have tongue pigmentation??

by Jak'smom

Monday 05 Nov 17:33

Hi Lady Victoria. No bruises to show off as I have far too much padding to protect me unfortunately lol. Just sore and achy and feeling like a right wally. Hopefully will be up kennells tomorrow. Want to see Katie before She goes. Thanks for your note. Jaks been a little angel. Hope your grey doesnt mind the fireworks too much xx

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 05 Nov 13:37

Hi Jak's Mom, sorry to hear about your fall, I hope the bumps and bruises are feeling better. I am sure Jak has been a lovely nurse! xxx

by Jak'smom

Saturday 03 Nov 14:01

Sorry haven't been up to the kennells today. Fell over yesterday. No I hadn't been drnking lol and it was nothing to do with Jak just me. But I must say how pleased I was with Jak. He didn't try to run off our panic just waited while I got up which isn't easy with dodgy knees. He's been really good with the fireworks too. He's clearly bothered by them but doing his best to not react. Just looks at me with big troubled eyes I was yawning my head off to show him how relaxed I was. Will hopefully come tomorrow if not so stiff. Hurts like a swearword (think female dog) at the moment lol xx and big licks from Jak

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by Jak'smom

Friday 19 Oct 14:05

The Perry Barr RGT van & trailer passed by our office window on Belgrave Road earlier. Brightened up a typical working day and reminded me that a shiny waggy tailed boy is waiting for his long weekend dressage sessions and his squirrel woofs xx

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by Jak'smom

Friday 12 Oct 21:23

Big hugs to Jak. We saw the fastest little hedgehog on the way home. Was very interested but didnt react. Was really pleased with him. Good lad xx hooooray its friiiiiday!!

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by Jak'smom

Sunday 07 Oct 16:41

At the risk of sounding like Ken Dodd, what a beautiful day to take a greyhound for a walk. Lovely Fresh autumn day. Green, gold and red leaves. Work tomorrow gaaaaaaah!! At least Paul O'Grady is on

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by Jak'smom

Sunday 07 Oct 14:31

Wow all those red and green lights. What amazing news. Must have been some magjc in that tripe this morning :>)) xx

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by Jak'smom

Friday 05 Oct 21:06

Hooray!! working weeks finally over. Daylight walks and more time with my lovely boy xx

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by Jak'smom

Sunday 30 Sep 10:30

Hi everyone. Please check out on Youtube either "the race chinook" or "the race greyhound angels". The singer Matt Dahon wrote a song about his retired greys and some of the trusts in the us and canada are using it and adding their own greys at the end. Its really lovely and moving. Apols to those who have already seen them

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by Jak'smyboy

Saturday 29 Sep 09:45

Had a lovely walk this morning. Saw the lovely little poppy xx and had a bit of a woof at those pesky squirrells. Done some dressage and a few jumps and bounces just to make sure my mom's still awake. Sleepytime now xx Jak

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by Jak'smyboy

Wednesday 26 Sep 21:14

You're right there Shelly. I don't know what i'd do wothout his comforting, sometimes slightly windy, presence beside the sofa. Think they should be called great hounds not grey hounds (except when theres a squirrell or a hedgehog afoot lol xx)

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by Shelly

Wednesday 26 Sep 19:44

Jak sounds a bit of a cheeky boys x they r sure a joy xx

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by Jak'smyboy

Monday 24 Sep 20:17

It was a cheeky speeder really but Jak still thinks it was his supersonic wee wot done it lol. Perfik boy

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by LadyVictoria

Monday 24 Sep 13:15

How funny....didn't realise they could detect wee too! xxx

by Jak'smyboy

Sunday 23 Sep 00:44

Just got back from a late before night-nights walk with Jak. He was just about to have a nice comfortable wee up the speed camera when it flashed and scared the whatsits out of both of us!!

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by Jak'smyboy

Saturday 22 Sep 21:33

Jak looks very handsome in his new blizzard coat which we tried on for size today. He has made a new grey friend, another lovely shiny black boy who was also from Daybreaks. I think his name was Ozzy or Oscar. Lots of friendly wags all round

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by Jak'smyboy

Sunday 16 Sep 10:25

A long overdue update on Jak. He is a kind, gentle, loving boy, who is a joy to have. He is enjoying our walks and making doggy friends including the lovely Poppy. Thankyou Ruth and to everyone at Daybreaks xx

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by LouisaLeamington

Monday 27 Aug 18:24

So pleased for Jak - he is such a gorgeous boy and really friendly.

by Jess&Koda

Monday 27 Aug 18:19

Well done

by Shanesmum

Monday 27 Aug 17:24

This is great news - well done lovely boy. x

by poppysmum

Tuesday 21 Aug 16:33

Jak and Cornelia went for a walk to Brueton Park with myself and Norman today, they met many other dogs including small fluffies, of the two Cornelia was the one who didnt like the little dogs, although by the end of the walk she was a little better and by and large ignored them as long as they didnt come to near, I have to add though that she was never aggresive, both were ok with bigger dogs.

by Mand&GorgeousGeorge

Monday 20 Aug 16:57

Bless him, Jak is such a cute 'little' fella. Saw him at the kennels yesterday. They say that good things come in small packages - that seems to suit Jak down to a T!! He's gorgeous. Mand x

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by kallie

Saturday 18 Aug 21:08

another little dot of a boy and another lovely cuddly hound...oh i do love the black greyhound boys so much. xxxx

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by Shanesmum

Wednesday 15 Aug 17:05

I just love the way Jak walks - he trots along just like he's doing dressage!!! Such a cutie and really good while out walking. Big hugs for you Jak - you're gorgeous! x

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by Deb

Sunday 12 Aug 20:56

YES Nutellajar he is cute.He is a shiny black boy who enjoys his walks and is good on the lead.He wasn't phased by chickens,squirrels and boy racers coming up the lane today.Clever boy.

by nutellajar

Sunday 12 Aug 18:05

aww! cutie alert!!! :) x

by rumblesmom

Friday 10 Aug 20:38

you are a star- please be lucky and find a home soon

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by rumblesmom

Saturday 04 Aug 11:08

met this boy yesterday- very affectionate and so amusing as he,s a real attention seeker- i don,t think you,ll have to wait too long jak xx

by Shanesmum

Wednesday 01 Aug 18:06

We had a lovely walk today - Jak is very good on the lead and is such a sweet boy. Fingers crossed for you. x

by savocat

Monday 30 Jul 19:21

What a lovely nose !! :O)