Welcome to Daybreaks Talk
Welcome to the Comments Page! Here, you’ll find a chronological collection of all the comments shared by our community about the greyhounds looking for their forever homes, our events, and other updates. It’s a wonderful space to see what others are saying, share your thoughts, and be part of the conversation as we work together to find loving families for these amazing dogs.
This page also highlights the incredible efforts of our dedicated volunteers, whose love and commitment make everything we do possible. From caring for the dogs to organizing events and fostering a supportive community, our volunteers are at the heart of Daybreaks. Their passion and hard work ensure that every greyhound receives the attention, care, and second chance they deserve.

I’m Homed
now here's a mischievious face, very very gorgeous but then i am a glutton for the gorgeous black hounds. xxx
Posted by kallie on June 8, 2009, 4:45 pm | 👍 0 Likes
Over the Rainbow Bridge
oh Ben, you gorgeous little man, i can't believe you've come back, fingers crossed we'll find you a forever home very soon, you certainly deserve it. big hug Ina and the boys xxxx
Posted by kallie on June 8, 2009, 4:43 pm | 👍 0 Likes
I’m Homed
what a beauty!!! xxx
Posted by kallie on June 8, 2009, 4:42 pm | 👍 0 Likes
I’m Homed
that's a gorgeous photo of Sandra, and it shows just what i mean about blck greyhounds and photographs, my two black boys are exactly the same. hopefully this little lady will find her 'forever' home very soon. xxx
Posted by kallie on June 8, 2009, 4:41 pm | 👍 0 Likes
Over the Rainbow Bridge
Unfortunately Ben is being returned today. The family have tried hard with Ben but we think he is finding his family life too busy especially with the young children. We think he would suit a quiet house, with older children and hope that he will finally find a 'forever home' soon.
Posted by DaybreaksRuth on June 8, 2009, 9:31 am | 👍 0 Likes
I’m Homed
Be there in the morning Ruth will b ring my 2 hounds but will ring first..
Posted by anniem on June 7, 2009, 5:43 pm | 👍 0 Likes
I’m Homed
Gorby went out for a day today on trial to existing greyhound owners but was a bit too bouncy for the elderly couple..... so he is still available!!!!!!
Posted by DaybreaksRuth on June 7, 2009, 4:02 pm | 👍 0 Likes
I’m Homed
Was so disappointed when we got to the kennels to find that you were already taken but also happy that you found a home xxx
Posted by anniem on June 7, 2009, 3:50 pm | 👍 0 Likes
I’m Homed
to any prospective greyhound owners, don't let the grey muzzle on sandra put you off, black hounds don't always take a great photo face on as the camera seems to emphasize the grey on their face, she is nowhere near so grey looking. if you have a click on Penny's picture it shows how grey she looks in one photo and how she actually looks when the camera is not focused just on her face. Sandra is a lovely looking girl and she is gorgeous in temperament, very sweet and gentle and always wagging her tail. she deserves a really good home and will make a wonderful pet. big hug to you lil' girl, Ina xxx
Posted by kallie on June 7, 2009, 8:41 am | 👍 0 Likes
I’m Homed
cant believe sandra's still with us! she really is a lovely girl, always happy to see everyone and loves lots of fuss and rewards you with her waggy tail. she walks nicely on her lead and eats all her tea! what more could you want? x
Posted by sas on June 6, 2009, 10:37 pm | 👍 0 Likes
Over the Rainbow Bridge
I am so happy to see that pilot has a new home. He is such a lovely dog and i will miss giving him a cuddle at the kennels. Wishing you lots of happiness in your new home pilot, you are a very special dog! Lots of love from Laura xxxxxxxxxxx and a big hug too!
Posted by lauraloop on June 6, 2009, 9:06 pm | 👍 0 Likes
Over the Rainbow Bridge
oh how lovely to hear that Mustic has got a new home and that he seems to settle in already, he's a gorgeous boy and deserves lots of happiness. love Ina and the boys xxx
Posted by kallie on June 6, 2009, 5:18 pm | 👍 0 Likes
Over the Rainbow Bridge
Just to let you know how Mystic is doing in his new home. He had his first night with us last night. He was brilliant with the cats. And he seems to love his new home. He slept all night with out wimpering, apart from him getting up to go to the loo at 4:00 in the morning but he is worth getting up for! It was a bit concerning he didn't go to the loo untill then but a relief when he did go. He loves his new bed and wants to please everyone! Sarah and Becky
Posted by blondie161 on June 6, 2009, 10:18 am | 👍 0 Likes
Over the Rainbow Bridge
Thank goodness James has found you. We all new that he was a lovely loving lad and needed that chance in life. Everyone is asking how he is getting on please keep us informed. Thank goodness he has found his 'forever home' Pam x
Posted by PamD on June 6, 2009, 9:47 am | 👍 0 Likes
Over the Rainbow Bridge
Firstly we would like to thank everybody at the kennels for giving us a chance to have a wonderful young gentleman with James. James`s progress can only be described as outstanding, he has had a new harness for when he`s out walking and his tendancy to scream at other dogs has gone down to a quiet whine and last night he saw 3 dogs on seperate occassions he didn`t react at all. He is a pleasure to walk now. Around the house James is absolutely beautiful and has settled in really well with Rose, where both look after each other. He enjoys all his meals and stands patiently while we put his lead on, finally its lovely at night when you hear him snoring his head off...
Posted by Winniethepooh on June 6, 2009, 7:37 am | 👍 0 Likes
I’m Homed
I am sending you a cuddle because you are a gorgeous boy who can melt anyone's heart. see you at the weekend when i can give you a proper cuddle ( with my three lads looking grumpy because i am not cuddling them!!!) love Ina xxx
Posted by kallie on June 5, 2009, 5:02 pm | 👍 0 Likes
Over the Rainbow Bridge
how lovely that she's found a home with a sister to boot, i am sure they will be very happy in their new home with their new family. love Ina and boys xxx
Posted by kallie on June 5, 2009, 4:58 pm | 👍 0 Likes
Over the Rainbow Bridge
i am so thrilled to hear James' progress, he's a clever boy and i am sure he'll make a wonderful companion to Rose who is such a sweetheart. hopefully we'll all meet up soon, i'd love to give them a cuddle, and my boys say hi also. love Ina Monty Rossi and Toby xx
Posted by kallie on June 5, 2009, 4:57 pm | 👍 0 Likes
Pearl (Cara)
I’m Homed
the boys and i are so pleased to see that you have got a new home and a lovely new family and a cool brother like Sparky. i have a soft spot for Sparky and if my other half would have agreed then i would have taken him home, so i'm thrilled to see that not only has he got a lovely home but a cute sis in Pearl. i hope to see you all soon, Ina x
Posted by kallie on June 5, 2009, 4:55 pm | 👍 0 Likes
Over the Rainbow Bridge
I am so pleased for james. so glad he has found his forever home!
Posted by funky on June 5, 2009, 10:38 am | 👍 0 Likes