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Dogs » Badger

by kallie

Sunday 12 Apr 20:08

Badger, so pleased that you'll be joining your new sister Ruth's home very soon, i am sure you'll have a wonderful life. much love and a big hug 'auntie Ina 'xxx

Dogs » Gerry

by kallie

Sunday 12 Apr 20:07

Gerry, i am so happy that you have captured a nice familie's heart, i hope i shall still see you next week so i can give you another big cuddle before you go. well done my boy. 'auntie Ina' xxx

Dogs » Sparky

by Amy&Monty

Sunday 12 Apr 16:33

Met this gorgeous boy today, so gentle and quiet. We've got our eye on him, just a matter of getting our dad to say yes now! He is wonderful and I really hope we get to have him.

Dogs » Toby

by kallie

Saturday 11 Apr 21:49

my lovely boy has had a mishap today:-(, he was out on the park and ran around happily with all his new doggy friends, chased a lurcher around and had a good time and it wasn't until i called him back to the lead that i noticed he was bleeding from a wound on his face. i went straight home and checked him over and noticed blood on his paw as well, he had cut himself somehow. we went straight to the vet's who is only down the road and he now sports a bandage round his paw and has to take some antibiotics. we think he may have cut his paw whilst breaking, possibly on some stone, glass or even wood in the grass and his poor facial cut was more than likely a branch hitting him in the face when running around. he has to stay on the lead for a few days and he's thoroughly enjoying being even more mollycoddled than usual. he's a brave little man, he never even murmured, his younger brother Rossi who is a real whimp would have screamed the park down!!! x

Dogs » Toby

by kallie

Friday 10 Apr 21:07

Toby went out with his dad today and Paul duly let him off the lead as i told him that it's perfectly safe to do so. Well, all was going nicely, Toby was happily trotting after Paul and Rossi with Monty tagging behind when suddenly Paul saw Toby flash past him at 100miles an hour, he'd seen a fox!!!! ...and was very determined that he was going to get aquainted. I got a text message saying 'Toby gone Foxin'. thankfully Toby being the wonderful hound that he is turned round and came straight back to Paul, grinning from ear to ear mind. I LOVE this little man, he's the apple of my eye!!!, and he is really having fun now, bless him. xxx

Dogs » Badger

by KerryElliman

Thursday 09 Apr 21:15

badger is a real big softy,his a big fuss pot.very good on his walks.

Dogs » Lily

by KerryElliman

Thursday 09 Apr 21:14

lily is really really sweet once she gets use to you she is really lovin.she loves her treats and her walks.

Dogs » Alice

by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 09 Apr 08:08

Thanks so much for the great photos. I am so pleased Alice is settling so well. Her kennel mate Laura is going to her new home today. She has been missing her. Keep us posted xxxx

Dogs » Alice

by DaybreaksRuth

Thursday 09 Apr 08:06

Hi Ruth, hope you are well, just thought I would drop you a few pictures of Alice. She's a great girl, very content in her new home and starting to enjoy retirement. She has got lots of love and cuddles off everyone she meets. The cats have stayed at home which is good, but they are very carful were they go, they think she to big to mess with! She has been great at night and when we have left her for a while. The Kong is great she loves it.

Say hello to all the hounds for me and a special hug for buster!

Daz x

Dogs » Lily

by kallie

Wednesday 08 Apr 21:51

oh my, Lily reminds me so much of Toby when he used to try and squash himself into the corner of the kennel, same shy eyes and timid little face, bless her heart, can't wait to see her on sunday and give her a big cuddle. x